advocacy of violence alpha males asian fetishist attention seeking beta males hate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia trigger warning

Pickup guru Roosh V tries to drum up page views with vicious transphobia, his regulars applaud



Pickup guru and human stain Roosh V. continues his search for attention at any cost. His latest grab for page views takes the form of a nasty little post on Return of Kings ostensibly “warning” his readers how they can protect themselves from evil “[t]rannies [who] will try to trick a player to get some loving.”

The post, written by someone calling himself redpiller1985, is a transphobic rant in the form of a jokey list purporting to show guys “8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual.” Redpiller1985 starts off by declaring that

It’s not just betas and closet conning alphas trying to hold us back. It’s cross-dressing men who are so mentally ill that they think they’re women. They’re delusional omega men who think acting like a caricature of the women who don’t give them play is how they can finally get some sexual pleasure from unwitting men.

The “humor” of the post is so strained it’s doubtful it would even elicit a chuckle from even the most egregious transphobe. Redpiller1985 mocks “trannies” for allegedly having silly names “[l]ike the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika.” He think’s its hilarious that they don’t like being referred to as “he,” and that some “trannies” use words like “kyriarchy” and “cisgender.” He thinks it’s risible that “[t]ranssexuals have an incredibly high suicide and drug abuse rate..”

Indeed, a portion of the article is devoted to mocking the suicide attempt of a trans game designer; I’m not going to quote any of that.

Redpiller1985 ends by proclaiming, with mock sincerity, that all this nastiness is really an attempt to help poor “trannies” get their lives in order:

We as red pillers must even tell the most beta blue pillers in existence when the “hot girl” at the bar is really a lying mentally ill man in a dress. If we stand up to their mental illness and call them out instead of making their delusions worse. It will inspire these disfigured men to stop being omegas and start being true men again.

In the comments, someone calling himself Ben “Race War Now” Garrison declares that “Trannies will be the first to hang on the Day of the Rope.” Another commenter posts a photo of a murdered trans woman lying dead in the street, with the note “[h]ere’s a good example photo of what happens once trannies get found out.”

Not all the commenters are on board with the transbashing. One suggests that

[T]rannies (especially the Asian kind) are super friendly and outgoing. No girl is every as nice or friendly to the strange guys around her.

That bit of racial and sexual fetisihization is about as “trans-friendly” as it gets on Roosh’s hate site.

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11 years ago

OT, and I guess I couldn’t keep on-topic if I tried, because I’m heeding the trigger warning here, but just wanted to say I just noticed (maybe slowly, but I’m slow sometimes) that the resources for men and resources for all links are up in the sidebar and just wanted to thank David for doing that. I would suggest maybe adding RAINN to the resources for all if you think it’s a good idea. One thing I really appreciate about them is they have an online hotling for people who may not feel comfortable using a phone for help for whatever reason.

11 years ago

hotline, not hotling. Eerk, that sounds like a word an PUA would use. Sorry.

11 years ago

Oh, sorry, again, the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1.800.656.HOPE) is already to RAINN. Anyway, thank you David.

11 years ago

I too, dress like a goth librarian, Hyena Girl. LOL

Best descriptor ever.

11 years ago

1. Tr*nn**s exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.
Er, I have many names, depending on the context and group, so there might be hamsters involved? (0.5 point awarded for unclear hamstering)

2. Tr*nn**s require others to prop them up and support their delusions.
I absolutely demand that my husband support me when I have that dream that there’s a huge, sometimes Lovecraftian, spider on the wall and wake up screaming and unable to parse the fact that it was just that dream again. (1 point awarded for needing support from other people like a normal human)

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.
I totally wear bargain dresses when I wear dresses. Thrift stores for the win! Also I never wear heels and am a fan of flannel (sometimes with pearls). (1 point awarded for insufficiently feminine amounts of care about appearance and knowledge of beauty stuff)

4. Tr*nn**s, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.
No skills can make me employable in my current situation! I am legally unemployable; it is literally illegal for me to currently search for work. (1 point awarded for being an unconscionable drain on society even though I the reason I can’t work is the same reason I can’t get any government benefits here)

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.
Hmm, all my visible scars are from accidents or were inflicted on me by someone else, and my purposely self-inflicted burn scars have all faded out. Never did the cutting thing, per se. (0.5 point awarded for unevidenced self-harm)

6. Tr*nn**s talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.
Yes I am totally misandrying it up with my subjugation of all manliness through accurate and occasionally academic terminology. (1 point awarded for thought and consideration paid to words used)

7. Tr*nn**s require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.
Umm I’m pretty sure I’ve needed lots of things the government doesn’t subsidize? Is that a mark of badness now? Is my not being a welfare queen now evidence of my perfidy? I am so confused. (0 points awarded for confusion coupled with lack of requiring surgeries [that many trans* women are fine and happy without, assuming we’re talking about bottom surgery])

8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.
Wait, are we talking homewrecking here or just megaton explosions of relationships in which one is a primary party? (0 points awarded due to confusion about scoring system)

My score: 5/9! Can I get like honorary trans* superpowers now?

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Certainly, would you like the telepathy and telekinesis package or the super strength, flight, and invulnerability combo?

11 years ago

To those of our regulars who just couldn’t read this crap–trust me, that just means you’re a decent human being. Some days, you just don’t want to deal with shit, and some shit is very hard to deal with, esp. when it’s directed at you and/or the people you love.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

Is this another one of those ‘you can’t call us on our hateful bullshit because satire’ deals?

Disingenuous shitstains.

11 years ago

Even though I’m poor, I popped over to the woman they were mocking’s gofundme page and threw her $10 because I feel that every instance of that kind of ghoulish bullshit should immediately backfire on those fuckers.

There is absolutely nothing more low than those who try and encourage suicide in disempowered people in order to feel like a big man. It’s cowardly murderous bullshit.

11 years ago

@Hyena Girl

Before I choose, can you use the telekinesis on yourself to make yourself fly? I feel this is a very important thing to know. Also does invulnerability make you invulnerable to sads from asshats and the sorry state of the world in general?

11 years ago

@Sparky, right and if he asks for the full name, that’s going to set off ALL the alarm bells. I’m not going to be worrying that he’ll find my full name “trashy” (they apparently had to tick all the awful boxes by being classist too), but I will worry that with my full name he could do all kinds of wrong to me.

@auggz, yeah, I’m gonna go with most people probably don’t appreciate having the gender they present as being questioned by a douchebag, particularly women who’s “womanhood” is continually questioned and debated by a set of arbitrary and ever changing, nigh impossible to meet standards of femme, but not too femme, sexy, but not slutty, etc.

11 years ago

Utterly revolving pieces of trash roosh and his asskissers are. These people are evil, there really is no other way of putting it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Before I choose, can you use the telekinesis on yourself to make yourself fly?”

Rules Lawyer! I had this come up in a P&P vampire game. My answer was “yes, and enjoy when the vampire hunters come after you”, so “yes, and enjoy when the wingnuts decide you’re evil and must be killed for their righteous cause” (same idea as hunters really, vampire = demon = satan = must die for their righteous cause)

11 years ago

Jean Grey used telekinesis to fly all the time.

La Strega
11 years ago

I don’t think I can read that article. I’ve actually found something that IS too triggering for me. Just reading David’s summary has brought tears to my eyes, and I’m at work, so that is awkward.

As some may know, my SO is a trans woman. When I read or hear vicious trans phobia, it arouses my protective instincts, and I become ferocious.

All I want to say is that my SO is a sweet, generous person — the kind of person you’d want as a neighbor. She is a former Navy recruiter and aerospace mechanic, now semi-retired travel agent and contractor. She dresses in mostly conservative, “age-appropriate” fashion although she probably takes more care with her grooming than the average woman her age. She devotes a lot of time volunteering with her club and church, and enjoys spoiling her grandchildren at every opportunity. She is flattered when men acknowledge her femininity but is firmly in the lesbian camp. In other words, she is a regular (well, maybe nicer than normal) person living a pleasant but unremarkable life, just like thousands and thousands of other trans (and cis-gendered) women….

Sorry, this isn’t interesting, but I just had to write it to recover my equilibrium.

Also, I really really hate Roosh.

11 years ago

Oh and my responses to the “article” (let’s see if they go through):

1. (Hateful slur) exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

That’s why one of the most quintessential ways you can tell one apart in the Anglosphere is just by the name. It’s very common for them to have a conventional name but with some tweaks to it. Like the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika. Even if they do go with more conventional names, they pick something trashy like “Natalie Mercedes Langley.” Take their perspective as a special snowflake unique woman with the urge to change their name. It never really ends well.

You know, it’s ironic. I actually started with a traditionally anglicized normative-affirming name that was close to my given name because you know, might as well make the transition easier for people. And I got such an unending shit-show of people “correcting” my name back to something even more masculine that eventually I threw that shit in the toilet where it belonged and went with an out-there name that I actually wanted.

And you know what? Now no one fucking tries to “fix” it anymore. So yeah, “gamesters”, you can just choke on my non-normative name stolen out of a comic book.

Also… oh hai desperate defense of white anglican racial purity. Almost couldn’t see your racism what with it shining right in my fucking eyes.

2. (Hateful slur) require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

A little fun test is to imply the hottie in the dress is a he. Most (hateful connotation) women would laugh at that and chuckle, allowing you to game on and win them over. The (hateful slur) views this as an attack on them and will get hostile with you. Expect a “pronoun” check with some snark.

Because ciswomen absolutely fucking love to be misgendered. Hell, cismen accept misgendering with aplomb and grace appropriate to their easy-going game-mindful natures. I mean, if I was to walk up to one of those super-ultra-alpha males who are not at all insecure about their masculinity under the stress of toxic masculinity homosocial pressures and start calling them a woman or saying they’d look cuter in a dress or taking about genitals they don’t have and how they were in denial about being a transwoman, they wouldn’t at all flip their shit. Ditto if say I were to treat them the way they regularly treat women right up to and including the claims of being a wet blanket if they aren’t willing to play along with the deliberate misgendering.

Self-awareness, douchenozzles, do you haz it?

3. (Hateful slur) either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

It’s easy to see them undercompensate because it looks like a frumpy NFL line-backer in a budget dress. The ones that overcompensate though will go full on out—they will wear 7 inch heels with a tight form-fitting dress. They will act like a special Anglo cultured sex-in-the-city snowflake.

Oh hai “deceptive/tragic” transwoman stereotypes. “Nice” to see you once more.

Also, again, love the complete and total self-awareness on display. Durr, it’s so terrible when transwomen overcompensate on traditionally feminine appearances and mannerisms. I guess it has absolutely nothing to do with how horribly we mock transwomen who don’t and prefer or adopt a more non-traditional or butch appearance. That and the way that transwomen are disbelieved when they don’t adopt stereotypical feminine affectations, couldn’t have anything to do with the increase in traditionally feminine performances by many transwomen (which is something that is decreasing as more rights allow more varied gender performances to be adopted).

4. (Hateful slur), like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

(Hateful slur) will have long periods of unemployment typically, and when they do work, it’s the fun time for a handbag special. They will be like any other gold digger try to leech off you. They always expect some mythical figure to pay for their whims.


Yeah, guy whose biggest accomplishment is writing second-rate me-toism for a serial rapist, let me just lay my “employable skills” next to yours any fucking day of the week.

Also, we tend to have long periods of unemployment because unlike your rich white “daddy pays for everything” ass, we trans* people tend to be discriminated like fuck every time we try and be ourselves in a job we think we’re safe at. I was the best damn teacher at the company that discriminated against me (not my assessment, rather the assessment of visiting teachers, coworkers, direct superiors, and the messages to adopt my style that were being related to my coworkers by the people who tried to claim there was a problem with my style in order to manufacture a reason to terminate me). But I was trans*, so that didn’t end up fucking mattering. If I had been cis, based on motions occurring before I came out, I probably would have been in a relatively secure management position and a lot more professional stability.

And that’s before you even factor in how much the psychological effects of dealing with oppression and discrimination lower your ability to focus and perform at peak levels. Once more, these fuckers are born on third base and thinking they’ve hit a triple.

5. (Hateful slur) have cut marks on their bodies.

Transsexuals have an incredibly high suicide and drug abuse rate. Just a good rule in general is to avoid mentally sick men and women who have those traits.

There is no middle finger in the world big enough…

Also, yeah, douchebag warrior of the “oh poor pitiful menz don’t rule the world as much as I’d like them to” brigade. Spend one fucking day in my life and see if you don’t crack like a mother-fucking egg. (Also wasn’t slightly higher suicide rates part of the “proof” that men are more oppressed than women? I guess that doesn’t apply when they want to punch down on an oppressed group for being beaten down by oppression.)

Being trans*, especially being a transwoman, is like the ultimate kryptonite for all the “reverse bigotry” “privilege is a lie” myth-making, because you get to see in real-time how dramatically different people treat the same person with the same qualifications and abilities because of their gender.

6. (Hateful slur) talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

They don’t want none of that fancy book learnin’. Daddy dun’ told them all they ever need to know in life. And they don’t want to hear from no scientists because they all be lyin’ to them. They know that magnets are magic and that’s real to them.

Seriously, fuckwits, I know you want to put on a “too cool for school” pose like it was still middle school and there was a social reward for being aggressively ignorant, but you’re an adult now and being deliberately intentionally ignorant just makes you a fucking prat.

7. (Hateful slur) require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.

This also requires years of therapy and other extraneous activities. Most (hateful slur) won’t even remember it all. Just remember to keep a critical eye for the uncanny valley. If it doesn’t feel right, investigate and draw your own conclusion.

… so does cancer. Or any other medical intervention on the planet. And the only reason its not covered like any other medical intervention on the planet is because of reality-denying intentionally ignorant fuckwits like you.

I see the same “ooh, medicine is scary when we describe it all spooky like this” bullshit with regards to abortion and it’s no less asinine there.

And I’m not even going to get into “no-ho” transsexuals, non-transitioning transgender or non-binary individuals, or the fact that many transsexuals forego most surgeries beyond top-surgery for guys and bottom-surgery for girls (because hormones create pretty nice responsive tits on their own for women and because bottom-surgery is currently a little on the horrifying side for men).

8. (Hateful slur) are masters of destroying relationships.

1. IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION! I mean, fuck, MRAs and PUAs are masters of poisoning what could otherwise be a relationship because of insecurities being exploited into defense of toxic masculinity and all manner of rapeish or abusive interactons.

2. I’ve had a total of 3 relationships in my life. I’m currently in 2 of them. How does that ratio compare to you, Mr. “I didn’t get dumped, I was playing the field”? How about if we note that the only one of the relationships I actively pursued is one of the ones I’m still in? I bet that totally pales in comparison to your sure-fire game technique and hey, where are you going?

3. Another turn of the biggest middle finger in the world to how they try and use the suicide attempt of a trans* game developer to “illustrate” this “point”. I know you are already rapist bottom-feeders who are almost single-handedly responsible for making “straight bar culture” a location of fear for many female-identified people, but you could at least try not to be subhuman cowardly murderous ghouls as well.

11 years ago

All in favor of upgrading the usual Legos to razor blades, say “Aye”….


11 years ago

Oh shoot, missed the trans (space) (gender) for transsexual appellations thing earlier.

In my defense, I also tend to pop cis without space in front of gender word as well, but I see the argument for adapting that behavior.

11 years ago

“Before I choose, can you use the telekinesis on yourself to make yourself fly?”

Rules Lawyer! I had this come up in a P&P vampire game. My answer was “yes, and enjoy when the vampire hunters come after you”, so “yes, and enjoy when the wingnuts decide you’re evil and must be killed for their righteous cause” (same idea as hunters really, vampire = demon = satan = must die for their righteous cause)

Yeah, transphobes are awful assholes D:<

Ugh, I just can't today with the reality of how awful people are (present company excluded of course). Invulnerability to the sads, I guess that's my choice.

11 years ago

A little fun test is to imply the hottie in the dress is a he. Most (hateful connotation) women would laugh at that and chuckle

Actually I think confusion would be the most likely response. If women are laughing in the presence of a PUA it’s probably nervous laughter of the “this guy seems really weird, I hope he’s not going to hurt me, where the fuck did my friends go when I need them, someone get this asshole away from me” variety.

I find their attempts to convince themselves that they’re in control of, well, anything, and able to manipulate social situations hilarious, but that’s because a. I’ve encountered PUAs in the wild and b. I’m a mean person.

11 years ago

Can I play the 8 Points of Idiocy game?

1. Tr*nn**s exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

Louise is a bizarre name? Who knew. Also, what about all the kids whose names are oddly spelled because that’s how their parents named them?

2. Tr*nn**s require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

Um, what? No, it’d just be nice if there were no douchecanoes trying to undermine other people about things that are none of their fucking business. Decent human beings do offer support to each other that doesn’t involve being the bully gang, but of course that’s not something Douche V and his loser mates can grasp.

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

Gee, just like lots of cis women, trans* women have different tastes and styles. Or – gasp – the same woman may dress either way given occasion, mood, etc! I’ve done Goth, I’ve done wearing men’s clothes, these days I’m into tunics and lots ‘n’ lotsa my own knitted stuff. Thank goodness for being old enough to be invisible, one wouldn’t want to make poor little PUAs’ heads explode. (Scratch that, I’d find it very entertaining as long as they didn’t splash me. Brains are hard to wash out of wool.)

4. Tr*nn**s, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

Funny, I’ve only been acquainted with trans* women (or rather, those I knew were trans*) through work. And if we’re talking employable skills, hello, Roosh, permanently unemployed and scrounging off his website suckers? Sorry, he doesn’t count as self-employed in my book.

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.

So do a fuckton of other people. Point?

6. Tr*nn**s talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

Well, if you’re a pigshit ignoramus I suppose anything more complicated than pick-up lines are scary. Speaking of made-up terms, how about “game” and “PUA” and “alpha” and “HB10” and all the kiddy code these imbeciles use?

7. Tr*nn**s require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.

Oh, PUAs know the policies of governments around the world on this matter? Who’d have thought.

8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.

Apart from the sheer idiocy of this, why would a PUA care? They don’t want relationships, they want to coerce women into sex and then disappear (or abuse them).

Hmm, I couldn’t really play that game after all. Apart from being cis, so it didn’t feel right for me to do it, it was just so stupid.

Oh, and if some fuckwit deliberately misgendered me in person? He wouldn’t get a laugh, he’d get a raised eyebrow at best and likely a suggestion that he seems to be really fixated on whether someone’s trans* or not. Also a reminder that he’s a fucking idiot, and probably a PUA, in which case he can go walk on caltrops forever.

11 years ago

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.

I have a hyperactive cat who shows love by biscuting you with claws out. I guarantee I have more cuts on me right now than anyone.

11 years ago

Question – how do you know what someone’s “employable skills” are when you’re chatting them up at a bar? You could ask what they do for a living, but that wouldn’t necessarily tell you what their skills are. Do they ask for a resume?

11 years ago

Yep, they demand a resume from everyone they meet at a bar. And when you don’t have one, that’s proof that you have no employable skills.

11 years ago

hellkell, I wondered if cat scratches count.

What about burns? I have a spectacular burn that covers my right palm.