advocacy of violence alpha males asian fetishist attention seeking beta males hate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia trigger warning

Pickup guru Roosh V tries to drum up page views with vicious transphobia, his regulars applaud



Pickup guru and human stain Roosh V. continues his search for attention at any cost. His latest grab for page views takes the form of a nasty little post on Return of Kings ostensibly “warning” his readers how they can protect themselves from evil “[t]rannies [who] will try to trick a player to get some loving.”

The post, written by someone calling himself redpiller1985, is a transphobic rant in the form of a jokey list purporting to show guys “8 Ways To Spot A Transsexual.” Redpiller1985 starts off by declaring that

It’s not just betas and closet conning alphas trying to hold us back. It’s cross-dressing men who are so mentally ill that they think they’re women. They’re delusional omega men who think acting like a caricature of the women who don’t give them play is how they can finally get some sexual pleasure from unwitting men.

The “humor” of the post is so strained it’s doubtful it would even elicit a chuckle from even the most egregious transphobe. Redpiller1985 mocks “trannies” for allegedly having silly names “[l]ike the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika.” He think’s its hilarious that they don’t like being referred to as “he,” and that some “trannies” use words like “kyriarchy” and “cisgender.” He thinks it’s risible that “[t]ranssexuals have an incredibly high suicide and drug abuse rate..”

Indeed, a portion of the article is devoted to mocking the suicide attempt of a trans game designer; I’m not going to quote any of that.

Redpiller1985 ends by proclaiming, with mock sincerity, that all this nastiness is really an attempt to help poor “trannies” get their lives in order:

We as red pillers must even tell the most beta blue pillers in existence when the “hot girl” at the bar is really a lying mentally ill man in a dress. If we stand up to their mental illness and call them out instead of making their delusions worse. It will inspire these disfigured men to stop being omegas and start being true men again.

In the comments, someone calling himself Ben “Race War Now” Garrison declares that “Trannies will be the first to hang on the Day of the Rope.” Another commenter posts a photo of a murdered trans woman lying dead in the street, with the note “[h]ere’s a good example photo of what happens once trannies get found out.”

Not all the commenters are on board with the transbashing. One suggests that

[T]rannies (especially the Asian kind) are super friendly and outgoing. No girl is every as nice or friendly to the strange guys around her.

That bit of racial and sexual fetisihization is about as “trans-friendly” as it gets on Roosh’s hate site.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Or me and Athywren quoting them! You can leave delete my in endorsed attempt btw, no need to duplicate that horror show.

And yeah, trans* women is preferred.

Sparky — thank you and OWWW those fuckers hurt!

11 years ago

Ben Garrison is a joke name, and so is the comment. Stormfronters from 4chan did this.

Don’t really care, it’s still fucking awful.

Ally S
11 years ago

[Content note: same shit found in the original article]

1. Trannies exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

That’s why one of the most quintessential ways you can tell one apart in the Anglosphere is just by the name. It’s very common for them to have a conventional name but with some tweaks to it. Like the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika. Even if they do go with more conventional names, they pick something trashy like “Natalie Mercedes Langley.” Take their perspective as a special snowflake unique woman with the urge to change their name. It never really ends well.

Um, I know quite a few trans people with conventional names without alternative spelling, such as “Rachel.” But how can I blame him? It’s not like he’s actually ever tried to get to know trans people.

2. Trannies require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

A little fun test is to imply the hottie in the dress is a he. Most normal women would laugh at that and chuckle, allowing you to game on and win them over. The tranny views this as an attack on them and will get hostile with you. Expect a “pronoun” check with some snark.

Intentionally misgendering people to hurt their feelings. What a lovely pastime.

3. Trannies either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

It’s easy to see them undercompensate because it looks like a frumpy NFL line-backer in a budget dress. The ones that overcompensate though will go full on out—they will wear 7 inch heels with a tight form-fitting dress. They will act like a special Anglo cultured sex-in-the-city snowflake.

He probably hasn’t seen more than a few trans women in his life. What a shocker.

4. Trannies, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

Trannies will have long periods of unemployment typically, and when they do work, it’s the fun time for a handbag special. They will be like any other gold digger try to leech off you. They always expect some mythical figure to pay for their whims.

Trans people never face unemployment because of Wonderful Ethical Human Beings like this author. No way!

5. Trannies have cut marks on their bodies.

Transsexuals have an incredibly high suicide and drug abuse rate. Just a good rule in general is to avoid mentally sick men and women who have those traits.

Drug abuse? Still going on. Self-mutilation? Nope.

6. Trannies talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

If you hear things like “social justice”, “kyriarchy”, “patriarchy”,”Cisgender”,”gender binary”, “transgender”, “privilege,” get your game on somewhere else. Male/female/it are so psychologically poisoned that it’s just not worth your time in general. There are many attractive REAL females without that academic poisoning.

Using terms of greater accuracy than those found in non-feminist discourse is academic poisoning. Gotcha.

7. Trannies require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.

This also requires years of therapy and other extraneous activities. Most trannies won’t even remember it all. Just remember to keep a critical eye for the uncanny valley. If it doesn’t feel right, investigate and draw your own conclusion.

Oh, yes, he should watch out. Vaginoplasties turn penises into vagina dentatas – don’t you know?

8. Trannies are masters of destroying relationships.

I’m not a mental health expert but they’re broken psychologically. It’s quite easy to see a person that burns bridges.

This mentally ill man calls himself “chloe sagal”. He is famous for e-begging on Kickstarter back in March for surgery to remove shrapnel from his body as it was causing “metal poisoning” . When called out about the fact that he was asking for the same amount of money required for “gender re-assignment surgery” he went in to denial mode. The gaming communities criticisms and Kickstarter asking for proof caused this man to have a meltdown. He went on to a famous game streaming website where individuals can stream themselves playing games to announce his suicide. Trans people who are known to be histrionic wrecks do this type of activity for attention. When cutting himself lightly with a steak knife and taking pills, he commanded his friends to call the ambulance. The life of a mentally ill man is not a glamorous one.

Totally not egregiously insensitive at all. Nope.

The last and final drastic step of all of this is to do a TSA-style pat down. If that doesn’t work just remember that tranny “vaginas” have no natural lubrication. It’s quite easy to tell if somebody isn’t getting wet. We as red pillers must even tell the most beta blue pillers in existence when the “hot girl” at the bar is really a lying mentally ill man in a dress. If we stand up to their mental illness and call them out instead of making their delusions worse. It will inspire these disfigured men to stop being omegas and start being true men again.

No pat downs for me! I don’t wear dresses.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Let’s check on the tr*n** test-o-meter (which must be totally scientific, after all a male came up with it, right?_

1. Tr*nn**s exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

Let’s see, Samantha… nope, normal name. And with a very British last name. In a non-sl*tty format, so no marker there (Also… Anglosphere? Is that some kind of racist dogwhistle?)

2. Tr*nn**s require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

Nope, I’ve long since just looked at people as if they’re stoned when I’m misgendered. Though I doubt that the OP would react well if we all started using feminine pronouns to refer to him.

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

I dress like a librarian who used to be a goth, which is an accurate description of me. You might call it sexy if you have a librarian fetish. So neither end of that spectrum.

4. Tr*nn**s, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

I’m a librarian with a military background, which isn’t uncommon among trans women. It’s amusing how many trans women have police or military backgrounds.

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.

Mmmm… nope. I know that the trans woman suicide rare if 25 times higher than the general population but the APA lists that as being due to how society reacts, not an inherent problem with the trans population.

6. Tr*nn**s talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

Make believe? Huh, guess technical terms aren’t valid? So guilty I guess.

7. Tr*nn**s require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.


8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.

That’s Mistresses of Destroying Relationships sweetheart 🙂

Final score:
25% Tr*nn* whoops, guess I’m not a tr*nn*, just a transwoman*.

* It’s worth noting that the OP skipped the more obvious traits of:
1) Bigoted against Atlantian lizardpeople.
2) Telepathy and telekinesis (trans men get super strength and flight), I’m amazed that he missed this one.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

=_= Wow MRAs, way to show how much you care about human rights by being utterly hateful.

One might argue that the MRM is fighting for the right to be shitty asshats, except for the fact that that’s not really arguable outside the fevered minds of MRAs.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

As for the TSA-style pat down…
He’s just asking to get turned inside out using telekinesis if he tries that.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Can I play despite not being a trans* woman? If so…

1. Tr*nn**s exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.

Well, I guess Argenti isn’t very normal? So yes?

2. Tr*nn**s require others to prop them up and support their delusions.

Yeah, I don’t exactly give a shit what pronouns you use, unless you’re doing it to be an asshole in which case assholes can go fuck off. So no.

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

Um…goth boots with heels and a tie, make of that what you will.

4. Tr*nn**s, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.

Were I sane, I have plenty experience in retail and as a receptionist.

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.

Guilty, sort of. I don’t tend to scar, but I don’t think that’s relevant to his “point”.

6. Tr*nn**s talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.

Wha? Yeah ok, if you wanna call words like cis gendered make-believe then yep, guilty.

7. Tr*nn**s require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.

Hm, tough one. I could possibly swing the only one I truly want as medically needed. But so what if my insurance sucks?

8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.

Uh, no? To the point my ex-FWB, years ago, was apparently trying to get me to break up his monogamous relationship (for valid “oh just dump her” reasons) and I totally missed it cuz I don’t do that shit.

So 3.5? I guess than makes me 44%~ trans*? Hey, he’s almost right! Of course, that 3.5 includes my mishmash of gendered dress (0.5), the “ivory tower” shit (0.5), Argenti (1), the surgery nonsense (0.5) and my being a nut case who occasionally resorts to self-injury (1)…at most one of those is relevant (my style of dress).

11 years ago

I like how these two posters are devastated because they’re reading posts written by people who are (gasp) different. Posts not by dopey single men who take Roosh seriously? Even Dads with kids? Make it stop! It burns!

Dont give these females and tr*nnies a podium to speak from. They have their own spaces on the net. This place is for single men. We need to resist responding to them. Totally marginalize their asses and they will go away. Really, I personally am not interested in the viewpoints of comments of tr*nnies or females. Dont we have to put up with enough of their grandiose bullshit in the real world as it is???


How “diverse” and “inclusive” this little website I started reading a few months ago has become. In the beginning I could come here and read awesome articles and comments that related to the things that I – as a single male – have to struggle with in this shitty world and I found it a nice place to go. Mostly other single guys here and it was cool. NOW, I get to read comments by fucktard females with boyfriends, Moms, Dads with kids, Transsexual queerbait underachievers and… I assume the list will go on? Seriously WTF. When a guy tries to find a place to get away from this fucking parasites they seach us out and flock to us to share their “opinions”. Isnt that so politically fucking correct.

Ralf Wolfson posted some typical ‘minorities get everything, “real men” have no rights’ blather, that ended with this,

the point remains…. that with everyone now possessing and demanding the right to free expression of their sexuality…. why should red blooded males be treated any differently…. ?
not least since they are the ones that gave their sweat and blood to build the planet and technology to the level it is at now….

Men built the planet?

11 years ago

Some blockquote fail, that was.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Argenti, of course you can play. Is it okay if I grin in amusement that you seem to come up with a higher tr*nn*-o-matic score than I do?

11 years ago

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

So they, like all women, inevitably fail to meet some arbitrary feminine beauty ideal, according to misogynistic jerks. What a shocker.

11 years ago

8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.

So, if trans women are supposedly so unattractive and all, how do they do that?

(These are PUAs, they only care about the kind of relationships where the people involved are fucking.)

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.

This is my favorite. Some trans women are super femme, and others aren’t femme at all, and by this ye shall know them. Whereas all cis women are exactly the right level of femme. We here at this fine PUA establishment have never complained that cis women aren’t fulfilling our expectations of appropriate levels of femininity.

11 years ago

Hmm… since all the cool kids are doing it, can I play too?

1. Tr*nn**s exhibit the most feminine hamsters by their names alone.
Athywren is a perfectly normal name!! (For an Elven Arcane Trickster…)

2. Tr*nn**s require others to prop them up and support their delusions.
No… I see my delusions as an annoyance rather than something worthy of support. Fortunately I only see thing that aren’t real when I really haven’t slept enough, or when I have a head cold or something.

3. Tr*nn**s either grossly overcompensate or underwhelm with their feminine mannerisms and dress.
I don’t know about overcompensating mannerisms, but accusations of “girliness” are a thing that I get. As for dress… jeans, tank top, shirt… actually, I guess that is underwhelming, isn’t it?

4. Tr*nn**s, like most feminists, are NOT likely to have employable skills.
I’m a really good administrator! I have scared people with the speed and accuracy of my typing… I once teased an ex-girlfriend by looking directly at her -and away from my keyboard- while we chatted online in a cybercafe.

5. Tr*nn**s have cut marks on their bodies.
I do have a self inflicted burn scar on my right forearm? It’s barely visible, though. And two of my fingers on my left hand are pretty thoroughly lacerated, since I was doing some DIY for my parents this weekend.

6. Tr*nn**s talk in make-believe ivory tower academia terms.
Ivory tower? Pfft. But yes to academic terms. Entropy. Tangential. Covalent. Yes, even kyriarchy and intersectionality. These things please me – they express complicated issues in simple ways. That’s good.

7. Tr*nn**s require extensive surgeries that almost no government will subsidize.
I had an operation on my toe, once? I think the NHS actually does subsidise gender reassignment surgery though? Am I making that up? Not sure…

8. Tr*nn**s are masters of destroying relationships.
I’ve certainly mishandled a few relationships in their early stages, and I utterly screwed up in my last relationship, but destroy is a strong term… but I’ll say yes to this one.

Looks like I score 4.5 out of 8.
1:1 3:1 5:0.5 6:1 8:1

oraclenine (@Oraclenine)

In addition to the slurs and the gender policing and the complete fractal wrongness of the article-

Who is going to break it to these yahoos that all a TSA-style pat down is going to prove is that their target isn’t getting wet for them, at that moment?

Stress, hormone levels, certain medications can all result in lack of lubrication, as can some heart conditions, diabetes, kidney disorders and hypertension. There are ads on the television about remedies, for pity’s sake, it’s not exactly rare.

So can the condition known as ‘doesn’t fancy you’. I’d have expected those self-styled experts in all things woman-related to know that already.

11 years ago

That’s why one of the most quintessential ways you can tell one apart in the Anglosphere is just by the name. It’s very common for them to have a conventional name but with some tweaks to it. Like the name Jessica but spelled as Jessika. Even if they do go with more conventional names, they pick something trashy like “Natalie Mercedes Langley.” Take their perspective as a special snowflake unique woman with the urge to change their name. It never really ends well.

Hardly the most problematic element here, but I can’t help but wonder how he’s supposed to know how the name is spelled if he’s supposedly in a bar. I usually don’t spell my name for anyone who asks for it in a bar. I don’t usually give my middle and last name either. Nonsensical Roosh argument is also improbable. Well color me surprised.

11 years ago

So, if trans women are supposedly so unattractive and all, how do they do that?

I think they destroy relationships by being ugly and thus unfuckable and therefore destroying the possibility of a relationship that could have happened if they weren’t so ugly.

11 years ago

Who is going to break it to these yahoos that all a TSA-style pat down is going to prove is that their target isn’t getting wet for them, at that moment?

Oh, c’mon! You forget that these are real menly manly men! It is impossible for a woman to be in their presence without instant and irrevocable lusts taking over.

11 years ago

Like many PUA tips, the pat-down suggestion seems to have been made by someone who’s forgotten that bars have bouncers. I guess if the person you’re patting down calls one over and has you thrown out that’s a sign that she’s acknowledging your display of high value and indicating interest?

11 years ago

When you’re talking to a woman at a bar and she raises her voice and says “Security!”, she means “that thing that all women want and that only an alpha like you can give me – oh please find me worthy!”.

11 years ago


“Hardly the most problematic element here, but I can’t help but wonder how he’s supposed to know how the name is spelled if he’s supposedly in a bar. I usually don’t spell my name for anyone who asks for it in a bar.”

And I’m seeing this play out:

PUA: What’s your name?
Person at bar: Jessika.
PUA: And how do spell that?

At which point Jessika realizes that PUA has either had too much to drink, or is a moron (or both), and shoots PUA down.

Great use of “game,” guys!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Is it okay if I grin in amusement that you seem to come up with a higher tr*nn*-o-matic score than I do?”

Yes, but let’s grin at Athywren as ze out scores me (though, I always figured Athywren, the name, was Welch)

11 years ago

I am sorry, I could not read it. It made me feel sick…. I usually read a lot of the awful things being quoted, but this time, it just made me feel really bad….

11 years ago

I think you guys are all very brave to be able to read this and make silly comments. It made me cry and I’m not even trans* so I can’t imagine how terrible it must be for the trans* people here.

Going back to lurking now

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

My grandmother always said “Shame the devil by laughing at him”

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Also caurien, this isn’t anything new. It’s just a bit distilled.