off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: November Rain Edition

Hugs for anyone who needs them.
Hugs for anyone who needs them.

I think we’re a bit overdue for another open thread for personal stuff. As per usual, no trolls, no flames, no being a butthead.

I’ll paste in some recent personal comments from other threads.

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11 years ago

I’ve left a couple of half-baked notions for you, Rogan, which are about the best I can come up with!

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Woo! Thanks muchly!

RE: cloudiah

Sorry about the nightmares; they suck ASS. Hope you sleep better soon.

11 years ago

@ kittehserf: You remember me, yaaay! I’m honored^.^ I’m definitely going to try to comment more so I can be one of the cool kids! (Not sarcasm, I think you guys are genuinely awesome)

@cloudiah: Thanks so much! I’m going to give it a try! I think this thread is moving slower than most of the regular posts, so it’s been pretty easy for me to keep up^.^ Training-wheels thread!

@Unimaginative: It’s the punchline from a terrible joke my Mom told me while I was in the hospital a couple years back….but I’ll be damned if I can remember the rest of the joke! Nice to meet you, fellow lurker^.^

11 years ago

Who could forget that nym combined with that avatar, AbominableSnowPickle? (Was there a conversation once about shortening your nym to ASP not being the best idea? It rings faint bells.)

That sucks hugely about pain plus insomnia plus everydamnthingelse. But yeah, it’s fun reading the archives … have you hit some of Owly’s more bizarre rantings? They don’t make trolls like that any more. Even Pell’s lost his touch, he gives himself away right fast when he tries socking nowadays.

Owl Cake, I’m sorry to hear that. 🙁

11 years ago

@Abominable, the current thread is a cluster-fuck of epic proportions, so you may want to stay away from that one!

[edit by df, as requested by cloudiah]

11 years ago

Okay, Kittehs! Ooh, this’ll be some fun prompts, especially since Argenti asked for more Tree-That-Wasn’t too, so I plan to have a lot of fun with those prompts.

I’m really glad this writeathon is going at a more leisurely pace, since my brain has been a bit of a screamy brain this go and so I haven’t had my usual explosive energy. I pretty much have received the perfect number of prompts, so I feel pretty good. Thanks, everybody!

11 years ago

[edit by df, as requested by cloudiah]

@LBT, Glad you got good prompts. I’ll be mostly offline for a few days (which is why I’m getting my time in now!) so email me if I’m missing any deadlines and I’ll try to sponsor some fun stuff. I love your stories and don’t want to miss a chance at more of them. XD

11 years ago

My boyfriend would rather drink than hang out with me. I’m a “recovering alcoholic/drug addict” who hasn’t used anything for years, and it is difficult for me to be intimate with someone who is drinking (while they are drinking). Because my boyfriend drinks, I ask that he doesn’t drink around me, though I’ve never expected him to quit. On Halloween, we had been planning for weeks to hang out, and it was a question between us of whether to go out or to watch a scary movie. I suggested both, I could spend the night! But he had been planning to go drink with friends after I left, so he didn’t want me to stay over. I must have looked disappointed because he said “you know, I would only ever choose hanging out with you over hanging out with friends. However, when it comes to choosing between having a glass of wine or hanging out with you, it is a difficult decision.” He chose his wine, and I went home early.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

What an ass move that was. I’m sorry.

11 years ago

Jeez, what a miserable thing for him to do, Amy, I’m sorry.

[edit by df]

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

Hey, all! Finished my thesis! My brain is actually running on all cylinders for the first time in months.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
11 years ago

@ Amy – wow, that sucks. What a jerk.

11 years ago

Yay Sir Bodsworth! ::applauds::

11 years ago

I am grateful (in a black humor sort of way) my problems are minor. I have a bit more of the usual aches and pains, and took a “slip and fall” yesterday on the way to work.

Minor contusions, and strains, but nothing to really complain about.

Condolence to all who need it. (LBT, that really sucks about the benefits; the systems we have are six kinds of fucked up; we need more, not less, etc.).

11 years ago

So, I’m more often a lurker than a participant, and I’m not sure if what I’m going to say is sufficiently off-topic, but I did want to thank David for changing his opinion about the definition of rape a few posts back and the commentariat for its input.

TW: sexual assault/rape

As someone who in his day-to-day work deals with heterogenous datasets I am unfortunately all too familiar with having to use the lowest common denominator for definitions in my analyses. I’ve been aware of the CDC analysis of the 2010 statistics for awhile, but haven’t looked in depth into it, because I was worried that it would be too triggering. I have looked at some of the metaanalyses and kept up with comments at various blogs. As a cis, hetero male who was sexually assaulted by another cis hetero male, I had always been somewhat off-put by the fact that my particular type of rape didn’t reach a statistical level of significance to be reported on. It took me years after the fact to realize that what happened to me was sexual assault and quite a while after looking at the CDC stats to determine that what happened to me could be covered under the “forced to penetrate” definition (although I still kind of feel that waking up to having a guy forcibly suck me off isn’t quite what they were going for).

As an infrequent commentator, I don’t always keep up with threads but I did want to thank the commentators and David for the discussion they had which seemed to be an actual exchange of ideas in which people considered others’ arguments and adjusted their own. As I was reading through the thread, I was a bit thankful that I wasn’t participating real time, since I don’t think my initial reaction of posting a comment along the lines of “Furtrelle, does some dude yanking on my foreskin so he can shove his tongue down it count as ‘penetration’?” would have come across as advancing the conversation.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — I’m going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap! I have plenty 🙂

And check your email, there’s a longer more emotional version of my rant about my psych.

Darkwater — I’m sorry that happened to you and sorry if our conversation was triggering.

11 years ago

I feel like my upcoming cyst removal is pretty minor compared to everyone elses goings on. I have seven cysts on the milk line both sides of my chest and recently they’ve changed from being squishy to quite hard. Had a biopsy done and no cancer, but they’re going just in case.

11 years ago

Yesterday I went to pick up my bird that I have posted about. Today he was behaving a bit oddly, but I wasn’t sure because I don’t know birds very well. I took him back to the breeder this evening, and he died there. I don’t know why it happened or if it was my fault.

11 years ago

I’d named him Harvey.

11 years ago

To new and future United States disability receivers. You may not know that when you get disability, you may be able to get your student loans forgiven under a medical exemption type thing (you can even get this before disability goes through). But you will be 1099ed eventually, paying taxes on the amount as if it were income. Mine was relatively small amount (unfinished community college), so I do not know if the I.R.S. would do a flexible payment plan or whatever.

I was entirely surprised by it, and wanted to make sure others were not.

Also, when I was trying to get the student loan forgiveness document for my doctors, I had to call to get them to send out the forms because they stopped making them available on the website.

11 years ago

Sorry if I’m telling people what they allready know, it just messed with our finances so much. It was a few years after officially receiving disability, so it wasn’t like we could just use some of the settlement to pay it off. And I don’t want anyone to be surprised by it like we were.

11 years ago

@Kim, So sorry about Harvey. I doubt it was anything you did, especially since it happened so fast.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about everyone’s problems and you have my support in anything that happens.I’ve been working more on my art lately (I’m a colorist with traditional media).

11 years ago

Kym, I’m so sorry.