off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: November Rain Edition

Hugs for anyone who needs them.
Hugs for anyone who needs them.

I think we’re a bit overdue for another open thread for personal stuff. As per usual, no trolls, no flames, no being a butthead.

I’ll paste in some recent personal comments from other threads.

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11 years ago

We’re about to head to my aunt’s funeral, and on Sunday my wife and I part ways so she can stay with friends of the family 3 hours away from our place to look for work. If anyone could send good vibes our way, that would be greatly appreciated. Advice on getting investors to set up a small business so we can get her business off the ground and continue to live together would be lovely, as well.

11 years ago

Bleh. I learned last night that my disability benefits got lowered “due to a change in your housing situation.” (I told them I was homeless.)

I’m going to get out of this godforsaken city in a few months and move in with friends in much cheaper Ohio. I just have to hang on till then, but it’s wearing on me.

11 years ago

Thanks, much appreciated. In lieu of practical solutions, tonight will be spent with my family members (including lots of cousins), drinking wine and eating cheese, and sharing many tears and stories about the wonderful aunt who has left us.

11 years ago

That’s absolute poop, LBT. Good luck, and I’ll send Legos into the carpets of the bureaucrats who think that “homeless”=”doesn’t need rent money”.

11 years ago

My condolences and good vibes to everyone who needs/wants them.

@LBT, they lowered your disability benefits *because* you’re homeless? I shouldn’t really be surprised but please tell me I misunderstood. Regardless, I’m sorry. I’ve gone through the disability benefit ringer on behalf of a loved one (who has severe psychiatric problems so couldn’t navigate it himself) and I understand how awful they can be. Good luck.

Just as an update on my own situation, things are going pretty good. Just figured I’d check in since my last few personal posts were pretty down. Last personal thread I think I was talking about a loved one that we thought was dying; she actually pulled through and is in relatively good health right now. She still is nearing the end of her life but we have some more time.

My brother is doing well with his heart condition. He’s not going to have the ablation done at moment, but has a good treatment plan and things are looking pretty good. We’re holding out for Obamacare to kick in still so that he can maybe see a better doctor (the cardiologist he saw works at a public clinic and seemed good, but was very overworked).

I always appreciate the supportive atmosphere here (well, aside from the trolls of course ;)). Y’all are so wonderful!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Would “at least you got yours” be rude? I’m still pissy about my psych doing THAT.

For those who missed it, I had my SSI hearing yesterday and finally got to see the form the psych office sent the lawyer.

No mention of a diagnosable mood disorder (which has been my Dx for, oh, about 14 years now), PTSD (yeah, knew that) and personality disorder disorder NOS with borderline symptoms. My only guess as to what these symptoms are? I used drugs on occasion in college and poly relationship => impulsive drug use and sex; refuse to pick a binary gender => unstable self-image; and a pair that sum to “yes, I have a mood disorder“. Tell me they nixed the one Dx that’s barely changed in over a decade and put that on there even after we went over it and I just don’t fit it? NOPE!!

And see this sarcasm here? Even when I’m not cranky and just nervous it’s hostility and irritability (right now I am definitely hostile, but snarking at Mr. Mango is hostile? Then why’s he think this pigeon holing is stupid?)

Bestest best part? Is patient a malingerer? Unsure. Because I don’t look anxious or depressed and the new drug psych hasn’t seen bipolar symptoms (oh, idk, could be that mood stabilitizer I’d been on for 6+ months before I met her?)

11 years ago


@LBT, they lowered your disability benefits *because* you’re homeless? I shouldn’t really be surprised but please tell me I misunderstood.

Nope. I mean, I told them I was homeless, that’s the only change in my housing situation I’ve reported. So unless a hamster attacked the records room or whatever, that’s it.

Also, it’s weird, I’d never heard of the ablation thing till you mentioned it, but now one of my friends is getting it done! Small world.

RE: Argenti

Would “at least you got yours” be rude?

Yes. By all means, ask for support, your situation sucks but I am really, REALLY not in the mood to be told to count my blessings when I’m back in the closet again.

11 years ago

Holy cow, there’s some serious life-suckage happening. All my empathies, folks.

I’ve got the 1st day of my period, 1st day of snow, and there’s STILL construction out front vibrating a bunch of new cracks into our foundation that I’m sure will be fun next spring when the snow melt turns the basement into a swimming pool blues, but otherwise things are good for me. (I’m procrastinating on my nano project–way to start the month out!) I may make some cookies. I found a grain-free, nut-free peanut-butter chocolate chip recipe that is really, really good.

11 years ago

Well, I got sacked just over a month ago & my ex-employers are trying to rip me off over my pay in lieu of notice. Trying to get help & advice is becoming a nightmare. I’m left with taking them to a tribunal now. I’m feeling more & more depressed. On the plus side, I’m snuggled on the sofa under a quilt with the dog.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — fair enough, and I apologize for taking my ire out on you.

…and I just got my punishment for it. Spilled my coffee all over my iPad screen >.<

Victoria 2070 a.d.
11 years ago

Reblogged this on Victoria 2070 a.d. and commented:
Sounds Like G&R :p

11 years ago


Feeling alone. Depressed.

What’s been great about this site is the catharsis I feel reading it. These guys actually are idiots.

11 years ago

Malitia posted this link on the Halloween thread, so I’m pasting it here where it might get more notice:

I just tried it on my blog. It guessed it’s written by someone 65-100 years old.

So … is my writing really old fashioned, or is Sir’s really modern?

11 years ago

RE: kittehs

Somewhere, you just KNOW some 110 year old lady is cackling and going, “NO ONE WILL EVER GUESS!”

11 years ago


11 years ago

:: lugs out the big barrel of hugs (contact and non-contact), kittens, fishies, penguins, & golden retrievers, takes off the lid, and posts a “TAKE ONE OR LEAVE ONE” sign::

I just chipped a tooth. Big chunk off one of my back molars. Fuck. Anyway, not nearly as bad as the other things in this thread, and way better than the best of my year has been — so oddly, I feel like things are looking up.

11 years ago

Super longtime lurker (though the last time I surfaced I did get the Welcome Package…it’s awesome!).

I’ve been having a terrible time with pain and insomnia and depression (I am disabled and have fibro, among other things), and have been reading through the archives. It really helps me get out of my head and makes me laugh when I’m super depressed. I don’t comment much, but because I’ve been lurking since…a couple months after the site debuted and I read ALL the comments, I feel like I know many of you even though we’ve never met.
(Wow, I hope that didn’t sound as creepy as I’m afraid it does!)

So I just wanted to de-lurk to say ‘thank you’ to David (and the ferrets [and kitties?]) and to the rest of the commentariat (minus the trolls…though I do kinda miss Owly and his batshit strangeness). Thanks for being there for me even though you never knew it that you were and even though you don’t know me.

I’ll try to de-lurk more often and try to keep up with the threads.

11 years ago

What a cool nym you have, Abominable! I lurk a lot, too; I can’t keep up with a lot of the conversations. I just read along, nodding furiously or thoughtfully, psychically cheering on the team.

11 years ago

Hi, AbominableSnowPickle! De-lurk more.

11 years ago

Welcome back, AbominableSnowPickle!

Nah, that didn’t sound creepy. I’ve felt the same way. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh, also, in pleasant news: today is the last day to prompt for Spookathon! Come make me write you things!

11 years ago

I’m not good at the prompts, but I love to sponsor the stories. (I have been having terrible nightmares lately, but not in a form that would make good prompts.)

Owl Cake
Owl Cake
11 years ago

I’m more a lurker than part of the community . . . but, well, whatever. Girlfriend’s going to prison, I need a second job, and I no longer have health insurance. Woohoo. I’m just coming here to anonymously vent.

This place is good, though. I’ve learned a lot about How Not To Be An Asshole, and I look up to you guys.

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