funny MRA

Truly Scary Halloween Costume: Sexy Men’s Rights Activist

No Friendzoning!
No Friendzoning!

If you’re still looking for last-minute Halloween costumes — play along with me here, huh? — might I suggest what might possibly be the scariest one of all? Dress up like a (gasp!) Men’s Rights Activist, like the fellow above, a real-life MRA cosplayer I found on STFU Assholes.

If you’re looking for more MRA costume ideas, I suggest perusing the pictures here. (Warning: these are actual MRAs.)

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Marine iguanas, yes! That, a tour of Van Gogh paintings, and Hagia Sophia. Hm…I’d probably need to find someone with time to go with me…

10 years ago

Yeah, I don’t play the lotto- I just have plenty of ideas of what to do with the money.

10 years ago

@Argenti- I would make time (too bad I can’t make money as well…)

10 years ago

I wondered if the rainbow fish pic was photoshopped, because they were so bright – but dye-injected? Eww, no thanks. That’s right up there with people breeding dogs and cats with caved-in faces that give them lifelong breathing trouble, or hips so narrow they can only give birth by Caesarian, among other problems.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Well, I figure if I win the lottery, I could pay. It’d be easier than suddenly being okay being around people! Pecunium gets dibs on that invite though, because if he hasn’t been to the Hagia Soohia, he absolutely must go (seriously pecunium, go there)

10 years ago

That’s right up there with people breeding dogs and cats with caved-in faces that give them lifelong breathing trouble, or hips so narrow they can only give birth by Caesarian, among other problems.

Don’t even get me started…

10 years ago

I know, too fucking depressing/enraging.

Instead, have a perfectly camouflagued cat. You’ll never be able to find her!

10 years ago

Practically every “real man” meme defines a “real man” based on how he treats and what he does for women. Practically every “real woman” meme defines what a “real woman” does for herself and justifies her current condition (real women have curves).

No it doesn’t. I mean, I hate the gender essentialism of “real man” and “real woman” stuff anyway, but what you assert is just straight-up not true.

Googling “real men,” the first link that comes up is “Top Ten Traits of a Real Man” on The ten:
1. A real man is strong
2. A real man is focused
3. A real man knows the importance of family
4. A real man doesn’t gossip
5. A real man’s word is his bond
6. A real man strives to be a role model
7. A real man makes his own fortune
8. A real man doesn’t look like a woman
9. A real man keeps his house in order
10. A real man can defend himself.

There’s nothing there about men doing things for women. The piece also includes a lot of put-downs toward women (for example, describing gossip as “girlie talk”), which suggests that a “real man” treats women dismissively.

Most of the other links on the first page (not counting the ones to movies or TV shows with “Real Men” in the title) are similar. They include sites like “A Tribute to Real Men” (“When did it become acceptable in this country for a man to go from being a rugged, plaid-wearing, beef jerky eating badass to a well-groomed, ‘metrosexual’ girly-boy like Ben Affleck?”), “20 Characteristics of a Real Man,” and “A Summary of Things Real Men Don’t Do” (which features the 1980s chestnut “Real men don’t eat quiche”).

“Real Men Cook” and “28 Ways to Spot a Real Man” (“He knows that you don’t have to fight a war to save a life”) break masculine stereotypes and show men acting generously, but on most of the sites the definition of a “real man” is based on men doing things for their own glorification. Real men show strength, win battles, and demand respect. Also, there’s almost nothing on any of the sites about what “real men” should look like physically (aside from “not like a woman”) or whether they should be attractive to the opposite sex.

Googling “real women” doesn’t bring up handy numbered lists, but all the links on the first page (not counting the ones to movies or TV shows with “Real Women” in the title) are either a) about body issues or b) sites for groups promoting traditional femininity. The former category includes “What Real Women Look Like,” a collection of photos of average women, and “Real Women Run,” an organization that encourages women not to feel ashamed about exercising with less-than-perfect bodies. The latter includes “Real Women of Philadelphia,” a cooking community, and “Real Women of Canada,” a “pro-family conservative women’s movement” mostly focused on homemakers.

So. “Real women” are very concerned about their looks, especially their weight, and also on homemaking and family. Even the sites dedicated to helping women develop positive body image don’t challenge the idea that being beautiful is an important part of being a woman. Nothing in the first page of links mentions achievements outside the home as part of womanhood. A “real woman” is defined by what she does for men–especially in the hotness department–and for her family. Not exactly a stirring message of lady-power.

10 years ago

I have only been skimming this thread since Good got here but just wanted to say that catching this: “Ultimately, entitled people are entitled. Wow. Stop the presses” made me laugh at the end of a hard week. Thanks Athywren.

10 years ago

“Instead, have a perfectly camouflagued cat. You’ll never be able to find her!”

Cat? What cat? I don’t see Mads anywhere… 🙂

10 years ago

D10? Cuz I’ll dig out oWoD combat rules. (Oh, Athywren, I have very nearly ALL the books in PDF form if you need any)

Izzat even a question? *eyebrow*
I actually have none of the books, though my brother used to have the main rulebook, which I read pretty religiously. My knowledge of the WoD comes from the VtM PC games & wikis.

You know, there is one good thing about the idea of pedigree breeding (does that term actually apply outside of doggies?). It’s really easy to spit it derisively. Plus it’s a really good argument against eugenics. The idea of pedigree breeds of human disturbs the hell out of me.

I use the lottery as a way to stop myself from spending my spare pennies on tasty-sweet things that’ll rot my teeth… because I will, because I’m a moron with a mouth full of sweet teeth.
I’m so lucky I have the build to manage the sugar storage, because I’m way too vain to deal with it otherwise.
I don’t have a particular set of numbers that I play, though… that’s just asking to get stuck in the habit of playing (“but what if my numbers come up this week!?”+pretty addictive personality anyway (see sugar)) so I just get ducky lips.
So far my totes inevitable lottery win plans are to split it among my immediate family, get a new computer and a snazzy telescope that keeps up with the sky(not sky-earth) whizzing around so I can take some non-blurry pictures… then move to Mars, assuming I could handle the time lag for internet access there! 😛 (Failing that, just play UFO Afterlight again.)

There’s nothing there about men doing things for women.

😮 I beg to differ!:

9. A real man keeps his house in order

Real men identify as men.
Today, I feel like a squirrel. *gnaws on a chewing nut (actual nuts and I disagree on a fairly major political issue).*

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

You know, honestly, when he said “real men,” I thought he meant stuff like “real men wear pink,” calling your website “the site for REAL MEN,” or like saying things like “real men shave their faces with lawnmowers.” You know, stuff that’s just humorous over-the-top masculinity.

10 years ago

Today, I feel like a squirrel. *gnaws on a chewing nut (actual nuts and I disagree on a fairly major political issue).*

Red squirrel or one of them grey ‘Murrican interlopers? ::squints suspiciously::

For everyone-except-goodfornothing’s further viewing pleasure, behold a video of Maddie Not Being Seen!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Athywren — yes, it’ see ally it’s really a question, I have like 10g of the books.

10 years ago

Red squirrel or one of them grey ‘Murrican interlopers? ::squints suspiciously::

Madam! I am a Briton! A child of Saxon Northumbria and the Danelaw… and probably some French, but shh. My blood is red! My coat is red! And… oh dear, my eyes are red too… I should probably sleep soon. But yeh, I’s a proper Red Squirrel – look how cute I am! :3 And… try not to think about how endangered I am. 3:

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Make that 20g

10 years ago

Endangered, yes. 🙁

Just don’t go doing a Squirrel Nutkin, for your own personal squirrelly safety!

10 years ago

I have like 10g of the books.

O_O That’s a lot of book… how many books are there? I’m guessing they cover the whole WoD at that size, not just vampires? I’d be very interested to read the Salubri clanbook… though I did just find a whole collection of WoD books online… ooh, and D&D too, so nm.

10 years ago

@ Hyena Girl

Handing out espresso to the adults who’re taking the kids trick or treating is such a great idea.

10 years ago

@ Argenti

I knew your psych was trying to fix it so you wouldn’t qualify for the benefits you’re applying for. Hopefully the judge will figure out that PTSD + malingerer = this psych needs to go back to college.

BTW if people want to see rays and friendly pretty fish for less expensive than the Galapagos and so on, the Persian Gulf is full of them. Saudi obviously isn’t much fun as a destination, but maybe Dubai? Great food there too.

10 years ago

RE: Argenti

I would love to go scuba diving.

So would I, but I can’t. 🙁 Ear issues mean I have trouble equalizing pressure, which only comes up in airplanes or underwater. I haven’t dived deep in a while, so it may have gotten better, but used to be, three feet underwater I’d develop vertigo so badly I couldn’t tell which way was up.

Snorkeling I totally miss though.

10 years ago

Good: MRA’s are not misogynists. Would you accept feminists as being misandrists? If not, you are practicing true bias.


1: MRAs are misogynists.

2: EVen if I accepted the idea of, “misandry” that MRA’s are misogynists doesn’t equal that the group the MRM has decided is their bête noir is therefore actually guilty of the paranoid delusions the MRM has projected onto them.

Ergo, unless you can show that 1: the MRM isn’t misogynist, at core, and 2: that Misandry is a real thing and 3: that Femism is, at root, based on that”misandry”, your statement is a probative as anything else you have ever said.

10 years ago

My oWoD folder is around 16 GBs, but I don’t tend to have first edition stuff, and tried to collect the retyped books when possible. (I won’t talk about my full tabletop games folder) … umm… talk like a pirate day alternative edition. :]

Also I don’t think there were clanbooks for bloodlines like the Salubri.

10 years ago

… I stand corrected. There was a Dark Ages Salubri clanbook.

Also, retyped stuff: just google taintedsnowqueen and you will find them.

Moma Sita
10 years ago

ally s,
Thanks for the much sought after and unique welcome package. It wouldn’t be manboobz without it!