funny MRA

Truly Scary Halloween Costume: Sexy Men’s Rights Activist

No Friendzoning!
No Friendzoning!

If you’re still looking for last-minute Halloween costumes — play along with me here, huh? — might I suggest what might possibly be the scariest one of all? Dress up like a (gasp!) Men’s Rights Activist, like the fellow above, a real-life MRA cosplayer I found on STFU Assholes.

If you’re looking for more MRA costume ideas, I suggest perusing the pictures here. (Warning: these are actual MRAs.)

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11 years ago

So we’ve conclusively established that Good is 14, right?

11 years ago

Belated Halloween greetings to all.

11 years ago

The only “real men” meme I can think of is “real men don’t hit their wives”, which is and always has been a widespread social problem.

Of course, since it has been shown that wives hit as much as husbands, it still shows bias. But those memes go much further than that. Basically, “real man” equals being servile to women:

Having one’s manhood questioned if he doesn’t perform to a certain level for a woman or women is a shaming tactic.

11 years ago

I wonder, how many of those “real man” memes were created by feminists?
Anyway, I’m off to celebrate spookyday by watching Alan Davies say words on a stage. Have fun with Good, peoples.

Ally S
11 years ago

Now Good has resorted to finding random pictures on the internet to make a point about gender dynamics. That’s what true social scientists do.

And even those images don’t support the notion that men are shamed for not being servile to women.

11 years ago

I see the problem: you’re writing from an alternate reality. Here in this reality, women are constantly shamed for not being appealing to any given man, and fatness (or accusations thereof) is one of the more common forms.

And please describe how this shaming is manifested. Is it by overweight women being ignored by the media? The “real women have curves” thing is based on the desire of big women to be shown as sexy by the media. But overweight women are not constantly shamed, but rather simply don’t get the attention that they like from the men they want attention from.

Feminism and the MRM are not equivalent.

I agree. The MRM is about true equality. Feminism promotes this:

11 years ago


Excellent distraction from my hearing in the morning, cuz my hearing is in the morning *hides under the bed*

Hope your hearing goes well. Good luck internet hugs, if you want them. :3

I’m actually doing trick or treating tonight, because my town kicked it back to nov. 1 because of terrible weather on halloween. So tonight I get to pass out candy to adorable kids at my stepmom’s. She said she might get 3 trick or treaters, cuz her house is out of the way, but better chances than at my mom’s, where nobody’s probably gonna come around to our apartment. (waaaayyyyy out of the way for a little apartment complex…)

We need Men’s Rights because of the widespread use of shaming tactics against men as illustrated by the image above.

Thank you, good, that was the funniest thing I’ve heard all day XD

Outside of the whole feminist/MRA debate, shaming tactics are used routinely by women against men.

Citation needed, O Boring One.

Practically every “real man” meme defines a “real man” based on how he treats and what he does for women

Wait, do feminists like ‘real man’ memes? Cuz I know I sure don’t care for them. Anyone who identifies as a man is a real man, whether they be a jerk or not is the problem.

Practically every “real woman” meme defines what a “real woman” does for herself and justifies her current condition (real women have curves)

And if I don’t like ‘real man’ memes, I despise ‘real women’ memes. Again, anyone who identifies as a woman is a real woman. Body type has nothing to do with it. And people sure don’t need to act like skinny women aren’t ‘real’ women to try to promote acceptances of fat and/or curvy women.

MRAs are not comparable to racists and are definitely no more comparable to racists than feminists are.

Is Good trying to make a valid point about mainstream feminism focusing mostly on white-middle class women? Probably not! But a girl can dream :p

MRAs support equality feminism while gender feminists are all about female advocacy even if it comes at the expense of men’s rights and well being and the well being of society as a whole.

I’m too giggly today, because it feels like good is saying the most hilarious shit ever XD

And, I’m getting kinda ramly, so I’ll post this comment before it’s so long everyone’s eyes gloss over it 😛 Cuz I tend to do that…a lot. XD

11 years ago

But overweight women are not constantly shamed,

More evidence for emilygoddess’s “alternate reality” hypothesis.

11 years ago

Forget how he defines meme, how does he pronounce it?

My money’s on mee-mee.

11 years ago

Anytime some person/advertisement/opinion piece starts in with, “a real [category] does this…” I more often than not have to tune out whatever follows.

Moma Sita
11 years ago

“MRAs are not comparable to racists and are definitely no more comparable to racists than feminists are”

That’s like saying NAACP is no different than the Klan.

11 years ago


MRA’s are not misogynists. Would you accept feminists as being misandrists? If not, you are practicing true bias.

::headdesk:: Okay, good, I’ll try to explain this to you, since you’re managing to be marginally entertaining today. Mras aren’t misogynists because of they’re name, or whatever. Advocating for men’s rights would not be a bad thing. We call them misogynists because of what they do, they’re more interested in trying to take away women’s rights than to help men. That’s why they’re misogynists. And if you’d like to point out feminists doing something similar (trying to hurt men instead of helping women) be my guest. But until then, enough with the false equivalence


I totally forgot to buy candy this Hallowe’en and then I worked too late to pick it up last-minute, so I spent the evening hiding from children and feeling like a jerk. >.>

🙁 That sucks.


Semi-OT: was thinking of going as a feminist according to Pat Robertson*, since I already have witchy and rainbow accouterments, but I couldn’t think of a way to represent killing one’s children that wouldn’t risk being upsetting to people who’ve miscarried or lost children. Maybe I can go as a more general straw feminist next year.

*”The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

Wow, that is such a strange definition of feminism XD I will be going as a witch this halloween, and I’m already a feminist and a lesbian, so I hit three of them? Maybe.

But overweight women are not constantly shamed, but rather simply don’t get the attention that they like from the men they want attention from.

Wait, overweight women aren’t constantly shamed?! Someone take me to Good’s universe, it sounds my more enjoyable then the one I live in called ‘reality’.

11 years ago

Forget how he defines meme, how does he pronounce it?

My money’s on mee-mee.

*gasp* Is he Beaker?

11 years ago

Lol, I was wondering when Notso was going to break down and start flailing irrelevant links everywhere. I mean, he managed so many unlinked comments, I was starting to worry that the apocalypse was coming!

11 years ago

That’s like saying NAACP is no different than the Klan

So you see feminism as comparable to the Klan?

11 years ago


Way to miss the point, fool. Zie’s saying that mra’s want to take people’s rights away, like the klan* where as feminists and the NAACP are both trying to work to get people rights.

*Not my favorite analogy/comparison, not sure why though, so whatever.

11 years ago

In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

For some reason all Good’s babbling is making this quote run through my head and I do not appreciate associating HHttG with MRAs.

11 years ago

::headdesk:: Okay, good, I’ll try to explain this to you, since you’re managing to be marginally entertaining today. Mras aren’t misogynists because of they’re name, or whatever. Advocating for men’s rights would not be a bad thing. We call them misogynists because of what they do, they’re more interested in trying to take away women’s rights than to help men. That’s why they’re misogynists. And if you’d like to point out feminists doing something similar (trying to hurt men instead of helping women) be my guest. But until then, enough with the false equivalence

Of course, you have listed not a single right that men have that MRAs are trying to take away from women.

11 years ago

Way to miss the point, fool. Zie’s saying that mra’s want to take people’s rights away, like the klan* where as feminists and the NAACP are both trying to work to get people rights.

Name these rights please.

11 years ago

My money’s on mee-mee.

Projection? You stated this because that is how you originally pronounced it right?

11 years ago


Short story: Read the whole goddam blog.

Long story: (tw/cw people being horrible) You’ve got red pillers talking about talking about ‘training’ your girlfriend, comparing them to dogs which is dehumanizing, Driver Suz talking about how women should be grateful men didn’t oppress them as much as they could have (bonus implications of ‘so shut up and be happy with what you have at the moment’ Paul Elam saying many horrible things, among that women are begging to be raped and a Spearheader saying women don’t deserve college educations. Those are all horrible, though I think the last one fits your definition best.

Now show me feminists saying similar things about men.

11 years ago


And you’ve got (TW: rape/rape apologia, also ableism) this shit right here which I’ll copy/paste my ‘favorite’ bits so you don’t have to trouble yourself of going through a link.

Nick Reading: No never means no. It only means yes. That’s an understanding that we have within the patriarchy.

Karen Straughan: It is.

Alison Tieman: That’s true. Actually “no” should be stricken from the English language because it simply makes no sense. How could any woman ever say no to the holy phallus unless she was criminally insane?

Nick: Criminally insane, yes.

So pretty much, straight forward encouraging people to rape. Tell me how that is advocating for men’s rights. I’ll be waiting.

11 years ago

And, sorry non-good people for spamming, tell me if you all want me to stop. :3

Okay, good, you’ve also got this lovely example of mra ‘activism’ Spoiler space: It’s just about terrifying women.

And in this article you’ve got Roosh sharing his wonderful dislike of domestic violence laws. It’s from a pua, not an mra, so maybe you’ll disagree? But it blends in damn well with the other shit mras say.

Ally S
11 years ago

I agree. The MRM is about true equality. Feminism promotes this:

How about you try to find a source that supports your views for once?