a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? entitled babies evil fat fatties FemRAs I am making a joke mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape culture rape jokes the c-word vaginas

A Voice for Men responds to Jaclyn Friedman’s takedown of the Men’s Rights movement with fart, fat, rape jokes

So A Voice for Men has finally responded to Jaclyn Friedman’s masterful takedown of the Men’s Rights movement:

No, sorry, my mistake. AVFM didn’t respond to her article by farting. It responded with an article accusing her of farting. No, really.

In an article with the fart-referencing title “Gone with Jaclyn’s wind,” AVFM “Honey Badger” Diana Davison tries to rebut Friedman with some really, really strained fart metaphors:

In Jaclyn’s habitat, there is a foul and ominous odour beneath the sheets. Since, according to her, the MHRM are all dogs, it is easiest just to blame the stench on them.

Ho ho!

Davison then takes the argument underground:

There are many canards in the coal mine of Jaclyn’s article about the MHRM that quite quickly die of gas.

Wait, so now Jaclyn is farting carbon monoxide?

And one more toot:

The next trouser trumpet is her insistence that the MHRM is an attack of men against women … .

The fart metaphors, strained though they are, turn out to be the most coherent parts of Davison’s little rant. As far as I can figure it, her main complaints about Friedman’s piece are that:

  1. Friedman calls the Manosphere the Manosphere, even though there are a handful of women involved in it.
  2. Friedman “silenced” her by not linking to Davison’s last dumb piece about her in AVFM, and by (gasp!) blocking her on Twitter.
  3. Friedman doesn’t enjoy it when AVFM commenters make rape jokes about her.

Speaking of commenters, the comments to Davison’s article are of course a joy to behold.

Paul Elam gets “firsties” with a long comment lauding Davison and further attacking Friedman. Elam picks up on the whole fart thing, describing Friedman as an “orally flatulent windbag” before launching into his version of their encounter in New York during the filming of the 20/20 piece which could eventually air sometime this millennium.

His biggest complaint about her? That she (allegedly) told him to shut his fucking piehole — not in those words, of course — and nobody puts Pauley in a corner tells Pauly to shut his fucking piehole

Before you read this, I encourage you to reacquaint yourself (if necessary) with the psychological concept of projection. And to remember that Elam is very fond of telling other people to shut up. He’s quick to banhammer dissenters in his comments section, quick to toss AVFM contributors overboard when they disagree with him, and one time he actually tried to start up his own version of a Men’s Rights subreddit where he could ban whoever he wanted.

Anyhoo, with that in mind, let’s read what he had to say about Friedman:

I tell you one thing for sure, what I saw of her emotionally shined through the brightest at one particular moment. She had said about three times that the conversation we were having was over. And then of course she re-engaged in that conversation repeatedly.

The last time she said it was over, she tried to issue it like an edict…”I said this conversation is over!”

I told her that she did not instruct me to do anything.

And that is when I saw it. Pure, raw hatred on her face. She did her best to stare a hole in me, and she had the look of someone who was quite used to doing that sort of thing and having it work.

After all her histrionic bullshit about me inspiring mass murder and poor widdle defenseless wimmins having to turn to the FBI and go into some sort of rape culture protection program because of the things I had written, the thing that got her the most, that really tuned on the faucets of anger, was that she could not tell me to shut up and have me comply — or even give a fuck.

I would bet the farm that moment was her in a nutshell.

And it fits. With all the bragging she has done about her big old smelly electronic clit and how she and her friends have bullied their non compliant sisters to the sidelines; with her crusade to censor people at facebook; her blocking Diana Davison on twitter for daring to stand up as a woman who opposed her sick ideology, the true Jacklyn Friedman, the personality disordered control freak with a huge chip on her shoulder, didn’t care about any goddam cause.

She just wants to tell people what to do.

Fuck that and fuck you, Jacklyn Friedman. If someone told you that you ever had a prayer of running shit in the MHRM, they lied to you.

Oh boy. Where to even start with this feast of revealing bullshittery? Perhaps the massive projection about the “pure raw hatred on her face” and Friedman “having the look of someone who was quite used to doing that sort of thing and having it work?”

Here’s a screenshot from a video of Elam’s in which he discussed this very encounter with Friedman. What word would you use to describe that look? (Hint: The word I would use starts with H and ends with E and is “hate.”)


And then that bit about Friedman wanting to “run shit in the MHRM?” Woah. I’m pretty sure she’d rather chew her own toes off than hang out with you guys for any length of time, even if she were running the show.

Somehow I think Paul’s anger on this point is directed at, well, every other MRA who might possibly challenge HIS supreme authority in “running shit” in the “MHRM.”

And, oh, that bit about Friedman’s “smelly electronic clit?” Smelly clit?! Uh, how do I put this delicately? When there is an odor issue in that, er, general area of a cis woman, the clit is not actually the source of it.  Paul, you’ve been married, what, four times? Do you somehow still not have a basic understanding of the standard-issue cis lady bits?

And now I’ve got an image stuck in my head of Elam’s hatey face in the general vicinity of some poor woman’s vagina, and I’ve officially ruined my lunch.

I’m not going to bother with the rest of the comments. It’s AVFM. There are rape jokes. There are fat jokes. There are multiple uses of the word “cunt.”

What a magnificent “Human Rights Movement” we have here.

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11 years ago

and theists like to block people just for disagreeing with them

…and sweeping generalisations are a thing to which I am apparently not immune. Many fundamentalist theists like to block people just for disagreeing with them. But not all, and quite rarely moderates.

11 years ago

I really don’t understand why folks get so het up over getting blocked. People screen calls all the time, or walk away from folks they don’t want to talk to. You can’t physically remove yourself from someone’s presence online, so you block them. Why is this such a big deal? Sometimes I block folks just because I’m too tired to deal with them at the moment and want a break–it doesn’t even need to mean ill will, just that I feel like being invisible to them for a bit.

11 years ago

Hell, if someone keeps coming to me online and telling me how multi totally doesn’t exist, I block them. Am I supposed to be ashamed of not wanting to waste my time or something?

11 years ago

imo AvfM and Paul is the weakest and least influential member of the manosphere. the real deal is, well, downright scary.

Paul reminds me of the vocal, self-loathing gay uncle I never wanted. not to be taken as seriously as anyone is.

11 years ago

somebody probably posted this -

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

My social network blocking is…interesting. The corollary to “you do not go after my friends” is “it takes real effort to make me hate a friend, but there’s no coming back” — I block rarely, and with extreme prejudice (that I use the same nym and comment here under it, and my semi-moribund twitter, would be literally the only way for the blocked to find me [and damned skippy they’d get the twitter block button without batting an eye])

As for them, it’ spike it’ slide it’s like they just plain don’t get that they don’t have any sort of right to talk to anyone they want (wtf autocorrect?) — they have a right (in the US anyways), not to be shut up by the gov’n, some random person? Totally able to go “STFU, you’re blocked”

11 years ago

[i] The word I would use starts with H and ends with E [/i]

I’m thinking “rabid shitweasel”, personally.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
11 years ago

You know, ‘electronic clit’ could refer to the TrackPoint on IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad laptop computers…

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Takshak — you want these < not these [

11 years ago

I really don’t understand why folks get so het up over getting blocked. People screen calls all the time, or walk away from folks they don’t want to talk to. You can’t physically remove yourself from someone’s presence online, so you block them. Why is this such a big deal? Sometimes I block folks just because I’m too tired to deal with them at the moment and want a break–it doesn’t even need to mean ill will, just that I feel like being invisible to them for a bit.

Totally this; I am not beholden to provide a platform for people who are being obnoxious to me and I’m tired of people acting like my integrity is on the line if I don’t let absolutely anyone post whatever they want to my facebook wall or private blog.

Ally S
11 years ago

You know, ‘electronic clit’ could refer to the TrackPoint on IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad laptop computers…

My laptop is a Lenovo ThinkPad

I don’t think I’ll ever see my keyboard the same way again o_O

11 years ago

David: You got blocked by the Dawk? Congrats–that’s some fine company you’re keeping (Watson, probably PZ and almost definitely Zvan, Christina and Benson).

11 years ago


Elam and his posse are probably the most dangerous part, I’d say, for the sole reason that they have some small level of media visibility – them and the “father’s rights” end of the MRA thing. There are significantly worse ideas out there, but the people writing about how women need to all be made into sex slaves in between posts on how jewish lizard people rule the world aren’t going to get any visibility beyond “look at this weirdo”. This MRM thing going anywhere is mostly contingent on people buying the idea that it’s a legitimate position – think of how the creationism thing has been framed, or climate change denial. If you’re on enough about how courts hate men and feminism is ruining [whatever feminism’s ruining this week], eventually people receptive to the message won’t even want truth, and that’s how the supposed moderates at AVfM and (particularly) /r/mensrights are probably the scariest of the MRM types out.

11 years ago

Clit mouse!? That’s obscene! They’re “nipple mice”, obviously.

11 years ago

What a fucked up set of idioms: Canard for lie, ok.

Canary in a coal mine… ok.

But she doesn’t expand on it. What is the actual danger the bellwether of the bird is supposed to be warning us of (never mind the idea of a duck in a coal mine is absurd).

It just lies there, like an inflatable doll without an airpump.

11 years ago

Since when is blocking someone “silencing them”. They have every right to say whatever daft thing they like. The rest of us have every right to argue if we feel like it or block them if we don’t. The internet is a big place with plenty of people to preach at if they so desire but other people have the equivalent right not to listen to their tantrums.

11 years ago

Yeah, I’m not buying the blocking=silencing thing. Social media is, you know, social. It may occasionally be used to talk politics, but its primary purpose is to allow people to socialize online, and nobody is obliged to socialize with people who they dislike. “I don’t want to talk to you” is sufficient reason for blocking someone.

11 years ago

You know, ‘electronic clit’ could refer to the TrackPoint on IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad laptop computers…

Ah yes, the “clitoral trainers”.

11 years ago

Wait if I choose not to go to a MRA meeting does that mean I’m “silencing” them?

If I choose not to visit a MRM website am I “silencing” them?

11 years ago


es, Paul dear. Feminists don’t really care about stopping rape, murder and oppression; they just want to make you, personally, eat your icky veggies. Poor, poor Paul.

If only he would. He might not be so full of compacted shit.


I do think it’s sort of funny who blocks me on Twitter, though, a list that includes: Dean Esmay, Matt Forney, Roosh, and Richard Dawkins.

Now you’re just showin’ off!

Though I admit to a moment of fangirliness over anyone pissing Dawkins off. Should happen more often.

(Ninjaed by freemage but what the heck, it had to be said!)

Canard in a coalmine … so miners are passing on nasty rumours about people now? Tsk, tsk, who’d have thought manly menz (who are naturally noble workers like these guys, because, well, dudes) would do that?

11 years ago

I heard Dawkins has a bit of a misogyny issue, though I haven’t seen any myself from the few documentaries of his that I’ve watched. It’s a shame, because I like him. Is it true? is dawkins a dork? 🙁

What has he said/done?

11 years ago

Wait wait wait. What am I doing? I have ze google right in front of me…. let us have a search

11 years ago

Her article is a great overview what they really do! I’m definitely going to link to it when people ask me what an MRA is.

Now, apparently today is false accusation day! First I took a survey on mturk that I swear was written by MRA’s. It was asking about false accusations. Asking if I’d rather be a victim of rape than be falsely accused and imprisoned. How long of a prison sentence would be worth not being raped. How many falsely convicted people would I tolerate to make sure every guilty person was arrested. Etc. Then I log onto reddit and see this shitshow.

1020 upvotes on this victim-blamey shit. Faahhhhk.