a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? entitled babies evil fat fatties FemRAs I am making a joke mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape culture rape jokes the c-word vaginas

A Voice for Men responds to Jaclyn Friedman’s takedown of the Men’s Rights movement with fart, fat, rape jokes

So A Voice for Men has finally responded to Jaclyn Friedman’s masterful takedown of the Men’s Rights movement:

No, sorry, my mistake. AVFM didn’t respond to her article by farting. It responded with an article accusing her of farting. No, really.

In an article with the fart-referencing title “Gone with Jaclyn’s wind,” AVFM “Honey Badger” Diana Davison tries to rebut Friedman with some really, really strained fart metaphors:

In Jaclyn’s habitat, there is a foul and ominous odour beneath the sheets. Since, according to her, the MHRM are all dogs, it is easiest just to blame the stench on them.

Ho ho!

Davison then takes the argument underground:

There are many canards in the coal mine of Jaclyn’s article about the MHRM that quite quickly die of gas.

Wait, so now Jaclyn is farting carbon monoxide?

And one more toot:

The next trouser trumpet is her insistence that the MHRM is an attack of men against women … .

The fart metaphors, strained though they are, turn out to be the most coherent parts of Davison’s little rant. As far as I can figure it, her main complaints about Friedman’s piece are that:

  1. Friedman calls the Manosphere the Manosphere, even though there are a handful of women involved in it.
  2. Friedman “silenced” her by not linking to Davison’s last dumb piece about her in AVFM, and by (gasp!) blocking her on Twitter.
  3. Friedman doesn’t enjoy it when AVFM commenters make rape jokes about her.

Speaking of commenters, the comments to Davison’s article are of course a joy to behold.

Paul Elam gets “firsties” with a long comment lauding Davison and further attacking Friedman. Elam picks up on the whole fart thing, describing Friedman as an “orally flatulent windbag” before launching into his version of their encounter in New York during the filming of the 20/20 piece which could eventually air sometime this millennium.

His biggest complaint about her? That she (allegedly) told him to shut his fucking piehole — not in those words, of course — and nobody puts Pauley in a corner tells Pauly to shut his fucking piehole

Before you read this, I encourage you to reacquaint yourself (if necessary) with the psychological concept of projection. And to remember that Elam is very fond of telling other people to shut up. He’s quick to banhammer dissenters in his comments section, quick to toss AVFM contributors overboard when they disagree with him, and one time he actually tried to start up his own version of a Men’s Rights subreddit where he could ban whoever he wanted.

Anyhoo, with that in mind, let’s read what he had to say about Friedman:

I tell you one thing for sure, what I saw of her emotionally shined through the brightest at one particular moment. She had said about three times that the conversation we were having was over. And then of course she re-engaged in that conversation repeatedly.

The last time she said it was over, she tried to issue it like an edict…”I said this conversation is over!”

I told her that she did not instruct me to do anything.

And that is when I saw it. Pure, raw hatred on her face. She did her best to stare a hole in me, and she had the look of someone who was quite used to doing that sort of thing and having it work.

After all her histrionic bullshit about me inspiring mass murder and poor widdle defenseless wimmins having to turn to the FBI and go into some sort of rape culture protection program because of the things I had written, the thing that got her the most, that really tuned on the faucets of anger, was that she could not tell me to shut up and have me comply — or even give a fuck.

I would bet the farm that moment was her in a nutshell.

And it fits. With all the bragging she has done about her big old smelly electronic clit and how she and her friends have bullied their non compliant sisters to the sidelines; with her crusade to censor people at facebook; her blocking Diana Davison on twitter for daring to stand up as a woman who opposed her sick ideology, the true Jacklyn Friedman, the personality disordered control freak with a huge chip on her shoulder, didn’t care about any goddam cause.

She just wants to tell people what to do.

Fuck that and fuck you, Jacklyn Friedman. If someone told you that you ever had a prayer of running shit in the MHRM, they lied to you.

Oh boy. Where to even start with this feast of revealing bullshittery? Perhaps the massive projection about the “pure raw hatred on her face” and Friedman “having the look of someone who was quite used to doing that sort of thing and having it work?”

Here’s a screenshot from a video of Elam’s in which he discussed this very encounter with Friedman. What word would you use to describe that look? (Hint: The word I would use starts with H and ends with E and is “hate.”)


And then that bit about Friedman wanting to “run shit in the MHRM?” Woah. I’m pretty sure she’d rather chew her own toes off than hang out with you guys for any length of time, even if she were running the show.

Somehow I think Paul’s anger on this point is directed at, well, every other MRA who might possibly challenge HIS supreme authority in “running shit” in the “MHRM.”

And, oh, that bit about Friedman’s “smelly electronic clit?” Smelly clit?! Uh, how do I put this delicately? When there is an odor issue in that, er, general area of a cis woman, the clit is not actually the source of it.  Paul, you’ve been married, what, four times? Do you somehow still not have a basic understanding of the standard-issue cis lady bits?

And now I’ve got an image stuck in my head of Elam’s hatey face in the general vicinity of some poor woman’s vagina, and I’ve officially ruined my lunch.

I’m not going to bother with the rest of the comments. It’s AVFM. There are rape jokes. There are fat jokes. There are multiple uses of the word “cunt.”

What a magnificent “Human Rights Movement” we have here.

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11 years ago

Merrily digging past the bottom of any barrel, no matter how rotten it is.

Jesus, these people are gross.

11 years ago

How do you have an electronic clit?

Yes, that’s the phrase that most surprised me – it’s AVFM.

11 years ago

Friedman calls the Manosphere the Manosphere, even though there are a handful of women involved in it.

I can only respond to this level of hypocrisy with eight letters: BAHAHAHA

11 years ago

Best projection: Elam writing she has a ‘chip on her shoulder’.

Something has happened to me in the last few months. When I started looking up MRA stuff about 3 years ago, I thought these guys were somewhat dangerous – in a similar way that I view white supremacists. Not saying they are the same, but the type of scapegoating is comparable (though I guess Vox Day and Roissy overlap with manodudes within the asshole Venn diagram).

Anyway, now I just can’t view them seriously at any level. There’s this weird ‘aw, look at little Jimmy flexing his muscles!” factor, I can’t help it. And the unintended comedic value (given their strong propensity to be ridiculous) is pretty entertaining, in a weird way. But basically, I just feel sorry for them. While Elam is clearly a con artist, it’s sad that so many people who are struggling fall for his scam.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Why do I imagine that his posture and demeanor during their encounter was the same as it is in that screencap, including the upraised hand right in her face? I’d tell him to get the fuck away from me, too.

11 years ago

Friedman’s article shows a serious writer at work. Davison’s article is weak. Elam should have spoken for himself, not hidden behind one of the ladies. Looks like Friedman’s article hit a nerve, and Elam was uncertain how to respond, so they put together a quickie nyah-nyah piece and let it go at that.

11 years ago

So basically, instead of addressing any of the actual substance in Friedman’s article, they went for an ad hominem attack? Why I am not surprised?

Shorter Friedman: The MHRM could be actually advocating for real change to better the lives of men and boys. Instead, they engage in vicious personal attacks against people who annoy them, particularly feminists.

Shorter Davison and Elam: You smell bad. You must fart a lot. (Cue Beevis and Butthead laughter).

11 years ago

Seconding the electronic clit question: I just do not understand!

11 years ago

Hey guys, let me tell you about one time that I was having an argument with someone, and they told me to shut up, and I reacted with amazing poise and dignity and said exactly the right thing and completely won the argument.

After that, I opened a Willy Wonka Bar and totally found the last golden ticket, and then I drank champagne and Kanye West called me on the phone to tell me he liked me.

11 years ago

I think it’s something that’s similar to using the penis as a metaphor? But that’s about as far as I can stretch the metaphor and even then it doesn’t necessarily make much sense…

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Seconding the electronic clit question: I just do not understand!

I’m guessing it’s meant to be an equivalent to the phrase “swinging dick” to describe a guy who is all swagger and no substance, and maybe electric because she used an electronic medium to “swing” around with? He goes on from there to claim that she’s using her message to “silence” her critics. Although blocking someone on Twitter only means they can’t interact directly with you anymore — everyone else can still see what they say. But what a surprise, these idiots don’t know what “censorship” means.

11 years ago

How do you have an electronic clit?

I’m imagining something like this:

“Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first electonic clit. Better than it was before. Better, stronger, faster.”

11 years ago

He’s restoring to fart jokes? Dude.

Hera Sent Me
Hera Sent Me
11 years ago

I think the issue is quite clearly defined here. These MRAs are mostly guys who expect women to obey them. Women won’t comply. The MRAs go wild with anger as a result, and try to coerce women’s compliance (but of course seldom in a direct enough manner that it might generate a visit from the cops).

So what you have are a bunch of frustrated bullies. And like most bullies, they’re fundamentally cowards.

11 years ago

So their “best” argument is “I can’t be racist! I have a black friend.”.

I still find it hilarious and sadly telling that the people actually working to improve the lives of victimized men made a point of stating they had no afilliation with the MRA, manosphere, or hangers on.

11 years ago

I liked how the powers that be at AVfM believe they are so powerful that they can change the name of the MRM and MRAs going all the way back to the 60’s to MHRM and MHRAs.

11 years ago

“Canards in the coal mine” is the new “escape goat.”

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“Canards in the coal mine” would be a great novel. It would contain some great mixed metaphors, jumbled aphorisms, and just awesome non-plussedness.

11 years ago

Re: electronic clit…maybe he means to refer to a vibrator? That’s the only thing that combines both electricity and clits, really. But then, why would she be bragging about her vibrator? And why would it be smelly? Unless he’s trying to insult her sex toy hygiene too. And you wouldn’t really call a vibrator an “electronic clit,” anyway.

Anyway, Dave, I’m pretty sure that by mocking a FeMRA’s article insulting a feminist you’ve proven once again you hate boys. Misandry.

11 years ago

I first thought “electronic clit” meant vibrator too, but a vibrator would stimulate the clit (or other relevant body part) so it doesn’t quite work.

And “canards in the coal mine” just made me picture a bunch of ducks working in a coal mine.

Anyway, nothing says “human rights movement” like fart jokes.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

All of you on manboobz are wrong. This video is proof:

11 years ago

I…I can’t even begin to imagine what the electronic clit part is about. Somehow writing about the MRM = bragging about her clit? Or is it something she did in the past? If it was electronic, how could it be smelly?

11 years ago

And “canards in the coal mine” are when you attach a small front wing to your coal mine for extra stability. Duh.

11 years ago

@katz: Surely if you’re going to brag about any part of the female anatomy it’d be the inner or outer labia, what with them being the most visible

“My inner labia is bigger than your inner labia.” I can’t even type that without bursting into giggles.

11 years ago

And now I’ve got an image stuck in my head of Elam’s hatey face in the general vicinity of some poor woman’s vagina, and I’ve officially ruined my lunch.

THANKS DAVID. Now mine is ruined too…

Davison is such a crap writer on top of being awful, it’s so sad. Her writing skills are fucking depressing. I could write a better piece in criticism of Friedman, and I don’t even really have any criticisms and I write like crap as well. At least I don’t write things like:

There are many canards in the coal mine of Jaclyn’s article about the MHRM that quite quickly die of gas.


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