alpha males antifeminism cuckolding evil women feminist dudes I am making a joke kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit the feminist utopia

Men’s Rights Redditor: When the feminist utopia comes, male feminists “will possibly [be] used for breeding and then fed to sharks.”

At least let me be eaten by oe of these.
At least let me be eaten by one of these.

Today I learned something from the Men’s Rights subreddit that’s, honestly, a little disturbing. In a topic with the title David Futrelle seriously needs help, I found the following exchange:

EvilPundit 7 points 2 days ago* (10|3)  Like Hugo Schwyzer, Futrelle is exploiting his position as the feminists' "trusty". He's a man who can be counted on to dish up dirt against other men, so he gets quoted by feminist media, invited to parties with the right people, and so on.  He probably thinks they're his friends, but wait until he steps just one millimetre out of line ...      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Alisdair_ 0 points 2 days ago (8|8)  I think it foreshadows what will happen if feminists get their way with the human race. When feminist utopia comes and men are living in slums outside of the city walls the men who just pillage and slaughter other men will be lauded and taken in to be treated very warmly, possibly used for breeding and then fed to sharks. Some even outright say these things, but you see most of their actions foreshadow the same kinds of wishes.

Ulp! I just signed up for the parties and the breeding. I didn’t know about the sharks.

Elsewhere in the thread, Alisdair writes of me:

I get the feeling that this is just one of those guys, frequently held in high esteem with the feminists, who basically want every man out there cuckolded. With the alpha cock and all of that.

He’s pretty much nailed it. Here’s my to-do list for today.

  1. Write blog post
  2. Candy Crush (9 hours)
  3. Play fetch with cats (4 hours)
  4. Clean litter box
  5. Get every man cuckolded (with the alpha cock)
  6. Go to grocery store

One down, five to go!

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Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Holy shit, and I thought it was bad when Schwyzer went on the manipulative, self-pitying twitter rants where he singled out his critics by name. I had no idea he went drunk driving. I would say that I wish we could just forget he existed, but unfortunately there is a not insignificant number of people who haven’t learned the lessons that his malignant celebrity supplies us.

11 years ago

@ Ally, Marie, Argenti Aertheri
Thanks, everyone, the welcome package rocks, made me lol, specially at the penguin whores illustrations (brilliant!) I’m going to make a kitty avatar for myself, altough in real life I have 3 dogs, I truly love me some kitties!

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

Angela Jones-Parker, That sounds right. I don’t currently own a copy of The Gate To Women’s Country, so can’t look it up on the spot. Thanks.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Actually, it was more my fail. I couldn’t resist talking about the interesting dietary habits of sharks, even though I knew you were playing on that. Just… sharks! IN SOVIET OCEAN, FISH EAT YOU!

RE: Tulgey

He wasn’t drunk. He’d taken a LOT of meds. And then decided driving was a great idea.

ARGH, as someone disabled it makes me angry that he plans to try and get disabled retirement. Last I checked, Chronic Assholism wasn’t in the DSM.

I solemnly swear, Boobzers, when I do Spookathon, I promise that my spooks will be less skeezy than Schwyzer. Unless someone specifically requests otherwise.

11 years ago

Hi Gia,
Welcome! I’ve probably never mentioned it here but I’m a vegetarian too so you have company.

11 years ago

And that sucks about Lou Reed. I saw him in concert once. 🙁

11 years ago

Why don’t we just feed the sharks our aborted fetuses, the way we feed all the other fish?

11 years ago


I just saw your physics comment just now, and I love it. Especially the beta “orbiters”. But what about the secret attraction that electrons and protons feel toward each other?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“ARGH, as someone disabled it makes me angry that he plans to try and get disabled retirement.”

You too? What gets me is he’ll pay whatever psych he needs to to get one who says what he wants, while mine are screwing me over…no significant impairment cuz other clients more impaired. I couldn’t make this shit up.

11 years ago

I’da almost expected that, in the FUTUREEE, all men get disposed of because women can just clone themselves (and possibly use artificial uteri) in order to breed.

Then I started thinking that since many of these douchecanoes don’t think women can science, so they’d have to resort to more low-tech methods. Thus, keep the alfa-dudes with liquid gold releasing pouches and store them in some sort of man-stud-stable-bank things.

And the inferior material would be used as … I dunno, slaves in the chair, scented candle and bon-bon factories?

11 years ago

So Alisdair read The Gate To Women’s Country and thought it was supposed to be a how-to guide? The addition of the sharks is a nice touch, Tepper really should have thought of that herself.

Scary Trees (@AaronMDellutri)

Here’s Lou Reed doing an amped-up cover of Blind Lemon Jefferson’s tune “See That My Grave Is Kept Clean“.

11 years ago

Does anyone else notice that David’s last name is basically a feminised version of future? Coincidence? I think not.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Sharks? Sounds like far too much effort. I vote for roaming clans of hyena.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago


Scary Trees (@AaronMDellutri)

@Hyena Girl | October 27, 2013 at 5:33 pm

Sharks? Sounds like far too much effort. I vote for roaming clans of hyena.

Maybe there’s a simpler way: get some clever guy to join the MRA’s, and spread the rumor that sticking your dick into a light socket, while suffocating yourself, is the best masturbation ever.

Scary Trees (@AaronMDellutri)

Or am I being too evil now?

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

*evil grin*
Oh no Scary Trees!
Don’t tell them about the light socket trick!
If they learn that then they will not need women!

11 years ago

Ha! You ‘Murricans think you have a terrible fate awaiting the betamanginas. Here in Oz, those who’re too far from the coast to be fed to sharks will be fed to DROP BEARS.

11 years ago

The reason we don’t tell men about the sharks is because they provide the best sex ever! Better even than nubile underage girls! Don’t even think about trying to fuck the sharks, MRAs, or feminists will be very angry with you!

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

“Maybe there’s a simpler way: get some clever guy to join the MRA’s, and spread the rumor that sticking your dick into a light socket, while suffocating yourself, is the best masturbation ever.”

It was proven by male scientists (American Research Journal, 2012) but suppressed by the liberal feminist media.

11 years ago

All of the articles seem to be full of smears and misandry drizzled with jokes.

Alisdair’s description of MBZ make it strangely delicious.

11 years ago


The reason we don’t tell men about the sharks is because they provide the best sex ever! Better even than nubile underage girls! Don’t even think about trying to fuck the sharks, MRAs, or feminists will be very angry with you!

XD This thread got both so much weirder and so much better while I was gone…

11 years ago

“Makes it sound strangely delicious”. Post Fail.

11 years ago

Ohhh… I get it now! They’re lulling us into a false sense of security! They’re trying to make us think that they’re a gaggle of irrational buffoons, incapable of stringing a coherent thought together, let alone an argument. That way, when we finally let our guard down, they can let someone who took a semester of logic classes come in and floor us with well constructed argument. By this point, the fact that their argument is still utterly vacuous will be irrelevant. We’ll be completely immobilised by shock and terror that they’ve developed the ability to reason that they’ll march right over us!!!
Either that, or… they actually think like that.