alpha males antifeminism cuckolding evil women feminist dudes I am making a joke kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit the feminist utopia

Men’s Rights Redditor: When the feminist utopia comes, male feminists “will possibly [be] used for breeding and then fed to sharks.”

At least let me be eaten by oe of these.
At least let me be eaten by one of these.

Today I learned something from the Men’s Rights subreddit that’s, honestly, a little disturbing. In a topic with the title David Futrelle seriously needs help, I found the following exchange:

EvilPundit 7 points 2 days ago* (10|3)  Like Hugo Schwyzer, Futrelle is exploiting his position as the feminists' "trusty". He's a man who can be counted on to dish up dirt against other men, so he gets quoted by feminist media, invited to parties with the right people, and so on.  He probably thinks they're his friends, but wait until he steps just one millimetre out of line ...      permalink     source     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Alisdair_ 0 points 2 days ago (8|8)  I think it foreshadows what will happen if feminists get their way with the human race. When feminist utopia comes and men are living in slums outside of the city walls the men who just pillage and slaughter other men will be lauded and taken in to be treated very warmly, possibly used for breeding and then fed to sharks. Some even outright say these things, but you see most of their actions foreshadow the same kinds of wishes.

Ulp! I just signed up for the parties and the breeding. I didn’t know about the sharks.

Elsewhere in the thread, Alisdair writes of me:

I get the feeling that this is just one of those guys, frequently held in high esteem with the feminists, who basically want every man out there cuckolded. With the alpha cock and all of that.

He’s pretty much nailed it. Here’s my to-do list for today.

  1. Write blog post
  2. Candy Crush (9 hours)
  3. Play fetch with cats (4 hours)
  4. Clean litter box
  5. Get every man cuckolded (with the alpha cock)
  6. Go to grocery store

One down, five to go!

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11 years ago

I mean *Marie*. My typing sucks.

Ally S
11 years ago

OT, but check out this article that AVFMers are fawning over:

Way to read a study and then ignore its conclusions that go against yours. MRAs are a fun bunch sometimes.

11 years ago


Could be that one too 😛 No one ever accused the mras of thinking things through.

11 years ago

Trolololo, when you think they cannot sink any lower in their embarassing idiocy, there comes something like this. Have no worry, mra dummies, I wouldn’t breed with you even if I was promised immortality in exchange.
Anyway, David, you are one very awesome human being and I absolutely love your website! Greetings to my fellow manboobzers! I’ve been a follower for months, since June I think, and also lurking pretty much since then, so I kind of know most of you guys who comment, and I think y’all rock, but I decided to come out and join the party just now:D.
Bits of introduction: Gia, leftist to the core, vegetarian, feminist, animal lover, bookworm, and, most important of all, future ruler of the world! Be *very* afraid! Mwuahahahahaha!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I love this guy:

“I went to his site to look once and if you look around you see what he’s about. For example there’s one background of a woman riding a big cock carousel. No doubt that’s a reference and endorsement of riding the alpha cock carousel. The mammoth too is probably some sort of reference.”

The Detective is right: it IS a reference! God help us if he ever finds out what it is referencing.

11 years ago

aw jeez, Lou Reed died.

11 years ago

Gotta love the misters over on r/mr. They are brilliant.

Angela Jones-Parker
Angela Jones-Parker
11 years ago

extraterrestrial biological entity princess, I believe the book by Shari S. Tepper you are referring to is The Gate To Women’s Country. However, the men in that novel lived in their own barracks practicing their manly culture. No slums in Women’s Country. If you wanted to live in a slum you had to go outside. The men and women socialized together 2 times a year in which there was a lot of opportunity for socially sanctioned sex. I won’t give away the whole plot but if that’s what some dude on Reddit is basing his fear and loathing of women on he picked a relatively benign ending for men and I don’t think he meant to do that. Ah, the fail is thick in the air. . .

11 years ago


Hi and welcome 😀

11 years ago

aw jeez, Lou Reed died.

Was going to comment OT but got distracted by this.


11 years ago

OT meant “on topic” in my head…

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Scary Trees gives an idea: MRA physics!

Electrons: the Beta males of particle physics, as proved by the fact that they are literally beta particles. Beta orbiters held at bay by the burly alpha protons, they hover in clouds around collections of protons and neutrons, hoping to get in with those sexy neutrons, doing all the work of the world while the neutrons sit around eating bon-bons, banging protons, and ignoring the endless billions of betas swarming around them.
Protons: The Alpha dudes of the world. Much more massive than electrons, probably because their moms got them protein shakes and gym memberships when they turned 14. Despite being of opposite charge to electrons, it is protons who usually end up in pairings with the sexy, lazy Neutrons. The very definition of their Alpha-ness, however, demonstrates the inherent gynocentrism of MOTHER Nature: an Alpha particle is defined as two protons and two neutrons.
Neutrons: Sexy, lazy, indifferent bon-bon eating feeeeemale particles. Just as women are inherently narcissistic and incapable of empathy, the aptly named Neutrons are indifferent to the suffering and desire of the billions of beta orbiters around them who smash spiders for them when they’re scared and fix their dishwashers and stoves when they go on the fritz. Despite taking advantage of all the favors these nice, negatively charged guys have to offer, they usually wind up in hedonistic group situations with Protons because they can’t help riding all the Alpha charge they can get, and are even sometimes found as part of Tritium when they’ve encountered a PUA proton.

There. Now someone draw this up in comic form, so we can visualize all of this with pubes on the particles.

11 years ago

I think Scary Trees needs to join forces with the Arbourist and fight crime.

RE: Argenti

But what about the sharks?! Surely a diet of bitterness and rage can’t be good for them!

Fear not. Sharks have apparently led quite happy lives with license plates and bicycle wheels inside of them; I’m sure their digestion can handle bitterness.

RE: ceebarks

I have only the vaguest idea what the drama is with him; he got caught having an affair with a 20something after preaching marital fidelity, or something?

Lulz, if only. Besides everything else, very recently, he got high on his meds, went driving, and hit a woman, who was sent to the hospital.

That people are construing it as “stepping one millimetre out of line” is kinda horrifying. HE WAS GOING TO MURDER A WOMAN. AND HE LIED ABOUT IT.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Also, there was that whole “suicidal cuz the meany pants feminists won’t drop the attempted murder thing” — manipulation is his bread and butter.

Hi Gia!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — comment fail. I meant to note that I was snarking on “but what about the menz?!?” And “won’t someone think of the children?!”

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Who is Lou Reed? *doesn’t know*

11 years ago

Alice – He was a musician, most famous for his band The Velvet Underground.

Personally, I love him most for writing “I’ll Be Your Mirror.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sweeter song.

11 years ago

Ok, being compared to Hugo Schwyzer *IS* a serious insult… but I guess these geniuses can’t figure out why.

11 years ago


Lulz, if only. Besides everything else, very recently, he got high on his meds, went driving, and hit a woman, who was sent to the hospital.

That people are construing it as “stepping one millimetre out of line” is kinda horrifying. HE WAS GOING TO MURDER A WOMAN. AND HE LIED ABOUT IT.

God, he’s atrocious. 🙁 How is he not in jail?

11 years ago

Damn, we really have to plug that leak. It was bad enough when they released our secret proof of concept video for our plan to use weather control to induce a tornado over our school of sharks.

11 years ago
11 years ago


K. Thanks for explaining.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

toujoursgai – OHHH. I have a song by the Velvet Underground.

Now I’m sad. 🙁