Well, so far this is my favorite response to Jaclyn Friedman’s American Prospect piece on the Men’s Rightsers and that woman-hating problem of theirs. Because what better way to refute charges of misogyny than by declaring derisively that you “can usually spot whether or not a woman wrote a piece by the first few sentences?”
Let’s let rjworks13 explain just why Friedman lacks the intellectual heft to be taken seriously by serious men with credentials — sorry, CREDENTIALS — like him:
Oh boy.
I have to say that very favorite sentence of all in this wondrous bit of HeManWomanHatersplaining is this one, if it can even be called a sentence:
CREDENTIALS: I’m a long-time trained technical and creative writer from male-based military training and put to use over 20 years.
Oy. I can only assume from the evidence of this, er, sentence, that as a technical writer his job is to make sure that instruction manuals are as unreadable as possible. And that his “creative” writing most likely consists of many volumes of self-published Gorean porn.
If you want to compare Jaclyn Friedman’s CREDENTIALS with his, you can always go to her Wikipedia entry. I looked around a bit for rjworks13’s Wikipedia entry, but he doesn’t seem to have one.
rjworks13 was evidently so proud of this bit of writing of his that he deleted it. Luckily, I grabbed a screenshot beforehand. ABS: Always Be Screenshotting.
PS What’s “indifference propaganda?”
Man Boobz: The Magazining
Scented FUCKING Candle Reviews
Oppressing Men with Beauty Products
Manboobz Mythos
Misogynist Trolls Say the Darnedest Things
…guys, we should actually do this. If anyone has server space to go wordpress.org with it, I’ll totally make us a very misandrist theme 🙂
@Cassandra. I do not like that link.
This “almost all men are ephebophiles” thing… I don’t know… is this just proof that I really have no association with the gender I was born to, or is it just offensive bollocks intended to provide support for the manipulation of sexually immature young people into sexual situations?
I suppose it doesn’t really matter – despite their claims to sexual open mindedness, they rarely seem to have much thought for non-binary identities, and they would almost certainly include me and people like me in their definition of men. So fuck you, Steeevyo, emmcol. As I so often find myself driven to say since discovering the MRM and it’s siblings – you do not speak for me! And ffs, szegedin74, if you’re going to be revolting and make a point of using the British spelling of paedophilia, it’s ae, not ea. At least be disgusting with good spelling.
I’m onboard with the Manboobazine, btw. Those of us with male pieces could write a mansplaining column, describing the ways in which a man may sell his soul to the feminazi devils and pretend that women are people.
Fuck, what repellent paintings and what repellent comments …
Argenti – I want to help out on the Manboobzer Magazine! I’ll do a feature called “revealing the Feminazi agenda”, where I mock what MRAs think we do!
My favorite part about the comment I linked is how outraged dude seems to be that teenage boys are allowed to have sex with teenage girls, ie society is generally OK with kids fooling around with each other, provided they’re more or less the same age. Those awful 16-year-old “wankers”, why should they get all the 14-year-old ass?
If he was any more transparent you could use him to wrap your leftovers in.
Plus dismissing women in their thirties as “girls” who are dried up and past it. Yeah, dude, really obvious.
There was also that piece of filth upthread who said people were really just turned on by that horrific Guitar Lesson piece, rather than, y’know, actually disgusted by it.
If that’s Deep and Meaningful art, I’ll take the kitty pics the article was more or less complaining about in the opening paragraph, thanks.
kittehs – Women are all hags by the time they’re 25, don’t you know? But men are good 4EVAS!
I want to play with that “logic” some more.
If you don’t think murder is OK that means you secretly want to murder people!
If you oppose torture it’s because you missed your calling as a torturer.
If you say you don’t like eating liver it’s because you’re actually Hannibal Lecter in disguise.
On the Guitar Lesson painting, did you see the commenter who argued that it couldn’t be sexual because both of the people in the painting are female? Aw, bless, comically self-centered little straight dude.
If you don’t think abuse is okay, it’s because you secretly like abuse!
If you don’t think killing kitties is okay, it’s because you want to kill kitties!
If you don’t think people should be forcibly sterilized, it’s because you want to forcibly sterilize people yourself!
Man this logic is weird.
Cassandra – yeah, I saw that. Presumably het dude who’s never fantasised about two women together.
I’d never heard of Balthus before, and that painting is seriously one of the most revolting things I’ve seen for a while. I do NOT want to see more of his stuff – feckit, this guy’s got so much creepiness sloshing around it even splashes onto kitties.
It’s not even the paintings themselves so much that are bothering me (though some of them are really creepy) as the attempts to pretend that either they’re not sexualizing children, or sexualizing children is a universal thing which only strange prudes object to.
@Argenti, I don’t really know how any of it works, but my blogs empty and Mr M’s a games developer, so I guess we could work it out. Wanna have a bash?
Man Boobzers could perhaps be contributors and we could put them all together in one blog, what do you reckon?
It’s all three for me, with the Balthus stuff.
@Argenti. We’ll have to have a look to understand the differences between wordpress.org and wordpress.com, but in theory wouldn’t mind paying a bit.
Ophelia — .com and .org should both allow multiple authors, so that wouldn’t be an issue. WP.com is more limited in what you can do, because it runs off their servers, but it’s what this is run off, so either could work fine (I just want to play with .org cuz I can write PHP that way and I’m getting rusty!)
Shorter version — both work, .org is more fun to code.
Hey Argenti,
Lots of questions. 🙂
Can you upgrade to .org if it goes well?
Would everybody be happy starting with my blog do you think? ‘Cause I’m a newb and a bit intimidated. 🙂
Do you think David would mind?
Also, maybe we could come up with section titles and then ask people to write something for the thing they’re most interested in?
@kitteh evenin’ 🙂
Have to break this smilie habit! 🙁
G’day Ophelia! 🙂
Hey love, we need Man Boobz mag ideas.
MAN BOOBZ NEEDS YOU! *uses best Kitchener voice*
Also, do you think it’s a good idea?
Note, I wanted to use three smilies! But I’m weaning myself off, however I am smiling.
I think it’s a great idea but I am all out of ideas at the moment! My brain is in holiday mode. (I’m not back at work till Wednesday week. Also I have just eaten toast and cheese. This does not encourage sharp thinking.)
Mmmmmmm, toast and cheese…
You’re a history buff, so I was thinking a section on women in history! you’d be fabulous at that. 🙂
(Alright, it’s a slow process, one grin at a time.)