a woman is always to blame block that metaphor evil sexy ladies evil single moms imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim the c-word

MGTOWer: “The mask of c*ntdom has fallen off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality.”

Jees, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?
Jeez, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?

Is there something about being a completely ass-backwards reactionary that inclines one to pomposity and metaphorical overkill? There must be.

The latest bit of evidence I’ve found for this hypothesis comes from MGTOWforums, where the fellas are discussing some article lamenting the impending collapse of the economy, or civilization, or something. (I don’t know, exactly; I didn’t read it.)  Anyway, one of the commenters, a dude called DruidV, is pissed off that the article doesn’t take aim at what he sees as the true villains: Single moms.

So he writes … this:

Anything to avoid laying the blame for this whole mess right where it belongs:

Squarely at the feet of single mothers and the rapidly starving system that coddles and enables them with the blood and treasure of innocent Men and boys.

It doesn’t really matter how many boiler plate, self-indulgent, tradcon glue sniffing sessions these “writers” like this “put to paper”, for the mask of single motherhood and cuntdom in general has at last fallen completely off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality. Now revealed, the horrid, snake haired visage hidden for so long underneath has irrevocably turned many of us Men and boys to stone.

Take it away, Jeff!

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11 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Also the reason those moms are single is because the fathers left them.”

No no NO! They never married any good beta men, single motherdom is what they get for riding the cock carousel with thugs and bad boys!

(Afaik, a fair portion of single mothers are “single” because the father is in jail…obviously not all of them, but there is a legit racism angle here. The exact opposite of “that’s what they get for sleeping with thugs”)

Ally S
11 years ago

ELO were my favourite group then!


I’ll join you in solidarity.

(Seriously, I’m a huge fan of ELO. Time is such a lovely album.)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“…that’s the good stuff, right there.”


I finished as a Salubri, playing as Baali now. Oh the irony!

11 years ago

::fistbumps for Ally::

I loved Time, but I think my favourites were A New World Record and Out of the Blue. Discovery didn’t work for me, but Eldorado and Face the Music had some terrific pieces. Fire On High, OMG!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Does anyone know if there are statistics on WHY most single mothers are single? Because I know people who are single mothers, and most of them are single because their significant other cheated on them or just fucked off.

I dunno…I became a single mom by choice, through evil, evil spermjacking. Mostly because I wanted to wreck the global economy. It seemed easier than becoming chairman of the Fed.

Thank God I can finally take off the mask. Those snakes were starting to molt, and making my scalp all itchy.

kitteh and Ally – I love ELO too! Midnight Blue still sends shivers down my spine.

11 years ago

I finished as a Salubri, playing as Baali now. Oh the irony!

You’re a bad, bad person! How does Baali feel?
Will you ever speak to me again if I admit that I haven't played in [I assume (me and time… we have issues)] a couple of weeks? My gaming time's been quite late recently, and I'm in that hotel… dun like it. Besides which, I've been wrapped up in Kerbal Space Program. I'm bringing a rocket in to "land" as I type. It's been to the Mün, and did a flyby of Minimus, and now it's burning through the Stratosphere at 2041.3 m/s…. I need to get it down to ~4m/s to guarantee survival. Meep.

11 years ago

Blood and Treasure: Gothic metal

Katz, I must disagree. It sounds far more like viking metal!

11 years ago

What about pirate metal? Or pirate gothic?

11 years ago

Oooohhh, it is so pirate metal!

11 years ago

You’re right, Viking metal. I am not well-versed in the many metal subgenres.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

No I won’t hate you. And Baali is interesting? The dialog choices, even before the hotel (that’s how far I am actually), all hint at the lack of humanity in a way points don’t cover. Like, saving Heather isn’t an act of mercy but utilitarian.

And some book in my mailbox explained that I should try passing as Tremere. Strauss never once said a word about my being a Salubri, so it could work (dear gods when he said that Thaum. secrets are limited to those of the blood I started literally screaming about blood thieving mages)

11 years ago

“The gist of the article is that America is clearly in moral decline”
As it always has been, along with every society ever since the dawn of time.

11 years ago

As it always has been, along with every society ever since the dawn of time.

Citation needed.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

SittieKitty — given zir earlier comments, I think that was sarcasm.

11 years ago

Think so? I have trouble telling trolls apart from names I don’t really recognise…

11 years ago

MGTOW are blaming SMGTOW (Single Mothers Going Their Own Way) for destroying life the universe and everything?
Of course they are.

11 years ago

Entropy, eh?

11 years ago

@katz I know many a useless thing.

BTW, I have a weird confession; I was lurking on your blog, and really liked one of your kitty pictures, so I saved it and made it into an obnoxious wallpaper…

11 years ago

Heh, I read “wallpaper” and immediately started thinking of lileks. Just make sure you use the kitty kitty kitty pattern on the carpet, curtains, bedspread, upholstery, lampshades and soft furnishings as well, for that unity of design!

11 years ago

One day I will learn how to print things on fabric, and it will be kitty pillows for everyone!

11 years ago


11 years ago

Oh my god.

If I had fabric like that, I could make dresses and shirts.


11 years ago

Oh my goodness, a mewing-Violet wallpaper!

11 years ago

… I’m really tempted to find a pic of an all-white room and borrow your kitty wallpaper to superimpose on All The Things.