a woman is always to blame block that metaphor evil sexy ladies evil single moms imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim the c-word

MGTOWer: “The mask of c*ntdom has fallen off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality.”

Jees, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?
Jeez, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?

Is there something about being a completely ass-backwards reactionary that inclines one to pomposity and metaphorical overkill? There must be.

The latest bit of evidence I’ve found for this hypothesis comes from MGTOWforums, where the fellas are discussing some article lamenting the impending collapse of the economy, or civilization, or something. (I don’t know, exactly; I didn’t read it.)  Anyway, one of the commenters, a dude called DruidV, is pissed off that the article doesn’t take aim at what he sees as the true villains: Single moms.

So he writes … this:

Anything to avoid laying the blame for this whole mess right where it belongs:

Squarely at the feet of single mothers and the rapidly starving system that coddles and enables them with the blood and treasure of innocent Men and boys.

It doesn’t really matter how many boiler plate, self-indulgent, tradcon glue sniffing sessions these “writers” like this “put to paper”, for the mask of single motherhood and cuntdom in general has at last fallen completely off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality. Now revealed, the horrid, snake haired visage hidden for so long underneath has irrevocably turned many of us Men and boys to stone.

Take it away, Jeff!

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11 years ago

Wow, susanbotchie–that was an actually coherent post. There might be hope for you yet. Well, except that you seem to think “possession” is a real thing, instead of a holdover from a medieval mindset that didn’t understand mental illness. (And note, DruidV isn’t showing signs of mental illness, either–he’s just an ass.)

11 years ago

I know! All single moms use parthenogenesis to reproduce.

Therefore, its all the womans fault.

I must remember to write a letter to the IRS telling them to stop asking me for taxes because apparently as a woman I am not suppose to pay them. I didn’t realize this loophole till now, but I will take advantage of it from now on.

11 years ago

The gist of the article is that America is clearly in moral decline, as evidenced by a random list of 12 disturbing violent crimes (and ignoring the decade long drop in crime rates). As bad as things are now, when the ongoing economic collapse is hit by “the next wave of economic crisis” we will descend into a violent lawless post-apocalypse hellscape. That didn’t happen during the Great Depression because back then Americans were moral, self-sufficient, shiny, good and totes different than today’s selfish moochers.

The MGTOW original poster begs to differ:

“The I like ZH for the snark… I get a kick out of these articles because after red pilling for so long I look at that list of 12 problems, which are all mostly blamed on men, and my thoughts on each one is something like… single mom, single mom, single mom, single mom.

Not “Economy sucks”, even though it does… but most of these things I see as being a product of single moms/feminism. Actually you can throw race baiting/divisive politics in there too… but mostly single moms.”

1) Has a odd view of what constitutes “snark”.
2) When discussing violent crime, likes to replace ‘committed by’ with ‘blamed on’ to avoid criticizing men.
3) Blames all of America’s social and economic problems on “single moms/feminism”, “race baiting/divisive politics” and single moms. Where ever these guys go it’s clearly nowhere near economics, political science or a basic understanding of how the world works.

11 years ago

One – and only one – decent quality about that (inherently) peevish MGTOW forum: the Bob Dylan song. Yes indeed, the “times they are a changin’.” Thanks you MGTOW whiners. 🙂 – I just love that song.

11 years ago

Look, it’s all well and good for you feminazis…

Well played, Athywren. Will you clean the coffee out of my keyboard or should I just have it done and send you the bill (payable, of course, in troy ounces of gold!!!)

11 years ago

YARG! The blockquote monster got me again!!!

11 years ago

Also the reason those moms are single is because the fathers left them.

Sure, but that’s totes their right as free men! They shouldn’t be forced to shackle themselves to some vicious harpy just to stabilise the world economy should they? NO! They are men going their own way! No more shall they die in the dozens simply so that a female may step daintily (and viciously) across a puddle! No more shall men be the defenders of humanity!! But that doesn’t mean they should stop whining about how the world is going to hell because females. That’s just unlogicative.

11 years ago

Why are feminists compared with nazis?
Hitler hated feminists.

11 years ago

Well played, Athywren. Will you clean the coffee out of my keyboard or should I just have it done and send you the bill (payable, of course, in troy ounces of gold!!!)

Worry not! I shall dispatch a battalion of betas to clean your keyboard. Many will die in the attempt, but dash it all, we shall breach the walls and cleans the coffee from that keyboard!

11 years ago

or even cleanse it…

11 years ago

Why are feminists compared with nazis?
Hitler hated feminists.

Because comparing someone to the most widely and consistently reviled group in modern history is easier than finding a criticism that withstands basic scrutiny.

11 years ago

Note to self: swallow coffee before reading any and all Athywren comments.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Now revealed, the horrid, snake haired visage hidden for so long underneath has irrevocably turned many of us Men and boys to stone.

Complainey stone.

11 years ago

Does anyone know if there are statistics on WHY most single mothers are single? Because I know people who are single mothers, and most of them are single because their significant other cheated on them or just fucked off.

babsbeaty (@babsbeaty)
11 years ago

I was far too busy raising my child and getting her into college on a full tuition scholarship to turn any men, much less boys (who, let’s be honest, are faster and hard to catch) into stone.

Or is the prblem I was too busy working, taking care of elderly parents and raising a smart child that I didn’t have time to feed an insecure man’s ego?

I get so confused . . .

11 years ago


ELO. That takes me back to my youth, but not in a good way.

ELO were my favourite group then!


11 years ago

Why would I ever want the blood of men and boys? That’s just creepy and fucked up.

Treasure, sure, but that’s because I’m a dragon.

11 years ago

I don’t want their blood – the stains are just too hard to wash out.

11 years ago

“Come now, you’ll never grow big and strong if you don’t drink the blood of your foes.”

11 years ago

Virgin boys only, eh SittieKitty?

(Bad joke, bad joke, please don’t hate me)

11 years ago

But it’s so messy to prepare! And then there’s keeping it so it doesn’t clot.

Heh – if it was MRAs etc we were talking about, it’d be the blood of clots.

11 years ago

Innocents are fine and all, but what you really want is a PhD – that’s the good stuff, right there.

11 years ago

A fine vintage!

I’ll skip the PhDs who think being scientists makes ’em philosophers, tho – most of ’em seem to have gone sour.

11 years ago

Blood and Treasure: Gothic metal