a woman is always to blame block that metaphor evil sexy ladies evil single moms imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim the c-word

MGTOWer: “The mask of c*ntdom has fallen off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality.”

Jees, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?
Jeez, lady! You ever heard of conditioner?

Is there something about being a completely ass-backwards reactionary that inclines one to pomposity and metaphorical overkill? There must be.

The latest bit of evidence I’ve found for this hypothesis comes from MGTOWforums, where the fellas are discussing some article lamenting the impending collapse of the economy, or civilization, or something. (I don’t know, exactly; I didn’t read it.)  Anyway, one of the commenters, a dude called DruidV, is pissed off that the article doesn’t take aim at what he sees as the true villains: Single moms.

So he writes … this:

Anything to avoid laying the blame for this whole mess right where it belongs:

Squarely at the feet of single mothers and the rapidly starving system that coddles and enables them with the blood and treasure of innocent Men and boys.

It doesn’t really matter how many boiler plate, self-indulgent, tradcon glue sniffing sessions these “writers” like this “put to paper”, for the mask of single motherhood and cuntdom in general has at last fallen completely off and shattered upon the cold, unforgiving stone floor of reality. Now revealed, the horrid, snake haired visage hidden for so long underneath has irrevocably turned many of us Men and boys to stone.

Take it away, Jeff!

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11 years ago

It’s the FI-NAL C*NTDOM (neeneneeeneeew, neeneenee-nee-neeeee)

11 years ago

As the son of a single mom, who at one point was working three jobs to make sure that I could grow up in a safe middle-class community, I’d just like to tell DruidV to go fuck himself.

11 years ago

If only they could be turned to stone – statues of MRAs in ‘manly’ poses. Pleasant for the pigeons, if not exactly decorative. I suppose though they would all be statues of guys hunched over the computer thumping a stone keyboard… Ah well.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Such purple prose indeed. Sadly it doesn’t even rise to the level of a good villain monologue, they really need to step up their game. I’d suggest Ernst Blofeld’s book “My Years with SPECTRE” as a resource… though perhaps replacing the fluffy white cat with some kind of large dog.

11 years ago

Why is it there a strong correlation between being a manosphere supporter and not having any grasp of basic economics?

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

I think what you might be looking for is the crossover between being a Libertarian (subtype: Objectivist) and being an MRA.

11 years ago

I know some folks wear a lot of foundation, these days, but trust me, it doesn’t shatter. Smear, maybe. Shatter, no.

11 years ago

Why is it there’s a strong correlation between being a manosphere supporter and not having any grasp of English?

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Now now, their grasp of English is excellent… if you assume the works of John Norman are the gold standard of English literature.

11 years ago

Now revealed, the horrid, snake haired visage hidden for so long underneath has irrevocably turned many of us Men and boys to stone.

That’s an awfully pretentious way to say “strong, confident women make my erections wilt”.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Odd, I’d think “turned many of us Men and boys to stone” would mean something different. Also odd, why do the capitalize Men?

11 years ago

They seem to think that capitalization serves the same purpose as italics. Why this is I have yet to figure out.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

Ah yes, struggling single moms are the *cause* of the shitty economy. Here I thought they were a symptom of it.

As the son of a single mom, who at one point was working three jobs to make sure that I could grow up in a safe middle-class community

That’s three jobs that could have been taken by MEN. Misandry!

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

I used to capitalize weird shit when I was a wee young anarchist man. Things like Liberty and Reason and the State. My understanding is the MRA is basically mostly a bunch of crotchety old misogynists and a gaggle of their impressionable 19-23 year-old followers. Might explain the tendency to capitalize Important Concepts everywhere.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

And then, after they were turned into stone, Medusa came out of the building and said “Women and men of the world, I hath got rid of all of the assholes, for now they are all stone!”

And the world cheered, and life went on in the happily ever after. The end.


11 years ago

they look pretty shatterproof, though.

11 years ago

OK, who broke mommy’s “Mask of C*ntdom?” Goddammit, you kids, I told you not to horseplay in the house.

This is why I can’t have nice things.

this one is between perspectives
this one is between perspectives
11 years ago

It’s clear these people are under the delusion that single mothers are somehow the biggest tax dollar sucking monsters of them all. So I can understand the ‘sucking men’s taxes thing……but do boys pay taxes?
And I know its been brought up before but they also think women don’t pay taxes at all?

11 years ago

Look, it’s all well and good for you feminazis to sit there in your chairs with your scented candles and mock these guys, but you don’t know how hard it is! This guy, this one right here, he was set upon in the wastes by a cabal of radioactive single mothers with mutant powers. Do you know what that’ll do to a guy? It hurts! It seriously hurts! It’s worse than a philosopher’s strike!

11 years ago

Druidv rages like a polluted sea, that dude sounds possessed – seriously. David, good for you that you only slimmed Druid’s so typical fit of rage; reading such trash is a waste of time.

11 years ago

Blaming structural problems on people who are easy to punch. Where did I see that before?

11 years ago

Hmmm. Authoritarian assholes blaming structural problems on people who have no power but are easy to punch. Where did I see that before?

11 years ago

That’s “skimmed”. Though cutting Druid’s. rant down to size is appropriate.

11 years ago

ELO. That takes me back to my youth, but not in a good way.

And now I’m going back to stealing the blood and treasure of Men and boys. A girl’s gotta eat (bon bons)!

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