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Check out Jaclyn Friedman’s piece on MRAs at the American Prospect

The Men’s Rights Movement inaction. Sorry, in action. Picture from Civilian Media. (Click on pic for link.)

Jaclyn Friedman, who faced off with A Voice for Men’s always charming Paul Elam for that 20/20 story that may eventually air sometime this century, has just published a great piece in the American Prospect on the Men’s Rights movement. Unlike some recent writers on the subject who’ve been taken in by some of the “movement’s” rhetoric and personalitiesĀ  — *cough*R. Tod Kelly at the Daily Beast*cough* — she fucking nails them.Ā  Check it out.

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11 years ago

She’s written a good piece. The thing that’s so remarkable about the Manosphere is their lack of substance when it comes to actual issues that affect men e.g. rates of incarceration, or lack of role models for boys in some communities. They’re just a frothing hate group.

11 years ago

Why in the hell would Esmay wear those shorts to a “rally?” Dude, your points are bad enough, at least try not to look like a soup sandwich.

11 years ago

Love how Elam wears that FTSU shirt at a public event. He makes a fuss about it being peaceful while simultaneously threatening those who go against his personal beliefs.

11 years ago

Great article. Tod Kelly could learn a thing or two.

11 years ago

Great article, but let’s be honest – it’s basically a greatest hits compilation of ManBoobz!

11 years ago

Who is the small guy in that pic?

11 years ago

From the article:

“…rather than try to stop them, we make a peaceful human chain to blunt their hate and counter it with love. In the case of MRAs, we can do that by continuing to work to improve the lives of both men and women, and to end all forms of gender oppression. Thereā€™s nothing like the truth to expose a lie.”

This. This right here.

11 years ago

bodycrimes: One of the big reasons for the MRM ignoring the actual issues that hurt men is that most of the worst ones aren’t just gender-based. If you remove black and Hispanic men from the tally, for instance, incarceration rates, while still disproportionate, get closer. So they’d have to acknowledge intersectionality–and for a bunch of (mostly) straight white dudes, that’s not gonna happen.

11 years ago

Jaclyn Friedman, you rock. David Futrelle, you rock.

Ally S
11 years ago

Great article.

Also, that AVFM piece about fat women wanting to be raped (mentioned in the article) is just beyond disgusting. My contempt for Elam and his posse have increased tenfold. I have fat friends and family members who were sexually assaulted – male and female. The shaming, ridicule and marginalization they face must be horrible.

11 years ago

The short guy in the pick reminds me a little bit of Paul Simon. But I’m pretty sure it’s not him.

11 years ago

pic, not pick

11 years ago

Is he about to perform his greatest hit “You Can Call Me Asshole”?

11 years ago

Brilliant piece. Thanks for sharing, Dave.

11 years ago

Now this is spot-on. The Beast felt way too, well, journalistic, and in a bad way; way too much about how the sites are organized and what the leaders look like and what their personalities are like and how their followers relate to them, all of which is irrelevant and serves only to distract from the important stuff. Whereas this one just zeroes in on the important stuff.

11 years ago

ha haha, CassandraSays.

11 years ago

I’m still confused by the amount of fawning the Beast article did over JtO. Who knew that “charismatic” meant “creepy”?

11 years ago

It is a good article about a depressing subject. These guys really are pathetic.

11 years ago

I see a commenter has already hit her article with “hateful quotes by feminists” list.

11 years ago

[They] spew ideas so misogynist they make Silvio Berlusconi look like Gloria Steinem

Laughing my ass off over here; that’s one of the best burns I’ve seen in ages šŸ˜€

11 years ago

I see a commenter has already hit her article with ā€œhateful quotes by feministsā€ list.

I saw that; if I could be assed to register and comment I wanted to drop the link to David’s analysis of that list.

Actually the list would make an interesting additional point to the article itself: The sort of email-forward urban legend aspect, where people pass around these sorts of unattributed, unverified claims that get accepted as true because they’re colorful and reinforce preexisting beliefs, and then they get accepted as common knowledge and that goes on to reinforce their beliefs.

11 years ago

I’ve never seen this list?

11 years ago
Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Update: Gawker is reporting on Nolan’s false accusation and harassment of Rachel Cassidy, as did Buzzfeed and the New York Daily News. The more these hateful bigots get exposed to the light of day, the better.

11 years ago

Just finished reading Jaclyn’s article, and I’m really impressed. She really got it right.

Also, left a few links countering the “hateful feminist quotes” copypasta in the comments.

I’m sure it’s only minutes until those comments are swarmed by MRAs–surprised it hasn’t happened yet!

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