announcements awesome links MRA

Check out Jaclyn Friedman’s piece on MRAs at the American Prospect

The Men’s Rights Movement inaction. Sorry, in action. Picture from Civilian Media. (Click on pic for link.)

Jaclyn Friedman, who faced off with A Voice for Men’s always charming Paul Elam for that 20/20 story that may eventually air sometime this century, has just published a great piece in the American Prospect on the Men’s Rights movement. Unlike some recent writers on the subject who’ve been taken in by some of the “movement’s” rhetoric and personalities  — *cough*R. Tod Kelly at the Daily Beast*cough* — she fucking nails them.  Check it out.

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Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – Is there an MRA to English dictionary around?

11 years ago


Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

cloudiah – LOLOLOL, I see we has scrotoverse in there now.

Oh yeah, here’s one!

evidence – anything that shows that women are to blame for everything, that women suck, that women are inherently gold-digging sluts, etc.

gender studies – all women and all feminists have a degree in gender studies, even if they claim to have a STEM degree. No exceptions.

Angela Gibbons
11 years ago


a person who marries fermented soybean paste”

Okay, THAT one made my day. XD

11 years ago

I. Am going to share. THE BEJEEZUS out of this article

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

grumpycatisagirl and anyone else who cares, the quote is from a work of fiction, “Ice and Fire” which Dworkin did write. I have not read the book, but the one time I was able to find anyone talking about the context of that quote, and this is second hand, apparently the fictional character who days that was brutally raped and left for dead. It’s fiction. I can’t stress that enough.

11 years ago

Re: The Meat Scarf… I really want to crochet a huge long dick scarf now. With balls, possibly hairy. I can’t imagine ever wearing this thing but it would be so fun to make 😀

11 years ago

Re: The Meat Scarf… I really want to crochet a huge long dick scarf now. With balls, possibly hairy. I can’t imagine ever wearing this thing but it would be so fun to make

OMG. If you make a pattern for that, please oh please oh please share it with me!

Also, since when did Uncle Fester join the MRM?

11 years ago

From left to right – Uncle Fester, evil Mario Batali, grandpa seems to have gotten lost because he looks awfully confused, Paul Simon’s evil mini-me, and some guy in a jacket that he stole from an 80s hair metal band.

11 years ago

@theladyzombie: Errr… I don’t actually know how to do patterns. Or even read one, tbh. I just freestyle… Best I could do is pictures, unfortunately. Sorry ):

11 years ago

Also, not to pick on the last guy in particular but more of a message to men in general – guys, if you could fit 5 of your butt in your jeans then they don’t fit. Size down.

11 years ago

A picture would be just as good!

11 years ago


Crocheted penises on a 70’s (?) era couch!

Crocheted penis scarf!

Crocheted penis hat!

Okay, I’m being juvenile here. I’d better go to bed. But…bwahahahaha!

11 years ago

Totally off-topic, except article reminded me how violent their rhetoric is. Has anyone here seen Blue Caprice? True story of Beltway shootings, shows father-son relationship in which father figure uses MRA rhetoric, almost verbatim of some quotes i’ve seen here and in forum, to manipulate youth into some horrific crimes. Awesome film and you will hear echoes of Elam and Nolan I bet.

11 years ago

Re: The Meat Scarf… I really want to crochet a huge long dick scarf now. With balls, possibly hairy. I can’t imagine ever wearing this thing but it would be so fun to make

Mohair. You’ve got to use mohair for the balls!

On making patterns – I just write what I’ve knitted as I do it. Knitting first, pattern last. 🙂

From left to right – Uncle Fester, evil Mario Batali, grandpa seems to have gotten lost because he looks awfully confused, Paul Simon’s evil mini-me, and some guy in a jacket that he stole from an 80s hair metal band.


OMG theladyzombie those knits!

11 years ago

Totally off-topic, except article reminded me how violent their rhetoric is. Has anyone here seen Blue Caprice? True story of Beltway shootings, shows father-son relationship in which father figure uses MRA rhetoric, almost verbatim of some quotes i’ve seen here and in forum, to manipulate youth into some horrific crimes. Awesome film and you will hear echoes of Elam and Nolan I bet.

QFT, Blue Caprice is an amazing movie; the best American indie film since Winter’s Bone. I don’t think it’s still theaters but it still may be available Video On Demand. Toss it on your Netflix queue, it comes out on home video in Jan.

11 years ago

Shaun Darthman – thanks. That book is in my city’s library and someday I’m going to have to go look through it and see if I can find that quote in its context (and they say you can find everything on the Internet, ha).

11 years ago

oh! I was cited in the MRA-English dictionary! *___* what an honor! especially since I rarely comment and usually just lurk. 🙂

11 years ago

pineapplecookies, hi! Delurk moar! 🙂

11 years ago


Re: The Meat Scarf… I really want to crochet a huge long dick scarf now. With balls, possibly hairy. I can’t imagine ever wearing this thing but it would be so fun to make 😀

That would be so hilarious! XD Also, was there a name/nickname you wanted to go by (as opposed to your screen name)? Can’t remember if I saw you say that earlier, so just checking 🙂


Crocheted penises on a 70′s (?) era couch!

Crocheted penis scarf!

Crocheted penis hat!

Okay, I’m being juvenile here. I’d better go to bed. But…bwahahahaha!

You find such strange yet wonderful things 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Marie — dustydeste said ze prefers deste if you shorten it, but I can’t remember zir pronouns >.<