
Well, this is depressing. The Raw Story is reporting that
An Ohio University sophomore has deactivated her social media accounts and is afraid to leave her house after she was falsely identified as the woman who reported she’d been raped in an incident captured on cell phone video by a passerby.
The student, Rachel Cassidy, now falsely accused of being a false rape accuser, has had her personal information — not just her name but her address, the name of her sorority, her social media accounts, even her Pinterest page — listed on a Men’s Rights site called Crimes Against Fathers. (I won’t link to it.)
The man behind Crimes Against Fathers? None other than the notorious Men’s Rights extremist and crackpot Peter Andrew Nolan — or, as he prefers to be known, for reasons I don’t fully understand, Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) . Apparently taking inspiration from Paul Elam’s Register-Her.com, Nolan’s site does what Register-Her only threatened to do: it actually releases the personal information of those it identifies as “Man-Hating Women.” He will even add names of women you don’t like to the list for a fee of $70 (Australian).
So far the site has several hundred women listed, most of them apparently women who have run afoul of Nolan or his most active lieutenant on the site, the pseudonymous “John Rambo” of “Boycott American Women” fame, either online or in real life. In most cases, luckily, the amount of personal information given out is relatively scanty and the number of people who’ve actually viewed the posts (which is listed on the site) has been small.
That’s not the case with Cassidy, whose life Nolan and “Rambo” have set out to ruin as thoroughly as they can. In addition to her personal information, the site has also dug up an assortment of pictures of her scraped from various sites on the internet.
And, unwilling to believe that she is not the woman in the video — and a false accuser of rape — the two have taken aim at those who’ve stepped forward to defend Cassidy. They’ve posted the personal information of Jenny Hall-Jones, the Dean of Students at Ohio University, for the “crime” of publicly saying that Cassidy is not the woman in the video, as well as several other women who’ve come out in support of Cassidy.
On Crimes Against Fathers, “Rambo” writes
[C]onsidering that women will always try to cover for their fellow women, and will NEVER hold their fellow women accountable, there is a very strong possibility that Jenny [Hall-Jones] is LYING and that Rachel Cassidy IS the girl in that video. This means that Jenny Hall-Jones is a CRIMINAL because she is covering up for the CRIME of making a false rape accusation. Therefore, she is a criminal and needs to be publicly exposed as such.
Neither “Rambo” nor Nolan has leveled similar accusations against Ohio University president Roderick McDavis, a man, though he too has said that the woman in the video is not Cassidy.
Men’s Rights activists like to say that Nolan isn’t really one of them. If this is the case, they should be willing to stand up and denounce his reprehensible actions, and the very idea of his Crimes Against Fathers “Man-Hating Women” directory.
EDITED TO ADD: I should note that Nolan’s site also has a “Name and Shame the IgnorMANuses” forum directed at alleged man-hating men, including Vince Gilligan (creator of Breaking Bad) and Nacho Vidal (the pseudonymous dude behind MGTOWforums.com). The list is considerably smaller than that of the Man-Hating Women directory, and none of the entries I saw listed any personal information that went much beyond links to Facebook pages.
@ pecunium
“No, you don’t. Because the ways in which you advocate prosecuting, “false accusers” is greater than the ways in which you advocate for treating false accusers of other crimes.”
And how did I do that. I answered your little question about someone conned out of money. It depends on the circumstance, but I don’t expect intellectual honesty from you.
“The rate of false accusation is equivalent between crimes. The rates of prosecution for false accusation are equivalent. So there isn’t a “problem”. You, however, aver there is, and that prosecution of “false rape accusations” needs to be more vigorous.”
Why would the rate have anything to do with anything? Crimes should be prosecuted if they can be proven. The issue with false rape allegations are they aren’t even investigated. The feminist argument is don’t investigate rape claims as false, realize that without an investigation there can be no prosecution, and the claim see there are no false claims. Again a case of intellectual dishonesty. It may work on the intellectually challenged individuals who are regulars on this forum, but not on me. Feminists with their quotas on justice. What do we do if there aren’t enough guilty people to round out your quota, imprison the innocent?
“Tell me why her accusation of a crime ought to get less credence than any other?”
You’re not very bright. Her allegation went to the grand jury and it was rejected. I’ve had no issue with that.and never stated that I did. I’ve only asked why a false rape claim wasn’t also brought before the grand jury. Now since I’ve actually said that her claims should get as much credence as his, explain to me why her’s should get more.
“As to your hurt feelings that I said man… his argument is plainly that MEN can’t get a fair shake. If you think that means he’s talking about WOMEN… well we never thought intellect was your strong suit.”
I explained why that was and apologized. I don’t expect sympathy or understanding from you and haven’t asked for it although I’m criticized for not giving it. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it and apologize unlike you who slander an entire gender claiming that men have made false rape charges against women without being able to point to a single case. Why shouldn’t I suspect you’re being dishonest? Tell me how men lie about rape again. I’m still waiting.
“Aw… you has the hurt fee-fees. When women are treated as any other victim of any other crime, then I might (just might) think there was something to the “false rape” issue. If you could show me that significant numbers of men were being harmed.”
I don’t believe you’d accept any number of harmed men as significant.
@ pecunium
“1: Not really an apology”
Dumb ass. What other meaning does sorry have?.Are you people just incredibly stupid.
“3: You can pay attention”
I could, but sometimes I wonder why I should hold myself to a higher standard than you hold yourself to.
4: Not accepted.
From a person who claims men lie about being raped by women. I don’t really care. You can shove it where the sun don’t shine.
5: I have no idea what you mean by, “giving female rapists a free pass.
I’m not surprised since you believe that men lie about being raped by women without being able (to this point) cite a single instance. It’s that whole penis = consent thing, isn’t it?
6: When people accuse me of being a liar, I react to it.
Except when someone asks for proof that men lie about being raped by women, then crickets.
7: Since you’ve been consistently dishonest in other areas, I have no reason to really take you at face value.
When has that happened? I’ve pointed to several instances of intellectual dishonesty on your part on this thread alone. You’ve made many statements which I’m still waiting for you to support substantively.
@ pecunium
“Not my job. That you aren’t willing to make yourself aware before you pontificate, and accuse a class of people of generaly criminality is your fault.”
So making the statement that I’m unaware of any instance of men falsely accusing women of rape is charging a class of people with criminality? Saying someone hasn’t committed a crime is the same as accusing them of a crime? Are you really this stupid or is this just an act to try and drive the MRA crazy?
Maybe you’re just being intellectually dishonest. Fummy how you had a link to Elam’s quote, but can’t seem to produce a single case where a man has lied about a =woman raping him and yet, you’re so certain that someone must have and feminists claim the MRAs are rape apologists. Until someone shows me proof, I see no distinction between what you and Elam have said except for the genders being reversed.
“You see, shit like this is why people don’t trust you.”
And being unable to answer it with reason is why people don’t trust you. Elam is at least honest with his bigotry. You believe men should essentially be punished for crimes they didn’t commit and women should essentially be able to imprison men on a whim, but don’t have the honesty to stand up for what you believe. You tell me how fear of making the wrong identification could impact her, but show no concern over how that could impact the innocent man going to prison.
“How sure does she need to be? What happens if he is the rapist and the DA drops the case? Then he files a charge against her, ”
Because he might be the rapist is good enough? Why would the DA charge her for filing a false report with no evidence? You forget there is evidence in this case, which the prosecutor has characterized as her giving consent, not being inconclusive. There is also a huge difference between filing a charge, getting a conviction, and investigating a case.
You like to take about proportions. What penalty does he face if convicted of rape? What penalty does she face if convicted of a false report? Why shouldn’t the protections be equal to the potential penalty? I bet proportionality goes out the window when women are disadvantaged.
Look, you annoying asshat, no one here has claimed that all men lie about being raped by women, or even that men routinely lie about being raped by women. That is the strawiest strawman you have come up with yet. HORSES ARE ANGRY WITH YOU FOR WASTING THEIR BEDDING MATERIAL. Unless you believe that men are somehow better than women it stands to reason that some men also lie.
So, do you think men are better than women?
I sincerely hope a pigeon pisses on your head every day for the rest of your life.
Or your car: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/04/ad/ac/04adac1206da9b7d48f75667c6d4f27d.jpg
He hasn’t supplied any proof that the woman (the actual woman in the video, not the one Nolan et al are going after, who wasn’t even involved) lied about being raped. But we’re supposed to supply proof that some men have lied about being raped by women.
And in fact, as auggziliary pointed out, a male troll confessed to doing just that here on this blog. (I had totally forgotten that.)
@ Cloudiah
“They are political creatures. The fact is, you do not have access to the facts of this case, so all you can do is speculate.”
And if it’s not politically expedient to bring a charge of a false rape after the shit storm of news stories critical of college’s handling of rape cases? That doesn’t mean that the false accusation case wasn’t in fact stronger than the rape charge brought and rejected by the grand jury. We’re all operating under the same set of facts. What we know for sure is that the case against the young man was too weak to prosecute. We know the prosecutor brought it anyway.
“And if you’re seriously saying that people who in good faith make a mistaken witness identification should be punished”
That’s been attributed to me, but I haven’t said it. I’ve actually been on record as saying that I believe that a misidentification shouldn’t automatically be considered a false allegation.
John Anderson | November 13, 2013 at 1:04 am
“As far as it being a misidentification rather than a false accusation, it might help to know that I don’t believe that women who identified the wrong man as her rapist necessarily has made a false report.”
Let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story. Carry on.
“Why would the rate have anything to do with anything?”
Ok, you really can’t read. He said, and I fucking quote —
“The rate of false accusation is equivalent between crimes. The rates of prosecution for false accusation are equivalent. So there isn’t a “problem”. You, however, aver there is, and that prosecution of “false rape accusations” needs to be more vigorous.”
Which, when you are arguing that there needs to be more investigation into rape claims, in case they are false, is an entirely true and relevant statement.
“The feminist argument is don’t investigate rape claims as false, realize that without an investigation there can be no prosecution, and the claim see there are no false claims.”
Um, double no. First no — the argument we are making is that rape claims don’t need to be investigated any more than other claims because the rate of false reporting is the same. Which brings us to no number two — how would we know that those rates aren’t different if we didn’t look into rape claims and further, how is “not different” equal to “no false claims”?
FTR — the rate of “unfounded reports” (which includes cases where there’s insufficient evidence and thus is the rate of actually false reports is lower), according to the FBI, is 6~8%. This is not a number that is any higher than for other crimes, ergo there’s no need to single out those who file rape reports.
“Feminists with their quotas on justice. What do we do if there aren’t enough guilty people to round out your quota, imprison the innocent?”
You’re kidding right? Feminists have quotas on how many people must be arrested for rape? Here, I have some tin foil, you might want to add a layer to your hat.
pecunium — “you…slander an entire gender” — shit, you’re slandering yourself man.
@ sparky
“John, you keep arguing like Cassidy is the woman in the video.”
No, I agree that Cassidy is not the person in the video. I agree that Nolan is a prick for not clearing that up. I disagree that Nolan has made a false accusation rather than a misidentification because he believed that the woman in the video made a false rape claim.
“Men’s Rights website falsely accuses Ohio University student of being a false rape accuser”
If you didn’t notice it’s in the extremely large font near the top of the page. So are you suggesting David didn’t write the title or are you just extremely stupid?
Johnny Boy: And how did I do that. I answered your little question about someone conned out of money. It depends on the circumstance, but I don’t expect intellectual honesty from you.
Show me where you are advocating for a vigorous prosecution of someone who says they were mugged, and IDs the wrong person. Link to it. Show me where you are saying we can’t trust the people who say they were victims of a bicylist going the wrong way on a one way street.
Show me where you’ve been arguing (long, loud and in public) for a general sense of doubt when someone reports a crime to the police, and how you think any case the DA decides not to prosecute must be a “false” accusation, and the person making the report referred to a grand jury.
Why would the rate have anything to do with anything?
Because you aren’t on a tear to have any other crime treated this way. If, and only if, there was a significantly higher number of malicious accusations of rape, would the level of attention you are demanding be justified. There is, so you aren’t.
. The issue with false rape allegations are they aren’t even investigated.
You know this how? Show me the evidence. Give me the data. Prove your bullshit claims.
Or, fold them ’til they are all points, etc.
You’re not very bright. Her allegation went to the grand jury and it was rejected. I’ve had no issue with that.and never stated that I did. I’ve only asked why a false rape claim wasn’t also brought before the grand jury.
So, the intellectual genius is arguing for a cover up. A DA who decided to bring a case s/he didn’t think was valid to a Grand Jury. Or do you think that every case a Grand Jury refuses to True Bill should lead to a “false accusation” charge? Unless you can provide evidence of what the DA’s office did when they didn’t convince the Grand Jury, (and if they did investigate that it showed willfully false claims were made), then you are (as per norm), talking out your ass.
And, oddly enough, it’s the woman you flat out refuse to believe; while persistently implying men NEVER make false reports. Funny how you are making the sort of claim we haven’t.
, I’ll admit it and apologize unlike you who slander an entire gender claiming that men have made false rape charges against women without being able to point to a single case.
An ENTIRE GENDER? And you accused me of being not very bright/dishonest. I didn’t say all men do it. I said there is no reason to think men don’t. There are lots of reasons, actually, to argue why men would be socially less likely to, but those are more becuause a man who says he was raped by a woman is ridiculed, and pretty much can’t get a case considered; much less a conviction. So, given your rubric, any man who makes a rape complaint, and it doesn’t result in charges filed, is sufficient to meet the burden of proof you put on women.
And I will lay money there are cases where the cops never took the complaint to the DA, which means, under your terms (when dealing with women), at least one man has made a “false rape allegation”.
Johnny: Dumb ass. What other meaning does sorry have?
Lots, context matters. You apologised in a way that didn’t either accept blame, or make amends. It was the sort of thing a child says when caught out.
Except when someone asks for proof that men lie about being raped by women, then crickets
Let me get this straight… are you arguing no man ever has, or will lie about being raped by a woman?
Becaus the actual thing which happened is you held your ignorance of men lying about being raped as dispositive. I said I found it unlikely you could speak for every man, every when. Given human nature, I am sure it has happened. But, if you can prove no man ever did it, nor no man ever will…
What you are postulating is against human nature, and yet you are offended that I say men act like normal people.
As to the “crickets”, I’ve been at work, just as I said when I departed. As with the failure to see the woman being doxxed isn’t the woman in the video, and not noticing what I was saying; to the point you lost your shit, some attention to detail might be in order.
When has that happened?
This isn’t the first time you’ve made comments.
@ titianblue
“Firstly, unlike you, we don’t presume to know either the DA’s job nor the grand jury’s better than they do. ”
Did that include Stuebenville, the Daisy Coleman case, all the military sexual assault cases or is it just limited to DAs who won’t file charges for false rape claims?
“But, if you can prove no man ever did it, nor no man ever will…
What you are postulating is against human nature…”
It’s also the current bonus round on Spot! That! Fallacy! — proving a negative! Or rather, an issue regarding the absence of evidence versus evidence of absence. In other words, oh Johnny boy, that you have no evidence proving men have made false reports says fuck all about whether they have or not.
I have no evidence that anyone’s ever been murdered with a spoon, but I’m betting it’s possible and has thus occurred. And really now, pecunium’s point about human nature doesn’t apply to death by spoon.
*goes to listen to oh Johnny boy*
Fuck, the song is Danny boy isn’t it? Please ignore my failed attempt at a musical reference!
@ titianblue
“So there was no charge made. There was no over-charging. And you are just ranting in an embarrassingly stupid way.”
There was no over charging because the grand jury wouldn’t indict. How does that absolve the DA from pursuing a weak case in the minds of those who are against over charging? How does that address my complaint that a charge for filing a false rape claim be given to the grand jury? Your answer is trust the DA, which seems to mainly apply to instances where charges for false rape claims are not filed. I’m sure if I checked back through these forums I’d find instances where regulars have disagreed with prosecutors, judges, and juries.
Oh, Johnny boy, the trolls, the trolls are calling
From blog to blog and round the internet
Why the fuck is John still here after his “joke?” Evil, tedious, lying fucker that he is.
Has anyone emailed David about it?
You see no distinction between what pecunium said about it not being outside the realm of possibility that some man, somewhere, would make a false rape allegation against a woman, and that Elam said that he would, under no circumstances, no matter what the evidence, vote to convict a man on rape charges? Are you really that dense? One is making a statement of probability based on probability. Yes, some rape allegations are false. Yes, men can be raped by women. It follows, then, that those two categories would intersect, and that some man, somewhere, would lie about being raped by a woman. That is not outside the realm of possibility. That Elam has stated he would, point blank, just not convict a man of rape if he was on the jury, even if he was certain of that man’s guilt. There is nothing comparable in those two statements. Where do you get this shit?
Nobody has said men should be punished for crimes they didn’t commit.
There is no evidence that she filed a false report. You keep trying to find, cause you know better than the DA, but she was not charged with filing a false report because there was no evidence that she did so. What is so hard to understand there? Just because there was not enough evidence to bring a rape case to trial, doesn’t mean that she knowingly and maliciously filed a false report. Seriously, how dense are you? Would you have it that any woman who files a rape report, and it doesn’t go to trial, or doesn’t get a conviction, should be thrown in jail?
Sparky: he’s so dense he’s about to form an event horizon.
It’s fine to second guess DAs/prosecutors/police, but you have to have some credible evidence that they’ve made the wrong call.
You’ve got nothing, JA, except for your strong desire to punish a woman, even if it’s the wrong one (a la Nolan et al.).
John Anderson:
There is no evidence that a false rape report was made! We know that the DA thought the rape case was strong enough to bring before the grand jury! We know the grand jury rejected the case! That is all we know! Please re-read the first emphasized sentence over and over again until it finally gets through your thick skull.
Then why are you so hung up on this woman in the video? Your soooo sure she knowingly and maliciously filed a false rape charge, with little or no evidence to back it up.
After several people came forward that Cassidy is not the woman in the video, he didn’t retract it, he hasn’t taken it down, he hasn’t apologized, nothing. It’s not a misidentification. It’s willful, blind ignorance and malice. Nolan wants to see women, any woman, punished. The freaking police have stated that Cassidy is not the woman in the video. Nolan’s response? He’d be totally happy if all the negative attention drove Cassidy to suicide:
This has been answered multiple times and that answer is: There’s no evidence that a false rape allegation was knowingly and maliciously made! Again, please read the emphasized over and over until it gets through your thick skull.
Mister Anderson, rape apologist — thinks all women lie about rape. What’s your story, friend? Men get raped too, and they too are encouraged by society not to report it — but for different reasons than women. Do you care about those silently suffering? Your lack of empathy for anyone who may have actually been raped is terrifying. The fact that you think it’s easier to prosecute a rapist than to oder a cheeseburger at McDonald’s is laughable.
Maybe consider this:
John Anderson: And oh yeah, your a shitty little creep for your pervy “jokes.”