
Well, this is depressing. The Raw Story is reporting that
An Ohio University sophomore has deactivated her social media accounts and is afraid to leave her house after she was falsely identified as the woman who reported she’d been raped in an incident captured on cell phone video by a passerby.
The student, Rachel Cassidy, now falsely accused of being a false rape accuser, has had her personal information — not just her name but her address, the name of her sorority, her social media accounts, even her Pinterest page — listed on a Men’s Rights site called Crimes Against Fathers. (I won’t link to it.)
The man behind Crimes Against Fathers? None other than the notorious Men’s Rights extremist and crackpot Peter Andrew Nolan — or, as he prefers to be known, for reasons I don’t fully understand, Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) . Apparently taking inspiration from Paul Elam’s Register-Her.com, Nolan’s site does what Register-Her only threatened to do: it actually releases the personal information of those it identifies as “Man-Hating Women.” He will even add names of women you don’t like to the list for a fee of $70 (Australian).
So far the site has several hundred women listed, most of them apparently women who have run afoul of Nolan or his most active lieutenant on the site, the pseudonymous “John Rambo” of “Boycott American Women” fame, either online or in real life. In most cases, luckily, the amount of personal information given out is relatively scanty and the number of people who’ve actually viewed the posts (which is listed on the site) has been small.
That’s not the case with Cassidy, whose life Nolan and “Rambo” have set out to ruin as thoroughly as they can. In addition to her personal information, the site has also dug up an assortment of pictures of her scraped from various sites on the internet.
And, unwilling to believe that she is not the woman in the video — and a false accuser of rape — the two have taken aim at those who’ve stepped forward to defend Cassidy. They’ve posted the personal information of Jenny Hall-Jones, the Dean of Students at Ohio University, for the “crime” of publicly saying that Cassidy is not the woman in the video, as well as several other women who’ve come out in support of Cassidy.
On Crimes Against Fathers, “Rambo” writes
[C]onsidering that women will always try to cover for their fellow women, and will NEVER hold their fellow women accountable, there is a very strong possibility that Jenny [Hall-Jones] is LYING and that Rachel Cassidy IS the girl in that video. This means that Jenny Hall-Jones is a CRIMINAL because she is covering up for the CRIME of making a false rape accusation. Therefore, she is a criminal and needs to be publicly exposed as such.
Neither “Rambo” nor Nolan has leveled similar accusations against Ohio University president Roderick McDavis, a man, though he too has said that the woman in the video is not Cassidy.
Men’s Rights activists like to say that Nolan isn’t really one of them. If this is the case, they should be willing to stand up and denounce his reprehensible actions, and the very idea of his Crimes Against Fathers “Man-Hating Women” directory.
EDITED TO ADD: I should note that Nolan’s site also has a “Name and Shame the IgnorMANuses” forum directed at alleged man-hating men, including Vince Gilligan (creator of Breaking Bad) and Nacho Vidal (the pseudonymous dude behind MGTOWforums.com). The list is considerably smaller than that of the Man-Hating Women directory, and none of the entries I saw listed any personal information that went much beyond links to Facebook pages.
“This is rubbing me the wrong way but I can’t put my finger on it.”
Because it’s saying that being falsely accused of rape is just as bad as being raped? Because it’ sci paring this thing that rarely happens to something that happens to 20%~ of women (in the US)?
It’s comparing, not it’ sci paring. Autocorrect had crack for lunch.
Stacey: Tell me- what’s worse? Someone that puts out a false rape claim because they are trying to get back at someone or someone that doesn’t want to report it because they fear that no one will believe them? In a way, I think both are equally bad:
So you are clueless. You are esp. clueless if you think making allegations of a false rape accusation = to a rape accusation won’t discourage rape victims from reporting.
I do not condone rape in any way, shape, or form
I believe you, but (and this is a big but), what you are arguing supports rape culture.
But, no go ahead, continue insulting me and telling me “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I was trying to have a civil conversation here- not being accused of siding with the MRM.
What’s sad, apart from your failure to see what your arguments mean, you would otherwise fit in very well.
But I’m sorry, the clear implications of your words aren’t something I can ignore (and I am the one who asked, because I’m a retired Army Staff Sergeant). Words have meaning, and they have context. Ideas have ramifications. Yours combine to make it easier for rapists to get away with it.
On the out in public thing, do you know how extremely rare it is for a rape to happen in front of everyone and their mom
Funny you should ask, because Castro had people ask what was going on, and he told them a story, and they believed it; even when he had women out of doors in restraint. Rape in public places is more common than people like to think, and acquittal for it is far too common.
Why? Because people say, “if it was outdoors she could have stopped it.” That’s rape culture.
“Border on reprehensible?” Nolan deliberately doxxed two women who have nothing to with the video. When presented with evidence to the contrary, he didn’t retract, or apologize, or anything else; he doubled down. And I’m not even sure what your trying to say here. Cassidy did not file a rape report.
It’s actually not. Filing a false rape report is the same as filing as false report of theft or a false report of murder or a false report of any other crime. Carries the same penalty. “Filing a false report” is the crime. The law does not differentiate based on the type of crime falsely reported. At least, that’s how it is in the good ol’ US of A.
Because, consent is so hard to understand? Bullshit.
Stacey, you realize that nobody has to agree with you, right? And that if people don’t agree with you they’re allowed to say that they think your ideas are stupid and/or wrong? You seem to be a little unclear on that part.
Also, you’re still propping up rape culture. The fact that you’re apparently not aware of that is unfortunate, but your lack of awareness doesn’t mean that people are obligated to let your rape apologism go unchallenged.
You can carry on with this pointless argument in which we’re getting nowhere because you refuse to think about the consequences of your approach, or you can go do some reading and come back later once you understand how rape culture works. Your choice.
@ Cloudiah
“That is, you look for signs that it was not made in good faith.”
You mean like her posing for pictures with “her rapist” after the fact? You mean like her walking home with him under her own power? You mean like the accused statement that she consented (my assumption)? His statements are evidence also. Doesn’t she also put her hand on the back of his head while he’s orally stimulating her? These speak to intent also in the absence of a toxicology report.
I will give you this. There may be other details not generally known which may be exculpatory. I’m basing my opinion only on those things that are known or are highly probable like my assumption that the accused rapist claimed it was consensual. If he said she did not consent, I would assume that would be enough for the grand jury.
@ titianblue
“Because no, in the real world,it is not the case that “Men falsely accused of rape face everything she faces with the added possibility of incarceration and lifetime punishment on the sex offender registry.”
In the real world, sadly, men accused of rape usually face nothing worse than society rallying around them while making their victim’s like hell.”
I read it again and maybe you’d like to take a writing class. Get a friend to help you (if you have one). “not the case” and “usually ” mean two entirely different things.
“Are you saying we men can’t falsely accuse too? MISANDRY! Get thee to a nunnery!”
To my knowledge men have falsely accused others of rape, but in every instance I’m aware of the accused was another man. I’m unaware of an instance where a man has falsely accused a woman of rape. That seems to indicate that the possibility of being believed has a bigger impact on making false accusations then on reporting actual rapes.
@ titianblue
“Stacey, the judge of all rapes vs non-rapes.”
As opposed to titianblue, the judge of all rapes vs non-rapes.
@ titianblue
“Or an excessive zeal in pursuing “false” claims would discourage victims from reporting as they would fear not just not being believed and but also being prosecuted as false claimants.”
Yet amazingly we haven’t outlawed plea bargains because threatening Brian Banks with 41 years of incarceration unless he plead guilty to a rape he didn’t commit is not coercive at all. It’s amazing how everyone on this site will just assume that all rape conviction gained through plea bargain must be true, yet argue that the threat of receiving in many cases probation if charged at all for a false claim is a major deterrent to a woman making a claim. Feminists for you. Men and women are equal. Men should be able to stand firm in the face of a 41 year prison sentence, but women crumble if a cop asks them a question.
@ sparky
The reason I said border on reprehensible is because what would you call what Jerry Sandusky did or even Wannetta Gibson for that matter? All these things I believe are reprehensible (and criminal). Being criminal doesn’t make it not reprehensible.
As far as it being a misidentification rather than a false accusation, it might help to know that I don’t believe that women who identified the wrong man as her rapist necessarily has made a false report. She has misidentified her assailant. I’ve read cases where the misidentification has even caused the accuser to feel guilty when resulting in a lengthy prison sentence.
I think Nolan believes that a false rape report was made. IMO there is enough to support that position. The “reasonable doubt” people have on this site solely consists of an assumption that she was too intoxicated to consent. There is no toxicology report. People are basing this solely on her statement. He has identified the wrong person. It’s only a false accusation if there was no false report.
You may have an argument if he has accused Ms. Cassidy again of filing a false report after being given evidence that it was in fact not her, but it seems that he’s only stating that he doesn’t believe the evidence and doesn’t care.
@ Argenti Aertheri
“This is rubbing me the wrong way but I can’t put my finger on it.”
Should of told him to use his right hand (assuming it’s a he and he’s right handed). 🙂
@ Argenti Aertheri
“This is rubbing me the wrong way but I can’t put my finger on it.”
Come to think of it, it might be more humorous if a woman said it. 🙂
Sweetie, if everyone else understands it except for you, then you are the problem.
Bwahahahah. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more stupid!
Way to go misgendering someone twice in a feeble attempt to make a smutty joke.
So you come onto a feminist blog to preach at the regulars about false rape accusations, a regular tells you in the course of a thread that zie has been raped as a child and your response is:
a. Express sympathy or:
b. Make a smutty joke while misgendering them.
Way to go with the basic humanity fail, there, laddie.
Oooh, ninj’d by Kitteh
I’m about due to be the ninja instead of the ninjee this week. 😛
“I’m not a rape apologist, I just think child abuse is hilarious”
Great advocacy for the cause, that.
Yeah, I think Alex is taking a trip to bannsville. Partly because of this comment on Reddit, in a thread called “Without saying what IT is, why did you do it?” which seems to suggest he did something violent to an ex:
Sorry, dude, I don’t want you around. No, wait, I’m really not sorry.
Since this blog has had a run on trolls saying stupid shit about rape, I’m going to post a link to a smart article about the subject from a feminist sports blog.
Rape of a Teammate by Jennifer Doyle
@David It was John Anderson rather than Alex making the joke. Not that Alex hasn’t been pretty tiresome, too.
@Brooked Excellent quote and link. The fact that a jury aquitted the two attackers in the face of the video evidence is just horrifying.
Johnny: That she was seen with him, even posed with him, is not evidence of bad faith on her part, nor of innocence on his.
To my knowledge men have falsely accused others of rape, but in every instance I’m aware of the accused was another man. I’m unaware of an instance where a man has falsely accused a woman of rape. That seems to indicate that the possibility of being believed has a bigger impact on making false accusations then on reporting actual rapes.
Or that you don’t know everything (that’s without even going into confirmation bias/willful denial).
As opposed to titianblue, the judge of all rapes vs non-rapes.
Weak sauce.
titianblue is arguing for treating rape the same as any other crime; you, and Stacey, want to raise the bar, so that pretty much anything less than a voluntary confession; notarised in front of witnesses, has to be in the victims hand before we can assume she might be telling the truth.
Yet amazingly we haven’t outlawed plea bargains because threatening Brian Banks with 41 years of incarceration unless he plead guilty to a rape he didn’t commit is not coercive at all.
And amazingly I don’t see the Paul Elams of the world arguing for that. Nope, they say “Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.”
Yep, his idea of advocacy is to say, “even if a man is guilty, I’ll let him go”.
all the outraged PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.”
While I (and others, notably who call themselves feminists, but I suspect that correlative, not causaitive) argue that the US, like Britain, needs to do away with plea-bargains, and over-charging.
So you can take the puffed-up indignation of your rape excusing, abuse apoligist, manifestos, fold them until they are all points and use them to scratch your hemmorhoids.
As far as it being a misidentification rather than a false accusation, it might help to know that I don’t believe that women who identified the wrong man as her rapist necessarily has made a false report.
But the possibility exists, right? So when she goes into the line-up she has to be extra sure, because if she’s wrong…
And that’s not going to have any effect on people who’ve been raped. Nope, a victim won’t be thinking about that at all. That defense att’y, he won’t manage to make reference to it, while his client it out there, no asides, “Now be sure, you know that false accusations are taken very seriously”. That wouldn’t, necessarily happen.
I think Nolan believes that a false rape report was made. IMO there is enough to support that position. The “reasonable doubt” people have on this site solely consists of an assumption that she was too intoxicated to consent.
But you don’t extend any level of reasonable doubt to her. Tell me, do you think the same of someone who says they were conned out of money?
It seems an awful lot like you are heading toward the idea that rapists ought to be made a special class of the accused, with more protections against a lawful conviction than others.
Wasn’t Alex in a different thread? In any case, banning seems the right choice.
John, all I can say is that it is a good thing you are not a DA. It’s fine to believe people guilty, but all your arguments are demonstrating is that you believe if there’s some possibility that someone might be guilty they should be charged and tried. Every piece of “evidence” you’ve cited is completely consistent with a person being blackout drunk and subsequently unable to remember things the next day. She does not have the burden of proof of demonstrating she was drunk; the DA would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she was not drunk. In the total absence of any evidence showing she was not drunk enough to cause some memory impairment, which is the situation we have here, I’m fine with presuming the DA looked at what they had and decided there was no way s/he could make that case beyond a reasonable doubt.