a voice for men antifeminism creepy FemRAs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy patronizing as heck

A Voice for Men’s DriverSuz: “Male care and compassion for women is why women don’t live in barns and pens with the cows, pigs and chickens.”

So I’ve been skimming through the mass of comments that the Daily Beast piece on the Men’s Rightsers now has trailing in its wake. So far I think this is my favorite exchange.

AngryHarry 10 hours ago  If the men throughout history had not been concerned about their women, they would have bred them like cattle, (Who could have stopped them?)  But every single ancestor - stretching back to time immemorial - of every feminist on this forum was protected from death by, mostly, men.    Every single one of them.  We are lucky to exist at all.  Worth thinking about. FlagShare 3LikeReply driversuz 9 hours ago  @AngryHarry   Absolutely correct. Male care and compassion for women is why women don't live in barns ans pens with the cows, pigs and chickens. No external entity prevented men from forcing us to live like farm animals and from socializing us to be relatively comfortable with it.

Yep, that’s DriverSuz — aka Suzanne McCarley, “Senior Editor” of A Voice for Men.

And yep, that’s Angry Harry, the fellow that many MRAs call “the father of the men’s rights movement.”

Some critics of this blog complain whenever I quote some crackpot commenter rather than one of the “big names” in the Men’s Rights movement. Sometimes, it turns out, the crackpot commenters ARE the “big names” in the Men’s Rights movement.

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11 years ago

Men pushed women down, preventing them from achieving in the areas where they didn’t want them to, such as sciences. When women did achieve in the fields men were not comfortable with, they actively silenced, belittled and stole credit from said achievements.

Come 21st century, certain people spend their time musing how women didn’t contribute enough in the history of the world, so they should stay in the position that men originally put them into in order to prevent them from competing in the same fields in the first place. Then complain again how women aren’t doing the same work as men.


11 years ago

It’s also worth noting that while majority of armed forces across the world (in modern cultures) are men, a depressingly large amount of casualties and other victims are civilians who get maimed and exploited by enemy and their own alike. A great number of these victims are women and children.

11 years ago

Dare I ask what hard work Greater Good himself is doing?

11 years ago

GG: Can you live without bread? Without legumes? Without cloth?

Because those are things women invented (i.e. agriculture, and spinning: even if women didn’t “invent” them, they were the one’s who did it, ergo all the advances made in it were pretty much made by women).

11 years ago

I’d like to point out that the propagation of the human species is very important, and especially important given BioTruths™. It’s pretty much the most important thing you can do and it’s clearly biologically programmed for all womenz to have babbies. Therefore women are actually the most important people on the planet and men can be disposed of, except for when we need liquid gold to impregnate ourselves.

On a more serious note, women’s primary reason for death before the 20th century was childbirth, and that was increased when physicians came onto the field knowing fuck all about infection and also pregnant women were experimented on horrifically to “know more about the human body”. So biotruths don’t make a fuck load of sense given that pregnant women were killed so often and that men killed them because they were pregnant… and that the most common time for abuse to begin is during pregnancy (also makes no sense given you likely biotruthically want your offspring to survive and killing the mother =/= good chances of that).

So basically what I’m saying is women are important and midwives/trained birth attendants are like the most important professions that ever existed and they’re primarily done by women. And also agriculture, which is mostly and was mostly done by women, since that’s primarily how the world eats… Without women men would be fucked.

Just sayin’

11 years ago

SittieKitty – I think pregnancy and childbirth complications are still the main cause of death among young women, worldwide.

11 years ago

Yeah, and one of the easiest and fastest ways to reduce that is basic sanitation and trained birth attendants. It’s ridiculous that education for women is therefore denounced, since that’s a major thing that would help. Especially since educating women has been proven to be the fastest and best and cheapest way to increase standard of living for all people across the board where it’s introduced as a matter of course.

11 years ago

I like how these toads think opportunity plays no role is development and technology. No shit men spearheaded a lot of technological advancement. They had the fucking opportunity. The notion women would curl up and die without them and couldn’t have figured out the same things given the chance is beyond stoopid.

11 years ago

SittieKitty – you really get the feelings these arsewipes want us to die in childbirth (as long as THE SON survives, of course, assuming papa wants him). They’re screaming with rage that we aren’t and never have been as utterly, helplessly dependent on their goodwill and dudely genius as they’d like to think.

11 years ago

*feeling, not feelings

11 years ago

I do get that feeling, it’s just so short-sighted though… I mean, granted they believe that there’s only so many feeeemales to go around for all the Alpha dudes and the betas are all the other men, but eventually you’ll run out of women, and plus, toxic masculinity much having to fight over a mate? And wouldn’t women then have a plethora of men to chose from and basically get to say fuck you to any man they want to? Wouldn’t the power be totally in their court then? Not to mention males would really be disposable then… Really what they should want to do is reduce the numbers of men in the world, so that women who want to propagate have to entice the best specimen. That way they have a much better chance of being wined dined and eating bonbons while the women folk do all the work to get their precious precious bodily fluids.

And oh god, I feel dirty even typing that much biotruth grossness out…

11 years ago

And wouldn’t women then have a plethora of men to chose from and basically get to say fuck you to any man they want to? Wouldn’t the power be totally in their court then?

I dunno, is it working that way in China, with the serious unbalancing thanks to the one-child policy and the abortions/female infanticide? One hears about kidnappings and the like of girls and women as brides, but never about any other side of the story (which may or may not be due to racism in the mainstream media). At any rate, I always get the nasty feeling that in a society misogynistic enough to end up with such skewed numbers, the power of choice isn’t going to be in women’s hands, at least partly because everything’s weighed against them anyway.

Should add that MRAs’ carryings-on are a joke in themselves, because I doubt any of these guys would survive outside their urban existence (or their parents’ basements, for that matter).

11 years ago

I guess this is all mental masturbation anyway. Which, I’ll admit, is better than hearing about all the MRAs sick fantasies…

11 years ago

LOL maybe we should just talk about dudebro tear recipes!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Shit like “bearded clam” always drives me up the wall.”

Bearded clam is just weird, but I could like pink clam or similar. But, you know, sea life, I know it. And, well, look…this is a pink clam. (the SFW kind)

Beautiful isn’t it?

11 years ago

Very pretty!

If the clam bit included “having sharp edges that can close REALLY HARD” I’d go with it, but alas, that version of the vagina (or vulva, in this case) dentata doesn’t seem to be on offer.

11 years ago

auggz – hear, hear!

11 years ago

Gorgeous Argenti. Just gorgeous. I love this stuff. I pretty much love all amazing life forms, the world is just so full of incredible things.

11 years ago

A question for all these “but ur attacking male sexuality” pro-rape shits would be “Do you think kleptomaniacs should be allowed to steal what they want?* Do you think arsonists should be allowed to set fires?” I bet the answer would be no, but when it comes to men who want to rape women, suddenly it’s all a natural, ungovernable urge – no, not an urge, a NEEEED for SEEEEXXXXXX – and we’re killing them by suggesting that no, you don’t have the right to use another person’s body as you wish.

*I’m not comparing rape with theft!

11 years ago


Cave of wonders makes me think Disney’s Alladin and the Genie.

I, for one, definitely have a genie in my vagina XD


Worse, I have heard it used without irony (we won’t even go into the idea of, “vajazzling”… ghunnh!!!!!!)

I don’t know, I just can’t hate on vajazzling.


At least “pudenda” has gone out of usage, even if too many people still seem to think women should be ashamed of having genitals.

(Luckily) never heard that one before. Sounds…rather weird.


“Even today, the vast majority of hard work is done by men – from fighting the wars, to garbage cleaners, coal miners, fishermen, to construction”

And to fight against this injustice, we will… rabidly attack any women who try to get into these spaces!

No one ever accused the mrm of thinking things through XD

11 years ago

I’d like to know that too, auggz.

Marie – pudenda’s from Latin and means “something shameful”, roughly. ::sits back to await more specific info from Argenti or pecunium::

I’d also like to know why the hell 7 11 put so much goddamned PEPPER in my chicken and avocado sammich … way to spoil it!

11 years ago

PS yes, do take it as a compliment! 😀

11 years ago


I think if you kept the ‘most’ there it’d be fine, but I’m cis, so take my comment with a grain of salt.

re: people at risk for ovarian cancer: no clue, sowwyz.


Marie – pudenda’s from Latin and means “something shameful”, roughly. ::sits back to await more specific info from Argenti or pecunium::

bleh :/

11 years ago

“Bleh” is right!

11 years ago

I, for one, definitely have a genie in my vagina XD

Does… that mean that rubbing it can grant wishes? 😉