
20/20 Story POSTPONED, again

The waiting is the hardest part
The waiting is the hardest part

Just heard that the 20/20 story has been postponed. This may not be news to you all, but I’ve been away from the Internets for a bit. Anyway, I’ll let you know when it will run as soon as I know.

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yes, but my spelling is horrendous, so usually it’s a blessing. iOS 7 is out to get me, not autocorrect.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

It should be easy. I accidentally shut mine off and I can’t get it back.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

And crocodiles are misandry.

I actually found this disturbing because it rings so true in this context, and by “this context” I mean the manosphere bullying everyone.

11 years ago

Argenti – your spelling might be horrendous, but it couldn’t be worse than reading autocorrect’s efforts, going “wtf?” and having to read it again to piece together what it’s saying! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Shaun — it’s hiding under general => keyboard.

Kitteh — I just need to pay more attention to what it spits out.

11 years ago

I think it’s in cahoots with the grammar check on Word. Never seen such an abomination as that.

11 years ago

Right. That answers the question I was about to ask: why the delay?

11 years ago

I’m a little disappointed from the preview that they weren’t using the most egregious examples from the MRM; indeed that did actually take a quote from Elam where he was giving an example of a comment he was banning. It doesn’t look good.

Anyways, I’m still over in the comment section posting as many awful quotes from the man-o-sphere as a I possibly can to counter-act the swarm of MRAs that have taken over and are attempting to wheedle the public. They are truly shameless liars.

11 years ago

And just wanted to say @neuroticbeagle, your videos and pictures always brighten my day.

Thank you. You’re comment made me feel warm and fuzzy like this:

11 years ago

For cloudiah. That priest was a real jerkface, a fobbing, guts-griping canker-blossom.

Also, re: Hobbit Elam, CANNOT UNSEE. What’s his hobbit name, I wonder? I bet he’s a Sackville-Baggins.

11 years ago


The Mister’s good, he fixed my aching neck this morning. 🙂

That’s kind of amazing, actually. Can you feel him touching you when you’re on this side, or did he give you a massage Over There and it translated into your physical body?

I realize I’m both asking a lot of questions and making a few assumptions. If I’m over the line, I’m sure you’ll let me know 😉

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

David – Hobbits are misandry! *nod*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Auggz — it’s John the Other technically. Someone here misread it as John the Otter. So no, that sort of otter has nothing to do with it.

11 years ago
