antifeminism creepy evil fat fatties evil single moms evil women feminism gloating ladies against women men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny not-quite-explicit threats only men pay taxes apparently oppressed men patriarchy patronizing as heck sunshine mary taking pleasure in women's pain women's jobs aren't real your time will come

Amanda Marcotte takes down Sunshine Mary; Mary digs her hole deeper


So Amanda Marcotte has some thoughts on Sunshine Mary’s post about feminism allegedly reducing women to nothing more than sex objects:

Why should women want the attention of men who see them as nothing more than unpaid servants and semen toilets? …

The alternative to having a hateful misogynist around who expects you to clean up after him, accept his ranting about how women are a repulsive subhuman class whose only purpose is service to men, and to masturbate him without any hope of sexual pleasure yourself is simple: Not being with such a man. As many feminists can tell you, there’s a really pleasant alternative: Men who like women and like to hang out with us and aren’t just tolerating us in exchange for sex and housework.

But what if, as manosphere men (and antifeminist women like Sunshine Mary) like to gloat, you can’t find a man?

Being alone is better than being with a man who thinks you’re part of a degraded class put here to serve him. No matter how much misogynists may rant, they can’t get around this inherent problem in their philosophy, which is that “alone” is always a superior alternative to their company.

Sunshine Mary has responded with a post that basically argues, well, but men don’t like you, you fat slutty feminists — take that!

One of the core pillars of feminism seems to be trying to control how men think about women.  We want to be seen as smart, so by fiat order we’ll command men to see us as equally intelligent.  We want to be seen as having the ability to be sexually promiscuous, so we’ll command men to hold a positive opinion of sluttery.  We want to be seen as beautiful at 200 pounds, so we’ll command men to find us hot despite our obesity.

But it doesn’t work.  Men don’t like slutty women for anything other than sex, as the last comment thread here rather conclusively proved.  Men don’t find fat women attractive.  Men don’t like bitchy, loud-mouthed mannish feminists.  Men don’t care about women’s supposed careers.  All the commands in the world will only cause men to keep their opinions quiet, but it does not change those opinions.  All the attempts in the world at resocializing men to like what feminism has turned women into will always fail because it works against the natural order of things.

Now this is just nonsensical and, you know, not true for all but a backwards and rather assholish subset of men. But it’s what follows that’s really chilling — not chilling because it reflects reality, but chilling because it suggests how punitive and self-hating Sunshine Mary’s philosophy really is.

She argues that feminists find the Manosphere “scary” because manosphere misogynists won’t do what feminists want them to do.

It is scary to imagine that men will stop doing what they are told by women to do.  It is scary to feminists in particular because, instead of being dependent on one man like I am, they are dependent on men as a group to fund them.

Men pay the majority of taxes in the United States.  Without men’s taxes, student financial aid for Women’s Studies degrees will dry up.  Without men’s taxes, baby mamas will starve.  Without men financing it, women who are being placed into corporate leadership simply as a response to affirmative action and who then quit these jobs after a year to write tear-filled articles in the Atlantic about work-life balance, demanding even more subsidies from men to ensure that women never need to suffer the consequences for their stupid choices, will cease.  I only have to manage my husband’s opinion of me in order to secure his provisioning; feminists have to control all men’s opinions of them in order to secure their provisioning.

Yep, that’s right. Sunshine Mary believes that women are incapable of taking care of themselves and so must depend, essentially, on appeasing men in order to survive. She thinks she’s lucky because she only has to appease one man, while women who actually, you know, earn a living have to appease all men. Because they’re not really earning a living. They’re just playing at earning a living because the men of the world are nice enough to humor them.

But don’t make the men mad, Sunshine Mary warns, because then you’re screwed!

And she seems rather pleased that she can make this threat from what she percieves as her position of relative security.

How fucked up is that?

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11 years ago

Also, don’t name your cat “Jesus” or you might get smited.

11 years ago

My interpretation (which might be totally wrong) was: feminism just makes waves, everything is so much more pleasant when no one complains about ill treatment. However, anti-feminists should stop making jokes about how feminists are going to die alone with their cats, since that isn’t very pleasant either. Also, susanbotchie doesn’t like it when people invoke Christ in support of behaviour she doesn’t approve of/doesn’t consider very Christian.

11 years ago

I seriously typed* “zie” because I have a bad habit of assuming commenter’s pronouns and being incorrect, and autocorrect switched it, the stupid program. Gah. Anyway, it is super past my bedtime and I’ve been sick all day (which is why I’ve been on such a posting binge) so goodnight all.

*or tried to

11 years ago

But it doesn’t work. Men don’t like slutty women for anything other than sex, as the last comment thread here rather conclusively proved.

“The people who read my website advocating conservative misogyny and like it enough to comment agree with conservative misogynistic ideas, therefore everybody does!” Does this mean we can use the comments here to prove that literally everybody ever likes meandering conversation about cats and thinks Paul Elam’s a dickhead?

11 years ago

And now I’m trying to figure out how to conjugate the verb “smite”. “Smitten” doesn’t seem quite appropriate as a way to describe being walloped by the holy hammer, but “smited” sounds silly.

If Susan’s point was that Sunshine Mary is not being a very good Christian then agreed. She takes entirely too much pleasure in wishing misfortune on other people.

11 years ago

If we’re using Manboobz as a source then the most important philosophical leader of our time is Terry Pratchett.

11 years ago


I have a feeling I’ve seen “smote” before. It’s unusual, but then again English is unpredictable and “smite” is sort of an archaic word.

11 years ago

Reblogged this on winterdominatrix and commented:
Women that are homophobic are not hard to spot. They fear leaving a second class servant ship class and help misogyny from the inside by sabotaging women out of fear for loss of male troglodyte approval. They operate under the assumptions, if you are kind to your oppressors, and do whatever they command, even if it is prostituting your self, or giving them access to children in your care, they will take care of you. LOL

11 years ago

I may be warped but when I read “Eldersluts” it makes me think of a terrible hypothetical porn movie in which a coven of feminist witches go out of their way to corrupt as many fresh-faced Mormon missionary boys as possible.

11 years ago

Doesn’t an Elderslut sound like she’d be much more fun to hang out with than Mary? I guess as an Elder her job would be to teach the mystical secrets of sluttitude to younger women.

I suggest that this be done in a swanky bar over an array of distilled and/or fermented beverages, as is customary in the traditions of my people.

11 years ago

Does this mean we can use the comments here to prove that literally everybody ever likes meandering conversation about cats and thinks Paul Elam’s a dickhead?

Yes. Of course.

11 years ago


I was thinking more along the lines of Elder Beings when I read that. Their eldritch sluttiness is so perverse and extreme that it is in entirely and maddeningly incomprehensible to humanity!

11 years ago

For, lo! The Eldersluts of old still walk among us. Do not seek out their company, lest you find yourself cast into the pit of Unmarriage.

11 years ago

I really don’t know what to think of this stuff.

Does she really think that feminists are mannish? Like its a prerequisite for being a feminist?

Feminist Leader: Come forward
*woman walks forward*
Feminist Leader: REJECTED. Your face is too traditionally feminine. NEXT!

Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

I just now found this and I’m going to post it here even though I haven’t read more than the first few posts. (It’s late and I’m sick, so I’m being lazy.) I can’t vouch for the site–does anybody know more about it (or about the real Sunshine Mary)?

“Sunshine Mary” was easy to troll. She was a hilariously inept “Christian” “antifeminist” with about as much self-awareness as a taco, and the Internet knowledge of my 93-year-old great-grandmother….

Sunshine T**** is all of these things, I guess. But she’s also a sad middle-aged woman who lives in a lousy neighborhood. Her super “alpha” husband is a male nurse* with a massive inferiority complex who has cheated on her 30 times.

@Cassandra Says

I know the consensus here is that we shouldn’t snark on people’s looks, but I’m afraid that I have to point out that I’ve seen pictures of Mary and having done so makes her rants about how unattractive men find feminists extra funny

Could you share an image of her if you have one? I absolutely agree it’s wrong to be cruel about people’s looks (it’s a serious and potentially devastating sort of bigotry.) But when people make it a Thing to attack other people for their looks, I want to retain the option to point and laugh at the hypocrisy. I’m not a fine enough person to be willing to forgo that ammunition.

I’ve already downloaded pics of Matt Forney and a couple of AVfM denizens. Perhaps I shall start a folder. Perhaps I shall title it “OH YEAH? WELL, YOU LOOK LIKE THIS, SO SHUT UP ABOUT BEAUTY.”

11 years ago

I didn’t save the image of her that I saw. She’s completely unremarkable looking, other than being more conservative in appearance than you might expect from someone her age. My main feeling was that she’d be just as unappealing to men who aren’t conservative traditionalists as feminists are to her core audience of angry conservative dudes, just because of the way she presents herself. What’s strange/amusing is that she seems to have convinced herself that “conservative white lady with rather dated styling choices” is something that all men want (or, possibly, should want).

From my perspective she and her whole group of followers basically seem like aliens, which would be fine and none of my business if they kept to themselves. It’s the belief that they secretly represent some kind of silent majority that I find hilarious.

11 years ago

Now if I ever decide to open a bar it shall be called The Temple of Whorus, in which the first few drops of every Cosmo are poured on the altar of the Elder Beings as libation and the Eldersluts hold court. It’s a syncretic religion, of course, so further suggestions are welcomed.

11 years ago

I think there should be a DVD of Sex and the City on the altar, and a bowl of condoms of assorted kinds. Also “It’s Raining Men” should be playing softly in the background on repeat.

Lady Mondegreen
11 years ago

Fi, can there be saints? Saint Aspasia, Saint du Barry, Saint Mae of the West, Saint Theda Bara…?

11 years ago

Nonsense! You can’t play “It’s Raining Men” quietly.

11 years ago

In order for men to enter the bar they must answer the Riddle of the Clitoris.

11 years ago

Yes, we definitely need to canonise the Eldersluts who have gone before!

11 years ago

pic on this thread: [link removed by DF at the request of Sunshine Mary, b/c one of the pics contains her kids] There’s also some older pics of her. I guess she had her FB standing wide open til people on FJ started using her pics to make parody sites.

11 years ago

I must admit, the comments in Sunshine’s piece really hit the spot for me. I laughed so hard at a couple of them I began to choke.

11 years ago

I would be so embarrassed if my partner had a pager-throwing tantrum at work.