a voice for men announcements harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam

Program Note: ABC’s 20/20 story on the manosphere will run this Friday

A Voice for Men's Paul ELam: Not ready for his closeup
A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam: Not ready for his closeup

It’s here at last! After numerous delays, the 20/20 story looking at the manosphere — and the part it plays in the online harassment of women — will be running on ABC this Friday, October 18, at 10 PM EST. Among the featured participants: the always charming Paul Elam of A Voice for Men; Anita Sarkeesian, the much-harassed feminist video game critic; and Jaclyn Friedman, the ass-kicking founder of Women, Action & the Media.

Here’s a teaser story on the ABC website which suggests that the 20/20 piece isn’t exactly going to be a triumphant moment in the history of the Men’s Rights Movement.

Naturally, the comments section over there is already filled with A Voice for Menners crying foul and spouting nonsense.

EDIT: And stop by here Friday to live chat during the show! (Well, live comment, anyway.)

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11 years ago

Reblogged this on iheariseeilearn.

11 years ago

Please, please, please gods of television, make this play on my computer in Europe. I don’t want to miss out!!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I’m bummed that I’ll be in a budget meeting and so won’t be able to watch this until after the fact.

Weston Renoud
11 years ago

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when Paul Elam states the obvious and completely misses the subtext.

“There has been a change in the world, especially in the last 50 years. Women’s roles have changed drastically,” he told “20/20.” “What a lot of us in this area find is that men’s roles have not changed very much. Many find now that they have to react.”

11 years ago

Mildly magnificent, I’m hoping they show just how nasty elam and the script overseas is too. It shouldn’t be hard given what’s plastered all over their sites.

11 years ago

If I am watching television, I shall give this the attention it deserves: i.e. will be watching the Dodgers play the Cardinals. I can see this later, on my computer.

Weston Renoud
11 years ago

Why is it that when unsavoury things are reported about the internet they’re described as being “Deep in the underbelly of the Internet”?

Do youtube comments count as “a hidden corner known as the ‘Manosphere'”? Because this shit is not isolated to some dark corner.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

So wait, are they going to put Paul Elam, Anita Sarkeesian, and Jaclyn Friedman in the same room, or will they speak separately?

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Why is it that when unsavoury things are reported about the internet they’re described as being “Deep in the underbelly of the internet?”

Probably to draw viewers in to make it sound more interesting. But yeah, I agree with you, the darknet or Tor network would probably fit that description better.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Also, will this be streamed since I don’t have a TV?

11 years ago

@Weston, I know, right? Reddit isn’t exactly obscure either. Although, I have long considered Youtube and Reddit to be the armpits of the internet. MRA blogs are much more obscure and filled with garbage nightmare content. So when I think of it that way, calling the Manosphere the “underbelly of the internet” is almost a compliment.

11 years ago

But yeah, Cthulhu’s Intern probably hit the nail on the head. It just sounds more newsworthy to say “deep in the underbelly of the internet” instead of “somewhere in Canada, an angry old hack has discovered this thing called blogging”.

Reminds me of the episode of Parks and Rec where they try to make a campaign ad for Leslie and the guys all try to say “Bobby Newport” in the scariest way they can manage to make it sound more sensational.


/prays she did the embedding right

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

This is 20/20 we’re talking about. Even if they make them look bad they’ll find a way to make it about how the Internet is Bad, or they’ll pull some “both sides” shit by dredging up some TERFs or something like that. Is John Stossel’s mustache still on that show?

11 years ago

I think Stossel and his ‘stache have fucked off to Fox where they truly belong.

11 years ago

Aw man, I’m working tomorrow night, I’ll have to catch up on Saturday. Assuming I can stand to see and hear Paul, given that his inert image and writing already turn my stomach. Maybe I’ll make my partner watch it with me.

Joseph M. Ama
Joseph M. Ama
11 years ago

Chances are 20/20 will defend MRA’s and demonize everyone else. 20/20 nearly always takes the wrong side, and will use dishonest editing techniques to do it (like asking a question during an interview, then recording a completely different question in the studio to make them look bad.)

Which is freedom of speech according to the courts.

I’ve seen Sarkeesian’s videos, and I don’t know why people are mad at her (other than she accepted a lot of money to make a certain number of videos over a certain period of time and she didn’t bother to. The people that funded her should be mad but I somehow doubt that the people threatening her gave her one thin dime…)

11 years ago

I think youtube comments count as the “why I occasionally despair for the future of our species” corner of the internet.

11 years ago

Hey, is the Recent Comments widget disabled for anyone else?

11 years ago

I’ll be working at the time in all likelhood, but I’ll try and find it online after the fact.

11 years ago

Yes, the recent comments widget is disabled for me.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Yep. And Disqus just vanished entirely on another site I comment on. (back now!)

I suspect that Disqus may be being buggy. I know this a radical idea, as it’s probably never happened before, but…..

11 years ago

I can’t wait for the live chat!

11 years ago

I hope there are lots of Manosphere women on the show – the Manosphere would cease to operate without the handful of women allies who give them cover.

11 years ago

I’ve got mixed feelings about this. On the plus side, they’ll probably get exposed for the haters that they are, but on the minus side, they’ll be getting publicity. Nobody is going to stop self-identifying as an MRA upon watching the show, I bet, but furious misogynists who had heretofore never heard of them will rush to join up.

But in the spirit of shining the light of truth into dark corners, I guess overall I’m looking forward to it.

11 years ago

I hope there are lots of Manosphere women on the show – the Manosphere would cease to operate without the handful of women allies who give them cover.

I think not. Over on Reddit, the shieldmaidens of AVfM are pretty mad about it too, because they think their existence proves that there’s no misogyny.