It’s here at last! After numerous delays, the 20/20 story looking at the manosphere — and the part it plays in the online harassment of women — will be running on ABC this Friday, October 18, at 10 PM EST. Among the featured participants: the always charming Paul Elam of A Voice for Men; Anita Sarkeesian, the much-harassed feminist video game critic; and Jaclyn Friedman, the ass-kicking founder of Women, Action & the Media.
Here’s a teaser story on the ABC website which suggests that the 20/20 piece isn’t exactly going to be a triumphant moment in the history of the Men’s Rights Movement.
Naturally, the comments section over there is already filled with A Voice for Menners crying foul and spouting nonsense.
EDIT: And stop by here Friday to live chat during the show! (Well, live comment, anyway.)
Lawlz, Dean Emsay and Suzzane whats-her-name are in the comment section of the ABC trailer.
Now watch them act like “real men” and throw a fit. I thought men were above that sort of thing, being superior and all.
Xen – yeah, where’s all that totes superior emotional blocking? 😀
Xen, kittehserf, we shouldn’t necessarily expect better behaviour from these scrotoplasms of the manosphere.
I hope Cloudiah adds ‘scrotoverse’ to the lexicon…
This will make me cringe too much, so I won’t be watching. It already sounds like a disaster.
Please see update #4.
I can’t believe he said he doesn’t know what 20/20 is up to. How can he not? Chances are, the show already fully understands what kind of insane, psychopathic, sociopathic, pieces of garbage the “manosphere” is and if they are like most journalists, they have done their homework and plan on doing a decent expose on these shitheads. I know he’s thinking he’s going to outsmart them by staying calm and “presenting the facts” but I have seen this play out time and time again…he doesn’t stand a chance in hell at making the manosphere look good whatsoever. He will be bitching up a storm after this airs. They all will and they will curse the day they decided to let cameras into their homes.
Damn it, I’m curious, but I don’t have a TV.
Woohoo! Thanks cloudiah for adding scrotoplasm, as well. 🙂
The only other neologisms which came to my mind were to scrotinise, for coming under scrutiny by MRA goons. Along with scrutiny there’s the related word scrutator, for a person who conducts scrutinies of votes, so you could also have a neologism for someone who’s a goon-in-chief of an MRA website such as AVfM, which would be a scrotator.
Ah, there will be nothing better than sipping wine, wearing a top hat, and watching Paul Elam’s hate being exposed all over the the tv on Friday. Can’t wait!
Of course, I do fear for any young’uns watching that – Elam’s hate is after all several magnitudes more obscene than something as benign as an exposed penis. Should they be rating this in the “X”s for the sheer ignorance masturbation he promotes?
Oh golly, I have to add scrotinise and scrotator too, but now I have to go to sleep. I’ve been burning the midnight oil applying for a new job! Wish me luck! (Wish even more luck to anyone who hasn’t a job and needs one!)
Best of luck! (I could do with some too, on that front…)
Oh and don’t worry about adding the other scrotes, for a start they’re not really as funny perversions of the language.
Xanthe, I don’t know, I really fear the scrotinator.
Yoyo: You’re not the same as the other Yoyo, right?
In the article, right after quoting Elam it directly quotes another article of his with hateful language.However, I’m hoping they bring up the really egregious stuff about rape victims “begging” for it. I’d love to see him squirm in his seat being confronted by his own words.
Xanthe – is a Scrotator like a Dementor?
You cannot serve two masters!
@ Kittehs.
I think a Scrotator is more like vox veritas.
The master:
I’m thinking cigars too and a cheese platter. This will be an event for the ages.
::bows down before The Boss::
… hang on, that kitteh doesn’t look remotely like Springsteen.
How about this one?
ROFL ow there go my sinuses again
I must say I’m normally a strong critic of sensationalist approaches to reporting and interviewing buuuuut …
I’d really really like to see them put forward the worst of the worst for him to defend/ justify/ explain away.
Because I’m not very nice. In fact I’m downright hoping they’ll go in, boots and all, and make him very uncomfortable and make him look as stupid as possible even if not as nasty as he really is.