It’s here at last! After numerous delays, the 20/20 story looking at the manosphere — and the part it plays in the online harassment of women — will be running on ABC this Friday, October 18, at 10 PM EST. Among the featured participants: the always charming Paul Elam of A Voice for Men; Anita Sarkeesian, the much-harassed feminist video game critic; and Jaclyn Friedman, the ass-kicking founder of Women, Action & the Media.
Here’s a teaser story on the ABC website which suggests that the 20/20 piece isn’t exactly going to be a triumphant moment in the history of the Men’s Rights Movement.
Naturally, the comments section over there is already filled with A Voice for Menners crying foul and spouting nonsense.
EDIT: And stop by here Friday to live chat during the show! (Well, live comment, anyway.)
PaulE’s going to look like the angry wingnut he is on national TV. It’s like Christmas is coming early.
I can’t wait to see how Paul will spin it later.
What kind of snacks should I bring? Guacamole and chips? Something fancier?
Oh, hooray! Finally. I was thinking they had just decided to scrap the whole thing.
Omg Lmfao! They are going to eat those boys alive. I can’t wait until all the, “The media is a vile piece of shit. They totes misrepresented us!”
serrana: I’ll bring bon-bons.
And thus it was that 20/20 was added to the Mangrysphere’s ever-growing list of things that are obviously part of the global feminazi conspiracy.
AAAAAHHHHH not another pic of Creepy Pauly!
Someone on Jezebel called the Manosphere the “Scrotoverse” in the comments about the 20/20 piece and I about died.
However just when you think it’s all laughing and pointing at the fools you get this:
“The solution is simple. It is very simple and it’s very effective. If a woman physically attacks you in a manner that indicates her serious intent to harm you, then you beat the living shit out of her. Beat her so badly, so painfully, that she fears for her life. ”
From the ever delightful voxday at alpha game . The comments are even worse.
Love to all the good ones, I need an eye bath!
Well…since I’ve got DirectTV which just dropped ABC, I guess I won’t be watching it. Frigg-a-dig.
What’s do damn hilarious about that video clip of Paul Elam is that the first bit isn’t too far off base…
Much more has changed from women, in terms of gender roles, than men…
Mind, that’s due to the way that traditional masculinity remains privileged, but don’t try to tell Elam that.
Zomg!! I’m starting up the popcorn maker right now!!!
I’m wearing Lollerskates as I’m piloting my ROFLcopter right now!
Thanks for posting this. Friends and family are always telling me that attention just empowers these bullies. But I am more of the persuasion that “sunlight is the best disinfectant.”
This is a huge deal, you guys, It should be formal event. We should drink champagne and wear top hats.
I just can’t. I tried reading the comments and the insanity was just too much. I clearly don’t have a strong enough stomach or thick enough skin to read such HORRIBLE venomous paranoid opinions. I’ll be hanging with you guys instead.
Oh gods I am laughing so hard.
And yet already there are gads knows how many responses underneath about how Woe Is The Unfairness and Anita is a liar.
My favourite one is the one claiming that she made up the death threats and has never been harassed.
I’ll be here in a top hat…no, wait…my pirate hat is more comfortable (and more fitting since I doubt I’ll be watching it on TV proper…which of course means I’ll hear all about it before I watch it)
Also, I’m bringing the misandrist mangos. Because what else would I bring?
Newb! ATTACK!!
…with kittens! Hi Purple Jae, have a Welcome Package!
In other cute things, I have at least two fry, and one settled in on my fingernail earlier and OMGS THEY ARE SO TINY!
Hmm, no cable here; hopefully I can find it online quickly after it airs! But yeah, Purple Jae, I agree; the comments over there are just vile. At least where they’re cogent enough to be understandable.
Check out the top 2 comments on this video…but nope, MRAs don’t hate women…they just think they are nothing but attention whores incapable of facing true pain and depression like men.
http : // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nVVzlpUnZw
I wouldn’t celebrate just yet on this documentary either. To truly find out what this disgusting movement is about you need to go to their sites, and read comments like those. I have doubts that the people making this doc did that. Pauly and a few other MRAs I’ve noticed, do a decent job of looking reasonable and calm on camera, so it’s easy to fool people who don’t wade through their shit day after day like David does or those of us familiar with their shit already.
Also screencap, screencap, screencap…whenever possible, not just their sites, but youtube too. It’s the only way to show everyone what they’re all about. If random internet feminists on tumblr are proof of misandry then play their game and use this as proof of their misogyny.
Purple Jae, welcome!
I love your Grumpy Cat gravatar – did you do the art?
I don’t go to scrotosphere sites and the like, either. I’d rather read about their stuff here.
“Deep in the underbelly of the Internet is a hidden corner of the ‘manosphere’ – a collection” of bitter men who are going to completely lose their shit when they read this teaser and will then go full nuclear when the show airs.
I couldn’t help notice that the two authors of the teaser are (presumably) women, so I’m assuming they’ve already begun to face a barrage of harassment over their meanie pants
article. By Friday they’ll have thousands of rape threats to discuss on air.
As usual, don’t read the comments if you don’t like going to bed angry.