citation needed crackpottery disgusting women evo psych fairy tales girl germs it's science! mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA sex sluts that's completely wrong

A Pickup Artist Asks the Question: “Is It Possible For Women To Be A Healthy Promiscous Woman?”

Women: It's very confusing up in there.
Women: It’s very confusing up in there.

So I’ve been reading a bit more in the Evo Psych literature — some of the alleged classics in the field that most Manospherians seem to have either read or absorbed by osmosis. I’m learning a lot about the dubious “science” underlying many of the Manosphere’s most cherished beliefs.

But I’m a little worried for my own intellectual safety, because I see so much clear evidence around me that reading too much Evo Psych can turn one’s brain to mush.

Consider the example of rmaxgenactivepua, the Evo-Psych-addled gentleman who writes the blog “Rejecting Modern Women: Pickup & Advanced NLP & Charisma Behaviourial Conversational Strategic Technologies.” Specifically, consider the recent post of his that asks the grammatically confusing question: “Is It Possible For Women To Be A Healthy Promiscous [sic] Woman?”

I’m just going to quote the whole damn thing because, yikes:

To definitively answer that question, is a woman biologically designed or hardwired to be promiscous

Are there any biological co-factors which support a womans ability to be promiscous?

A womans vagina is a massive breeding grounding for std’s, making it highly unsuitable & dangerous for sleeping with multiple men

Women have a highly short period of fertility. only 10 years of fertility, less if theyre in bad shape

Women have a limited amount of eggs

Plus women dont have the emotional blocking abilities of men

The real kicker is, women are only capable of having one mans child at a time

If women were meant to be polygamous, they’d be able to carry multiple children of multiple men

Making it ludicrous to assume women are polygamous, it’s laughably ridiculous to assume women are polygamous when theyre own biology isnt even capable of reproducing polygamously

Men on the other hand are designed from the ground up to impregnate millions of women, they reproduce over millions of sperm a day, & can impregnate 100′s of women

In fact one man, men are so efficient at reproducing with hundreds of women, one man could repopulate an entire civilisation if he wanted to, thanks to his production of millions of sperm

One woman on the other hand, couldnt populate her own ass, let alone a shoe box or a cat litter tray …

Proving a woman isnt anywhere near designed to be a slut, FACT

Well, yeah, I guess if you make up a rule that states women can’t have sex for pleasure with multiple partners unless they’re biologically capable of giving birth simultaneously to children sired by all these different partners, then women aren’t designed to be “sluts.”

Then again if you can simply make up your own rules like this, you can prove pretty much anything. If I decide that men can’t be polygamous unless they are simultaneously holding their breath underwater and on fire, I guess I’ve proved that men can’t be sluts either.


Oh, and while it’s true that a cis man with healthy sperm could (in theory) repopulate an entire civilization, there are some women who are giving men a run for their money in this department.


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11 years ago

@Tulgey Logger

Sometimes a woman will release two eggs at once. If both are fertilized by the same man, this can result in fraternal twins. If one is fertilized by one man and the other by another man, that is heteropaternal superfecundation. Now you know!

Clearly this means that while general promiscuity for women is out, threesomes with two man and one woman totally need to happen more often!

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

*reads baroncognito’s comment*

Shaun DarthBatman Day
11 years ago

“I’m a little stymied by women’s lack of “emotional blocking abilities.” Is he suggesting women cannot control their emotions? Ugh, I have no idea what he means. These are the kinds of cryptic, unsupported assertions I have to deal with in my students’ papers, which is why I occasionally must fortify myself with a glass of wine (or two) in order to read them.”

Yes. That’s exactly it. That’s why men commit suicide far more frequently, which you would know if you weren’t a misandrist…
Fuck. That argument kinda tore itself apart without an eebil feminazgul even trying. I have no idea what that could mean.

/sarcastic rant

La Strega
11 years ago

@ kittehserf,

My great grandmother had her first child at sixteen and her last child at 48 (from two different husbands). This was not at all uncommon back in the day — hell, it’s still pretty “normal” in many parts of the world.

La Strega
11 years ago

I think girls are traditionally trained to “block” their anger all the time. I could easily argue women do more emotional blocking than men do.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

The emotional blocking thing sounds like he’s trotting out the worn cliche that women become super clingy after someone sleeps with them once, while men are always detached. Blorf.

Also, I thought sperm was liquid fucking gold and not meant to be dispensed like common tap water to millions of undeserving women? Clearly, men aren’t up to the task of promiscuity either.

La Strega
11 years ago

I teach remedial English at a community college.

La Strega
11 years ago

Which means reading the manosphere is a little bit like taking a bus man’s holiday.

Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I think the thing about “emotional blocking abilities” is supposed to refer to the idea that women must bond with someone they have sex with, but men don’t have to because, uh, arglebargle emotional blocking etcetera. I’m sure the justification is something about oxytocin. Infamously, mating/oxytocin studies of prairie dogs have been used to “inform” Abstinence Only education on this subject.

I like the phrase, though. I like to imagine Napoleon Dynamite practicing his emotional blocking abilities with lots of exaggerated motions and karate chops.

11 years ago

…Wait, I thought single mothers are crap at raising kids and ruin society? How is it that both single mothers are bad AND men sleeping around impregnating multiple women is good?

Oh right, because this is all garbage.

11 years ago


my limited-edition eggs

Oooh, are they like Faberge eggs?

“Emotional blocking abilities” sounds like “I’m the sort of man who blocks any twinge of conscience or any hint of empathy with women, because they might just make me think of women as people and inhibit me from manipulating, abusing, and raping them.”

(Yes, I do think of all PUAs as likely to be rapists, since that’s what the whole goddamn thing is about. Benefit of the doubt, they do not get it from me.)

Buttercup – that’s only NotLaidinNYCoranywhereelse’s sperm. Because he’s a super special gold-plated snowflake.

11 years ago

auggz – seconding everything you said just there (re emotional blocking). Just thinking of how much of that sort of repression m’lud did (Yes! It’s Royal Anecdote time!) and how fucking unhappy he was, how much extra pressure that put him under – jayz, the pressure-cooker comparison comes to mind, and he’s far from being the only person in that state. Keeping emotions repressed and then lashing out when you just can’t anymore – yeah, dude, great way to be healthy, really good for the people around you, too. Fuckwit PUA.

11 years ago

It’s “normal” and “healthy” for 2 high schooler boys to break into a fight, but when 2 girls do it, they’re considered “bitchy” or “nuts” or even fetishized.

OT, but I’m glad I went to the highschool I did. I saw just as many (if not more) girl fights than boy fights, and I mean brutal ones too, not stereotypical hair-pulling stuff. Not to promote fighting or anything, but it was nice to grow up in an environment where it wasn’t weird to have girls be just as violent as boys.

11 years ago

The real kicker is, women are only capable of having one mans child at a time Because a woman should be more like a cat- wait, I’m not to up on PUA terminology but is pussy a common way to refer to women. I’m confused

11 years ago

poor attempt at humor. i’m just happy that I may actually get to go back to work tomorrow and have been indulging.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

“If women were meant to be polygamous they’d be able to carry multiple children from multiple men”?

1) By polygamous, I’m gonna assume this syntax/grammar/spelling challenged idgit means either polyamorous, polyandrous, or hey, maybe a word from his original proposition, PROMISCUOUS. But a woman who is polygamous would either be a female in a relationship with one male with other women, OR a woman with multiple wives, in which case reproduction probably isn’t a major consideration.

2) I believe this is a prime example, overall, of a Non Sequitor. It does not follow that an inability to generally have multiple children by multiple males means a female isn’t designed for promisicuity (or polygamy, or polyandry, or whatever floats yr boat.) The vast majority of females of all species on this planet are not designed to have multiple children by multiple males, and yet they continue to be wildly promiscuous. As reproductive strategies go it’s a pretty good one.

It’s an interesting statistic that a woman is more likely to get pregnant with a partner she’s cheating with, rather than with the one she’s cheating on. Could be multiple reasons for that, but since this is MRA territory and we can make facts mean whatever we want, I’m gonna posit human females SHOULD cheat, if they want to get pregnant. In that miniscule window of time for reproduction most of us have, which lasts around thirty goddamned years.

Hell, my grandmother had her last child in her early sixties. An anomoly, I know, but shit. I’d be so pissed.

11 years ago

AK: Manly men too scientific-y and logical to communicate? I guess that does explain why books written by women are considered naturally superior and deeper to those written by men….

kitteh: I had a real problem deciphering what he was trying to say. Its all total bupkis, of course, once it is deciphered; but if you can’t clearly make your argument you’ve already lost it, IMHO.

And I don’t think men are capable of populating their asses, either. I mean if you ass is populated with something, you probably require antibiotics.

11 years ago


One time I happened to walk by a group of girls beating up a friend of mine so I jumped in. My friend was getting kicked in the head so I pulled the other girl off and hit her a few times. I never got hit myself so I consider that a win. Huzzah!

An yea, obviously no fighting is better than fighting, but I liked that whenever it would happen it wasn’t a “chick fight.” It was just a fight. There seemed to be more respect given to girls because of that. Oh, the odd benefits of a crappy school…

11 years ago

Nice ass, Kitthes. ;(

11 years ago

That cat is so ready to devour that rooster.

11 years ago

Yeah, this guy doesn’t realize the incest implications here.

Maybe he thinks it’s like horse breeding, where traditionally only foals from the same dam are referred to as half-siblings. Of course, many popular breeds are facing major problems due to genetic bottlenecks from certain stallions and their offspring over-producing, so…

Actually, you know what, that would explain his belief that there’s only about a 10-year period of fertility, too (still a little on the short side, but closer)! And the whole thing about it being impossible to carry fetuses from two different fathers (I believe it’s technically possible in horses, but if one fetus isn’t aborted then one or both almost always die at birth).

See, this explains a lot. He just has human women confused with mares. Which does raise some disturbing implications…

AK: Manly men too scientific-y and logical to communicate? I guess that does explain why books written by women are considered naturally superior and deeper to those written by men….

No, see, this just proves how amazing men are. They’re amazing at language, science AND mammoth hunting!

What do you mean that contradicts what I said earlier? No, your puny woman (or beta) brain just can’t comprehend what I’m saying.

11 years ago

AK & kitteh : I am laughing my unpopulated ass off right now

11 years ago

Do y’all know the story that picture comes from? It’s a Grimm story, the Musicians of Bremen (or various titles). The animals are all past their prime and have fled from farms where they were going to be killed or abandoned. The donkey starts it all; he has the idea of becoming a town musician in Bremen (playing the lute!) and invites the others along on the way.

First night out they’re in the woods, and see a light in a house. It’s a robbers’ place, and the animals see a good meal on the table. They stand at the window, as in the pic, making as much noise as they can, then crash through the glass. The robbers take off in a fright, of course, and the animals eat the food and settle down for sleep. Later, when the lights are out, one of the robbers comes back. He sees the cat’s eyes in the dark and thinks they’re coals, and holds a match near them. Naturally kitteh is not pleased, and jumps up, scratching him on the face. He stumbles onto the dog, who bites him, then out into the yard, where the donkey kicks him; meanwhile the rooster’s crowing like mad on the roof.

The robber tells his mates he was set on by a witch, who scratched his face; a man/monster behind the door, who stabbed him; a monster in the yard who clubbed him, and there was a judge calling for him to be arrested.

Robbers 0, animals 1, and they live happily ever after in the robbers’ house.