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Ladies! What are your favorite Unchecked Feeemale Privileges?


So a fella on the Men’s Rights subreddit made this poster, which he’s planning to post in the vicinity of the Women’s Studies Department at his school, assuming he can find it.

Since I know that a lot of females read this blog, I thought I’d ask you all just which of these Unchecked Female Privileges (There’s Nothing “Benevolent” About Them) are your favorites. You can pick more than one! (I know how inherently greedy you feemales are.)

Has he missed any important ones?

Non-women are allowed to post in this thread as well, but only if they preface their comments with “If it may please the feemales, might I humbly suggest that … .”

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11 years ago

Regarding trans people, out of curiousity I checked the Swedish statistics on people legally changing their gender, and it’s about 60 % MTF and 40 % FTM. That could obviously also mean that it’s more common among FTM not to legally change your gender, possibly because a man who hands over, say, a driver’s license that says “woman” gets less shit than the other way around, so there’s therefore less pressure on FTM to get the legal gender change. So, statistics are tricky.

Would be interesting to see how many MTF vs FTM who gets a psychiatric diagnosis as transsexual – whether you’d still have the 60-40 figures. That kind of statistics might be more accurate as to the total number of actual MTF:s and FTM:s, since at least here in Sweden you gotta have that kind of diagnosis to get hormone treatment (unless you wanna take the risk to buy hormones illegaly, obvs), so if you have body dysphoria you’re probably gonna feel quite a lot of pressure towards getting a diagnosis. Also, with a diagnosis you can get gender reassignement surgery paid by the public health care system (at least chest and bottom if you want to – I think it’s more of a lottery whether you get anything else). But I don’t think that kind of medical statistics are publically available.

11 years ago

@Bee I am sorry – you ninja’d me & I’d skip-read through and missed your excellent links. /embarrassed

11 years ago

It’s funny because in my job (massage therapist) there is a measurable bias against male therapists. There are far fewer male therapists in the profession, and it’s a lot harder for them to build cliental. But that’s a societal thing, and something that if these so-called Men’s Rights Assholes actually cared about actual equality and not just ranting could do something about.

Change the culture so it’s less stigmatized for a man to have another man touching him in non sexual ways.

Help eliminate rape culture and such so women don’t automatically worry about being alone and vulnerable with a strange man.*

Help with education and advocacy and enforcement to help massage therapy get seen as a legit profession and not just a possible cover for prostitution. This includes educating men that it is totally inappropriate to make sexual comments or gestures to your therapist.

*Obviously there will always be people who have issues being alone with a stranger, especially as receiving massage does put one in a potentially vulnerable position. And that’s fine. What I’m referring to is the assumption that *any* male is a threat to *any* undressed female because “RAWR Male sexuality can not be tamed!”

11 years ago

Police deference disbelief during domestic disputes


11 years ago

Bummocks, HTML fail.

11 years ago

Priority during emergency rescue

The Titanic happened a century ago. Get over it!

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

They also argue that “creep” is the male equivalent of a female “slut”, and that feminists hold a double standard when they argue that there’s nothing wrong in being a slut but it is wrong to be a creep.

They basically do not understand what “consent” means.

11 years ago

So they think that feminism is mainstream society? Because last I checked, slut-shaming was still a thing.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

– “The Sisterhood.” I assume this means that women are sometimes friends and stick up for each other? But men do the same thing. And men tend to have much more powerful and ingrained “old boys’ networks” than women have “sisterhoods.”

I was gonna say, before Shaenon ninjaed right in and said it. What is this mysterious Sisterhood, and how is it at all comparable to the old boys’ network?


Do they really think male sexuality is demonised and female sexuality is encouraged?

Yes. Because American Pie.

Seriously, that got argued, here. My eyes rolled so hard I may have lost one.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

So they think that feminism is mainstream society? Because last I checked, slut-shaming was still a thing.

For real. Their complaints about feminism really only work if we assume feminism won and has been the dominant paradigm for centuries.

And yet, stuff like THIS.

(don’t click on that link if you aren’t ready to face yet another rapist getting away with it without even a slap on the wrist….)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

baileyrenee — in that case, yeah, MtF is easier surgery.

Dvärghundspossen — you do live in a feminist paradise! Shitty US state insurance covers absolutely none of it. Like, my insurance explicitly refuses to cover any GRS related surgeries. And since you can get a name change for the fee and a smidge of paperwork, idk if there’ she same sort of motivation to get an official Dx here. (Also, it’s covered there?!? Just how cold is it? Do you accept crazy immigrants or it’s like Canada and I need to be employable in desired fields? [I can’t afford to move that far, and am mostly kidding, but fuck if this country isn’t falling apart])

11 years ago

That poster’s horrible just from the point of view of design, never mind the noxious, misleading and unsupported content.

If you’re going to put a poster on a wall or notice board in a university department it needs to be bright, simple and have some kind of link to a source. The one in the post is exactly what you don’t need. Long lists in small fonts do not work in that context. Nobody is going to take time out of a day of lectures and tutorials to read your wall of text. It needs to be readable in a couple of seconds as they pass. Not that they’d bother to read that kind of crap anyway.

11 years ago

Ok, normally I only ever lurk but I’ll take the bait here.

“Having it all”

Because as a single woman who lives paycheck to paycheck, I have everything. Privilege, yo!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, I meant to note that I prefer 95/98 to 2k, but was a fan of XP (mostly because games). I’ll pass on Miserable Edition and I’ve now installed Vista twice (the other was my computer at SLS cuz tech dept, student computer, Vista Enterprise…I got “volunteered” as a guinea pig) — two installs, 0:2 on finding the network driver. Of all the drivers!

From what little poking I did while I was trying to make Win7 work, it looks good. Huge, but good. (That’s why I like XP, I could run VtM:B and Sims2 on a 16g install, they both require 4+ G to work — I always stripped my installs to bare bones except the graphics drivers and such)

Vista on my mac feels like sacrilege, but it’s the only way to run this mod apparently. Athywren, you’ve sullied my baby!

Ally S
11 years ago

Hey everyone, looks like our buddy Tamen is back to show off his impressive ability to make straw man arguments:

11 years ago

@Howard, That Missouri story, ugh. Even most of the folks on r/mr seemed to realize the girl was raped, although of course there were plenty of arguments about how the fact that she broke curfew proved that she wanted to have sex. Ugh.

11 years ago

Argenti, well, don’t get too enthusiastic. 🙂 Firstly, you ought to move to Stockholm. Absolutely NOT up to the northlands, because from what I’ve heard, health professionals up there only accept you as a trans person if you’re a Real Man TM or Real Woman TM. In Stockholm you do stand a better chance of getting a trans diagnosis despite not being either of those, but it still depends a bit on what psychiatrist you happen to come across (OTOH, you probably wouldn’t want to live up in the northlands considering the weather anyway).
Secondly… Conservatives here are fucking scared of what they think of as “third gender” people (and they also think all non-castrated trans men are of a “third gender”). I think we discussed this before and came to the conclusion that Sweden is possibly less sexist but more transphobic than the US, if that makes sense? Like, you talked about how trans men have a pretty okay situation where you live, even if people think they’re some kind of butch women rather than men. While here, conservatives seem way more inclined to accept trans women, but trans men are OMG THEY’RE LIKE SOME KIND OF THIRD GENDER! (If you actually came out and said that you’re a genderqueer person who’s had some kind of medical treatments done to your body that makes your body different from the typical body of the gender you were assigned at birth, they’d TOTALLY be all like OMG THIRD GENDER!)

But I do know a trans man who is fairly poor and still get testo injections regularly and had his breasts removed on public health care, so yeah, that’s great for poor trans people. I also heard that some trans women get permanent hair removal of facial hair and stuff like that on public expenses, but that seems to depend a lot on which bureaucrats you happen to come across.

11 years ago

As far as “having it all”, I am only aware of the privilege of being told you cannot, and having a career is trying to.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

TW: Sexual assault, violence

I’m glad to see the Missouri story is getting national coverage. These kinds of cover-ups need to be exposed to the light of day. I won’t hold my breath when it comes to criminal charges against this rapist piece of shit, though.

These 17 year old guys plied a 13 and 14 year old with liquor, raped them, and dumped the unconscious 14 year old in the snow on her front lawn where she could have frozen to death. This 17 year old grandson of a congressman admitted to “having sex” with a 14 year old — which at the very least is statutory rape. The prosecutor dropped the case completely. He’s off to college now, where I guarantee he is raping more people. In the meantime, the victim’s family was run out of town AND THEY BURNED HER HOUSE DOWN.

But there is no such thing as rape culture.

11 years ago

Adding, to clarify: There’s this common kind of transphobia among generally HBT-phobic blokes who are scared of accidentally sleeping with a trans woman when they only want to sleep with cis women. We definitely have that here as well. But on the level of politicians, policy-makers, people writing anti-trans articles in newspapers etc it’s pretty much all about the trans men. More specifically, the idea that a man could get pregnant, which completely freaks conservatives out.

11 years ago

As always, when an MRA manages to point out something that really is a problem for men, it’s something that feminism but not the MRM addresses.

No kidding. When you strip out the lies, repetition, irrelevancies and false equivalences, there’s not much left. You wind up with the results of splash damage from rape culture and toxic masculinity which the MRA’s defend to the death.

They fight for the upsides of cultural dominance, then squeal like stuck pigs about the consequences.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago


That’s the part that always gets me. Societally, we say the victim should be made responsible for her choice to drink — okay, let’s ALSO say that the rapist is responsible for choosing to rape a vulnerable person. If someone is passed out drunk on the sidewalk and gets robbed, the person who robbed him is still clearly a criminal who is prosecuted by the criminal justice system. Why the fuck are we unable to see this when it comes to rape?

Look, it was this way when I was in high school, too. The members of the football team were gods among men. And they preyed on the freshman girls, and we all knew why they were doing it. And you know what? I thought it was disgusting back then, too, even though nobody called it rape at the time.

When the entire town worships these guys, of course the girls are going to worship them, too. THEY ARE STILL 14 YEAR OLD KIDS. And a 17 year old who “has sex” with them is a rapist. PERIOD.

Toddles Manboob
Toddles Manboob
11 years ago

This is another good example of how the totally insular nature of Men’s Rights foils these outreach initiatives (have they ever actually done any other than posters?) from the get go. While the whole thing is not as thoroughly inexplicable as the ‘free recipes for life’ cupcake poster, that asterisked footnote still made me pause in confusion for a bit before realizing it was a clumsy allusion to benevolent sexism (which he doesn’t seem to realize is already meant as a disparaging descriptor).

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

But remember, according to the poster in the OP, feminism is just unchecked female privilege!!!!!

I may be done with humanity for the day.

Toddles Manboob
Toddles Manboob
11 years ago


The girl’s BAL was over .10 SEVEN HOURS LATER. Unless she’s been on the sauce since she was 8, I think it’s pretty likely that she actually was forced to drink at some point(s) during the night.

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