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Ladies! What are your favorite Unchecked Feeemale Privileges?


So a fella on the Men’s Rights subreddit made this poster, which he’s planning to post in the vicinity of the Women’s Studies Department at his school, assuming he can find it.

Since I know that a lot of females read this blog, I thought I’d ask you all just which of these Unchecked Female Privileges (There’s Nothing “Benevolent” About Them) are your favorites. You can pick more than one! (I know how inherently greedy you feemales are.)

Has he missed any important ones?

Non-women are allowed to post in this thread as well, but only if they preface their comments with “If it may please the feemales, might I humbly suggest that … .”

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11 years ago

Also (pet peeve) learn the fucking difference between “less” and “fewer.”

11 years ago

The “punished less for changing your mind” thing — the first thing I thought of was rape, because MRAs are all about women claiming false rape when they’ve changed their mind the next morning, which obviously punishes rapists innocent men who mistakenly had consensual sex with these subhuman monsters called women.

But it’s open to interpretation because: what a fucking horrible writer thinker person.

11 years ago

Note: by women’s shelters I’m assuming he means domestic violence shelters, and it should be said that suicide, although kills more men, is attempted by more women (but doesn’t count, I guess, because you “failed” at suicide). I also am pretty sure that the reason women get more help from the government financially is because they usually have kids with them, and being more likely to be poor with children on welfare doesn’t sound like a privilege to me. The heterosexuality one can also be thrown in with the “men not being able to be as emotional” ones, which I agree, totally suck. Only men can change that though, and a lot of men in the MRM seem to like that tough-guy bullshit, so that’s gotta be addressed within the movement.

11 years ago


Ew, I didn’t even think that the “changing your mind” one might have refered to that. Gross.

11 years ago

Ah, no, the biggest killer of young people is road accidents not suicide or homicide

11 years ago

I have received so much positive sexual encouragement as a woman! Yes, there’s nothing quite so comforting as the encouraging messages urging me to be sexual (with specific people, in specific ways, for the pleasure of others but never myself.)

11 years ago

It’s interesting to note the areas where men and women are treated equally, and the list-maker perceives this as women having an unfair advantage.

— Health care. This merits two entries, “Cheaper healthcare” and “Better healthcare.” Neither of these is true. In the U.S., women and men now pay the same for health care, and before that women paid more.
— Education. Girls and boys get the same damn education until college. As others have mentioned, he’s flat-out wrong about girls getting more attention than boys in class.
— Circumcision. As far as I know, female circumcision is not illegal in the U.S. What is illegal is female castration. Male castration is also illegal.
— “The Sisterhood.” I assume this means that women are sometimes friends and stick up for each other? But men do the same thing. And men tend to have much more powerful and ingrained “old boys’ networks” than women have “sisterhoods.”
— “Having it all.” This means having both a family and a job. For women, it’s considered a ridiculous and greedy pie-in-the-sky dream. For men, it’s considered the bare minimum for a satisfying life.
— Feminism.

11 years ago

Oh my god…I can’t believe the list left out SPERM STEALING! That is totally, by far, my favourite feeeeeeemale privilege…also my favourite past time.

11 years ago

If we’re going to begin making lists of the petty, I want to add “peeing standing up” to the male one. That shit just ain’t fair.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“off the top of my head, if this is true, I’m thinking maybe because it’s easier surgery-wise to go from MtF than FtM.”

Yes and no. FtM “top surgery” is, surgically speaking, just a breast reduction // elective mastectomy — most cosmetic surgeons can do it and the results are usually fairly good as it’s a common procedure. MtF “bottom surgery” is NWO’s favorite topic (besides all the others) because he’d get stuck on the removal of the penis part, but, again, surgically speaking, that’s what it is — less surgeons have experience doing it, probably need a psych okay’ing it, but results are generally good.

Those two are the common ones, and I’d say FtM have it easier since breast reduction surgeons are easy enough to come by and they aren’t often all “you want to remove WHAT?!?”. Otoh, FtM “bottom surgery” is questionable at best. There are a couple methods but none reliably produce good results — usual approach to the problem of the lack of penis is hoping that T enlarges the clitoris enough for it to resemble a small penis.

So common surgery wise, I’d say FtM have it easier, but genital surgery wise MtF do.

/random comment on trans* surgeries

P.s. There are a bunch of other procedures one may opt for, resculpting various things, hysterectomy, etc. I don’t know enough to really comment, besides to say that a hysterectomy for elective reasons will almost certainly cause the “you want to remove WHAT?!”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

OOOH, I completely forgot that feeeeemales get bathrooms with stalls and privacy! Peeing behind a stall door is totally feeeeemale privilege!

Ally S
11 years ago

“The Sisterhood.” I assume this means that women are sometimes friends and stick up for each other? But men do the same thing. And men tend to have much more powerful and ingrained “old boys’ networks” than women have “sisterhoods.”

On top of that, there is a strong stereotype about women being incapable of getting along with other women. As if women are too jealous of each other’s fortunes to want to be friends.

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up! I was talking about the bottom surgery mostly. I know there are other options for trans people, but I was referring more to creating a penis vs creating a vagina.

11 years ago

@Alice Sanguinaria, I suspect we were talking about Dale Spender’s work. This article covers some of the issues and cites her.

11 years ago

(argh, why vista? Why no vid card driver for win7? Why no way to install XP from USB?! VISTA!!! *tears out hair*)

If it’s any comfort, Vista’s a steaming pile of shit but so is W7.

I’m holding on to my XP as long as I can. Tech support be damned, it NEEDS less than feckin’ feckin’ feckin’ W7.

11 years ago

Where be sperm burgling on this list anyhow?

11 years ago

Maybe he thinks it’s part of hypergamy … or gynocentrism … or something.

(I’m using the word “thinks” loosely here.)

11 years ago

Re: the changing your mind thing. I think it may be todo with the old adage that “it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. It sounds stupid but the phrase broght that to mind immediately

11 years ago

No, Windows 7 is light-years ahead of Vista. (I had been wondering why you were voluntarily installing Vista, Argenti.) Seven is the first really good OS Windows has produced since 2K. People have been using XP so long now that they don’t remember how much it sucked compared to 2K: Massively less customization, much bigger and slower, new graphical interface elements (like the new login screen) that actually had less functionality and so you had to switch to the old versions to do advanced things.

11 years ago

That hypergamy thing really annoys me. In practice it means younger, more vulnerable women being forced into marriages they don’t want or are too young for because the husband has money, status and/or privilege. We saw an example of this recently where a child was married to a much older man and died of internal injuries on her wedding night.. This is some kind of female privilege? It’s also worth pointing out that our culture did this until fairly recently. If husband has money that might be nice but for most of us it isn’t a criterion for choosing a life partner.

11 years ago

I never used w2000 – I had ME, which was pretty ordinary, and XP’s better than that. We W7 imposed on us at work, and seriously hate it.

What I will miss most when I finally have to lose XP is PhotoStudio 5.5. I don’t like the later version at all, and W7 doesn’t support it. 🙁

I’m glad to say I don’t have to log in on my home computer. It’s just there, everything comes up when I turn it on. We have to log in at work, even though there are only three of us, our computers are identical (all the same info) and logging in is a fucking waste of time set up by the cowboys our tightarse general manager got to do the job …

11 years ago

Well, Windows ME is the proverbial worst OS ever, and XP was certainly a delight compared to that.

11 years ago

“Positive sexual encouragement”??


Am I missing something? Do they really think male sexuality is demonised and female sexuality is encouraged? What magical fairy land do these people live in?

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Do they really think male sexuality is demonised and female sexuality is encouraged?

They believe that any discussion of rape and sexual harassment is a demonization of men’s “natural sexuality.” Which of course says a lot about the MRA’s perspective on male sexuality.

11 years ago

They also argue that “creep” is the male equivalent of a female “slut”, and that feminists hold a double standard when they argue that there’s nothing wrong in being a slut but it is wrong to be a creep.

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