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Ladies! What are your favorite Unchecked Feeemale Privileges?


So a fella on the Men’s Rights subreddit made this poster, which he’s planning to post in the vicinity of the Women’s Studies Department at his school, assuming he can find it.

Since I know that a lot of females read this blog, I thought I’d ask you all just which of these Unchecked Female Privileges (There’s Nothing “Benevolent” About Them) are your favorites. You can pick more than one! (I know how inherently greedy you feemales are.)

Has he missed any important ones?

Non-women are allowed to post in this thread as well, but only if they preface their comments with “If it may please the feemales, might I humbly suggest that … .”

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Come on now Ally, everyone knows that people transition because they hate their birth gender and want to distance themselves from it! People assigned male at birth are more likely to hate being a man than people assigned female at birth are likely to hate being a woman. See, not hating your birth gender is totally a privilege!

…it bothers me that I made “sense” of that. Probably because I’ve spent more time than I care to admit debating if that was what my deal was since I didn’t want to be the “other gender” either. May I say that opting out of such binary problems makes me a much happier Argenti?

(For the lurkers // not well versed in sarcasm, I mean the second paragraph, not the first, the first is MRA “logic”)

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
11 years ago

Speaking of education (on the list in Futrelle’s image), we haven’t had a Spearhead post here in some time:

Just remember, this guy has a daughter.

11 years ago

Argenti – I wonder if the “hating your gender is only if you’re assigned male” is another example of MRAs hating men, or just them appropriating a (wrong) idea so they can wallow in a bit more self-pity?

In years past, I always thought – with the rider of knowing nothing about trans* people – that not wanting to be a woman made a lot of sense. Even as a kid and unable to articulate it, I knew life was loaded in men’s favour.

11 years ago

“I’m also pretty skeptical of the “less likely to experience dysmorphia” bit. Umm, CITATION NEEDED PLZKTHX.”

Ah, but that isn’t what it says! And I’m fairly sure that one is mathematically correct — more MtF trans* people than FtM. However! Female bodied non-cis folks have far ore societal acceptable options in regards to dress, hairstyle, etc. Also, those stats probably come from surgery rates and I doubt many cosmetic breast reductions are listed, even if “reduction” mean “remove it all”.

So yeah, the stats there are about medical transitions, not social ones, or people who present in a masculine manner but retrain female pronouns for whatever reason.

Also, my face literally fell when I got to that one, I did not read the rest of the list.

No, it does say literally that, right between “Less enforcement of hetersexuality” and “General immunity to sexism allegations,” towards the bottom of the righthand column. You probably missed it since reading the whole list is a bit of an ordeal, to put it lightly… and of course, it probably is just the Department of Redundancy Dept. trying to pad out the list by saying the same-ish thing more than once, but dysmorphia doesn’t occur only in trans* people, but also in, for example, some people with eating disorders who are… oh wait… predominantly women. So… yeah. I stand by my call for a citation on that bullet point.

11 years ago

Agh, sorry, didn’t flip to the next page before retorting!

11 years ago

Okay, I’m just going to preface my comment (as with all my comments) of potential trigger warnings JUST IN CASE.

Aren’t women more likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness? Aren’t our symptoms of illness (mental or non mental) more likely to be ignored or blamed on our “emotions” or our “periods?”

Aren’t women more likely to not be taken seriously when we’re assaulted, abused or raped?

Aren’t women more likely to become addicted because we are so much susceptible to addiction (drugs)?

Aren’t we more likely to be raped? Aren’t rape victims more likely to experience PTSD, depression, suicide, etc?

Aren’t we more likely to struggle from eating disorders?

Aren’t we more likely to be discriminated against in tech jobs? Aren’t committees (even with women on them) less likely to believe that we did our own work?

I’m not saying *some* of the things above aren’t true…but if they exist it’s due to a patriarchal system that places these differences on genders.

11 years ago

Lol, yes. The fact most domestic violence resulting in injury is committed against women resulting in more shelters for women is a “privilege”. Being far less likely to experience domestic violence and sustain injuries from it – well, that’s not a privilege at all!

Eat me, douchecanoes.

11 years ago

On second thought, don’t.

11 years ago

re: Bob Dole and the Spearhead article.

The Spearhead is an ugly little cesspool, isn’t it?

Christopher Columbus is not one of “our” forefathers; he never really set foot on what is now the United States. And he was accused of brutality and tyranny during his rule as governor in Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic). In 1500. When non-European non-whites were considered less than human. So he must of been pretty damn bad.

Columbus Day. Because the guy who “discovered a new land” already populated by people and completely decimating the native population through disease and enslavement is a real American hero.

11 years ago

“Must have” not “must of.” Grammar fail!
My father-in-law’s homemade wine must be getting to me.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

sparky – Columbus is an asshat. The Oatmeal did a comic on Columbus recently, where he blasted the guy for being a douchecanoe (his crimes including selling 9 and 10 year old girls into sex slavery, forcing the indians to give him gold or he’ll cut their hand off, etc).

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Native Americans should be the PC term. Oops. >_<

11 years ago

Given extra attention in class? Really? Because last time I looked, studies proved that girls got less attention in class. And that when this was brought to the attention of teachers and the teachers tried to correct it, girls STILL got less attention in class but both the teachers and the boys thought the girls were getting more than boys!

11 years ago

I missed this little nugget of goodness at the bottom of the first comment:

“Also, Michael Kimmel is the most raging man-hating white knight who has ever lived, I’d leave the sentence without the quote. I see what you’re trying to do but I don’t think it works, it seems like you’re having respect for him when really you shouldn’t. Calling him Dr aswell is adding legitimacy to his bigoted pseudoscience. The sentence about privelege blindness is so common in feminist circles that it doesn’t need a quote.”

Bahahahaha this is so petty

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

titanblue – Can I see the studies? I’m going to debunk it tomorrow, so I want to see it.

11 years ago

Better employed for the same experience? Do I laugh or cry?

Beethoven Is Grumpy Cat

MRAs are utterly clueless. They really have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about.

Beethoven Is Grumpy Cat

And speaking of more puerile rubbish The Amazing Atheist thinks feeeeemales are privileged too.

11 years ago

Alice I know we discussed it was on here, within the past couple of months. Help, anyone? *slinks away to look*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, is it Celebrate Genocide Day? The things I miss when under a rock called “installing Vista” (argh, why vista? Why no vid card driver for win7? Why no way to install XP from USB?! VISTA!!! *tears out hair*)

Vista rant aside, that about sums up my thoughts in that.

Dustydeste — no worries, not finishing reading was my issue after all, only fair you do it to me to 🙂

11 years ago

Okay, I’ll give him this – among ALL THE IDIOCY there are a FEW nuggets of truth, as occasionally happens with the MRA. Men are more often victims of physical violence, AFAIK that’s actually true. Also, men commit suicide more, and more often than women walk around with undiagnosed mental illnesses. And women have a bit more freedom when it comes to how they express themselves with clothes and stuff (possibly that’s what he’s trying to get at with this weird “transition” comment – as a woman you can dress in men’s clothes and not be regarded as a trans person and experience transphobia, but as a man you can’t dress in women’s clothes? IDK, but that’s a real gender difference where women have some kind of advantage).

As always, when an MRA manages to point out something that really is a problem for men, it’s something that feminism but not the MRM adresses. Men are more often involved in violent incidences and have trouble talking about their emotions or being taken seriously if they do talk about emotions (the mental illness and suicide thing), because of stupid gender roles that feminism wants to get rid of. Women can dress like men but men can’t dress like women because dressing like a man is considered normal while dressing like a woman is considered a deviation – we’ll fix that too, if we get rid of patriarchy.

11 years ago

@titanblue, Alice, I linked to this earlier…

Given extra attention in class: Clearly untrue.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

Bee – didn’t see it, oops. Thanks for the links! 🙂

11 years ago

My understanding is that women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, whereas men are more likely to suffer from psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Not sure how privilege enters into it at all, really. It’s a bit like saying men are privileged because they are, on average, taller than women…or that women are privileged because they get to have babies and men don’t. No, that’s not privilege, that’s just a fact.

11 years ago

For fuck’s sake, there is so much wrong with this. Everyone else has ninja’d me but here I go anyway (this is quite long, beware):

The following things are not “privileges:” Longer lifespan (I honestly cannot see why this is a privilege, isn’t it like 5 years difference?), less likely to drop out of college (that’s a personal thing that has nothing to do with gender), not avoided by strangers of the other gender (I could stand to be avoided a bit dude, seriously), better education (we worked our asses off for that, nobody is stopping men from still going to school), expected to choose easier career (not considered capable of difficult careers, you mean), more likely to have a teacher of your gender (not for me in college, and why is this a privilege anyway? Men are probably more likely to have a doctor the same gender)

The following things I need a citation for: high college acceptance rate, cheaper/better healthcare, less productivity pressure (wat), less likely to be unemployed (I thought we were all welfare queens?), less likely to abuse drugs/alcohol, less often admonished by teachers/given extra attention in class, priority during emergency rescue (inb4 the Titanic), less likely to transition/experience dysmorphia (off the top of my head, if this is true, I’m thinking maybe because it’s easier surgery-wise to go from MtF than FtM. Why is this a privilege anyway?), less likely to emigrate for work, less likely to be killed in war (civilian casualties make up a huge number of casualties)

The following things are ridiculous: hypergamy, gynocentrism (top lel), circumcision is illegal (go fuck yourselves), 60% of the world’s wealth (this means grocery shopping), better employed for same experience (wat), positive sexual encouragement (HAHAHAHAHA), “the sisterhood” (wat), feelings given more inherent value (are you high?), less enforcement of heterosexuality (lesbians being objectified by men is now a privilege), immunity to sexism allegations (because the “man-hating feminist” hasn’t been a thing since feminism started), “having it all,” (wat)

The following things are true but have another side to them: lower chance of being a murder victim/committing suicide/physical assault (true, remember sexual violence though), less work related deaths/injuries/safer work environment (not safer from sexual harassment which keeps a lot of women out of male dominated jobs), draft immunity (even though we haven’t had a draft in years and women have been trying to get in the military for decades), woman’s shelters (go ahead and get some men’s shelters going, but you won’t need as many woman’s shelters), assumed primary caregiver (yea a lot of us hate that), more likely to be helped/treated as victim (hate that too, and not always asshole), less pressure for financial achievement (because we’re not even supposed to be working, apparently)

The following things I’m actually totally fine with and have almost no snark towards: shorter/easier criminal convictions, divorce/family court bias (except this has been changing), more scholarships available (I guess? We have woman’s scholarships in Canada anyway), emotional support (that is something men, and ONLY men can change, go ahead and change it, seriously. Most women would love more emotional men), Police deference during domestic disputes, not assumed to be a paedophile around kids (I guess?), less likely to be homeless (but more likely to be poor)

The following things I don’t know anything about: White House Women and Girl’s Council (I have never, ever heard of this before), all the woman’s studies and clubs stuff (I, personally, have never come in contact with one my entire life, I cannot comment)

The following things I’m not touching because we’ve dealt with this over and over and over and over again: all the mental health and reproductive stuff. I’m assuming that “punished less for changing you mind” refers to abortion.

The following things I just rolled my eyes at: not commonly considered privileged, feminism (oh, shut up)

So that was gigantic. Sorry. In my attempt to get every one, I probably made some half-assed arguments, but I needed to get it out of my system. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.