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Ladies! What are your favorite Unchecked Feeemale Privileges?


So a fella on the Men’s Rights subreddit made this poster, which he’s planning to post in the vicinity of the Women’s Studies Department at his school, assuming he can find it.

Since I know that a lot of females read this blog, I thought I’d ask you all just which of these Unchecked Female Privileges (There’s Nothing “Benevolent” About Them) are your favorites. You can pick more than one! (I know how inherently greedy you feemales are.)

Has he missed any important ones?

Non-women are allowed to post in this thread as well, but only if they preface their comments with “If it may please the feemales, might I humbly suggest that … .”

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Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

“Hypergamy” is my favorite. This thing is ostensibly meant to change someone’s mind (I know, but it’s the overt intent), so why would you include your own weird internal lingo? Seriously, I don’t even know what the fuck that term is supposed to mean, though it is at least classier than “cock carousel.”

11 years ago

“Better education” doesn’t even make sense. Most public schools in the US have a pretty even number of boys and girls. Just because girls get higher test scores does not mean they receive a better education than boys. All-girls’ schools generally don’t get better funding than all-boys’ schools. If anything the opposite is true.

And correct me if I’m wrong, but iirc girls mainly receive higher scores in humanities, since as they get older they’re less encouraged to do well in math/sci areas. The fact that reading is seen as “girly” by some people is a case of patriarchy turning on men. Girls reading more just means that books are for girls and therefore stupid.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

Actually, first comment on that thread:

remove hypergamy, gynocentrism, the sisterhood and having it all – seriously, you’re shooting yourself in the foot with these

Wow, they’re learning. Had to happen eventually, I suppose.

11 years ago

“Hypergamy” is my favorite. This thing is ostensibly meant to change someone’s mind (I know, but it’s the overt intent), so why would you include your own weird internal lingo? Seriously, I don’t even know what the fuck that term is supposed to mean, though it is at least classier than “cock carousel.”

AFAIK, hypergamy is an actual sociological term that’s been coopted by MRAs; I know it was a thing that was mentioned in a number of soc courses I took at uni, though it was mostly used in the context of historical trends, and followed with how increased education and rights for women decrease hypergamy on a societal level. It always strikes me as weird to see it used by MRAs because of this.

11 years ago

If we apply this to the entire world rather than just the US, the education stuff is laughably false. Girls are far less likely to receive an education at all, let alone a better one than boys. Girls are far more likely to be kept home to do work or to work at a factory.

Fuck, just look at Malala Yousafzai. She nearly got assassinated for wanting to go to school. I have never heard of a boy facing that kind of threat.

11 years ago

Also: “Punished less for changing your mind.” What is this even referring to?

If I had to guess, abortion.

Also, this weekend I was with some family and we were watching TV when some announcer said ‘did you know, suicide is the biggest killer of men aged 16-25*?’, to which I automatically responded ‘yes, but the two biggest killers of women that age are men and childbirth’. Anyhoo, my family are awesome so we all sat down to a chat about gender roles and expectations coupled with domestic violence and ‘reprisals’ for not fulfilling one’s ‘role’. I am so super-duper glad I don’t have any closet MRAs in my family.

11 years ago

(*whoops! Was supposed to add that I’m recalling those ages off the top of my head so they may be innaccurate but it was the same age where most women of that age are killed by the factors I mentioned)

11 years ago

It’d be typical if it was abortion this dipshit was on about. Never mind that the majority of men can’t get pregnant, so abortion doesn’t apply to them, and never mind that women are punished for “changing our minds” or simply having the temerity to not want to have a child at that point. Punished by death, still, if you’re unlucky enough.

But of course none of that can compare with the horror of a man who doesn’t want a child having to help support it once it’s born.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
11 years ago

My favorite privilege is the one where, because I live in the only country in the world, I get to not have my inner labia and clitoris scraped out with a piece of broken glass and then get sewn back up again to satisfy the pathetic man who wants to brag about how his wife was so virginal he had to use a knife to open her up on her wedding night.

Yeah, bar none, my favorite, totally unearned, totally uncalled for Female Privilege. Not having my entire sexual being mutilated and then compared, laughably, to lobbing off a bit a unused skin at the tip of a penis. Wah. Poor Teh Menz. <— me, totally flaunting my privileged unmutilated vulva.

11 years ago

Mine is making less money for the same job as a dude. Total fucking privilege.

Well, that and the spermjacking.

11 years ago

Ooh! I have so many privileges. I like that males get their opinions taken more seriously, so we feemales don’t have to spend so much time thinking about stuff. I also like it that when I watch movies or television I get to perve on men all the time because the screen isn’t cluttered up with too many women. I also like the fact that we women are interchangeable with one another (as in “what do women voters want?”) because it saves me the hard work of having to develop my own personality.

11 years ago

I put on fundraisers for an anti-FGM group (who are doing OSSOM STUFF) about once every two months. We have to have meetings to discuss how to deal with the WATMenz stuff.


11 years ago

David, the list’s authors seemed obsessed with work safety statistics, but those statistics usually don’t include the one particularly dangerous profession: prostitution.

Wikipedia Fun Fact: “A continuation of the Colorado Springs study [of women prostitutes] found a death rate among active prostitutes of 459 per 100,000, which is 5.9 times that for the (age and race adjusted) general population. This corresponds to an occupational fatality rate more than triple that of fishing workers (the highest fatality profession tracked by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics).”

So there’s that.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

MRA against MRAs!
After all these years of arguing that women are crazier than men, that they should not work in places where men work (such as the military) and that women are sucking to the government’s teat (therefore poorer than men), and that most women are addicted to drugs, now we have a MRA counterassfax to defeat MRA assfax!

11 years ago

If it may please the females, may I humbly suggest that; This writer is full of ‘IT’, Most of these “privileges” are simply human choices rather then privileges, I mean, I am greatly appreciative of the fact unlike my father, I do not have several liters of alcohol forced down my throat. Its a real privilege not being tied down and forced to drink, shoot up and then kill myself.

Of course ignoring the blatant falsehoods, such as the fact that as far as birth control options, there are just as many available to men, from hormones to surgery, and most of them are far less invasive, Male Condoms are more comfortable, and vasectomies are an out patient service ect. The pill for men, could exist, apart from the fact that so many men are terrified of it. The studies that have been done so far, have far fewer side effects then the pill for women. Also, similar to the IUD, men have another procedure that is less pain and discomfort then women, where an inert material is injected into the vas deferens and without hormones or anything that could move, pierce a highly vascularized wall, prevent sperm from entering the seminal pouch for up to 10 years. I know this is such a small thing to pick on, but well… lets face it, when it comes to our own virility, even when we do not want kids, we are very timid, especially the MRAs.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

Hellkell ninjaed me with spermjacking, but I must say, I also appreciate my privilege of not being forced to pay $8,000 a month in child support with my $8,020 a month salary with only enough money to feed myself with onions and cornstarch, like so many men’s rights subreddit testimonies.

11 years ago

My favorite feeemale privilege is that there’s whole industries built around my appearance, like the cosmetics industry, the weight loss industry, women’s fashion magazines, etc. Having people tell me what kind of narrow mold I have to fit in in order to be socially acceptable and attractive makes my life soooo much easier. I don’t have to worry about finding any kind of personal style or accepting my body or anything! And, all the extra time and money I waste on obsessing over my appearance means I don’t have any extra time or energy or resources to focus on anything unbecoming a woman, like a college education or anything like that! Thank you, feeemale privilege.

11 years ago

If it may please the feeemales:

Less likely to transition gender identity

In order for this to be a privilege you would have to consider transitioning to be a bad thing, plus, people who are considered female who transition, do so because they’re not actually female, so how does that count as female privilege?

11 years ago

only enough money to feed myself with onions and cornstarch, like so many men’s rights subreddit testimonies.

Old, withered, dried-up onions, too.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

kittehs – And it’s entirely powder!

11 years ago

A different Mister Redditor made another fantastic poster.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

kitteh – I hope they’re not getting their dried onions cooked by a woman, sunshine mary informed me that women can’t cook anymore.

11 years ago

Alice – it’s the cornstarch used as talc! They have to shake the bottle over the withered onion!

11 years ago

Maude, no, they’re eating them raw, with the skin on, and a dusting of cornstarch talc.

Maude LL
Maude LL
11 years ago

cloudiah –
What. That poster is unreadable. What’s it trying to communicate? I guess my privilege is blinding me from reading the words around that keylock.
Also, ‘sexism is never benevolent’ is the point of the expression ‘benevolent sexism’.
Funny MRAs.