antifeminism birth control contraception entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil single moms evil women imaginary oppression mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reddit that's completely wrong the poster revolution has begun

Ladies! What are your favorite Unchecked Feeemale Privileges?


So a fella on the Men’s Rights subreddit made this poster, which he’s planning to post in the vicinity of the Women’s Studies Department at his school, assuming he can find it.

Since I know that a lot of females read this blog, I thought I’d ask you all just which of these Unchecked Female Privileges (There’s Nothing “Benevolent” About Them) are your favorites. You can pick more than one! (I know how inherently greedy you feemales are.)

Has he missed any important ones?

Non-women are allowed to post in this thread as well, but only if they preface their comments with “If it may please the feemales, might I humbly suggest that … .”

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11 years ago

Same elderly gentleman would call people who were especially socially active “hot flyers” or “hot runners.” And another time he described a bookie he knew, called him “a bookie with civic ideas — he believed in law and order, but there were phases of the law where he differed with the interpretation.”

I miss him.

11 years ago

cloudiah: I hope you can find that history, I’d love to read it.

11 years ago

Oh, we couldn’t publish it as an oral history because we didn’t get permission. He was helping us in another capacity, and it just turned into an accidental oral history because he told us so much about his life. Full of gossip, and interesting stories about black celebrities and LA nightlife. But if you shoot me an email (I’ve forgotten yours) at my nym at The Google I can send you some information.

11 years ago

@Sparky: Funny how you have a squirrel! That’s so similar to the chicken. I prefer the versions with animals rather than the clock, since the clock doesn’t actually do anything.

MRAs don’t do anything either, which makes the clock one even more suitable.

I like the cat and porridge one, ‘cos Katie’s always been fond of porridge and gets snotty if it’s too hot for her to eat it straight away.

Oh geez, that just reminded me of something Magnus used to do – he loved chips (fries to you USians) but if he got one that was too hot, he’d growl at it to make it cool down.

Never failed, either. Chips are easily intimidated.

11 years ago

Cat logic! (That’s adorable.)

11 years ago

Sweet Pea adores baked goods. Scones, French toast, bruschetta: She has stolen them all.

And a few days ago we left a bag of rolls on the table and she tried to eat them through the bag. The bag and the rolls both had little holes poked through them.

11 years ago

First time Magnus has ever been called adorable! 😀

Speaking of kittehs, I now have irrefutable proof that Maddie is a guttersnipe.

I went into the lounge last night and she was sitting bolt upright on her Ignoring Television perch (aka the stereo cabinet). Sorry, sorry, I haven’t put your fleecy rug there for you, sez I, fetching the rug. When I turn back she’s not sitting there anymore, she’s standing mooning me!

Oh the shame, she has no manners at all.

11 years ago

This oughta be good, I think Mr. Elam is ready for his closeup.

11 years ago

hellkell, read the comments…

11 years ago

From the aforementioned comments:

Paul Elam tells the truth. His project assists all people who are exploited by callous ideology-addled social engineers and control-freak bureaucrats. He is no post-modernist. Anita Sarkesian is a typical busybody attempting to profit from bossing others around. Her offer of supervision is unwelcome. If you want to see what kind of harassment happens when misandrists get going just look into the story of Ms. Erin Pizzey, one of the most important and brave human rights activists alive.

All I can really muster here is a “LOLWUT”

I’m clearly not cut out for comments sections these days.

11 years ago

My favorites:

Cheaper healthcare
Less likely to be depressed
‘Having it all’

11 years ago

Word salad: It’s what’s for dinner!

This is a lie. Oven-roasted chicken and vegetables is what’s for dinner. Which I’m glad of, word salad not really being renowned for its tastiness.

11 years ago

YUM! Love overn-roasted chicken.

It’s fish, boiled spuds and veggies night here. Also yum, even if it doens’t sound it. 🙂

11 years ago

Oh geez, that just reminded me of something Magnus used to do – he loved chips (fries to you USians) but if he got one that was too hot, he’d growl at it to make it cool down.

Never failed, either. Chips are easily intimidated.

As are letter carriers:

11 years ago

We bow before neuroticbeagle’s image searching skills.

(And also apologize for the lack of seriousness, and the fact that the dog does not appear to be offering to go hug a misogynist.)

11 years ago

I hoped someone would pick up on the kangaroo at Tullamarine! I boggled seeing that on the news last night after mildlymagnificent’s kangaroo on the street incident.

We bow before neuroticbeagle’s image searching skills.


11 years ago


11 years ago

Thou shall spread confusion by posting as many animal videos/pictures as possible.
-one of Ceiling Cat’s Commandments

Ally S
11 years ago

If you want to see what kind of harassment happens when misandrists get going just look into the story of Ms. Erin Pizzey, one of the most important and brave human rights activists alive.

It’s a good thing I don’t have anything to drink. Otherwise I would have ruined my monitor.

11 years ago

OT but, courtesy of Shakesville, anyone else seen this?

Which has ignited the debate about whether the accepted view of it being the men hunting the mammoth is correct … 😎

11 years ago

I boggled seeing that on the news last night after mildlymagnificent’s kangaroo on the street incident.

Obviously this is proof that kangaroos hopping around urban areas is in fact an everyday occurrence in Australia.

11 years ago

I knew my suburb was substandard! All we get is the occasional rabbit.

11 years ago

Whereas I get racoons. California wins!

(I choose not to live in the parts of California that get mountain lions, because that’s just too much kitty for me.)

11 years ago

I saw a fox from the train the other day – brilliant patch of colour in a greeny-brown paddock. I know we’ve foxes all over the place but I’ve never seen one before.

We also get magpies, which are absolute menaces in nesting season (if one of those birds swoops you you really know it). Luckily we’re past that, now, and it’s the season for feeling sorry for the magpie parents. The babies are out of the nest and will spend months yet tagging around after them saying MUUUUUM/DAAAAAAD I’M HUNGREEEEEEEEE.