divorce dozens of upvotes evil sexy ladies evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men reddit shit that never happened the c-word threats

Men’s Rights Jeopardy: I’ll take “Kill the B*tch” for two dozen upvotes, Alex.

MRAs: Perpetually furious
MRAs: Perpetually furious

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named dzogen came by to vent about his unfair divorce.

Seems his “freeloader and loser” of an ex-wife — a former drug addict — sits around the house eating bon bons while happily collecting $2500 a month in child support for the five year old kid they had together. Also, she treats him with disrespect. “Meanwhile,” the poor fella wrote, for an added dose of pathos, “I have to survive on PB&J.”


Dzogen ended his post with a wish, and a bit of advice for the rest of the guys reading his tale of woe:

I can only hope karma will get her in the end as I have no options to address the fact that legally men have to bend over and take it by their ex’s, legally sanctioned by anti-success, anti-male laws.

My moral of story: Don’t ever get married. It’s a bad deal for men.

Naturally, the helpful fellas of the Men’s Rights subreddit stepped in with some suggestions for how poor Dzogen could improve his sad life. Naturally, there were those who suggested that he (and the other men who shared their own stories of divorce gone wrong) flee the country “and leave her worthless ass high and dry.”(Just load up the comments there and do a find on the page for the word “leave” to find many more.)

But there were others with more, erm, direct suggestions. Like Justin here:

Justinw303 12 points 1 day ago (14|2)  Honestly, if I were you, I'd kill her. No joke.

Huh. A dozen upvotes for a literal call for murder.

And then there was this exchange, in which a comment advocating murder received not one but two dozen upvotes, and those who criticized it got downvotes:

cleetdog101 24 points 14 hours ago (41|17)  Whats her drug of choice? If its coke, smack or crank, you could always look to spike her fix. Not that difficult - Next thing you know - you have the kid and an extra $2,500 a month.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Redundantgaming 0 points 3 hours ago (1|1)  No half measures. Only full measures.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]fuckingidiotjunky -2 points 12 hours ago (6|8)  I can't believe this is upvoted      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]thegreatbeyond50 4 points 11 hours ago (9|5)  There's not alot of things that would drive me to want to murder someone. Completely destroying my life would be one of them.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Mythandros -3 points 10 hours ago (9|12)  That's pretty dark, dude. Resorting to murder? Even implied as a joke, that's just in bad taste.  Are you sure you belong here? Because I'm not sure that you do. Please leave, I don't want people like you, who encourage the most deplorable of acts posting on a board that is supposed to be about positive change and support to those who need it.  You taint /r/mensrights by being here.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]lIllIlIIlIlI 5 points 10 hours ago (11|6)  Who died and made you king of morality?

This particular exchange has since been deleted by Reddit admins or the subreddit’s mods.

But numerous other calls for murder remain up as of this writing, including Justin’s comment above, and this one from Kappies10:

Kappies10 7 points 1 day ago (12|5)  I'm sorry mate but to be honest if that ever happend to me I would literally execute that cunt, I rather live in prison than barely live at all... :/

This one from Pecanpig:

Pecanpig 1 point 7 hours ago (1|0)  At that point I have to ask, why not kill her?

This one from the cheerily named HoneyPuffBear:

HoneyPuffBear 2 points 22 hours ago (2|0)  And not to go there, but I am going there. She is a nailhead you most likely got a hammer, be creative

This delicately worded suggestion from eloquentlnemesis:

eloquentnemesis 1 point 4 hours ago (1|0)  If you have no legal option, can you live with what is happening now for the rest of your life? No? Then find an option that doesn't involve the law.

Oh, and this one from Skyrimnewb, although it isn’t literally a call for murder:

SkyrimNewb 4 points 17 hours ago (4|0)  Im not advocating murder, but I'd definitely understand.

The Men’s Rights subreddit: A place good men in trouble men with fake stories can turn to for help suggestions to kill the bitch.

Thanks to the good folks of the Against Men’s Rights subreddit for pointing me to this thread and most of the terrible quotes here.

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11 years ago

Ok, for purposes of comparison: I got under $500 for four kids. That’s total not each. And short term (less than a year) rehabilitative alimony was awarded (less than $800) but he never paid it and there was no way to collect. In my state they only go after parents for child support, and it takes years, and is typically only triggered if the custodial parent has to apply for food stamps or welfare or such. I faced strong frowny faces from the court personnel because I had been a stay-at-home mom and did not already have a career. It depends on what your state laws are. More and more are like mine. We were white collar middle class, fyi, not poor before the divorce. Me and the kids were poor after the divorce, though.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I meant Pollock from the popehat thread form hell. The painter amuses the hell out of me, to the point this is one of my latest creations (pecunium, I’m dumb, I seem to have the whole series on here and only a handful on the TB, I could’ve shown you all of them)

11 years ago

I just write to let you know that I’ve made two more pics for the Manboobzers deviant art gallery – a spermjacker and a rationalization hamster. Although I don’t know whether I entered them correctly (not used to deviant art yet)? My “whore penguin” is on Featured, and then there’s this headline for Spoofs. They’re not spoofs, so does that mean they’re supposed to be on Featured instead? Right now you seem to see them only if you click on my name.

11 years ago

Lileks is the gift that keeps on giving. I think I just found the origin of every MRA’s most treasured fantasy about what to do to those uppity women! This conclusively proves that they arrived in our present era via time machine, since this is from 1963.

11 years ago

@Cassandra, I can’t believe you didn’t link to the penguin.

11 years ago

I just write to let you know that I’ve made two more pics for the Manboobzers deviant art gallery – a spermjacker and a rationalization hamster. Although I don’t know whether I entered them correctly (not used to deviant art yet)? My “whore penguin” is on Featured, and then there’s this headline for Spoofs. They’re not spoofs, so does that mean they’re supposed to be on Featured instead? Right now you seem to see them only if you click on my name.

Yes, right now Featured is the only gallery we have for non-satire. (I could make more, but I think that would only increase what-goes-where confusion.) I made the spoof folder because some people were concerned about their stuff getting taken seriously. It’s entirely up to you to decide whether your pieces are satire.

To add your stuff, go to the Manboobz group gallery and click “Add to this folder” for whichever folder you want to add them to, and then if everything is working properly, which it probably isn’t, they should get immediately added. (I already added the spermjacker one for you, but you need to approve it. Check your messages.)

DA: Not the best interface ever designed.

11 years ago

Thanks Katz!

11 years ago

@ cloudiah

Not the penguin! Actually these vintage Maxim-type mags are a great insight into the MRA mindset. This cartoon is pretty much how they think the world works now.

11 years ago

*lol* Actually me and Husband got something similar to that “mini-gym” (although ours is called a city-gym, and you attach it to a door rather than around your neck) from our personal trainer… Who btw (considering what Alfalfa wrote about in another thread) is an old body-builder who even has competed in the Swedish championships, but also has a master’s degree in philosophy and is a fan of Wittgenstein.

11 years ago

On the topic of old-time exercise commercials; when I was little I wanted to and vaguely thought that I actually would grow up to look like Arne Tammer, the Swedish Charles Atlas. Still working on it…

11 years ago

As a supervisor myself, I can confirm that the only way to make employees respect you is to punch them. Every time I deck someone, I get a big promotion.

I also get a penguin.

11 years ago

Hi folks. Just checking in to say hi and confirm that MRAs still suck. Astonishingly, it looks like they still do. Hope everyone’s doing well.

11 years ago

cloudiah, penguins are all very well, but do you get random employees running up declaring they love you? That’s the real test of Super Supervisoriness.

11 years ago


Hi, captainbathrobe! How ya doing?

11 years ago

Long time no see. And yes, we can confirm that MRAs still suck.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Captainbathrobe! You are still around! *waves*

Katz — maybe change the featured folder to say “everything else”? That’s my go to label for, well, everything that doesn’t fit and thus goes somewhere else.

11 years ago

Argenti – oh, that Pollock. It wasn’t obvious who you were talking about; that Popehat business was a while back and not immediately recognisable, like a troll here would be.

11 years ago

(Not dismissing it, ‘cos that Pollock is a dirtbag, just saying I didn’t know who the heck you were talking about.)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah, sleepy Argenti failed at context, I suck at that one, sorry.

11 years ago

Hey hi, captainbathrobe! Hope all is well with you!

11 years ago

Pollock on Popehat is a kind of strange dude. He’s their most prolific commenter (according to their sidebar). I’ve watched him in a variety of comment threads, and he very often starts out reasonable and level headed. He’s frequently the one who points out inconsistency and hypocrisy in other people’s comments.

But once he starts getting defensive (and he almost always gets defensive when the topic is about sexual assault or misogyny), he seems to lose his ability to think rationally, and he starts redefining words to suit his purposes, shifting goalposts, claiming he never said what he said. In general, being troll-like. It’s just so strange to me that he doesn’t start out that way.

11 years ago

Katz — maybe change the featured folder to say “everything else”?

I don’t think I can; “Featured” is a standard folder for all groups. I could make another folder, but seriously people, don’t be shy about putting stuff in “Featured.” You don’t have to worry about whether it’s good enough or important enough to feature; it is.

11 years ago


I’m pretty sure that’s the case, assuming this sob story is true.

Get ready for super tedious calculations.

Let’s generously assume that he eats two PB&J sandwiches per meal, twice per day. That’s costing him about a dollar a day (it costs about 24 cents to make a PB&J sandwich), not including breakfast. Let’s be generous, again, and assume that he eats plain oatmeal for breakfast and that costs him 12 cents per serving. So, $1.12 per day. Not very much to survive on.
It costs about $3.39 to make a pot roast (2.5 lb pork, 2 lb potatoes, 6 oz carrots, 1 rib of celery, an onion, and a packet of onion soup mix) from scratch. We’re going to assume there are 6 servings. Over the course of three days it is going to only cost him an additional 13 cents per day to eat the homemade pot roast/soup. This is also including the oatmeal for breakfast.
Knowing how to cook simple meals makes all the difference.

11 years ago

I listen to a song by Leather Strip right now and I honestly thought they sang “the troll that I seek is the troll that I get”, but it was “trouble”, not “troll”.

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