divorce dozens of upvotes evil sexy ladies evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men reddit shit that never happened the c-word threats

Men’s Rights Jeopardy: I’ll take “Kill the B*tch” for two dozen upvotes, Alex.

MRAs: Perpetually furious
MRAs: Perpetually furious

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named dzogen came by to vent about his unfair divorce.

Seems his “freeloader and loser” of an ex-wife — a former drug addict — sits around the house eating bon bons while happily collecting $2500 a month in child support for the five year old kid they had together. Also, she treats him with disrespect. “Meanwhile,” the poor fella wrote, for an added dose of pathos, “I have to survive on PB&J.”


Dzogen ended his post with a wish, and a bit of advice for the rest of the guys reading his tale of woe:

I can only hope karma will get her in the end as I have no options to address the fact that legally men have to bend over and take it by their ex’s, legally sanctioned by anti-success, anti-male laws.

My moral of story: Don’t ever get married. It’s a bad deal for men.

Naturally, the helpful fellas of the Men’s Rights subreddit stepped in with some suggestions for how poor Dzogen could improve his sad life. Naturally, there were those who suggested that he (and the other men who shared their own stories of divorce gone wrong) flee the country “and leave her worthless ass high and dry.”(Just load up the comments there and do a find on the page for the word “leave” to find many more.)

But there were others with more, erm, direct suggestions. Like Justin here:

Justinw303 12 points 1 day ago (14|2)  Honestly, if I were you, I'd kill her. No joke.

Huh. A dozen upvotes for a literal call for murder.

And then there was this exchange, in which a comment advocating murder received not one but two dozen upvotes, and those who criticized it got downvotes:

cleetdog101 24 points 14 hours ago (41|17)  Whats her drug of choice? If its coke, smack or crank, you could always look to spike her fix. Not that difficult - Next thing you know - you have the kid and an extra $2,500 a month.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Redundantgaming 0 points 3 hours ago (1|1)  No half measures. Only full measures.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]fuckingidiotjunky -2 points 12 hours ago (6|8)  I can't believe this is upvoted      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]thegreatbeyond50 4 points 11 hours ago (9|5)  There's not alot of things that would drive me to want to murder someone. Completely destroying my life would be one of them.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Mythandros -3 points 10 hours ago (9|12)  That's pretty dark, dude. Resorting to murder? Even implied as a joke, that's just in bad taste.  Are you sure you belong here? Because I'm not sure that you do. Please leave, I don't want people like you, who encourage the most deplorable of acts posting on a board that is supposed to be about positive change and support to those who need it.  You taint /r/mensrights by being here.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]lIllIlIIlIlI 5 points 10 hours ago (11|6)  Who died and made you king of morality?

This particular exchange has since been deleted by Reddit admins or the subreddit’s mods.

But numerous other calls for murder remain up as of this writing, including Justin’s comment above, and this one from Kappies10:

Kappies10 7 points 1 day ago (12|5)  I'm sorry mate but to be honest if that ever happend to me I would literally execute that cunt, I rather live in prison than barely live at all... :/

This one from Pecanpig:

Pecanpig 1 point 7 hours ago (1|0)  At that point I have to ask, why not kill her?

This one from the cheerily named HoneyPuffBear:

HoneyPuffBear 2 points 22 hours ago (2|0)  And not to go there, but I am going there. She is a nailhead you most likely got a hammer, be creative

This delicately worded suggestion from eloquentlnemesis:

eloquentnemesis 1 point 4 hours ago (1|0)  If you have no legal option, can you live with what is happening now for the rest of your life? No? Then find an option that doesn't involve the law.

Oh, and this one from Skyrimnewb, although it isn’t literally a call for murder:

SkyrimNewb 4 points 17 hours ago (4|0)  Im not advocating murder, but I'd definitely understand.

The Men’s Rights subreddit: A place good men in trouble men with fake stories can turn to for help suggestions to kill the bitch.

Thanks to the good folks of the Against Men’s Rights subreddit for pointing me to this thread and most of the terrible quotes here.

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11 years ago

Aaaand I just saw Unimaginative’s comment. Yeah, not doing it.

11 years ago

Mmmm, I’ve been meaning to try sunbutter, Unimaginative; it sounds hella tasty. Bit more expensive than my no-additives peanut butter, though. Anyways, this thread has made me really really want apple butter for some reason. Preferably on sourdough toast.

11 years ago

To clarify – I think some MRAs are hoping for a massacre because they think it will prove to the world that they’ve been right all along and everyone should give them what they want so that it won’t happen again. They think this is how things would play out because they’re convinced that the average guy secretly agrees with them.

11 years ago

Thankfully the average guy doesn’t know who these no-talent assclowns are. I wish I had taken a pic of the look on Mr. HK’s face when I explained MRAs to him.

11 years ago

Bailleyrenee, it’s good to hear that I’m not just being paranoid.
I find myself looking at every man I see with suspicion now and I don’t want to feel like that, especially when I’m sure that they’re all perfectly lovely really. I’ve always been a very fearful person and the MRM is making me more so. And that really frustrates me because I feel like that’s what they want and I’m just helping them achieve their goals.

11 years ago

CassandraSays, it’s really depressing but I think you’re right. If something like that happened, they would first distance themselves from it (“well, we can’t go around policing everyone, and we never said we condone violence”) and then do exactly what you said (“[we]’ve been right all along and everyone should give [us] what [we] want so that it won’t happen again”). It’s actually pretty terrifying and I’m glad at least the SPLC has there eye on them

Alice – Oh, thank you! I really need some comfort food now…

11 years ago

baileyrenee –

I read that as “from” kangaroos and then I laughed and felt bad for laughing.

Hey, I nearly wrote that! 😀

On the unfunny note, intimate partner violence is the leading cause of premature death among women in my state, and possibly all of Australia. These men may never have heard of the MRM but they are doing exactly what it advocates: raping and murdering women.

Alice –


::laughs evilly::

hellkell – yeah, when I tell the boss about the latest lines from the MRM he looks somewhere between nauseated, flabbergasted and (if it’s one of the less harmful but idiotic efforts) amused, though it’s a sort of sick amusement anyway. He’s a looong way from being a feminist but he recognises appalling attitudes when he sees ’em.

11 years ago

Well, that’s a first – a double quote in a blockquote. :/

11 years ago

I do have to wonder how this “Human Right Movement” would react is someone actually took the “Kill The B*itch” advice to heart, especially if the screenshots of said advice were still extant.

11 years ago

I hope he never gets custody–he sounds like a horrible parent. And why the anger at the wife? It isn’t like she likely set the child support payments. (Not that threatening to murder the judge would be better.)

For brain bleach, I give you more pictures of my kitties.

This pretty much happens every day:

So does this:

11 years ago

The ways of the blockquote are strange and mysterious.

11 years ago

I’d eat an entire jar of peanut butter or Nutella with a spoon in a week if I were able to stomach eating so much fat.

I often wish I hadn’t discovered this product. Which is why I’m inflicting it on you :-p

I not only love peanut butter, I rely on it pretty heavily as it’s one of the few foods I can count on to keep me feeling full for a few hours. When I worked the opening shift at the bakery (5:30 am), peanut butter milkshakes were literally the only thing that would get me through to my lunch break.

I know it’s tacky to insist that you’d like X if you tried it, but I wonder if the peanut butter haters have tried satay sauce? It’s less overwhelmingly peanutty than peanut butter – nutty, yes, but also sweet and salty and a bit spicy. I’m just wondering if it’s the peanuts people don’t like, or the texture of peanut butter (especially if you’ve been having the mroe natural style).

11 years ago

Really, these guys would be best off just wanking into a sock with some money stashed in the end.

Kittehs, you’re like 70% of the reason why I don’t drink while I’m reading Manboobz. It’s for your sake, really. Think how many keyboards you’d owe me!

11 years ago

Dear mras-having-hissy-fits, maybe you shouldn’t have shamed that fat chick, but insted should have wifed her; today, you’d still be a husband and a father of accomplished children and have money in the bank. By the way, feminine clothing goes A LONG, LONG way in hiding extra pounds. Talk about karma coming back to bite your bony ass 🙂

11 years ago

Mmmm, I’ve been meaning to try sunbutter, Unimaginative; it sounds hella tasty.

I find it too bitter, but it may just have been the brand.

Almond butter, on the other hand, is a gift from Ceiling Cat.

11 years ago

emilygoddess – I haz a proud. 🙂

Also a grateful ‘cos the cumulative cost of keyboards, freight, etc, etc could be serious.

susanbotchie – dear god no, don’t wish MRAs on any woman as a husband!

11 years ago

“May you marry an MRA” is one of the worst curses I’ve ever heard.

11 years ago

BTW for anyone in need of brain bleach, I found pics of the most hilarious motel in the world linked via the regrettable food site. This thing makes Japanese love motels look subtle and tasteful. Behold!

You can see the whole thing starting here.

11 years ago

I kind of wish this room still existed so I could go get stoned there and walk around rubbing my cheek on the fuzzy purple carpeted walls.

11 years ago

Mmmm, I’ve been meaning to try sunbutter, Unimaginative; it sounds hella tasty.

I find it too bitter, but it may just have been the brand.

Almond butter, on the other hand, is a gift from Ceiling Cat.

It is bitter on its own, but it makes a hell of a satay sauce. I’ve discovered cashew butter, which is smoother than the almond butter I’ve tried. Good thing it’s so expensive, because otherwise I’d be eating a litre daily.

11 years ago

My computer is autocorrecting me when I type blockquote. That’s my story, anyway.

11 years ago

Dear mras-having-hissy-fits, maybe you shouldn’t have shamed that fat chick, but insted should have wifed her; today, you’d still be a husband and a father of accomplished children and have money in the bank. By the way, feminine clothing goes A LONG, LONG way in hiding extra pounds. Talk about karma coming back to bite your bony ass

What the utter fuck? This comment is absurdly funny.

11 years ago

Also in the wrong thread, as this OP is the tale of a wifing gone horribly awry.

11 years ago

Can we divorce that commenter?

11 years ago

I’ve fallen down the Lileks rabbit hole this weekend. The motel, the Mongomery Ward scans, I can’t stop.

Cassandra: I’m OK with that divorce. Sounds kind of like pell to me.