divorce dozens of upvotes evil sexy ladies evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men reddit shit that never happened the c-word threats

Men’s Rights Jeopardy: I’ll take “Kill the B*tch” for two dozen upvotes, Alex.

MRAs: Perpetually furious
MRAs: Perpetually furious

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella named dzogen came by to vent about his unfair divorce.

Seems his “freeloader and loser” of an ex-wife — a former drug addict — sits around the house eating bon bons while happily collecting $2500 a month in child support for the five year old kid they had together. Also, she treats him with disrespect. “Meanwhile,” the poor fella wrote, for an added dose of pathos, “I have to survive on PB&J.”


Dzogen ended his post with a wish, and a bit of advice for the rest of the guys reading his tale of woe:

I can only hope karma will get her in the end as I have no options to address the fact that legally men have to bend over and take it by their ex’s, legally sanctioned by anti-success, anti-male laws.

My moral of story: Don’t ever get married. It’s a bad deal for men.

Naturally, the helpful fellas of the Men’s Rights subreddit stepped in with some suggestions for how poor Dzogen could improve his sad life. Naturally, there were those who suggested that he (and the other men who shared their own stories of divorce gone wrong) flee the country “and leave her worthless ass high and dry.”(Just load up the comments there and do a find on the page for the word “leave” to find many more.)

But there were others with more, erm, direct suggestions. Like Justin here:

Justinw303 12 points 1 day ago (14|2)  Honestly, if I were you, I'd kill her. No joke.

Huh. A dozen upvotes for a literal call for murder.

And then there was this exchange, in which a comment advocating murder received not one but two dozen upvotes, and those who criticized it got downvotes:

cleetdog101 24 points 14 hours ago (41|17)  Whats her drug of choice? If its coke, smack or crank, you could always look to spike her fix. Not that difficult - Next thing you know - you have the kid and an extra $2,500 a month.      permalink     source     parent     save     give gold     hide child comments  [–]Redundantgaming 0 points 3 hours ago (1|1)  No half measures. Only full measures.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]fuckingidiotjunky -2 points 12 hours ago (6|8)  I can't believe this is upvoted      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]thegreatbeyond50 4 points 11 hours ago (9|5)  There's not alot of things that would drive me to want to murder someone. Completely destroying my life would be one of them.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]Mythandros -3 points 10 hours ago (9|12)  That's pretty dark, dude. Resorting to murder? Even implied as a joke, that's just in bad taste.  Are you sure you belong here? Because I'm not sure that you do. Please leave, I don't want people like you, who encourage the most deplorable of acts posting on a board that is supposed to be about positive change and support to those who need it.  You taint /r/mensrights by being here.      permalink     source     save     parent     give gold  [–]lIllIlIIlIlI 5 points 10 hours ago (11|6)  Who died and made you king of morality?

This particular exchange has since been deleted by Reddit admins or the subreddit’s mods.

But numerous other calls for murder remain up as of this writing, including Justin’s comment above, and this one from Kappies10:

Kappies10 7 points 1 day ago (12|5)  I'm sorry mate but to be honest if that ever happend to me I would literally execute that cunt, I rather live in prison than barely live at all... :/

This one from Pecanpig:

Pecanpig 1 point 7 hours ago (1|0)  At that point I have to ask, why not kill her?

This one from the cheerily named HoneyPuffBear:

HoneyPuffBear 2 points 22 hours ago (2|0)  And not to go there, but I am going there. She is a nailhead you most likely got a hammer, be creative

This delicately worded suggestion from eloquentlnemesis:

eloquentnemesis 1 point 4 hours ago (1|0)  If you have no legal option, can you live with what is happening now for the rest of your life? No? Then find an option that doesn't involve the law.

Oh, and this one from Skyrimnewb, although it isn’t literally a call for murder:

SkyrimNewb 4 points 17 hours ago (4|0)  Im not advocating murder, but I'd definitely understand.

The Men’s Rights subreddit: A place good men in trouble men with fake stories can turn to for help suggestions to kill the bitch.

Thanks to the good folks of the Against Men’s Rights subreddit for pointing me to this thread and most of the terrible quotes here.

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11 years ago

Thank you for being Misogyny Watch – this stuff is funny in some ways, but the sheer relentless level of hatred might one day actually encourage somebody to violence.

11 years ago

It’s a human rights movement!

VegetablePaste provides some good contextual information:

Child support for one child is 20% of the non-custodial parent’s salary – meaning this guy makes $12,500 a month, $10,000 of which is left for him, however he has to “survive on PB&J.” Yeah, that happened so hard…

So (a) not true, and (b) even if it were a true story, people are advocating murdering someone because supporting your own child has reduced you to living on “only” $10K/month.

11 years ago

So now we know what a person’s life is worth to them*. $2500 a month.

* If that person has a vagina. Men’s lives are of course of infinite value.

11 years ago

And since this post is kind of dark, here is some preemptive brain bleach:


Puppy + Babby!


Cats in buckets!

Photobombing peacock!

11 years ago

I normally don’t post brain bleach, but I saw this one this morning and the caption for it was, “I hope he remembered his coupons!”

Judithann Campbell
11 years ago

Reblogged this on Why I Am Not A Feminist and commented:
Yes, a few of the MRAs commenting on this thread objected to calls for murder, but they were voted down. If you are an MRA who believes that most MRAs are not misogynists, maybe you should read this.

11 years ago
11 years ago

While I appreciate that you’re making a very expensive sandwich… chocolate peanut butter spread with currant jelly and sour dough bread? That does not sound at all appetizing.

11 years ago

More brain bleach — after a week in which they hated each other so much I had to keep them separated, followed by a week in which they barely tolerated each other, I just found Hazel and Buster curled up together. (Sorry about the poor image quality, made worse by filters; I was trying to hide the terrible state of the suitcase they’re sleeping on and got carried away.) I still have no idea what happened, but I’m glad the sisters are getting along again.

11 years ago

baroncognito it was the most expensive of each ingredient I could find. It isn’t like alcoholic drinks where you can easily find most drinks for several thousand.

11 years ago

To many of us non-Americans a peanut butter and jelly sandwich already sounds horrible, so…

BTW, there is a peanut butter and jelly chocolate bar at Trader Joe’s. If that’s what the sandwiches taste like I’m glad never to have eaten one.

11 years ago

The most expensive PB&J at this NYC restaurant (PDF) is $9.75, if you include bacon and ask for flavored peanut butter. Say, $12.50 with tax and tip. That’s pretty spendy. If I had to pay $12.50 for lunch every day, that would definitely make me want to murder my ex make my own lunch.

11 years ago

I hope those guys who said how fucked up advocating murder is realize the toxic environment they’re in… I’m not counting on it, but I hope.

11 years ago

If I found myself in a group of people who were discussing how to murder their exes and how reasonable a thing to do that was I’d be backing away quietly and hoping I hadn’t given any of them my address, that’s for sure.

11 years ago

I’ll put aside the fact that if she were a drug addict, she would have the kid taken away from her after a simple urine test if the man were to let authorities know about her problem.
Hear this unflappable logic:
Man who has a child with a drug addict and has to pay 20% of his salary to raise the kid = poor victim. Women are hardwired to take advantage of nice guys.
Woman who has a child with a drug addict and splits up = women are hardwired to pursue assholes and be mean with nice guys. Whatever happens to her as a result of having an ex who is a junkie is her own fault for choosing the asshole.

You see, only women are attracted to assholes, ever. When a man is attracted to an asshole, rational arguments enter an extratemporal vortex, leading to a *complete different situation*.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

the fact that legally men have to bend over and take it by their ex’s, legally sanctioned by anti-success, anti-male laws.

Total fucking bullshit.

Again, my SIL decided after four years of marriage and two kids that she “never wanted kids” and abandoned her family. She hasn’t paid my brother a dime. They’ve now had three hearings about her non-compliance with the support order. She’s been put into various programs to help her find jobs, and yet two years later, here is my brother without a dime from her, raising their two kids by himself.

The state doesn’t give a shit if it’s the mother or the father who is the deadbeat. If you’re the non-custodial parent and you aren’t paying your support, they’re gonna go after you. If she still hasn’t paid anything before their follow-up hearing in a few months, she’s going to jail.

11 years ago

MRAs just can’t seem to stop advocating the death of an ex-wife as the best possible outcome:

As to your last question, you can pray your ex gets hit by a bus and hope for the best. Does cancer run in her family? And, yes, I’m serious. Her passing is your only way out of this.

11 years ago

“Don’t ever get married” = sound advice. It’s not an institution that you are REQUIRED to participate in, and if you think the cons outweigh the pros, by all means, you can opt out.

“You should kill her” = the worst advice anyone can ever give. It’s illegal, it will ruin your life far more than paying child support ever would (especially given the actual numbers calculated above – 10K is not even CLOSE to poverty) and it would be assuming that killing another person would be just repayment for a negligent amount of your income every month.

Oh, yeah, I forgot, women aren’t people to these clowns.

11 years ago

Seriously bullshit!
The only person I know with child support close to that is a woman paying $2000/month which was her idea and agreed to in divorce proceedings in order to cover the mortgage and three children living with their father (who works from home). And while that is approx. half her income, she’s not living on PB+Js. Calling nonsense on this all around, it would be very easy for him to return to court and request it be re-adjusted if say, he lost his well-paying job, or ask to become custodial if he doesn’t feel the child is being cared for (hahaha unlikely!) or any number of other avenues. But no, whine on Reddit and hope that other people will wish death on your ex for daring to need money to raise a child. Much better plan.

11 years ago

You have to love the blithe disregard that they exhibit towards the possibility of imprisonment. You feel oppressed by the fact that you have to write a cheque every month? Then I don’t think you’re going to like what happens when you’re convicted of murder.

11 years ago

The non-Americans do know that American jelly is jam, not Jello, right?

11 years ago

Also, even if she were to die, I see no reason that he’d gain custody and all the monies – likely, custody would go to someone in her family and then he’d just be paying child support to them – and if he had a hand in it, from prison.

11 years ago

katz – I know jelly = jam, also that US peanut butter is sweeter than ours (which is sweetish anyway) but still, ewwwww! 😉

11 years ago

No, peanut butter is not always sweetened here. I never use sweetened peanut butter.

11 years ago

You’d think if she mysteriously died the bitter ex-husband would be the first fucking person they would suspect.

Also, why aren’t they giving him SUPPORT, telling him ways to get through it, or lower his payments (which you can do if you’re struggling too much [which he isn’t but still]).

Good lord, these people are dangerous idiots

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