cuteness off topic open thread YouTube

Ferrets, Oh Ferrets!

So my post from earlier today was a bit, well, depressing. So here are some clips from an amazing documentary about ferrets — well, about ferret owners, really — from PBS called “The Pursuit of Excellence: Ferrets.”

And here’s a dog who’s clearly enjoying the documentary a great deal:

So now you really only have a couple of choices. You can wait until your local PBS station reruns the documentary. You can rent the video from Netflix. Or you can watch the whole thing online right now.

You’re welcome!

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La Strega
11 years ago

I love ferrets, and will definitely watch this. Sadly, I can’t have one (because of parrot).

11 years ago

Eating a carrot?

11 years ago

Since we’re talking about parrots, I’m getting a blue indian ringneck. It’s just a baby atm, so it’ll be a few weeks before it comes to me, but excited!

11 years ago

Hey, look! I found a brand new MRA video!

11 years ago

Kim, yay! I hope your bird settles in well with you. 🙂

11 years ago

Ferrets! They are wonderful pets, to pet-parents who will love and nurture and care for them like they deserve. My senior singleton, Ino (he’s a boy, it’s a girl’s name, he’s like the ferret named Sue) is unrelentingly awesome. He steals trash and hides it around the house. And we have hardwood floors, and he likes us to pull him around on a blanket. He comes to lay his chin on my feet when I nap on the couch. People are scared of him, and ask “does it bite?” when they see him. I explain that no, he is a perfect, hand-tamed gentleman, but please do not touch my handsome and totally insane cat who might bite them.

11 years ago

And we blanket toss our little dude every time we make the beds. It is his right as our furt.

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Since this is an OT post, can anyone here help me decipher what this guy is saying here and if it has any merit because I’ve reached the point of debate overload and there are some pretty serious claims about feminists blocking the creation of men’s shelters and a claim that there is some feminist conspiracy to claim men can’t be raped by women. I just can’t with it right now.

La Strega
11 years ago

Kim, I’m so envious of your new ringneck. I assume you are acquainted with the fabulous Marnie?

Ferrets are quite predatory, flexible and resourceful, and can easily slip between the bars of a large parrot’s cage. So parrots and ferrets are not a good combo.

La Strega
11 years ago

@ Jessay re/

This is about as coherent as The Last Words of Dutch Schultz.

11 years ago

Yep. It was Marnie posted here at Manboobz that I fell in love with. I went to see my new birdie today and took baby pictures.

11 years ago

Your little ringneck bub looks like zie’s smiling – I know it’s the angle of zir beak, but it’s a sweet pic. 🙂 How old does zie need to be before you bring zir home (when zie’s fledged, I presume)?

11 years ago

“The Pursuit of Excellence: Ferrets”

Just curious-is this David’s biography?

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

@la strega you mean the formatting (tumblr threads can be hard to follow) or what people are saying?

I’m gonna try to use block quotes to put the relevant parts here but forgive me if it comes out wonky because of the blockquote monster. The stuff in smaller blockquotes will be the points the MRA is responding to.

You missed the key word “from,” which means that I’m speaking of the oppression that males inflict upon females, not of the oppression of males. Reading comprehension helps.

…reading comprehension helps a lot in wrting.
‘being free from male oppressors’ is vastly different from ‘being free from male oppression’.
learn how words work.

No services for raped and abused men? That’s why the leading organization that offers support for rape victims has an entire section dedicated to discussing the unique circumstances that male victims face, links to additional resources for men, and does not exclude men from using their service.

they just get really wierded out by men reporting female rapists.
because like every feminist organization, they want to protect female rapists.
you can take a hike on this one.

That’s why the one time MRA’s tried to prove that there was no help for abused men, they ignored that the person they spoke to offered a specific hotline for abused men,

actually, it was a hotline for abusive men. to not be violent.
did you listen to the tape, or no?
comprehension helps.

and let him know that they could put him up in a hotel. But he claimed it was sexism because they wouldn’t allow him to stay at a shelter for abused women specifically (as though that isn’t a tactic used by abusive men to try and locate their partners who fled).

actually they wanted to put him up in a hotel ~40 miles away without his boy.
he only asked once about getting into a shelter. and dropped it.

Somehow the acknowledgment that the safety of an abused partner hinges on their abuser (who is most frequently of the opposite sex) not being able to find them, means that having shelters dedicated to housing women is sexist.

no, the sexism is that there are no shelters for men, due to feminism’s theory that women just can’t abuse men.

And yet this man expects me to dedicate my feminist activism to ensuring that he has a space,

no, if you just stop fighting every single shelter that want’s to house men, we’ll have shelters.

rather than using the platform that MRA’s have to fund spaces and influence local politicians to designate money towards them.

We have done that, it was blocked by NOW. (note: he links this same source over and over and over again so I’ll only link it the one time in the repost)

Instead MRA’s want to either fund men’s shelters AT THE DIRECT EXPENSE OF women’s shelters, rather than finding their own funding so that both can exist, or have women’s shelters shut down altogether out of “fairness” in the scorched earth sense of the word.

this is a lie.
every measure for funding shelters for abused everybody, get side tracked to funding shelters for abused women instead.
It had a massive funding increase to create more shelters, the only ‘fiscal constraints’ was a accountability measure.
but feminists wanted womyn born womyn to get their shelters first.

Either that, or they want men to be able to stay at women’s shelters, which makes it possible for not only abusive het-men to locate their partners, but for abusive het-women to locate theirs. The separation is there for a reason.

Also a lie.

Spreading the myth that there are not services for men HURTS MEN. Try supporting and signal boosting the services there are so that men in trouble know where to seek help!

there are ~12 abuse shelters for men in the US.
1 in Canada.
there are ~2,500 publicly funded shelters for women in the US. the private ones double that.
NOW, the NWLC, others, keep it from happening.
and it’s wierd how feminists think a single webpage constitutes ‘services for rape victims’ when the rape victim in question is a man.

So in the event that that’s still hard to follow the two sources he linked were:

And he claims that these both prove that feminists are trying to protect female rapists by hiding stats of men who are raped, and that feminist organizations are blocking men’s shelters from receiving funding (and if so there is no good reason for it)

So if anyone else whose brain isn’t fried is good at dissecting info and wants to take a crack at figuring out if these sources say what he claims they say and are rooted in any kind of truth, please let me know. I don’t want to end the debate but I’m getting debate burnout.

11 years ago


I think if they are truly concerned that there are not enough shelters for men they would be working to set up more shelters and that would be awesome, instead of using the issue to try to shut down attempts to help women.

Sometimes I think it’s not worthwhile getting embroiled in their “arguments”, as they aren’t in good faith and only meant to waste your time and suck in loads of attention for themselves.

11 years ago

I’d have disengaged when this tool threw out “womyn.” Fuck him.

Ally S
11 years ago

For all his talk about reading comprehension WRT that case in which Reno called the hotline, he sure seems to miss the fact that 1) it was a hotline for abuse victims and 2) he was offered arrangement at a hotel with his son towards the end of the call.

I really hope I never meet a confirmed MRA in real life.

11 years ago

This is NOW’s response to the issues raised in that SAVE link.

11 years ago

More ferrets:

And another:

11 years ago

I would love to have a ferret, but the law says no. If they get free they eat native birds.

11 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving, people and ferrets who are celebrating Thanksgiving.

11 years ago

Happy being awesome brilliant interesting people, everybody else.

11 years ago

Happy being awesome people of human, furred, scaled and feathered varieties Day!

(“world’s most awkward holiday title” front runner)

11 years ago

@kitteh 3 weeks! I’m going to get it a little before it’s weaned for binding purposes.
@auggziliary No idea of the sex. I’m thinking maybe Madison (from the Dick King-Smith book Harry’s Mad.) But I might wait to get to know my bird first before naming hir. It occurs to me having this bird will be a good way for me to practice using gender-neutral pronouns. I have been saying it, but I don’t like doing that.

11 years ago

*bonding not binding