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Oops! Roosh V’s #FatShamingWeek rallies Fat Acceptance activists, makes fat shamers look like the dicks they are

Rubens: Not into fat shaming
Rubens: Not into fat shaming

The gentlemen bloggers of the Manosphere — particularly those obsessed with pickup artistry, a.k.a. “game” — like to pretend that they’re part of some sort of reactionary intellectual renaissance. Indeed, some have even convinced themselves that they’re part of a new “dark enlightenment.”

These intellectual pretensions are undercut rather thoroughly by the often puerile content of their blogs, in particular the bloggers’ obsession with cheap insults of the “yeah, well, you’re a fattie who can’t get laid” variety. Indeed, sometimes this seems to be their only real response to their many critics.

Some of these “dark enlightenment” intellectuals have discovered that crude, cheap, offensive insults garner more attention from the wider world than their sad attempts at serious philosophy. Witness some of Matt Forney’s dumb, attention-seeking provocations aimed at “fat girls” and female self-esteem.

Now “game” guru Roosh Valizadeh has decided to gin up some pageviews by launching a week-long assault on fatties, which began on Monday. In a post on his Return of Kings blog announcing the start of “Fat Shaming Week,” Roosh argues, with the utmost insincerity, that this is a public-minded intervention designed to make the world a better place:

We at ROK fully understand that the reason women are so against fat shaming is because it works. Mocking someone for lazy and slothful behavior is one of the best ways to motivate them to change and appear more pleasing before our presence. If a fat woman goes to the bar with attitude, thinking she’s a great catch, but several men check her for that arrogance by calling her a grenade launcher, do you think she’ll feel comfortable the next day for her scheduled cupcake and ice cream binge?

Even setting aside the fact of Roosh’s extreme assholery, this is simply not true. Fat shaming doesn’t work. In fact, as a recent study by Angelina Sutin at the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee found, it can actually lead to weight gain. Looking at data from more than 6000 participants in the nationally representative longitudinal Health and Retirement Study, Sutin found that

Participants who experienced weight discrimination were approximately 2.5 times more likely to become obese by follow-up … and participants who were obese at baseline were three times more likely to remain obese at follow up … than those who had not experienced such discrimination. These effects held when controlling for demographic factors (age, sex, ethnicity, education) … .

She concludes:

The present research demonstrates that, in addition to poorer mental health outcomes, weight discrimination has implications for obesity. Rather than motivating individuals to lose weight, weight discrimination increases risk for obesity.

In other words, fat shaming makes people feel like shit, and it causes them to gain weight, not lose it. This is obvious to anyone who thinks about the subject for more than a few seconds: after all, we live in a society in which fat shaming is ubiquitous, and rates of obesity continue to rise.

But of course Roosh isn’t really interested in making anyone’s life better except his own. Indeed, it’s fairly clear that what’s really motivating his little campaign is a desire for revenge on the women who have turned him down over the years. He more or less comes out and says it:

Hurting people’s feelings is the quickest way to get them to change, as any man who has been rejected by women can tell you (we can get laid today only because we’ve adapted to being shamed and punished for our appearance and beta male behavior over the course of many years).

Huh. Does Roosh really want to create a world full of bitter, angry women who are essentially female equivalents of him, using and manipulating men for their own pleasure without remorse?

Well, no. I’m sure he didn’t think it through that far. He just wanted an excuse to post a bunch of crap making fun of fat women.

So what sort of public spirited content did Roosh offer his readers during Fat Shaming Week?

A post urging men to take unflattering pictures of fat women without their permission — and post them on Twitter in order to shame them.

A post, evidently inspired by Matt Forney’s “Why Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved,” titled “5 Reasons Fat Girls Don’t Deserve Love.” In it, semiliterate dating coach Christian McQueen explains, among other things, that “fat girls” smell (because “[i]t’s impossible to be that fucking fat and be able to wash your ass properly”), are bad at sex (because he cannot find their vaginas “unless I roll you around in flower [sic] and look for the wet spot”), and eat too much. He concludes:

Your fatness is the human version of a dead hippo, a beached whale, or to put it more bluntly, a human size cupcake: spongy on the outside, round and full of crap.

Really? Where exactly are you buying your cupcakes, dude, because normally cupcakes are delicious.

Another “humorous” post compares “fatties” with wild animals and suggests ways to kill them if you’re the victim of a “fatty attack.” Douglas writes:

Fatties tend to have poor hygiene habits so physical contact can be unsanitary. Their physiology provides many unique difficulties to overcome. Their thick skull is an effective counter to blows to the head. Their bulk is a good defense against projectile weapons. While big game cartridges such as .300 Winchester magnum and .338 Lapua can put a fatty down, a man would have a difficult time explaining to a grand jury why he was packing such a weapon outside of Africa.

“Emmanuel Goldstein” contributes “5 Ways To Bully Fat Sluts On A Date,” full of hilarious suggestions like “Go Bike-Riding Together” (because fatties can’t ride bikes!), “Go For A Hike Together,” (because fatties hate to walk!) and “Go Ice Skating Together” (because she’ll fall through the ice!).

There are several more “fat shaming week” posts up; they’re equally puerile.

Roosh and his pals have also taken their campaign to Twitter, posting such gems as these, using the hashtag #fatshamingweek.:

Even Tom Leykis, the semi-popular radio misogynist, has gotten into the act:

Happily, the hashtag has been pretty much taken over by feminists and fat acceptance activists and other people countering the douchebaggery of Roosh et al.

And the only real media coverage the campaign has gotten — from Buzzfeed and The Daily Dot — has focused on the sheer douchebaggery of the fat shamers.

So it seems that the main effect of Fat Shaming Week has actually been to advance the cause of Fat Acceptance, not to undermine it.

Brilliant, dudes. Just brilliant.

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11 years ago

What would be so terrible about #tinypenisshamingweek anyway? Penises are tiny. Seriously, when 8 inches is a “monster cock” then, yeah, the human penis is tiny.
Also, yeah, it’s a bit childish to freak out at teh ebil wimminz when all that’s being suggested is a tit for tat response. I’ll grant you that there has never been a point in history where such a response lead to peace and harmony, but if you’re gonna freak out over one, you should freak out over the other.

totally alfalfa
totally alfalfa
11 years ago

This one is a tricky topic for me, I work as a trainer so I guess one of the main jobs under that title is helping people lose weight. I love this site and blue pill for pointing out idiocy and hypocrisy of the manosphere guys. Unfortunately there is always the ” do you even lift jokes” and this weird association with gym going male and PUA/alpha tryhard. Granted that I’ve met dozens there are still loads of loving respectful guys and girls that love to train. All I ask is why have people attacked me with insults like dooshbag and then assumed I fall into the same category as fat shamers simply by my appearance? And also do you consider it hypocritical to simultaneously mock those who shame body image and those that train for a different body image? /Rant Any comments would be lovely 🙂

11 years ago

Tom Leykis is pretty fat himself too, hypocritical dumbass.

I bet it really chaps their hides that they can’t force men to stop sleeping with fat women. The men out there who prefer fat women or who don’t care about body types will always exist and they can’t do a damn thing about it 😛

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Uh, what? You train people who come to you seeking your services, yes? How is this remotely the same as, say, my father yelling “cow” out a car window or moo’ing at women?

“All I ask is why have people attacked me with insults like dooshbag and then assumed I fall into the same category as fat shamers simply by my appearance?”

Because I’m not sure there is an acceptable appearance by all standards. I Do. Not. Do. Cold. Weather. Which is like, anything under 65°F, by 50 my hands are freezing…and I get told to gain a pound just for wearing hand warmers.

Relatedly, pecunium, please hand my brother his ass. He’s got it in his head that since he weighs nearly twice what you do that you must be some weakling. I’d totally pay to see that fight (in bail money if needed, and not his!)

11 years ago


I think what upsets me the most is when they get a taste of their own medicine, they complain. I’m generalizing here, but even men who don’t condone or partake in fat shaming, plenty of them will probably either ignore this, laugh at it (one guy in the comments admitted to it) or roll their eyes and move on because it doesn’t affect them. See a suggestion to mock small penises though and then suddenly it’s gone too far and they must express their outrage!

Like can we not for once focus on the men? can we not look at an article about this and just say “yes, this is very shitty behavior and we should call it out”

So yeah, I absolutely don’t condone shaming men for small penises or their bodies, etc. It just really seems that people want women to just shut up and take abuse like this and not fight back, because when they do, suddenly we must attack THEIR tactics. How about attack the fucking people who started it in the first place you know? It very much reminds me of when some people get angry at jokes about white people.

11 years ago

Anyone know anything about this Christian McQueen guy? He seems like a real gem.

11 years ago


People shouldn’t make fun of people’s appearance, period. I guess there is a stereotype of people who go to the gym often as shallow or mean…probably ties into the stereotype of jock. Making assumptions about anyone based on stereotype is wrong, I’m sorry people have called you a douche based on your occupation, it’s not cool.

Also confession time: the most I’m guilty of in making assumptions is when I got messages from a few guys in online dating who were obviously buff and worked out. I am honest about my body type and have full body pics up, what immediately went through my head was “why is this guy even interested in me? I obviously don’t work out, shouldn’t he be messaging a woman who is thinner or into working out”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Minor nitpick, self-injury =/= inherently mean severe harm. I get worse cat anger consequences than anything I ever did to myself. And get touchy about being judged for what I do to my body since (at least as I do it) it’s relatively safe. Also, at least for me, it’s the lesser of two evils, if we’re calling it an evil…cuz minor scars versus suicidal? Yeah, I don’t take well to being judged for it.

Am I making sense or just coming off as defensive? I didn’t get much sleep thanks to my little computer project going BOOM! (Not literally, I did nearly set a computer aflame once…) I’m on Plan F now and not exactly logical.

11 years ago

“I Do. Not. Do. Cold. Weather. Which is like, anything under 65°F, by 50 my hands are freezing.”

I would swap locations with you in an instant. I miss the cold.

11 years ago

In it, semiliterate dating coach Christian McQueen explains, among other things, that “fat girls” smell (because “[i]t’s impossible to be that fucking fat and be able to wash your ass properly”)

I seem to recall a video by an MRA whining that women weren’t accepting enough of his skidmarks? These guys do more projection than all the cinemaplexes in the universe.

11 years ago

Grenade launcher?

What kind of ridiculous attempted insult is that? I wouldn’t even know what one looked like, so if some twit called me one I’d just be puzzled. Mind you, I rather fancy the idea of being able to launch grenades at PUAs and MRAs.

11 years ago

Kittehserf, they look like really large revolvers, but they aren’t really “fat” looking. I am sure there are other projectile weapons that would have been better choices for that insult, but I love seeing these guys (continue to) look (so very) stupid, particularly about such manly things as artillery.

11 years ago

This is what grenade launchers look like: They come in different varieties, and some look like as thin as beanpoles to me so . . . hmm. Getting called a grenade launcher would perplex me and probably have no bearing whatsoever on my appetite.

11 years ago

Now that’s just weird. That pic’s more like someone with a very thin, tall body and big head. Definitely a perplexing attempt at an insult, which would get either puzzled silence or a burst of laughter if one knew what the thing looked like.

Regardless, it all comes back to “If I’m so unattractive, why were you trying to hit on me in the first place? Oh yeah, ‘cos you’re just illustrating Aesop’s fable about sour grapes. Bye, sonny.”

11 years ago

“Dark enlightenment” is a contradiction in terms per se, and given that it seems to be compromised almost entirely of conservatives, reactionaries and racists, it obviously has nothing to do with enlightenment as its usually understood. Just “Darkening” would be a far more apt term.

11 years ago

It’s interesting seeing Tom Leykis shuffling right in with these new internet PUA weirdos. If you know nothing about that guy, he’s an older “talk radio personality” kind of proto-PUA character who’s now turned to harassing popular funny women on twitter for “notoriety”:

Unsurprisingly everyone in the talk radio circle seems to hate him. Phil Hendrie, who is a pretty brilliant comedian and radio entertainment veteran humiliated him for like 20 full minutes several years back at a convention for being an asshole who’s far too old for this shtick:

11 years ago

Wow, fat-shaming, misogyny, and transphobia. It’s a trifailcta.

The idea of a “dark enlightenment” is the most hilariously apt thing, since “the enlightenment” had to do with the light of reason spreading through Europe and these dumbasses are as unreasonable as anyone can be.

That graph just leads to so many questions. What the heck is a secular traditionalist? Why would futurists want anything to do with Christian traditionalists (which is probably a polite term for fundies)? Why would anyone think that a ‘movement’ consisting of “ethno-nationalists” and eugenicists is a good idea?

11 years ago

Actually, can we not judge people for being anorexic? It’s not like it’s a choice, and trust me, they’re already doing a far better job of judging themselves than you ever could.

11 years ago

I was so hoping you’d post on this.So Roosh thinks that because he was bullied into submission by women who didn’t find him attractive, he thinks that women are as equally weak and desperate to magically become thin because a movement of shitheads online are making them feel bad for being fat. And they say women are illogical and irrational.Him and his little pussy posse are just dumbasses.

11 years ago

Men would rather get busy beating down a Venus flytrap than try to locate that old smelly gym shoe you call a vagina.

Did Scott Pakin invent an automatic twitter put-down generator and only give it to FeistyWoman? That’s the only reasonable explanation I can come up with for this tweet. Or does she actually think real-life Venus flytraps are giant vicious flesh-eating predators and that comparing vaginas to old smelly shoes is solid observational humor?

11 years ago

auggzilliary, eating disorders are not really a choice. you can’t just stop having one once you have it. like you can’t really just decide to have one. it takes an awful lot of work both to get one and to lose one 🙁
i’m sure that isn’t what you meant at all but i am sick of seeing ED sufferers shamed in defense of overweight people.

that said, these people. these fucking people…don’t they make fun of fat women for comfort eating when they are upset? isn’t that a running joke itself? er, massive internal logic fail.

11 years ago

On the original post, I can only assume that Roosh hit on a fat woman and she turned him down. The “must have revenge!” is wafting off of this project to the point where I’m surprised there aren’t cartoon-style stink-waves.

11 years ago

Fat shaming? Hilda don’t care.

11 years ago

cloudiah: do they science? No, they do not.

Cassandra: how dare those fat ladies turn down such a handsome stud as Roosh, amirite?

This makes me want a cheeseburger.

11 years ago

What I don’t get about all their “fat-shaming” bullshit is why they think women should care what they think. They’re the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel and thier opinion means nothing at all. Especially when they keep churning out this toxic waste. Why should being “shamed” by some arsehole on the internet for something that’s none of their damned business change their behaviour in any meaningful way? Telling people off about their weight, in my experience, makes the recipient more likely to dig their heels in and tell them where they get off. And quite right too.