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Men’s Rights Quote of the Day: “Your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages.”

If women ran the world, apparently
If women ran the world, apparently

Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella called EatsTinyBaldBabies offers this, er, insight:

It became quite clear to me some time ago that your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages under 24/78 supervision if it meant they could feel just slightly safer about their lives. This is why feminists spend so much time lying to make them afraid.

Last I checked, he had gotten 18 upvotes for this BRAVE comment.

H/T to DancingMidgets in the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for finding this little gem.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Further conclusion: Nature intended us to reproduce in water, with external fertilization.”

Well in that case the soerm should be deposited on the lips, where it is then processed quickly through weird fishie methods until it meets the eggs, which are then produced in sacs and stuck to leaves, glass, etc. This is, after all, how cories reproduce (yes I’m serious, I do not get catfish)

11 years ago


You know what, I’m going to have to pass on this whole sex-the-radfem-approved-way thing.

I’m pretty sure sex the radfem-approved way is only with other women. Although I’ve seen people argue that “proper” lesbian sex should not involve any form of penetration, and now I’m betting those people were also radfems.


one of the cases of that that I saw was about burlesque and how you cannot reclaim it.

I’ll admit, I’m confused as to how neo-burlesque is supposed to be different from stripping/exotic dancing. But I’ll add that I don’t think either is inherently unfeminist. I mean, the institution of women dancing for men’s gratification (and lack of parallel institutions for other combinations of genders) is clearly patriarchal, but individual participants can have feminist reasons for participating, and I certainly don’t see how it’s feminist or pro-woman to blame the dancers for the system.


English muffins are horribly hard, and what’s with the gritty stuff on the outside?

It’s probably just cornmeal. Keeps it from sticking to the surface it’s baked on. I bake bread the same way.

Also, toasted English muffins make a nice, crunchy base for peanut butter (with or without a drizzle of sriracha).

@Cassandra again

it couldn’t be any weirder than sausages with marmalade, which some people at my high school ate for breakfast.

I can actually kind of see this. What kind of sausage, though?

11 years ago

When I think about it, though, keeping men in cages would probably be a slightly more reasonable solution to rape and sexual harassment outside than keeping women covered and kept in the home. After all, it’s men who can’t control their lust and are like wild animals around unguarded meat, right? Hey, don’t look at me, I didn’t make that claim about men.

11 years ago

Also: Mint jelly. I just can’t eat anything with that stuff. My taste buds recognize it as toothpaste, so I can’t swallow it.

11 years ago

@ emilygoddess

Standard pork sausages that are about the size of hot dogs. Add the fact that I’m not keen on cooked food first thing in the morning in general (unless it’s congee, which for some reason I’m fine with) and you have teenage me being kind of icked out.

11 years ago

I’m not trying to be a pain, but as sausage is one of the ever-diminishing number of ways I will eat meat, I knwo they can vary widely. Are standard English sausages sweet, or savory, or spicy, or bland? Chunky like Italian sausages, or smooth and uniform like hot dogs or Vienna sausages?

I’m sorry if I’m being a pain about this. I’m asking because I can see how sausages and marmalade might actually be good, but I’m trying to figure out what kind of sausage to try it with.

11 years ago

Are standard English sausages sweet, or savory, or spicy, or bland? Chunky like Italian sausages, or smooth and uniform like hot dogs or Vienna sausages?

I don’t think we have a standard sausage? The ones I usually get are chunky and savoury, and I think they might be marginally more common than the other types, but if I went to the sausage aisle (is there such a thing a a sausage aisle?) and checked off which were covered in the available sausages, it’d be a page full of ticks.

11 years ago

I figured that was the case, Athywren. I only said “standard” because that was the word Cassandra used.

11 years ago

Ohh, didn’t see that comment… pork sausages are usually chunky, but they can be savoury or spicy. If I think about it, standard is probably savoury.

11 years ago

Even if they were like British biscuits it couldn’t be any weirder than sausages with marmalade, which some people at my high school ate for breakfast.


11 years ago

Savory but kind of bland, not spicy at all, and not really that chunky but not smooth/ground to a pulp like a hot dog. This was in a school cafeteria, remember, so take the universe of possibilities available in the UK and pick the most uninteresting option.

I really don’t like anything super sweet with meat, which is why I thought it was an awful idea, plus I dislike marmalade in general.

11 years ago

This was in a school cafeteria

I still have nightmares about school dinners. And what sort of sadist disguises parsnips as chips? Seriously? It’s not that parsnips are that unpleasant but when you’re expecting potato… guh.

11 years ago

My favorite from the school dinner hall of horrors was a dish that I don’t even know what to call, so I’ll describe it instead. OK, so you get a banana, right? And then you wrap it in bacon. Repeat, and then place your bacon-wrapped bananas in a really bland tomato sauce that’s a bit soup-like and obviously came out of a tin. Bake, and serve topped with cheese.

It was then that I realized that my school secretly wanted to kill all the students.

11 years ago

Cassandra: that is the most vile meal ever. I’d rather eat stinky tofu and top it off with durian for dessert.

11 years ago

OK, so you get a banana, right? And then you wrap it in bacon. Repeat, and then place your bacon-wrapped bananas in a really bland tomato sauce that’s a bit soup-like and obviously came out of a tin. Bake, and serve topped with cheese.

No, you do not get a banana. NO MORE BANANAS FOR YOU, SCHOOL.

11 years ago

They’re just trying to be bold with bananas.

11 years ago

That banana … thing … does that come into the category of “food so gross even Elvis wouldn’t eat it”?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

That is…wow. The only way that could be more gross is if they did it with mangos!

Emilygoddess — I had just learned of EA at the time and was extra pissy that apparently a woman singing, with an all woman crew (well, I think said crew includes one of their brothers now, but yeah), topics of choice ranging from “I’m not your chambermaid, you’re not my lord” to Fight Like a Girl, the cover track being getting revenge on men 49% of the world, who’s open about having had an abortion, etc…is inherently anti-feminist and deluded because she does this in a corset and little else.

For that matter, Thank God I’m Pretty is basically an ode to the evils of how society treats pretty women but fuck, she’s half naked so she deserves…”when I sing you’re jerking off”…and is a poor deluded thing to think the irony of that isn’t just playing into patriarchy.

To steal a line from VtM:B’s Nines — “it makes my head hurt just thinking about it all”

11 years ago

@katz — that second bold banana picture, the naughty one? They had to have known, right?

@cloudiah — the first link I followed on Lileks’ page was to poop jokes. Boring poop jokes.

11 years ago

@Falconer, Avert your eyes from the poop jokes and just look at vegetables in all their glory.

11 years ago

Oh god, I gotta avert my eyes from the vegetables, too.

11 years ago

In this vein of “things people ate that I’m pretty sure do not actually qualify as real food,” may I suggest Bad Jelly? They, er, test various retro recipes, with pictures of their creations 😀 Not much of a backlog yet though, alas.

11 years ago

Well I may have borked the link, but at least it works?

11 years ago