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Men’s Rights Quote of the Day: “Your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages.”

If women ran the world, apparently
If women ran the world, apparently

Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella called EatsTinyBaldBabies offers this, er, insight:

It became quite clear to me some time ago that your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages under 24/78 supervision if it meant they could feel just slightly safer about their lives. This is why feminists spend so much time lying to make them afraid.

Last I checked, he had gotten 18 upvotes for this BRAVE comment.

H/T to DancingMidgets in the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for finding this little gem.

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Amanda Ching
11 years ago

At this point, as a typical women, I would just be happy of men would leave me the fuck alone.

11 years ago

Well, it’s true, isn’t it sisters? My fantasy is to have a whole zoo of them, who I’ll keep fed with bananas and pop tarts shoved through the bars. They can come out occasionally, for a bit of servicing – them doing the servicing, of course – and a shower.

11 years ago

…I kinda want to read that book now. I love the groovy cover.

11 years ago

What’s 24/78 mean? One out of every 3.25 days is spent in a cage?

Which would still be horribly shitty, but I don’t think it was what he’s going for.

11 years ago

So what if they make the earth pay the price? 95c? Come on, I’m utterly skint at the moment, and even I could cover that! And this is the world we’re talking about!

Oh, wait, were we supposed to be commenting on the quote? Eh… I just… I don’t….
All I can bring to mind is this quote from a book I read a while back: “I mean, what kind of world is it when a man has to fight to the death to stop lesbians from stealing his sperm?”

11 years ago

His usernym is an egregious attack on Tom Martin and this sort of abuse will not stand!

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Now really, the fellow who wrote the quote was being very silly… I’d only cage someone who I liked very much indeed.

11 years ago

Athywren: What book was that? You can’t just drop a crazy quote like that and not give the name of the book!

11 years ago

EatsTinyBaldBabies is one of my favorite misters, for sheer entertainment value. I can’t remember if he’s the one who pretends to be a cop, but he’s frequently so over the top that he makes me giggle.

11 years ago

Seconding Fade, I would really like to know what the hell is meant by the whole “24/78” bit. That just makes… well, about as much sense as MRAs do in general, but still. I REQUIRE EXPLANATION.

11 years ago

Athywren: What book was that? You can’t just drop a crazy quote like that and not give the name of the book!

Sorry, I’ve been worrying that I’ve been mentioning too many of my favoured purchasables recently… I used to work for a company that had me doing sneaky sales-pitching for their game on forums, so I get kinda antsy whenever I want to tell people about something I actually enjoy. Damn you, previous employers!
It’s called Fear The Darkness, it’s book 1 of a series set in the 2000AD/Judge Dredd universe called Anderson: PSI Division. It’s a really good series, in my opinion.

11 years ago

Seconding Fade, I would really like to know what the hell is meant by the whole “24/78″ bit.

Wait, so… women don’t have 78 day weeks? Psh, such typical misandrist bullshit! “Ohh, look at me with my 60 day week, I’m equal, lalala!” BAH!

11 years ago

“78 days a week, I cage you/78 days a week is not enough to keep you caged”

11 years ago

@Hyena Girl

I’d only cage someone who I liked very much indeed.

Consensually, I hope. 😉 Or would it be more feminist-like to do so against their will?

Honestly, we can’t cage men. Who will work to pay for our bon-bons? I can’t do that, I have to paint my nails and sit on the couch.

Alice Sanguinaria
11 years ago

And that’s why MRAs take so much time to dox women, make rape threats, harass them, call for them to be fucking murdered, and otherwise cow them into silence, right?

11 years ago

This is EatsTinyBaldBabies comment on Amanda Marcotte’s article suggesting ways misogynists can improve their terrible personalities:

Oh look. For the, what, one billionth time, Amanda Marcotte has written an article for men that, if written for women, she would angrily and throatily denounce as patriarchal sexism. Fat acceptance? Fuck off, you have a dick, so hit the gym. Freedom to be who you are? Fuck off, you have a dick, go get a damned haircut. Freedom to express yourself? Fuck off, you have a dick, go buy paintings that I want to look at, not that crap you want to look at.

She is such a hypocritical piece of shit. And her perch high atop the feminist movement as their primary public face is good enough reason all on its own to hate feminists. This is the person they have chosen as their figurehead — no other feminist gets the hits she does, no other feminist is invited to speak for feminism the way she is. The things she says — that’s what your typical feminist genuinely believes.

There are reasonable critique’s to be made of Amanda’s article, but his comments bear very little relation to what she actually says. It’s just that she sends them into such a frothing rage. They’re swarming the comments section like Orcs.

11 years ago

More ETBB highlights.

On shipwrecks:

If I was on a ship that was going down, and some crewmen tried to enforce a ‘women and children first’ policy, that would be one dead crewman.

Fucking feminism. Women have no responsibilities to any man, anywhere for anything. But men owe it to every last one to die for them.

58 points!

When FB took down a page called Boner Busters:

Holy fuck. Facebook finally decided that one of the fem groups went too far, eh?

Good. I’m not a fan of censorship, but these people need to get a taste of their own medicine. They stomp all over the free speech of every man on the internet. They have no right to hide behind it.

61 points!

Comment on a guy’s story about how he was loitering in the children’s play area in a park and was briefly questioned by a cop:

Man, that is shit. I am sorry that you went through this. It shouldn’t have happened, and if women didn’t feel entitled to run with every slight feeling of apprehension they have, it wouldn’t have. If parents were taught that all men want to diddle their kids, it wouldn’t have. If the police didn’t treat everyone like a criminal, it wouldn’t have.

Go to the park every night. Go during the day. If they call again, keep going. Make these people so terrified that they won’t use it. Make them lock up their children, make it so that they have no lives. This is what they seek to do to us. It is only fair that we do it to them first.

234 points!

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
11 years ago

Anyway, he continues annoying me, grilling me with questions, I was about to say “Dude, I’m having a rough day, I’d just like to be alone.” Eventually he got the point as I was getting snappier and acting more annoyed with my responses to his questions.

So, you had the privilege and the entitlement to talk back to a police officer with absolutely ZERO CONSEQUENCES, and this is oppression? I seriously did not need to read this the same day I read about a black man in Georgia who was murdered by police in his own home after his fiance called 911 because he was having a medical emergency.

11 years ago

Eh, I don’t want to cage men. I mean, cleaning out the cage, setting it up so they don’t get too bored, making sure they get their vet checks and shots, keeping an eye out so the visitors don’t give them unsuitable stuff like peanuts or cigarettes, making sure they don’t figure out a way to escape, adding up the gate takings … it’s all too time consuming and expensive.

11 years ago

Re Amanda Marcotte’s article… well, I listen to Reality Cast, and so am just another mangina drone for the hive vagina to work to death and then devour, but aside from thinking she was probably being too snarky to get through to them (although, is there such a thing as “able to get through to them”?) I liked her article. I giggled. Manly, manly giggles.

I like that his first port of call is fat acceptance. It’s a crime against humanity for a woman to be above a size 3, unless an MRA is into “chubby chasing” in which case it’s a crime for them to be below a size 18. It is, of course, also a crime to suggest that a man might want to be fit, despite the trufact that fitness is inherently alpha.

“Get regular haircuts” = “get a haircut!” now. I like that, too. The one meaning take care of your hair and keep a level of control over it, the other meaning “have short hair or gtfo.” Very subtle reading.

“Have art on the walls” now equates to “go buy paintings that I want to look at!” Because art automatically means paintings, and she goes to such great lengths to specify which painters. I have an XKCD poster which shows the heights of things in the universe on a logarithmic scale, as well as a Conscience Cat poster which says “Blackmail: Because everybody loves getting mail!” on it. I’m pretty sure these count, even if Ms Marcotte personally prefers Dali.

Reading comprehension… it’s such a tiny thing, but he apparently fails it at even the most basic level. He’s seeing that there are words, he’s even making some of them out, but he’s pulling the content that he understands in those words entirely from his own warped imagination.

11 years ago

making sure they don’t figure out a way to escape

Yeah, you know us mans. Give us half a chance and we’ll zoom out of the cage, up the curtains and out of sight. If you ever see sign of us again, it’ll be droppings near the skirting boards and scratching in the walls at night.

11 years ago

And when one of you gets behind the refrigerator, then we have to go get the broom and chase you back out, and you just know that the two men we put in the same cage aren’t going to get along and they’ll keep us up all night yowling at each other, and let’s not even talk about the shedding…

11 years ago

Yeah, you know us mans. Give us half a chance and we’ll zoom out of the cage, up the curtains and out of sight. If you ever see sign of us again, it’ll be droppings near the skirting boards and scratching in the walls at night.

… I’m now picturing gorillas or chimps the size of mice … AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

11 years ago

Oh, the shedding; it is awful! My man always clogs the drains with his hair, and I can’t imagine how gross his cage would get if I had to keep him in one! Thank goodness I got him after he’d been housetrained, otherwise I can’t even imagine the filth I’d have to clean up!

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