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Men’s Rights Quote of the Day: “Your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages.”

If women ran the world, apparently
If women ran the world, apparently

Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fella called EatsTinyBaldBabies offers this, er, insight:

It became quite clear to me some time ago that your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages under 24/78 supervision if it meant they could feel just slightly safer about their lives. This is why feminists spend so much time lying to make them afraid.

Last I checked, he had gotten 18 upvotes for this BRAVE comment.

H/T to DancingMidgets in the AgainstMen’sRights subreddit for finding this little gem.

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11 years ago

Nummy biscuits.

These biscuits come together in a flash and require no special equipment.

Makes 8/9

1 cup all-purpose flour

¾ c pastry flour

2 teaspoons sugar

1 tbsp baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups heavy cream

Adjust an oven rack to the upper-middle position and heat the oven to 450 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt together in a large bowl.

Stir in the cream with a wooden spoon until the dough forms, about 30 seconds.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and gather into a ball.

Knead the dough briefly until smooth, about 30 seconds.

Pat the dough into a 3/4-inch-thick circle or square.

Cut the biscuits into rounds using a 2 1/2-inch biscuit cutter or 8 wedges using a

knife – or pat into a square and cut into 3 x 3 (9 biscuits) .

Place the biscuits on the parchment-lined baking sheet.

Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

Seriously, super simple and most delicious and takes almost no time at all to make.

11 years ago

Argenti, I wear both corsets and binders at different times… wonder what radfems think about me.

(Just kidding, I know, because I’ve expressed a desire to be stay-at-home and pass as a woman in every day convos so I’ve gotten the condescending speech until I tell them to shove it and start in on the very extensive feminist discourse that throws them completely off.)

11 years ago

Regarding men in feminism… I know loads of men who calls themselves feminist (including my husband) and whom I’m totally okay with. Most of them aren’t that engaged in the feminist movement, but they’ll say they’re feminist if asked because they agree that women as a group are oppressed and that this is a bad thing. They support most feminist suggestions even if they’re not actively propagating for the cause. Also, I internet-know a bunch of male feminists here at Manboobz who are completely reasonable people.

But I also internet-know, and have previously known AFK, some men calling themselves feminist whom I’m a little wary of. They’re usually the ones who loudly declare all the time how important it is that women get to rule feminism, that men are just quiet and listen to what women have to say about their experiences, and they often add that they can’t help hating themselves for being part of an oppressing group. That self-hate stuff I always feel is complete bogus. Like, seriously? If you really hated yourself, wouldn’t you just STFU and sit in a corner rather than keep writing posts about your grand and martyric self-hate on the altar of feminism? Plus, way to keep shouting out from the roof tops all the time how men ought to be quiet and just listen to women… These men I always suspect of being some kind of Swyzers behind the scenes.

11 years ago

I would love it if Hugo’s name became a term used to describe that specific form of assholery – like Santorum, but more specific.

11 years ago

But I also internet-know, and have previously known AFK, some men calling themselves feminist whom I’m a little wary of. They’re usually the ones who loudly declare all the time how important it is that women get to rule feminism, that men are just quiet and listen to what women have to say about their experiences, and they often add that they can’t help hating themselves for being part of an oppressing group.

I can’t help but wonder if maybe that group of people is where the MRM recruits their ex-feminist members from? It would explain why so many of them claim to have been feminists, yet still don’t understand the first thing about it.

11 years ago

@Cassandra, great idea! “Ugh, that guy is such a Schwyzer.”

@Athywren, they do seem to share the belief that the point of feminism is to make men hate themselves/apologize for being men.

11 years ago

“they do seem to share the belief that the point of feminism is to make men hate themselves/apologize for being men.”

Which also seems to be the point of the icky radfem blog post.

11 years ago

“It became quite clear to me some time ago that your typical woman would be fine making most men live in cages under 24/78 supervision if it meant they could feel just slightly safer about their lives.”

so basically, being an MRA is about their fear of women making men live a slightly exaggerated version of the way men actually do make many women live?

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