alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery gullibility matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA red pill TROOOLLLL!!

Is the disgusting manosphere blogger LaidNYC actually the disgusting manosphere blogger Matt Forney?

The real Matt Forney. Is he also LaidInNYC?
The real Matt Forney. Is he also LaidNYC?

So, I’ve written about the terrible “game” blogger LaidNYC several times already because the fellow is such a reliable purveyor of terrible what-the-fuckery — what with his weird fixation on the alleged value of his sperm, his creepy obsession with underage girls, and his overall awfulness as a human being. I have wondered, from time to time, if the fellow isn’t simply a troll, but I’ve kept on writing about him largely because his readers — and other manosphere bloggers — seem to take him utterly seriously.

Today, though, I just noticed a post from Matt Forney — a Manosphere blogger who is himself a deeply terrible person with a history of trollery and sockpuppeting — who seems to be dropping big hints that LaidNYC may not be who he seems. In a post reviewing an”ebook” by LaidNYC — insofar as a 13 page collection of platitudes obviously banged out in a few hours can be considered a book of any kind — Forney writes:

There are bloggers who take weeks, months, years to get into a groove, honing their talents to the point where their posts become must-reads. And then there are guys like LaidNYC who come exploding out of the gate, writing stuff so good you swear they’ve done this before. LaidNYC is on my top tier of bloggers because his writing is not only brutal and honest, brimming with verisimilitude, but his prose style is hilarious as well.

The fact that he so effortlessly sends feminists into shrieking hysterics is proof that he’s doing things right.

Emphasis mine.

He ends the “review” urging his readers to send LaidNYC some real money for his ridiculous “book.”

So is Forney — with that bit about “stuff so good you swear they’ve done it before” — basically admitting that he is LaidNYC? If so, this wouldn’t be the first time he’s written an enthusiastic review of one of his own, er, books under a different name.

I suppose we’ll find out.

In any case, I’m not sure if it matters much if LaidNYC is a genuine “game” blogger with deeply misogynistic views who writes horrendous shit because he believes every word of it, or a troll with deeply misogynistic views who writes horrendous shit because he wants to piss off women and feminists and maybe con a few gullible followers into sending him money while he’s at it.

And whether or not LaidNYC’s noxious “advice” is meant seriously, manosphere dudes are lapping it up regardless.

Matt Forney and LaidNYC — who may or may not be the same person — have learned that you can get attention by saying terrible things. Congratulations. What an amazing accomplishment.

EDITED TO ADD: Well, on Twitter, for what it’s worth, Forney denies it all.

I did manage to find an audio interview with LaidNYC here. You can compare it to Forney’s voice on his podcast here. At first I was thinking that while the voices are similar, it wasn’t a match: LaidNYC was a faster talker with a higher voice, etc.  (It’s hard to tell, in part because LaidNYC’s voice in the interview is poor quality, over the phone.) But then I skipped ahead to about ten minutes into Forney’s podcast and now I’m not sure. The voices are awfully similar (and frankly, not terribly alpha-sounding). Any thoughts?

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11 years ago

Yeah, I’ve said my piece on the attractive thing before, I don’t think it’s right to judge someone on their looks no matter how shitty people are in their actions – I don’t really need anything extra to rag on him about, he’s said more than enough that I can judge him to be a horrible human being. I can’t help but think it reinforces beauty standards to do so – “ugly people are awful because look at this awful MRA who isn’t conventionally attractive”.

I also think that people with lisps prolly shouldn’t be mocked for having a lisp…

Again, I think he’s a shitty human being. I think he’s despicable and disgusting and a horrible person. But I’m going to continue judging him on all the shitty things he’s said and done, not on his looks.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Eh, I’m okay with saying he isn’t the gift to women that he thinks he is…cuz his looks are less than half the problem there.

11 years ago

Dvarg – on mocking his appearance, I second what rutile, hyena girl and La Strega said. A decent, likable, caring man who looked like his twin brother? Fine, nothing unattractive there. An entitled douchebag (whether he’s ShovedItIntoALetterboxInNYC or not) who thinks women are barely human and are required to fit his idiotic porn-actor standards of “perfection”? Fucking ugly and I’m quite happy to say so.

11 years ago

In short: he demands “perfection” of women while being less than godlike himself: hypocrite.

11 years ago

The voices are similar. I don’t know if it’s the same guy. Any thoughts?

I agree. They’re pretty similar. It definitely could be the same guy.

11 years ago

It’s the hypocrisy that’s being mocked. Nobody would care or comment on what he looks like if he wasn’t constantly banging on about how almost all women are failing to live up to his exacting standards. People who live in glass houses should avoid throwing stones lest someone else fire giant boulders back with a catapult.

11 years ago

I dunno, if you debase women based on their looks and age then claim you can get anyone into bed because your sperm is represented on the Periodic Element chart as AU…well, maybe you shouldn’t expect charity.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>So… if you’re interested in someone, you should should try making them laugh? How novel and insightful. Thanks pick-up artistry!

No see, you misunderstand this completely. Actually going out there, improvising to genuinely try to make people laugh? HORRIBLE IDEA. No, what you need is to distill the Funny into one or a few lines that you’ve honed over and over so that the delivery is perfect, then use THAT line forever. Do *not* veer from script. Also, make sure once you’re rolling in HBs to let everybody else know about that one perfect line, so that ALL the PUAs can roll in pussy just like you by doing the exact same skit to every women on the surface of the planet. Forever.

11 years ago

your sperm is represented on the Periodic Element chart as AU

::looks sadly at remains of coffee dripping off monitor::

11 years ago

Yea, I’m okay with mocking him for hypocrisy, but say he was incredibly handsome, like totally drop-dead gorgeous. Would that make his awfulness any less horrible? Would his disparaging comments on women not measuring up to his standards be any less disgusting?

11 years ago

No, sittiekitty, he’d just be an asshole.

Kitteh! Hey!

11 years ago

Of course he’d still be awful, but adding blatant hypocrisy to the mix doesn’t exactly improve things, and I don’t see anything wrong with pointing it out.

11 years ago

Yea, I’m okay with mocking him for hypocrisy, but say he was incredibly handsome, like totally drop-dead gorgeous. Would that make his awfulness any less horrible? Would his disparaging comments on women not measuring up to his standards be any less disgusting?

No, but it would make his comments about his own desirability less ironic.

11 years ago

Also, let’s look at the context here. The reason that men like Forney spend so much time talking about how women must have x,y, and z physical characteristics or they’re worthless while also insisting that men are automatically valuable regardless of how they look is that they’re trying to use the idea that women’s looks matter and men’s looks don’t as a form of social power that will (they hope) allow them to manipulate women into jumping through hoops to gain their approval. In that context, it is in fact necessary to point out that the idea that men’s looks don’t matter is bullshit, and that in reality women can and do factor men’s looks into our decisions about whether to date or fuck them.

11 years ago

Or another question is in order — is it ok for him to be a jerk because he’s not conventionally hot?
Where’s the empathy?

11 years ago

….and yeah, what Cassandra said.

11 years ago

@BlackBloc So I can memorize humor along with my biology vocabulary? How comforting. Good thing humor is best when it’s stiff and flowless.

In all seriousness, though, the fact that these guys are so insecure about their humor that they have to look up lines to feel funny is actually really sad. My favorite thing in the entire world is making my partner laugh*. It must be horrible to not believe that you can make your partner happy.

*It helps that his laugh is really cute.

11 years ago

In that context, it is in fact necessary to point out that the idea that men’s looks don’t matter is bullshit, and that in reality women can and do factor men’s looks into our decisions about whether to date or fuck them.

Huh. Never thought about it like that. That’s a good point. I definitely can agree with this.

is it ok for him to be a jerk because he’s not conventionally hot?

I dunno what this is asking? (I’m assuming you’re asking me, but correct me if I’m wrong.)

11 years ago

I posed that question, sittiekitty, after you posted this:

“…but say he was incredibly handsome, like totally drop-dead gorgeous. Would that make his awfulness any less horrible? Would his disparaging comments on women not measuring up to his standards be any less disgusting?”

Either way, it’s not ok. His views about sex and women are disgusting.

11 years ago

David – good gods. One can only presume Forney neither looks at his own photos nor has any mirrors in his house.

I now want to see him get tripped over by older PoC with walkers. Preferably so he lands in a gutter full of muck.

11 years ago

Class act all the way, that Mr. Forney.

11 years ago

How dare people who Forney doesn’t want to fuck exist!

In related news, I really, really don’t want to fuck Matt Forney. Shouldn’t he, like, poof out of existence, just to be fair? I mean, he is quite blatantly walking around in public while failing to meet my physical requirements for fuckability.

11 years ago

i posed that question, sittiekitty, after you posted this:

I was clear on the timeline, wasn’t clear on the indication for the question?

La Strega
11 years ago

Re/ Matt Forney’s lisp: the point is, if you watch Lindy West’s video, she is emphatically NOT mocking him, but rather finding cause for compassion. She is speaking about how seeing these guys, who have brutally and relentlessly harassed her for being “fat’n’ugly”, made her realize that they were coming from a place of such insecurity and loneliness, she could only feel sorry for them, And I imagine most of us understand that, if you scratch the surface of a Matt Forney or a Roosh or a LaidNYC, you find a well of pain. That’s not excusing their deplorable words and actions, BTW, but I believe it helps explain why they such rabid (albeit small) fan bases. They are somehow more accessible to their fans by being less-than-perfect specimens themselves.