alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery gullibility matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA red pill TROOOLLLL!!

Is the disgusting manosphere blogger LaidNYC actually the disgusting manosphere blogger Matt Forney?

The real Matt Forney. Is he also LaidInNYC?
The real Matt Forney. Is he also LaidNYC?

So, I’ve written about the terrible “game” blogger LaidNYC several times already because the fellow is such a reliable purveyor of terrible what-the-fuckery — what with his weird fixation on the alleged value of his sperm, his creepy obsession with underage girls, and his overall awfulness as a human being. I have wondered, from time to time, if the fellow isn’t simply a troll, but I’ve kept on writing about him largely because his readers — and other manosphere bloggers — seem to take him utterly seriously.

Today, though, I just noticed a post from Matt Forney — a Manosphere blogger who is himself a deeply terrible person with a history of trollery and sockpuppeting — who seems to be dropping big hints that LaidNYC may not be who he seems. In a post reviewing an”ebook” by LaidNYC — insofar as a 13 page collection of platitudes obviously banged out in a few hours can be considered a book of any kind — Forney writes:

There are bloggers who take weeks, months, years to get into a groove, honing their talents to the point where their posts become must-reads. And then there are guys like LaidNYC who come exploding out of the gate, writing stuff so good you swear they’ve done this before. LaidNYC is on my top tier of bloggers because his writing is not only brutal and honest, brimming with verisimilitude, but his prose style is hilarious as well.

The fact that he so effortlessly sends feminists into shrieking hysterics is proof that he’s doing things right.

Emphasis mine.

He ends the “review” urging his readers to send LaidNYC some real money for his ridiculous “book.”

So is Forney — with that bit about “stuff so good you swear they’ve done it before” — basically admitting that he is LaidNYC? If so, this wouldn’t be the first time he’s written an enthusiastic review of one of his own, er, books under a different name.

I suppose we’ll find out.

In any case, I’m not sure if it matters much if LaidNYC is a genuine “game” blogger with deeply misogynistic views who writes horrendous shit because he believes every word of it, or a troll with deeply misogynistic views who writes horrendous shit because he wants to piss off women and feminists and maybe con a few gullible followers into sending him money while he’s at it.

And whether or not LaidNYC’s noxious “advice” is meant seriously, manosphere dudes are lapping it up regardless.

Matt Forney and LaidNYC — who may or may not be the same person — have learned that you can get attention by saying terrible things. Congratulations. What an amazing accomplishment.

EDITED TO ADD: Well, on Twitter, for what it’s worth, Forney denies it all.

I did manage to find an audio interview with LaidNYC here. You can compare it to Forney’s voice on his podcast here. At first I was thinking that while the voices are similar, it wasn’t a match: LaidNYC was a faster talker with a higher voice, etc.  (It’s hard to tell, in part because LaidNYC’s voice in the interview is poor quality, over the phone.) But then I skipped ahead to about ten minutes into Forney’s podcast and now I’m not sure. The voices are awfully similar (and frankly, not terribly alpha-sounding). Any thoughts?

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11 years ago

Angry Boring Chinless Turtle…

(This is not a joke about his weight, btw. He just has no chin.)

11 years ago

cloudiah, I thought of phrenology, too.

But then I thought, don’t phrenologists have to touch those lumps and bumps on the head?

If so, forget it.

Smirking Shinyskull makes Tom “Baldy” Martin look almost passable.

11 years ago

LaidInNYC does sound kind of like Bardamu’s tired shit.

11 years ago

Um… this is getting problematic, because there might be readers of this blog who look similar to him. I agree that he personally deserves to be mocked after the shit he’s written, but you can’t really mock him for his looks while not mocking everyone who looks like him at the same time.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

I just received an even more shocking revelation: apparently, the name I have been reading as “LaidInNYC” has, this whole time, been “LaidNYC”. Additionally, consider the following Hindi song lyrics:

Rehto eht Nhoj, Yvan eht Nioj

Coded message? This will shake the manosphere!

11 years ago

Yep, he’s fucked everyone in New York. I totally believe him.

(LOL again)

11 years ago

I’ve been reading it “LaidInNYC” too.

11 years ago

Oh, that’s funny. I also read it as laid IN New York City, not laid New York City. Now I imagine him just jabbing with his cock at… like… the statue of liberty or something.

11 years ago

Plenty of new babbie pictures over the weekend! Click my handle!

11 years ago

Aww, I want to nom their widdle fingers!

11 years ago

Squeee! Your babies are too cute, Falconer.

11 years ago

They have a bad habit of scratching at my hands and arms. They don’t mean to, their gripping instinct is just that powerful, and no matter how short I can keep their nails, it still hurts, especially if they get my cheek or my nose.

On other occasions, as they are falling asleep in my arms, they often lay their hands oh so lightly on my arms.

In short, I am smote. Also, squeeeeeeeeee babbie fingers!!

11 years ago

They’re both crawling now, but my son is less efficient than my daughter. Somehow he gets by through furious butt wiggling*.

*Sorry, this is going to be MY band’s name, you can’t have it.

11 years ago

It’s the super ignorant hateful jerk, smug smile, and expectation of feminine “perfection” that makes this guy so unattractive.

A lot of physical characteristics can be attractive or “cute,” but the expression on the face can ruin it all. I also think that if a person is brutally critical of a few extra pounds, or some other commonly-thought “imperfection,” then it’s only fair that that same standard be applied to themselves.

Certain physical characteristics can enhance someone’s appearance and be charming or even devastatingly attractive on the right guy — but a big turn-off on the wrong guy. For instance, no one should ever think that baldness is an automatic turn-off. We all know that’s not the case and can cite many hot actors who are bald and really work it well. But then we can think of guys who just . . . can’t. A douchebag full of arrogant bravado while hiding a wimpy underbelly usually can’t.

11 years ago

I listened briefly to both the interview and podcast and I don’t think they sound all that similar.

They mentioned a Seinfeld pick-up method in the interview with LaidNYC. Do I want to know what that is?

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>They mentioned a Seinfeld pick-up method in the interview with LaidNYC. Do I want to know what that is?

“Hey baby, did you know that I’m master of my domain?”

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Then he goes to the chick, with a very serious face and say: “I’m George. I’m
unemployed and i live with my parents.”
I fieldtested this. Walk up to a woman and say it, but put your name instead of
George. Most HBs just wet themselves laughing. And man, i cracked myself
laughing when i saw George doing it.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

It’s not so much that he’s notably unattractive, I mean with a nice smile and a good personality I’d certainly find someone who looks like him attractive. It’s the fact that he appears to consider himself to be some kind of paragon of perfection who has call to require impossible perfection from women to meet his standards.
I mean, dude, you’re average. No sin there. just don’t try to claim that you have the rights to the same standards of Adonis.

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Mind you, the expression on his face in the photo says “entitled asshat” to me.

11 years ago

So… if you’re interested in someone, you should should try making them laugh? How novel and insightful. Thanks pick-up artistry!

11 years ago

I don’t think those voices sound the same. Honestly, it seems implausible that Forney would create a fake identity for himself and do recorded interviews in that fake identity while still doing podcasts in his real identity. It just makes it too easy to get caught.

La Strega
11 years ago

I’m disappointed to discovert that the consensus is they are probably two different people because I’d rather there was only one instead of two “Matt Forneys” and also because it would be so much fun to mock. Re/ making fun of Forney’s looks without stooping to the level of “looks-ism,” that’s tough since he is constantly denigrating the physical shortcomings of others. (Kinda like how Roosh constantly picks on those he considers racially inferior, apparently blind to the fact that most Northern Europeans don’t consider him to be exactly “white.”) BTW, there is a wonderful Lindy West video in which she speaks about Matt Forney without naming him by name. She talks about how his fat rants lost their stinging power once she saw his “vlog.” He’s taken down his vlog since then, probably because of the ridicule he got for his limited physical appeal (and even more damning, his rather high pitched, tremulous, lispy delivery).. The thing with Matt Forney is he does look exactly how you might imagine someone with his personality to look: like a sadistic, basement dwelling troll. And who knows, maybe he revels in that.

La Strega
11 years ago

Lindy West link to video in which she exhibits remarkable compassion for Matt Forney (without referencing him by name):

11 years ago

I don’t think they sound the same, either.

About the making fun of people based on their appearance : it is wrong; but I also second Hyena Girl and rutile on this. It’s not so much what he looks like, but who he is. And the whole “god’s gift to women” thing. And the arrogant misogynist jerk thing. This is the guy who wrote “Fat women don’t deserve love” right? If he were a better person, he wouldn’t be unattractive.
Personality seems to play a big role in attraction for me.