alpha males are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy evil old ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

LaidNYC, the My-Seed-is-Liquid-Gold dude, on raising a Red Pill son and other creepy stuff

LaidInNYC is back!
LaidNYC is back!

It’s been a while since we checked in with LaidNYC, the alleged pickup artist whose sperm is LIQUID GOLD and whose wisdom about women, and life in general, is liquid, well, something else. Let’s see what  we can learn from him.

In one recent post, Mr. LaidNYC brings his unique perspective to the question of raising boys, a topic I’m pretty sure he has no actual experience with. Well, after reading his advice, I can only hope that he has no actual experience with it, and that he never gets any. Some of his insights:

Marry a HAWT chick:

Choose his mother carefully.  You are only half responsible for the genetic outcome of your child.  You want a thin, young, healthy wife to help assure a healthy child.  The mother should embrace the idea of wifely submission and a captain-first mate relationship in which she is not the captain.  This will be your son’s first relationship model and it should embed natural gender roles in his mind forever.

Make sure your son knows he’s cockblocking you by even existing, and that you’re making a giant sacrifice by sticking around with mommy, even though she’s no longer the hottie she was when you married her, and you could TOTALLY be dating hotter chicks if she weren’t around.

Make him aware of your sacrifice.  As a guy with game, you will likely be passing up lots of pussy and fun times if you choose to have kids.  Make him aware of this.  He should realize his existence is a gift from you.  This will make him respect you more, and a child who respects his father has higher self-worth because he instinctively understands that his father is his genes.

Pay him money to approach HAWT chicks at Farmers’ Markets before he even reaches puberty. Because that’s not weird or creepy at all.

Have him approach girls.  When he’s cute and pre-pubescent, take him to a park or farmers market and have him approach smoking hot babes.  Give him cute stuff to say, he’ll have a 0% blowout rate.  Make it fun for him, not “daddy is making me talk to girls again”.  Use monetary incentives if necessary.

Get him a dog, because bitches are bitches amirite high five bro! No, really, that’s his argument:

Get a dog. A dog teaches kids how to love and how to be in charge of something they love.  The parallels between dog training and game are staggering.

Also, be a drunk and a letch, because somehow this will benefit him.

Set up some dominoes for him to topple.  This is fun.  Buy a small piece of bar so he can easily be a bartender when he’s 18.  Befriend families in the neighborhood who have hot daughters so he can have an in to fuck them.  … Be a regular at a bar or strip club and pass the status on to him.

What kind of status points to you accumulate, exactly, by being a creepy old dude hanging out in a strip club all the time?

Speaking of creepy old dudes, let’s take a look at another post from LaidNYC with the seemingly inoffensive title The Walls of Facebook, in which our hero villain explains some  research he’s conducted by creeping through the Facebook pictures of teen girls.

Back when I still had Facebook, I was routinely shocked at HOW MUCH hotter girls, even in their early to mid twenties, used to be just a few years earlier.

In fact, Facebook shows that when women peak is even younger than anyone blogging under their real name would care to admit.  Common red pill dogma states that women are their hottest between 18-24.

I say this is bullshit.  Try 15-19.

Even that is generous for modern girls in prosperous countries.  If she’s going to college to binge drink on weekends and swipe her mealplan card at the buffet line, her peak likely ceases her first semester at around age 18.

True female peak, on average, is probably around 16-18.

High schoolers.

Yep, this is the same guy who was just giving advice on how to be a good parent.

He continues:

Now, we in the red pill community try to stretch that peak to 23 or 24 because most guys don’t have the chance to bang high school girls.  There’s the law, different social circles, cock-blocking parents, etc. So we lie to ourselves a bit and claim the 22, 23 year old girls we date are still at peak.  Close enough for government work.

Yes, that’s right. He just complained about COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS.

I was going to keep going and go through a couple more posts of his today, but, honestly, HE JUST COMPLAINED ABOUT COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS. I’ve had enough of this creepy bullshit for one day.

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11 years ago

SocialKenny is a turd. He just admitted that his game/predation skills are so fucking weak that he had to move from NYC–where the age of consent is 17–just to gain a year.

Kenny, fuck off.

11 years ago

I have a six year old step-son and a six month old son. The thing that keeps me up at night worrying about their futures is the idea that they might be influenced by MRAs/PUAs or other misogynistic rhetoric. LaidInNYC’s ideal son is my worst nightmare. Even the idea of my sons being friends with boys raised like that sends chills down my spine. I mean, I know I cannot protect my sons from all the terrible, misogynistic, and bigoted ideas and people in the world but it makes me have this knee jerk desire to never let them leave the house, surf the net or otherwise interact with the rest of the world unsupervised.

And if anyone ever told my sons that physical affection like hugging was something people had to “buy” with compliments, that person would get the boot. I don’t ever want my boys to believe that showing affection for someone is akin to a financial transaction. They will hopefully know that no one has to earn love and affection in our family.

Also, it’s so creepy that LaidinNYC wants to teach a boy to treat his own mother the same way he’s supposed to (according to LaidinNYC) treat a potential girlfriend. And let’s just forget that children* have a need for receiving physical affection from their parents to feel safe and secure.

*I don’t want to over-generalize, there may be some people who don’t have the need for physical affection. I’m pretty ignorant on this but it strikes me that some autistic people, for example, don’t enjoy/want/need being touched? But it seems to me that receiving loving touch from other humans is generally considered a basic human need which is especially important during childhood.

11 years ago

If anyone is planning in advance to teach their kids not to respect their co-parent, they shouldn’t have kids, because that alone is going to fuck those kids up bigtime.

(There are circumstances in which thinking the kids shouldn’t respect the other parent would be justified, but “has a vagina” is not one of those circumstances.)

11 years ago

My mental asshole filter automatically translates all of Kenny’s comments into “I am a sad loser, please pay attention to me”, and has been doing so for quite some time.

11 years ago

Although I was raised in NYC and lived there practically my entire life, I now live in the Caribbean where the median age of sexual consent is 15-16 and not 18. So basically, a dad or guy over 30 can go try to seduce high schoolers since it’s lawful. And it’s pretty much rampant here in the Caribbean.

Age of consent is a relatively recent concept. There was a time that an unmarried 15 year old could be considered an old maid, doomed to spinsterhood. At that time, diseases were caused by demons, and cured by rebalancing the humours.
That some places allow adolescents to have sex with fully matured adults is no more to the point than that people used to think leeches were the height of medical technology.

That is the peak age for girl, between 15-20 or so.

And what exactly do you mean by peak?
I might give you peak for fertility, but that’s pretty much irrelevant – we no longer need to churn out fifteen babies in order to hold on to five, nor do we particularly need to increase the population.
You’re about a decade low for maturity. Though it is true that some 15 year olds appear startlingly mature, they’re still kids – the ability to maintain a discussion on the philosophies of Confucius doesn’t mean a person isn’t naive.
Attractiveness? Meh. Attractiveness is far too subjective and variable for there to be any semblance of a peak. My ex is something like 42 now – she was 39 when we were together. If she peaked before 20, then… wow.
About the only relevant thing I can think of that would match peaking between 15-20, is the likelihood of falling for PUA tactics, and yeah, you might be right there.

Seriously though, please don’t say that this is the peak age, as if it’s some objective fact, as if all men think this way. We don’t. Women are people, not commodities.

I was thinking exactly what Howard Bannister said. It’s interesting how *hard* a father has to work to make sure his son behaves ‘naturally’.

See, that’s why it’s so much easier to argue for this kind of family if you’re working from a basis of fundamental Christianity or some other patriarchal religion. “Yes, it’s hard work to get you to behave in a manner that we consider natural. It’s because Adam and Eve ate the wrong fruit, and now everything you do is wrong and unnatural and you’re going to hell unless you learn to slap a bitch about the place.”

I was going to speak to the article too… but… ugh. As if it’s not bad enough that women are just sex objects to him, he has to do the “theatre mother” thing and turn his son into an extension of his own penis? I thought the MRM was about compassion for men and boys? Not compassion for men, and using boys as tools for their own vicarious gratification? Well, apparently I am speaking to the article too… anyway.

11 years ago

I’m going to try to link to some brain bleach. Hope this works…

11 years ago
11 years ago

Awwwwww. Your beautiful boy, I presume.

(Or should I say one of your beautiful boys. Mum told me that someone had remarked to my always quiet father after church that, You’ve got a beautiful daughter. Only one of us was at church that night. He drew himself up to his full 5’6″ and said gruffly, “I’ve got two beautiful daughters.”)

11 years ago

Awww, what an awesome dad.

And yep, that’s my (almost) six month old about a month ago.

11 years ago

That baby looks like he’s thinking deep thinky thoughts.

11 years ago

I like to think it’s him giving the side-eye to misogynists.

11 years ago

I’m willing to bet that this guy is probably making up 90% of the sexual encounters he claims to have partaken in. It seems like there’s a lot of insecurity under his faux-bravado. Which makes this even more funny.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


Babies make me squee…

11 years ago

I have the same problem as K mentioned upthread. People harassing and hitting on me under the impression that I am well under 18.
Every summer, older men/guys who think they are much older men asking me questions about how my GCSEs or A-levels are going/do I have my results, have I finished school, am I excited about going to college, what colour is my school uniform, why am I not in school, stuff like that. If they don’t straight out ask how old I am and am I engaged yet. (Winter botheration is less school-specific although one guy asked me if I was going to be an angel in my school play…I was 23.) And the vast majority are completely put off by my real age.

It is so gross and obviously is not just about my actual appearance.

11 years ago

Although I was raised in NYC and lived there practically my entire life, I now live in the Caribbean where the median age of sexual consent is 15-16 and not 18. So basically, a dad or guy over 30 can go try to seduce high schoolers since it’s lawful. And it’s pretty much rampant here in the Caribbean.

Here in Sweden the age of consent is 15, meaning a guy over 30 can legally have sex with a 15-year-old girl – but everyone would still agree he was a tremendous creep. It’s not like being above the age of consent magically makes all sex with adults morally right OR socially accepted.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Monster — yeah, if it were about your appearance you’d expect it to shift to blushing and you in college/uni? And eventually lead to the hey, can we get coffee type questions since hey, you’re old enough to ask that! They aren’t attracted but nice enough to realize probably a teen = polite convo only! or they’ die happy to find out you!re actual age. Instead, creeper!

I’m pre-coffee and all hopped up on advil, idk if I’m making sense today…

11 years ago

I remember when I sneaked my then fifteen-year-old sister into a pub me and some friends arranged at university. There was this twenty-five-year-old guy who started flirting with my sister, evidently assuming that she was eighteen at least since she was in a pub (in Sweden, eighteen is the legal drinking age). When he later found out how young she was he was completely freaked out and desperately denied ever having flirted with her.

11 years ago

Another cute baby! I think you’re right, Nynaeve, he’s side-eyeing misogynists and people who creep on teenagers.

11 years ago

There was a time that an unmarried 15 year old could be considered an old maid, doomed to spinsterhood.

Do you have a source on this? I’m like 99% sure this is a myth that’s perpetuated by people like MRAs who romanticise the past and want to convince people it’s morally fine to have sex with children because they’re creeps and “omg! history totes said it was okay!”. Average age of marriage in Victorian era was 25, for example, and virginity was only cared about for the upper class people who also got “married” super young because they were pawns in politics and supposed to cement allegiances and not because marriage meant anything to them.

11 years ago

By the MRA’s own logic (I use that word loosely but bear with me here), the reason that 15-year old girls are attractive is because they’re a) more fertile and b) younger than other women. But 15 year old boys are more fertile and younger than the MRAs themselves. So in their fantasy land where the only ingredient for a happy relationship is where the age of the participant is less than the square root of potential gametes, surely the 15 year olds should be donking each other and the MRAs should be sat at home with their cats too? I mean, if it’s what’s best for the planet and all…

Guh, why do they hate male sexuality so much???!!!111?

11 years ago

They’re so lucky that we’re nicer than they are, because if I was less polite I would have LOTS to say about how physically repulsive I found the adult men who hit on me when I was a kid.

11 years ago

The age of consent is 16 in the UK, and everyone I knew was sexually active by 16 or 17, but anyone over, say, 25-ish who hit on us still got some serious side-eye. A lower age of consent mostly means that it’s considered OK for young people to fuck each other, not for adults to prey on them.

11 years ago

It’s because “male sexuality” only gets better when you age. It’s one of the tenets of their Evolutionary Psycholololology – “Women want things like personality and alphaness and money and status in men, men just want them young”.

So *of course* they’re better than every other man, and *of course* all women want them, they have their… somethingsomething.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

Guess what, Laid? I have two actual flesh and blood sons (not fantasy blog sons) and I’m raising them to be the bluest of blue pill alphas. They give out hugs and kisses freely, without requiring compliments. They share toys. They say Please and Thank You and take turns and play happily with others.

Oddly enough, in spite of my failure to raise them as selfish authoritarian jerks, every time I go to pick them up at daycare they’re surrounded by lots of girls. Girls follow them around, play with them, invite them to birthday parties. When one of the other little girls in the class is feeling sad or down, my sons will go over and give her a toy or a hug or try to make her laugh. They love girls, and girls love them right back. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way as they grow older.

It’s pretty telling when toddlers have a deeper understanding of girls than PUAs.

As far as being attracted to people in your own age range (give or take a few years), that seems generally more like the norm to me. People’s tastes change as they move on through life. For example: when the original Star Wars movie came out, I had a huge crush on Luke Skywalker (like many other 10 year old girls of 1977). Later, in my late twenties, I saw the movie again, and suddenly realized that I was more into Han Solo. Luke Skywalker seemed like a little kid.

Obi Wan Kenobi is starting to look good to me now.

11 years ago

Delusions. They’re called delusions.