alpha males are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy evil old ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

LaidNYC, the My-Seed-is-Liquid-Gold dude, on raising a Red Pill son and other creepy stuff

LaidInNYC is back!
LaidNYC is back!

It’s been a while since we checked in with LaidNYC, the alleged pickup artist whose sperm is LIQUID GOLD and whose wisdom about women, and life in general, is liquid, well, something else. Let’s see what  we can learn from him.

In one recent post, Mr. LaidNYC brings his unique perspective to the question of raising boys, a topic I’m pretty sure he has no actual experience with. Well, after reading his advice, I can only hope that he has no actual experience with it, and that he never gets any. Some of his insights:

Marry a HAWT chick:

Choose his mother carefully.  You are only half responsible for the genetic outcome of your child.  You want a thin, young, healthy wife to help assure a healthy child.  The mother should embrace the idea of wifely submission and a captain-first mate relationship in which she is not the captain.  This will be your son’s first relationship model and it should embed natural gender roles in his mind forever.

Make sure your son knows he’s cockblocking you by even existing, and that you’re making a giant sacrifice by sticking around with mommy, even though she’s no longer the hottie she was when you married her, and you could TOTALLY be dating hotter chicks if she weren’t around.

Make him aware of your sacrifice.  As a guy with game, you will likely be passing up lots of pussy and fun times if you choose to have kids.  Make him aware of this.  He should realize his existence is a gift from you.  This will make him respect you more, and a child who respects his father has higher self-worth because he instinctively understands that his father is his genes.

Pay him money to approach HAWT chicks at Farmers’ Markets before he even reaches puberty. Because that’s not weird or creepy at all.

Have him approach girls.  When he’s cute and pre-pubescent, take him to a park or farmers market and have him approach smoking hot babes.  Give him cute stuff to say, he’ll have a 0% blowout rate.  Make it fun for him, not “daddy is making me talk to girls again”.  Use monetary incentives if necessary.

Get him a dog, because bitches are bitches amirite high five bro! No, really, that’s his argument:

Get a dog. A dog teaches kids how to love and how to be in charge of something they love.  The parallels between dog training and game are staggering.

Also, be a drunk and a letch, because somehow this will benefit him.

Set up some dominoes for him to topple.  This is fun.  Buy a small piece of bar so he can easily be a bartender when he’s 18.  Befriend families in the neighborhood who have hot daughters so he can have an in to fuck them.  … Be a regular at a bar or strip club and pass the status on to him.

What kind of status points to you accumulate, exactly, by being a creepy old dude hanging out in a strip club all the time?

Speaking of creepy old dudes, let’s take a look at another post from LaidNYC with the seemingly inoffensive title The Walls of Facebook, in which our hero villain explains some  research he’s conducted by creeping through the Facebook pictures of teen girls.

Back when I still had Facebook, I was routinely shocked at HOW MUCH hotter girls, even in their early to mid twenties, used to be just a few years earlier.

In fact, Facebook shows that when women peak is even younger than anyone blogging under their real name would care to admit.  Common red pill dogma states that women are their hottest between 18-24.

I say this is bullshit.  Try 15-19.

Even that is generous for modern girls in prosperous countries.  If she’s going to college to binge drink on weekends and swipe her mealplan card at the buffet line, her peak likely ceases her first semester at around age 18.

True female peak, on average, is probably around 16-18.

High schoolers.

Yep, this is the same guy who was just giving advice on how to be a good parent.

He continues:

Now, we in the red pill community try to stretch that peak to 23 or 24 because most guys don’t have the chance to bang high school girls.  There’s the law, different social circles, cock-blocking parents, etc. So we lie to ourselves a bit and claim the 22, 23 year old girls we date are still at peak.  Close enough for government work.

Yes, that’s right. He just complained about COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS.

I was going to keep going and go through a couple more posts of his today, but, honestly, HE JUST COMPLAINED ABOUT COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS. I’ve had enough of this creepy bullshit for one day.

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11 years ago

That echoes their whole lives, I think, mildlymagnificent. Simple pleasure and fun don’t seem to come into PUAs’ or MRAs’ lives at all. It’s all about competing with other men (despite the MRAs’ pretence of male solidarit) and hating the women whose bodies they want to control.

auggz – n count means notch count, I think. As in notches on the bedpost.

11 years ago

Were notches on a bedpost a thing? I’d like to know where that phrase came from…

11 years ago

entropistanon: Yeah, it seems like parenthood comes with its own inherent fears and anxieties without adding predatory scum on top of it. It’s scary. And I read this crap, and it’s like mommy tiger suddenly takes over and bares her fangs.

11 years ago

I imagine someone has kept a subtle tally on a bedpost somewhere. I’ve always thought it was something like fighter pilots. You keep a tally on your plane somewhere of how many other airplanes you’ve had sex with.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

@ mildlymagnificent: Good point. Deep down, their views on relationships are rather dismal. Significant others are things you have to mold to your liking and will only have a limited amount of time before they lose value. And sons are burdens that you train to become a clone of you. There is no fun or joy to be had since they ruined yours.

11 years ago

So they’ve moved on from using “peak fertility” to try to rationalize their pedophilia to using the generic “peak beauty” instead? I’m shocked he went as high as 15-19. I thought they were usually arguing that any girl from puberty on should be acceptable, and it’s only feminazis/the law/beta mangina parents that get in the way.

11 years ago

I’ve always thought it was something like fighter pilots. You keep a tally on your plane somewhere of how many other airplanes you’ve had sex with.

LOL.I needed that. XD

11 years ago

“I’ve always thought it was something like fighter pilots. You keep a tally on your plane somewhere of how many other airplanes you’ve had sex with. ”

There’s a Starfighters refueling joke in there somewhere.

11 years ago

“There’s a Starfighters refueling joke in there somewhere.”

I immediately thought of the opening scene to Dr. Strangelove, where the bomber’s getting refueled to the background of romantic music, and then an “ahhhh” when it’s done.

11 years ago

The weird thing about his “peak beauty” comment (not the only weird thing, but one of them at least): people aren’t really good childbearing people until after they’re 17-19… they’re waaay more able to have children after that, much less likely to have issues and more likely to have lower morbidity and mortality rates for both mom and baby…

And I’m sure this has been pulled out a thousand times but the best indication of fertility: someone who has already had a child.

11 years ago

TW Pedophilia: By stating “women” peak before actually attaining womanhood, before finishing GROWTH, he just publicly admitted to being attracted to CHILDREN. I’m sure lots of pedophiles believe (big TW) the objects of their affections peak at age 7, 10, 12, etc.

11 years ago

Basically, once girls grow up and actually look, feel, and behave like women, he’s no longer interested.

11 years ago


I think y’all are unfairly attacking LaidNYC and not actually examining his quotes and writings. It’s easy to be critics from the outside looking in

On the topic of “do women have a peak age”, you’re arguing that women are the outsiders? Do you need me to explain why you’re an idiot, or can you figure it out on your own?

The rest of your post is basically “I’m a creep who pervs on children and pretends that it’s OK because it’s legal”. GTFO.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Nitram — my narcissist ex got arrested for pedophila, and I can confirm your suspicions aren’t far off…except he preferred teenage boys because (holy fucking TW batman) gay closeted teens will do pretty much anything and (add a racism warning) black ones usually don’t have parents who’ll report it (he got caught in the act in public)

And the kid? Who was like 14 or 15? Told the judge he wasn’t manipulated or anything, and the ex justified it since the kid posted a CL ad and thus started it and I didn’t dump his ass cuz gaslighting.


In short, this all sounds very “that ex who’s on Megan’s list” familiar.

11 years ago

I’m honestly surprised when these guys mention going to strip clubs. This is a place where you are encouraged to throw money at women. And I know the boundaries are an illusion, and strip joints are a cess pool of sexual assault, but the whole environment revolves around “pussy begging” “gold digging” “white knighting” and they’re all “sluts” and “whores” with a “high N count”. What is a self respecting red piller doing in a place like that? (And if its not obvious, I do not believe any of those things and I don’t refer to any woman as a whore or slut ever).

OTOH, strip clubs are about the only place where you can practice demeaning women without getting a drink thrown in your face.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Socialkenny — yeah and the Victorian age of consent was like 12, you want to try arguing that a 30+ year old man should be “seducing” girls who probably haven’t even hit puberty yet? Cuz hey, legal age is their peak years right? So 150~ years ago the peak years for girls were before they could even potentially reproduce?

Maybe getting that this whole “peak years” thing is relative? Relative to, as Cerebus noted, your own age…in that most of us are attracted to people within around the same age range as us, in general (sure, there are those occasional “well I usually like people within a 5 year age range but ze’s just fucking awesome!” Exceptions…but they don’t go arguing that their partner’s entire age group is “peak years” — just that their partner is awesome)

Also, assuming you’re more than 20~, thinking 15 year old girls are at their peak makes you a disgusting human being.

11 years ago

So I see Kenny is still completely unable to read the mood of the room.

Moving on, I wish there was a better way for older women to warn younger women about all the assorted crap that creeps like this pull. There’s no question that a big part of the reason they focus on tweens and teens is that kids that age are much easier to manipulate than adults.

11 years ago

The whole thing kinda reminds me of that one Law and Order: Criminal Intent episode with Chief O’Brian from TNG. He played a judge who liked to sleep around a lot and hire hookers and share them with his son after he was finished…and the son accidentally killed a girl while having rough sex with her, and then he brought *another* girl home, and his father raped her (the son might have as well…can’t remember)…and then the mother killed her to protect her son. Anyway, the father kept trying to make his son like him, but the son ultimately realised his father was a pathetic old perv, and testified against him. (And the father had a penchant for underage girls as well). It was creepy and sad.

11 years ago

Moving on, I wish there was a better way for older women to warn younger women about all the assorted crap that creeps like this pull. There’s no question that a big part of the reason they focus on tweens and teens is that kids that age are much easier to manipulate than adults.

We need to start a blog.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Gods, I remember that one. I think your confusion as to whether the son raped her as well may be that they had consensual sex before the father…yeah.

That was one big mess of fucked up.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The manboobs sex ed and PUA avoidance blog? A how to for sexytimes?

Please say yes, cuz I’ve got a nice sized backlog of thoughts on what I’d do if I could make a sex ed curriculum. Condoms, of course, get their own section between birth control and STD protection. Optional unit(s) in BDSM, consent 101 as a pre-req…

How is babby formed? When you fail to use birth control! Also, have some biology!

Gotta have a chunk on how abusive relationships are not just “if he hits you, that’s wrong” cuz gaslighting avoidance needs to be in there with PUA avoidance…

I’m gonna shut up now, since I think my “I could talk all day on that one” point has been made clear!

11 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri: I mostly can’t remember if they determined that the amount of drugs/alcohol in her system ruled out any possibility of consent.

11 years ago

The blog could be called The Crap Man Boobz Pull. Or How to Avoid Man Boobz.

I’m sleepy. There are better names.

11 years ago

I was lucky enough to receive sex ed that was accurate and fairly comprehensive, so I can’t really say what gets left out of the crappy version, but what I feel like kids don’t get taught even with relatively good sex ed is the emotional side of things. My classes covered the technical side just fine, but what about “if a person approaches you and says/does X they are trying to manipulate you”, “If you put your drink down and then take another sip later and it tastes different, don’t drink it”, “if someone is insulting you don’t try to prove them wrong, just walk away”, and so on?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Just Argenti is fine, and I think you might be right. I want to say she went home with the son willingly, but, you know, that doesn’t mean he gets auto-consent indefinitely. And that episode was ages ago so idk. Either way that father was one fucked up piece of fucked-up-ness.

Cloudiah — I shall ponder this! And if you’re at least sorta serious, I’m entirely up for writing a series of posts on the general sex ed stuff that my generation of abstinence only “sex ed” doesn’t seem to ever know (I don’t want to talk about the number of ex’s I’ve had to give a crash course in actual sex ed before that was happening [like, I mean! yes your fucking pre-cum can contain sperm and you’d best wrap it up before then])