alpha males are these guys 12 years old? crackpottery creepy evil old ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA reactionary bullshit red pill

LaidNYC, the My-Seed-is-Liquid-Gold dude, on raising a Red Pill son and other creepy stuff

LaidInNYC is back!
LaidNYC is back!

It’s been a while since we checked in with LaidNYC, the alleged pickup artist whose sperm is LIQUID GOLD and whose wisdom about women, and life in general, is liquid, well, something else. Let’s see what  we can learn from him.

In one recent post, Mr. LaidNYC brings his unique perspective to the question of raising boys, a topic I’m pretty sure he has no actual experience with. Well, after reading his advice, I can only hope that he has no actual experience with it, and that he never gets any. Some of his insights:

Marry a HAWT chick:

Choose his mother carefully.  You are only half responsible for the genetic outcome of your child.  You want a thin, young, healthy wife to help assure a healthy child.  The mother should embrace the idea of wifely submission and a captain-first mate relationship in which she is not the captain.  This will be your son’s first relationship model and it should embed natural gender roles in his mind forever.

Make sure your son knows he’s cockblocking you by even existing, and that you’re making a giant sacrifice by sticking around with mommy, even though she’s no longer the hottie she was when you married her, and you could TOTALLY be dating hotter chicks if she weren’t around.

Make him aware of your sacrifice.  As a guy with game, you will likely be passing up lots of pussy and fun times if you choose to have kids.  Make him aware of this.  He should realize his existence is a gift from you.  This will make him respect you more, and a child who respects his father has higher self-worth because he instinctively understands that his father is his genes.

Pay him money to approach HAWT chicks at Farmers’ Markets before he even reaches puberty. Because that’s not weird or creepy at all.

Have him approach girls.  When he’s cute and pre-pubescent, take him to a park or farmers market and have him approach smoking hot babes.  Give him cute stuff to say, he’ll have a 0% blowout rate.  Make it fun for him, not “daddy is making me talk to girls again”.  Use monetary incentives if necessary.

Get him a dog, because bitches are bitches amirite high five bro! No, really, that’s his argument:

Get a dog. A dog teaches kids how to love and how to be in charge of something they love.  The parallels between dog training and game are staggering.

Also, be a drunk and a letch, because somehow this will benefit him.

Set up some dominoes for him to topple.  This is fun.  Buy a small piece of bar so he can easily be a bartender when he’s 18.  Befriend families in the neighborhood who have hot daughters so he can have an in to fuck them.  … Be a regular at a bar or strip club and pass the status on to him.

What kind of status points to you accumulate, exactly, by being a creepy old dude hanging out in a strip club all the time?

Speaking of creepy old dudes, let’s take a look at another post from LaidNYC with the seemingly inoffensive title The Walls of Facebook, in which our hero villain explains some  research he’s conducted by creeping through the Facebook pictures of teen girls.

Back when I still had Facebook, I was routinely shocked at HOW MUCH hotter girls, even in their early to mid twenties, used to be just a few years earlier.

In fact, Facebook shows that when women peak is even younger than anyone blogging under their real name would care to admit.  Common red pill dogma states that women are their hottest between 18-24.

I say this is bullshit.  Try 15-19.

Even that is generous for modern girls in prosperous countries.  If she’s going to college to binge drink on weekends and swipe her mealplan card at the buffet line, her peak likely ceases her first semester at around age 18.

True female peak, on average, is probably around 16-18.

High schoolers.

Yep, this is the same guy who was just giving advice on how to be a good parent.

He continues:

Now, we in the red pill community try to stretch that peak to 23 or 24 because most guys don’t have the chance to bang high school girls.  There’s the law, different social circles, cock-blocking parents, etc. So we lie to ourselves a bit and claim the 22, 23 year old girls we date are still at peak.  Close enough for government work.

Yes, that’s right. He just complained about COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS.

I was going to keep going and go through a couple more posts of his today, but, honestly, HE JUST COMPLAINED ABOUT COCK-BLOCKING PARENTS. I’ve had enough of this creepy bullshit for one day.

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11 years ago

Yeah, not touching this, so I’ll just say I was surprised that you can be a bartender some places before you’re 21. But he’s right, you can.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Make your son feel guilty for existing: A primer for child abuse.
By LaidInNYC”


And I really do not care to ponder what his hypothetical son would be “practicing” on his younger sister.

11 years ago

I really don’t wanna get into a conversation on when beauty ACTUALLY peaks because… that’s totally subjective. If someone finds himself thinking that high school girls are hot, that’s not a problem. It only becomes a problem when these guys start talking about it and posting about it, and also pretending like they’ve only noticed some perfectly objective fact about the world, which is that women “beauty peaks” at a certain age.

I just had this discussion on my Swedish Facebook feminist group where this one woman kept saying over and over again that if a grown man finds a teenage girl attractive there’s something WRONG with him, and it’s not NORMAL and so on… And I’m like, no, I don’t think so (neither do I think there’s something wrong or abnormal with it if you reverse genders). It’s MORALLY wrong though to NOT let this thought/feeling stay inside your head where it belongs, but pour it out onto the world, or even onto the girl in question.

11 years ago

auggziliary, I had the same thought. But considering this asshole would probably bully a gay son, let’s hope he’ll never reproduce…

11 years ago

His article should have been titled “How to be an abusive partner and father, and how to raise male children to be abusers and female children to be abused” but that isn’t so catchy.

I’m starting to feel like these guys are even worse than MRAs. MRAs are abusers & assholes, and whenever they gather together, they tend to attract other abusers & assholes, but they don’t spend all of their time trying to train other men how to be abusers and assholes (other than by merely modeling the behavior). This is an attempt to actually recruit men who are just lonely to join up as abusive assholes. Not to excuse those men from making that choice.

Maybe I’m wrong.

11 years ago

I don’t get it. How does he get laid? Gross.

11 years ago

Ashley, unfortunately, manipulation works. I suspect that when he gets laid (I don’t say if, because I’m sure that these guys are horrible enough to be effectively convincing) he’s doing it in a manner that doesn’t allow for any part of his real self to show through until after he’s “gotten what he wants”. I’d really love to think that people are “too smart” to fall for this shit, but the reality is that people aren’t “too smart” to fall for this, but that these types of people prey on those characteristics of other people that we like to have for a functioning society – empathy, compassion, desire for social acceptance and sociability, honesty and trust.

I think these kinds of people are both truly despicable and incredibly pathetic, that they live sad little lives trying to, in equal measure, fulfill their own selfish desires and hurt others so that they don’t feel so empty and alone.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

Given how this man would only see his son as a tool to use for his own ego, I’d worry about this kid’s mental health when he got older. I could sense some real insecurity issues (if he wises up).

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

Now that I think about it, there could be a problem if his son ends up being disabled which could prevent him from being a major athlete or a macho powerhouse such as having cerebral palsy or brittle bones.

Ally S
11 years ago

The parallels between dog training and game are staggering.

Wow. He literally wants fathers to teach their sons to accept both being abused and being abusive towards others. Fuck this guy.

Ally S
11 years ago

[Content note: emotional abuse]

To clarify, I think it teaches boys to accept being abused because it conveys the message “If someone treats you like shit and makes you feel worthless, that’s all done out of pure love for you.”

11 years ago

The thing about “peak beauty” is that generally, those who are sexually attracted to people tend to on average be most sexually attracted to people of about the same age category. If you’re young, young people look hot. If you’re older, older people look hot. If you’re “middle-age”, then middle-age people are just the hottest thing ever.

So the people trying to pretend that the universal iron-clad standard of objective beauty is some ever younger mark are admitting one of three things.

1) They are a child molester who is trying to float some justifications for their all-too-common activities in order to make it easier for themselves to justify doing it and others to justify defending it.

2) They are straight up marks for a specific porn marketing strategy and are too dumb to realize that porn marketing isn’t reality.

3) They are admitting, and this is the most common one, that what really drives them isn’t a sexual attraction, but rather an attraction to power and the difference in life experiences and lack of defenses against creepy predation and abuse is the point. They don’t believe they can pull the usual abusive “tricks” into getting that rush of power in pushing against someone’s boundaries against someone with more power to resist them and so are scaling down in age to try and find the magic point in which they don’t have any defense against their bullshit and will shortly be or are already becoming a 1 from this list.

11 years ago


This is an attempt to actually recruit men who are just lonely to join up as abusive assholes. Not to excuse those men from making that choice.

Maybe I’m wrong.

Nope, you are a 100% correct. I’ve known people who have fallen in to the trap of trying to follow PUA “advice” because they thought it would solve all their problems of being lonely without having to put themselves out there and risk sacrificing more either homosocially (they were male nerds who already felt “unmasculine” by society’s deeming) or in terms of emotional risk (a female lesbian friend who thought that PUA techniques would be her ticket to not have to be emotionally vulnerable and open in order to get intimacy). Every time, that opening desire was exploited to basically train them to be worse people, maybe only slightly, but definitely to think and act like an abuser in crucial minor ways.

And it never got them any sex, thank BOB, and in fact actually ruined a fair number of opportunities they could have been exploring because they had gotten hooked into thinking “game” was going to save them someway somehow. All of them eventually managed to eel their way loose, but there were definitely times with all of them when I had given up hope on them ever being better and was actively distancing myself from them because it was just too simultaneously heart-breaking and depressing.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

The mother should embrace the idea of wifely submission and a captain-first mate relationship in which she is not the captain. This will be your son’s first relationship model and it should embed natural gender roles in his mind forever.

…because these roles are so natural that you are going to have to work really hard to make sure they get them.


But then he was all ‘you guys are so wrong, high schoolers! That’s hot! Oh, and dating is just like training dogs.’

And there’s so much awful I’m getting a headache.

11 years ago

Make sure your son knows at what gigantic cost to you his existence entails. Because you reminding him that your life would, in all probability, be better if he did not exist, is a sure-fire route, as LNYC states, to your son’s “higher self-worth”.

11 years ago

Howard Bannister-

Yeah, I caught that too. So natural, which is why they require constant maintenance and will fall apart and decay to the nightmarish “feminazi” ideal if you don’t work at it. Because it’s so totes natural compared to an actually egalitarian relationship.

Also, noteworthy? How it is literally describing patriarchal relationships. In fact, every PUA eventually reveals this if poked. See Roosh complaining about how Danish women didn’t fall into perfectly subservient gender performances of patriarchy.

Which sort of reveals the scam right there. It’s not about sex, it’s never been about sex, it’s only been about trying to enforce the patriarchy. Same old shit, different marketing.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

Given how LaidInNYC sees wives as something to put up with after they hit a certain age, that’s really going to twist the kid’s mind. Not to mention that he hates the idea of a son having an older sister.

11 years ago

Cerberus – it USED to be effortless, back in the 18th century, when all marriages were happy and secure because women knew their place. But nowadays, the good domineering husband must spend all his time countering the effects of widespread feminist theory, putting these ridiculous ideas of equality into women’s heads. Basically everyone used to be happy before equality. It’s well documented. Go read a history book. No, not that one. Or that one. Or that…. look, just go and read AVfM. It’ll explain it all.

11 years ago

@Cerberus: I’ve actually come to believe that power IS their sexuality, and that’s how they get off. They’re so attached to the idea that women are only attractive if they’re vulnerable and unwilling that it’s the only thing that gets them off anymore.

11 years ago

Dear Hry,

Thank you for correcting my feminazi brainwashing. But I’m scared. What if the feminazis get to me while I’m sleeping and undo that good wholesome, totally natural and not at all an attempt at resuscitating a dying culture brainwashing, I mean, wholesome assfacts from AVFM? Should I hide under the bed until the rampaging feminazi hordes pass and then post endless rants about the inherent superiority of male alphas until the feeling that I matter passes?

A Concerned Victim of Matriarchy Inc.

11 years ago


Which I guess would be the reason for their endless hate-on for Andrea Dworkin (as if she didn’t have other better reasons to be disliked), seeing as how the “sex is rape” thing they go on about was actually about how sexist douches like them think that the rape culture is sex and furthermore is all sex everywhere.

I guess it goes to show that IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION with these clowns.

11 years ago

Dear LaidInNYC: Dude do us all a huge favor and never reproduce. See, what you’re describing there in your little essay on parenting, is basically the perfect way to emotionally scar a child for life. It is abuse; and if this is how you plan on treating your son, I shudder at how you would treat your daughter. Just don’t have children. There are too many abused children in the world now. We don’t need anymore.

And stay away from our daughters. You may rationalize your pedophilia with some kind evo-psych bullshit about “peak beaut” and women hitting “the wall,” but it does not make you any less of an evil, pervy creep.

So in conclusion, kindly go fuck yourself.

Signed, the cock-blocking parents of the world.

p.s.: Toys ‘R Us does not sell miniature bar playsets for children.

Walter Howard
Walter Howard
11 years ago

I don’t see how a man in his thirties could find girls under the age of 20 sexually attractive. I really can’t.

I work with high school age girls everyday and can tell you that the average 16 year old girl looks like a kid. They don’t look sexy or hot. They look like undeveloped kids.

11 years ago

I was thinking exactly what Howard Bannister said. It’s interesting how *hard* a father has to work to make sure his son behaves ‘naturally’.

But on a different note, I see that Mr. Laid is starting to get a grasp on reality. Just a few months ago, in his Liquid Goldsperm post, he mentioned how his genes were all male, coming from father to father to father since the dawn of time. Even his pre-human ancestors were just dude-genes incubating in a submissive lady envelope. You know, how nature intended.

Now he writes about his hypothetical son receiving half the genes of the mother! Would it be that Laid gained substantial knowledge about where babies come from? Or worse, is he realizing that he will not be able to keep up with the 100% male gene tradition, started by his first cell ancestor? That cell was super alpha. Respect.

11 years ago
Reply to  Walter Howard

Walter Howard: That is because you are a decent human being. Most of us are not sexually attracted to children. Because they ARE children. But, people like this LaidInNYC just can’t seem to get that and like to rationalize and really, 15? 15? Can’t even get a drivers license or vote or legally buy tobacco or alcohol (at least in the USA) at 15. Uggghhhh.

Sorry, this whole thing is pushing all the buttons.