Sometimes posts by Men’s Rights Activists seem like transmissions from some alternate universe, a Bizarro world that bears a superficial resemblance to our own but where everything is backwards and upside down.
Take a recent post on A Voice for Men by FeMRA Diana Davison with the seemingly innocuous title “Women don’t own sex.” Ostensibly a response to a piece about rape in the Irish Times, the piece contains a series of bizarre assertions about relations between men and women that Davison apparently thinks she can use as proof that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it’s really women, not men, who run the world. And that men only commit crimes in order to make women happy.
Let’s go through her, um, argument:
Though men appear to rule the world, that is because women treat them like gophers: Go get me stuff.
Really? Perhaps on Real Housewives, but I’m pretty sure most women in the world don’t actually live like the Real Housewives do. Nor do they particularly want to.
A man’s worth in our world is not assessed on how much wealth he possesses, it is based on the level of happiness of his woman.
Really? Here’s Forbes’ list of the 71 most powerful people in the world — most of them, of course, men. You will notice that “the level of happiness of his woman” is not one of the criteria used to determine who gets on the list or not. Barack Obama is the top name on the list; his “woman” outearned him for years until his books took off. The Pope is #5. He doesn’t have a woman, at least as far as I know. Going down the list you will see powerful man after powerful man, none of whom are judged at all by how much stuff they buy their “women.”
But no: in MRA-world men are helpless creatures who exist only to give stuff to women– and who are sometimes even forced into a life of crime to fulfill the feminine need for more and more stuff!
Why do men commit crimes? I’ll posit this: because they need more stuff to make a woman happy or because they have been rejected by a woman shaming them for not being good enough and feel they have nothing left to lose. Committing a crime has a penalty. They need a reason to risk that penalty. It’s going to be primal. Think… think… are you with me?
Uh, no?
MRAs complain endlessly about how women need to “take responsibility” for this and that — which mainly seems to mean that they should sit still while men call them sluts for having sex like men do — but in MRA world men are never, ever, ever responsible for anything they do. There’s always a woman to blame.
Hell, even if a dude rapes a woman who’s sleeping in a bed beside him, he’s not to blame, because in Diana Davison’s bizarro universe lying in a man’s bed automatically overrides the necessity for him to obtain consent before having sex with you.
Men have every right to believe that a woman sleeping in the bed next to them is going to be happily awoken [by sex]. If you don’t want sex, don’t sleep in their fucking bed.
So if you’re a married woman, or you live with a guy, and you share the same bed, apparently he has the right to have sex with you any time you’re asleep in that bed. No matter what. In Diana Davison’s world, no means no, but sleeping in bed means yes. And if you don’t like it, ladies — that’s your own damn fault! Go sleep on the couch. (Or does that make you fair game too?)
Davison then turns to the power of metaphor to clinch her case that women are to blame for everything:
The man is the head of the house but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head any way she wants.
This may be the strangest metaphor I’ve run across in weeks, and as a regular reader of manosphere blogs I’m used to some pretty strange metaphors.
Speaking of which:
Feminists claim that men objectify women but it’s women who think that men are just walking, magical penises and that the penis has the mystical quality of getting them stuff.
I don’t really have anything to say to this stupidity, but I would like to share with you some of what I found when I searched YouTube for the phrase “walking penis.” As you might imagine, a lot of what follows is probably sort of NSFW, unless you work in a sex-toy recycling facility, so view with appropriate care.
RE: Chie
Yeah, teen pregnancy was a thing that happened fairly often at my high school. Our sex ed was so bad, I think our rapist honestly thought he could persuade us into barebacking with him, using some of the same bullshit logic sex ed used. (“Condoms break! Just go on the pill tops! You won’t REALLY get preggers!”) Totally didn’t work.
Ugh, that’s awful. I’m glad they didn’t go that far in my school… not that they didn’t in the youth group my parents required I attend, and all the books and magazines my mom gave me on how to date nice Christian boys or whatever, but at least it wasn’t in school. Our “consequences” as far as they were concerned were pretty much limited to STDs and being forced to drop out of school to raise a baby on our own. And yet, no mention of condoms, ever :/
RE: dustydeste
See, my folks never really had to worry much about me, because I had a cousin two, three years older than me who had a baby with his girlfriend at sixteen, and I got a good view of watching their lives implode. (And they handled it VERY well, from all I could tell. But let’s face it, babies are huge life-changers.)
As usual, if anyone wants any cute for brain bleach, click on my username.
It’s babies, though, so while it’s apropos of the conversation, maybe babies aren’t what you want, so here’s a link to Cute Overload. It’s Tocktober!
Cute Overload.
More brain bleach:
My parents were/are more worried about my immortal soul than anything else… Though now that I think about it, I had the “life consequences cousin” thing going too, to an extent, though mine had a stillbirth after trying (and failing) to elope with her then-boyfriend. She’s pregnant again now, with a different guy and on purpose this time (though still unmarried, the horror!), and I really hope everything goes well for her this time.
dustydeste – tell your parents to wonder about the immortal soul of a deity who could invent Hell in the first place. 😉
(Not really! It just struck me that such a god is the one who should go to hell, and that’s nicely mind-bending.)
This positively made my entire day! Hahahahaha!
Oddly enough, the mental image I got was from Making Money. A tiny little dog using a huge wind-up dildo as a chew toy, with the dildo making wide circles and throwing the dog off balance.
Kittehs – Heh, I agree, but I have a very strict list of topics I no longer discuss with my parents. It includes basically everything I have strong feelings about, like my religion, politics, sexuality, and weight. We just have nice fluffy conversations about things like the weather and what we had for dinner. It works very well, at least at long distance.
The D&D book Nymphology has a monster called the One-Eyed Trouser Snake.
I wonder if she would be shocked to find that a great deal of rich and powerful men don’t even have time for relationships because they spend so much time becoming rich and powerful?
The walking magical penis sounds like it needs to be a magic item in D&D
It will be, next campaign. 😀
Maru has a kitten!
Also, I kind of love that the MRAs are basing their understanding of the world on My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Holy crap, the mythical one eyed-trouser snake actually exists. Only, it’s not a snake, it’s an amphibian. And warning – it does look exactly like a penis.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and Davison also used CSI as an illustration as to how a criminal investigation works. And then goes on about how the nice detective gets a microphone shoved in his face by the press, and he has to make some statement about how the public can keep themselves safe, so the public doesn’t panic. And so, there is no rape culture! It’s all feminist hysteria! Because CSI!
My school has an abstinence only program. So, sex ed consisted of them saying “Don’t have sex” and moving on to talk about how exercise is healthy for you.
As far as sleeping in other folks beds……..I’ve slept in men and women’s beds and nobody took that to mean I was going to have sex with them. My makeout buddy knows that even though I sleep over it doesn’t mean he gets to have sex with me. When my apartment flooded and I stayed over at a male friends house he didn’t assume that meant he got to have sex with me. Gosh none of my friends have ever assumed me sleeping in the bed meant that they got to have sex with me. Maybe I just hang out with a better class of people than she does.
Interesting that this comes out on the same day a woman is killed while trying to commit crimes at the Capitol. Do they think this woman committed crime to make a man happy? Do they think she is an oppressive feminist, since they probably think car chases are for men only?
I only have 1 thing to say –
What a woefully stupid bitch.
(I use that word to describe both women & men who are acting bitchy. So please don’t get mad at me.)
melody, assuming she hangs out with MRAs, I should say you likely do hang out with a better class of people than she does!
“Bitch” is a gendered insult, though. It’s inherently misogynistic in that it shames women for being women and shames men for acting like women. It literally means “reprehensible woman”, and that’s what the word has always meant in every day language. I really think it’s much more appropriate to call out someone for being horrible without using a word that has an inherently gendered usage.
Besides, do you really want to use the same language MRAs use to describe women they don’t like? Just saying.
OK fine I’m wrong then. I have used the word in a nongendered way my entire life. I don’t need to be schooled in using a word.
Just for reference:
Wand, standard action, casts color spray (but the color is all white, for some reason). 1 charge. Recharges automatically every 2 hours.
Anyone caught in the blast of the cone rolls a will save, or they’re afflicted with sleep, confusion, fascination or insanity.