Sometimes posts by Men’s Rights Activists seem like transmissions from some alternate universe, a Bizarro world that bears a superficial resemblance to our own but where everything is backwards and upside down.
Take a recent post on A Voice for Men by FeMRA Diana Davison with the seemingly innocuous title “Women don’t own sex.” Ostensibly a response to a piece about rape in the Irish Times, the piece contains a series of bizarre assertions about relations between men and women that Davison apparently thinks she can use as proof that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it’s really women, not men, who run the world. And that men only commit crimes in order to make women happy.
Let’s go through her, um, argument:
Though men appear to rule the world, that is because women treat them like gophers: Go get me stuff.
Really? Perhaps on Real Housewives, but I’m pretty sure most women in the world don’t actually live like the Real Housewives do. Nor do they particularly want to.
A man’s worth in our world is not assessed on how much wealth he possesses, it is based on the level of happiness of his woman.
Really? Here’s Forbes’ list of the 71 most powerful people in the world — most of them, of course, men. You will notice that “the level of happiness of his woman” is not one of the criteria used to determine who gets on the list or not. Barack Obama is the top name on the list; his “woman” outearned him for years until his books took off. The Pope is #5. He doesn’t have a woman, at least as far as I know. Going down the list you will see powerful man after powerful man, none of whom are judged at all by how much stuff they buy their “women.”
But no: in MRA-world men are helpless creatures who exist only to give stuff to women– and who are sometimes even forced into a life of crime to fulfill the feminine need for more and more stuff!
Why do men commit crimes? I’ll posit this: because they need more stuff to make a woman happy or because they have been rejected by a woman shaming them for not being good enough and feel they have nothing left to lose. Committing a crime has a penalty. They need a reason to risk that penalty. It’s going to be primal. Think… think… are you with me?
Uh, no?
MRAs complain endlessly about how women need to “take responsibility” for this and that — which mainly seems to mean that they should sit still while men call them sluts for having sex like men do — but in MRA world men are never, ever, ever responsible for anything they do. There’s always a woman to blame.
Hell, even if a dude rapes a woman who’s sleeping in a bed beside him, he’s not to blame, because in Diana Davison’s bizarro universe lying in a man’s bed automatically overrides the necessity for him to obtain consent before having sex with you.
Men have every right to believe that a woman sleeping in the bed next to them is going to be happily awoken [by sex]. If you don’t want sex, don’t sleep in their fucking bed.
So if you’re a married woman, or you live with a guy, and you share the same bed, apparently he has the right to have sex with you any time you’re asleep in that bed. No matter what. In Diana Davison’s world, no means no, but sleeping in bed means yes. And if you don’t like it, ladies — that’s your own damn fault! Go sleep on the couch. (Or does that make you fair game too?)
Davison then turns to the power of metaphor to clinch her case that women are to blame for everything:
The man is the head of the house but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head any way she wants.
This may be the strangest metaphor I’ve run across in weeks, and as a regular reader of manosphere blogs I’m used to some pretty strange metaphors.
Speaking of which:
Feminists claim that men objectify women but it’s women who think that men are just walking, magical penises and that the penis has the mystical quality of getting them stuff.
I don’t really have anything to say to this stupidity, but I would like to share with you some of what I found when I searched YouTube for the phrase “walking penis.” As you might imagine, a lot of what follows is probably sort of NSFW, unless you work in a sex-toy recycling facility, so view with appropriate care.
The words… they fail me
I just read that and the comments over there, and she’s another one that will say anything and eat whatever shit sandwich they feed her to stay in the boy’s club.
They are stunted assholes, the lot of them.
I’m not surprised at this. This level of absurdity is nothing new for them.
Which would explain why the MRA activism for poverty and the ridiculously high US incarceration rates is hate women and throw more women in jail. Nincompoops
Do we know for a fact that “Diana Davison” is a woman?
Happy belated, belated, belated birthday!!!!!
Thanks, Shadow!
It may well not be but, considering the shit that HAS come out feMRAs, it’s a pretty dead on impression.
She’s trying way too hard to earn the right to be called “better than OTHER women” by the MRAs. Do you think she’ll ever figure out that even THAT’S never even good enough to be considered a proper human being?
The mental image this gave me was of a penis “handing” a woman a designer bag. I was thinking I’d post a link, but sadly Google image search is not helping me at all in this case.
Does she think that other women think that the cock does the man’s job and signs his credit card receipts? Is this how she thinks things work? If that’s the case, where exactly does she buy her groceries?
@markb: It’s not like it really matters whether she’s a real woman or not. The male MRAs seem to take female opinion (whether it’s genuine or made up) in two ways: either as confirmation that men are great/oppressed/amazing/unfairly treated if it’s positive in relation to their cause, or completely useless if it’s in criticism to their cause. The former argument comes in the form of real woman and poser alike.
“You see? Women say that we’re right, so we must be right/it’s not misogyny!”
It’s from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
@CassandraSays: I do know of a few Magical Walking Penises (TM) that sign credit card receipts and buy things for women, but my criteria for judging them such really has nothing to do with those two things…
Like this:
“…it’s women who think men are just walking magical penises and that the penis has the mystical quality of getting them stuff.” And then my brain explodes, because that might be the stupidest thing I’ve read…so far. The walking magical penis sounds like it needs to be a magic item in D&D or an artifact from Magic: The Gathering. Or something.
And a woman who sleeps in the same bed with a man should always be available for sex? That’s just…ugh…. No. No. No. Sleeping beside someone is not consent. My husband and I have been sleeping in the same bed for years, and no, that does not entitle either one of us to sex when the other doesn’t want it. That’s just being a minimally decent human being.
And, of course, men have absolutely no control over their actions. They rape when they see an attractive woman. They commit crimes so women will like them. I mean, if I were a man, I’d find this all highly insulting! I’m not a man, and on top of the misogyny, I’m insulted by the – dare I say it- misandry of this!
Sorry for the wall of text, this is just, do people really think like this?
It’s all about male hypoagency, or as I like to say THE PEEN MADE ME DO IT.
Damn. I’m so used to reading “female hypoagency” that I screwed up my own joke.
That should be:
It’s all about male hypoagency, or as I like to say THE PEEN MADE ME DO IT.
Even more embarassing… I don’t usually use Chrome for manboobzing, and I forgot I had Jailbreak the Patriarcy on, so it was regendering my comments.
Hi. This is cloudiah on no caffeine.
I just don’t get how where a worldview like this comes from in a woman. I mean, seriously.
All that I’m sure of is that it comes with a huge sense of superiority like all ‘Red pill’ stuff … “Oh, OTHER women are like this but I’ve seen through that game so I’m better than than.”
Maybe she used to think like this but has stopped doing it and therefore thinks that all women do?
I hate to point out the same thing a thousand times, but holy fuck MRAs are terrible at understanding their opponents’ arguments.
@ Ally S holy fuck MRAs are terrible at understanding their opponents’ arguments.
I don’t think they understand their own arguments, never mind anyone else’s
Also, this:
““Men, don’t rape” is Una’s next solution. This is part of the whole rape culture myth. For some reason, women, like Una, think that other men are in a unique position to give each other rules about sex. They aren’t. If men want sex from women, women are in the unique position to tell them how to go about achieving their goals. What feminists are doing when they tell men that only they can stop rape is basically like a teacher telling a class of inferiors that she will punish the whole class if they don’t tell her who put tacks on her seat.”
This is in direct opposition to everything every PUA has ever said. Almost all of them (and all Red Pillers in particular) claim that listening to women explain how to seduce women is a waste of time and that it’s all about gaming social interactions in a subtle way – and learning how to do this from … other men.
I’m guessing that this dissonance doesn’t bother any AVM reader in the slightest.
What feminists are doing when they tell men that only they can stop rape is basically like a teacher telling a class of inferiors that she will punish the whole class if they don’t tell her who put tacks on her seat.
because “not raping” is a punishment…..
Cloudiah, I am cracking UP. Jailbreak the Patriarchy is amazing, but it gets SUPER confusing when I forget that I have it turned on!
Totient’s quote rather neatly illustrates the way that all MRA arguments about sex basically boil down to “women are allowed to say no if they want and that’s not fair”.