Pity the poor MRAs who travelled hundreds — if not thousands — of miles to AVFM’s big weekend in Toronto hoping for a confrontation with the evil feminazis that never happened. They wanted footage of angry women they could watch again and again on YouTube. They wanted new names and faces to put up on Register-Her. In short, they wanted new women to hate.
But alas, the feminists, for the most part, stayed home. And the ones who showed up were mostly dudes, from the LBGT activist group BashBack. Making things even worse, they didn’t block any doors or try to crash AVFM’s rally. What they did, mostly, was chant things the MRAs didn’t like.
No, it was the MRAs who ignored the explicit instructions of the police to stay away from their opponents. Evidently hoping to provoke the confrontation that had been denied them thus far, a sizeable proportion of the AVFMers and Mens Rights Edmontoners in Toronto that day leave the spot designated for their rally to face off against the BashBack counter-protest.
How do we know this? Because Men’s Rights Edmonton filmed them doing it and put it on YouTube. And AVFM posted it on their site as well.
It’s kind of remarkable that they did. For one thing, it provides even more proof of how tiny the rally itself was. And it shows pretty clearly what an immature misogynistic buffoon Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton really is.
For those who don’t have the patience to watch the whole thing, here’s a quick summary:
The video starts over near where the MRA rally itself is being organized (or had just finished up). Nick Reading introduces himself.
Then, in the distance, the counterprotesters begin chanting “racist, sexist, anti-gay, MRA, go away.”
“What’s wrong with being racist and sexist?” Nick shouts in response. “It’s awesome!”
No, really. It’s about 40 seconds in.
Shortly afterwards he marches over and into the small crowd of counterprotesters, clearly itching for some kind of ideological smackdown. He’s followed by Dean Esmay, who’s indignant that MRAs are being called “anti-gay.” Which makes me wonder if he ever actually reads the website he’s the “Managing Editor” of. He yells about this for a time, then leaves. An assortment of others from the MRA crowd also show up. Some yell, others film.
Nick, who remains in the midst of the BashBackers, does his best to try to provoke, explaining his Patriarchy Party candidacy and generally acting like an ass. Eventually he elicits an angry reaction from several group members by declaring, roughly 5:50 into the video, that rape is funny; indeed, that “sometimes it’s hilarious.”
But that’s as close as he gets to provoking the confrontation he’s clearly itching for. After several minutes, apparently having run out of inspiration, he finally decides to leave.
And, scene.
This embarrassing video is in fact the first real footage of the events in Toronto that AVFM has put online so far — all the others they’ve put up have been interviews after the rally.
But I guess the folks at AVFM figured that posting this was preferable to posting video of the anemic rally itself.
And it’s true that the counterprotesters don’t exactly come across brilliantly in the video either. Despite their admirable restraint in the face of the MRA provocations, their overheated rhetoric is often way off the mark, and their old-school chants seem faintly ridiculous in an age of YouTube. And, seriously, wearing pink hammers and sickles to show support for LBGT folks being persecuted in Russia today? Stalin made male homosexuality punishable by five years in a labor camp; that law wasn’t repealed until 1993.
But it is really hard to see how Nick Reading telling a group of mostly gay men that rape is “hilarious” helps to solve the “crisis” facing men and boys– the ostensible reason for the rally in the first place.
Even more interesting than Reading’s abortive attempts to bait the BashBack protesters in Toronto were the reactions of AVFM readers to the video itself. Deprived of new women to hate, they turned instead to bashing the gay men in the video instead.
Mike Hunt — oh, very funny! — offers this totally not homophobic at all assessment of the BashBack activists:
I fully support gay rights and I am the last person to discriminate against gays, but did anyone else notice that all of these protesters seem to be gay? And not self assured, confident in who they are gay, but feminine and completely out of touch with any aspect of themselves that is masculine gay?
JinnBottle, meanwhile, claimed that AVFM had cured his homophobia — no, really — but that these protesters were making him think that maybe he should return to his old ways.
I came to AVfM definitely not “the last person to discriminate against Gays” – at least in my thinking. That thinking specifically took the form of repellence to the ubiquitous ball-busting of (mostly straight, but even other gay) men by gay guys I’d witnessed for 35-plus years in both the politico-social and personal spheres, ever since gay men had “come out”, about 1969.
Subsequently I saw that some of the clearest thinkers, potent social observers and eloquent writers on AVfM are gay – and bi … I rethought my thinking, and thought … the Radfem/Misandric Gay Guy was becoming a thing passing.
Now along come this fresh troupe of Gay misandrists and feminist allies representative of the old notion that, if not *all* gay males are self-hating masochist insulated style-boys, then a majority are.
Riku, meanwhile, didn’t hem or haw or pretend that he was anything but a bigot — and went right for the rape jokes:
You should have raped them guys. These guys literally begged for it. That’s what you were there for, no? 🙁 Thought I’d see some rapes on the event.
AVFM: Where jokes about raping gay men are a form of human rights activism.
Shorter MRM: gays are okay if they’re so uber-macho I can’t tell. And if they stay away from me, ‘cos I’m so macho and hot they’ll try to hit on me, and I’m scared of that.
I’m ok with Mx. Aertheri btw. Mostly cuz math and x as a wildcard so my brain processes it as M[insert letter here] which I like 🙂
As for the topic, I think I’ve had fish tanks with larger groups than that! And oh, sure, you aren’t the right sort of gay isn’t homophobic at all! Falconer, can you ask your boy to find another eyeball, I just lost mine.
I thought it said “Listen to Women”? Or maybe “Listen to Omen,” but it’s not really a good enough film to just listen to it without the visual.
I’m changing my last name to Yzptlk.
You may call me Mx. Yzptlk.
M(i)x? Ymmv, but I find it suitible.
Oh hell. I decided to watch the video. Do we really need floating, orange, low quality text on top of the picture? Dude, open with a black screen, give us the text in a decent contrast colour, then go to the picture. Trying to read that is making my ears bleed.
Yzpt reads like valid Polish or Norse to me and would be something like yizzθ
“yizz8”? Sounds like the g0y version of “jizz”.
Some brain-bleach, courtesy of Mr. Takei:
I think at this point the hammer and sickle symbol has been so poisoned by decades of use by totalitarians that it’s a terrible symbol to use, whatever the intent.
It’s a Leninist symbol in any case, and though I realize others here may disagree with my assessment I believe Lenin is the one who made Stalin’s regime possible both practically and ideologically.
Red panda squeeeeeeee!
Re hammer and sickle, I think it was inverted in the patch, but that the irony were lost on the protesters, who were clueless and very counterproductive.
Re the rally. Did anyone count more than 20 people there? From photos and that video, it really looked very badly attended.
Is there a conclusive figure on attendees?
Oh, the sign in the picture says “listen to women.” That’s one of the counterprotesters. As you can see, Nick and Dean are standing right in the middle of their group.
Remember Sugar and Spike? This reminds me of their baby talk.
Hey, he’s like the dog in Fallout 3, I press X and he goes off and brings back whatever he can find. I’ll see what he’ll produce….
He needs to be more like your Torchlight pet, who’ll sell your vendor trash for you and even buy potions in town. Oh, and the llama I have for this one character is the deadliest critter I have ever seen.
Menti, you’re right, the symbol is flipped horozontally. But who’s going to notice that, and what is that supposed to mean?
One could say that MRAs are fighting for the right to oppress people, rather than fighting to uplift those who are oppressed by the system in some way. *nod*
David – Perhaps it’s supposed to be an inversion of traditional Russian values?
I don’t know, I’m bullshtting, but that’s pretty much what I do 99.1% of the time anyways. 😛
I kinda agree with the hammer & sickle symbol usage issues, but if you want to show solidarity with gay russians, how do you do that with a simple image?
I mean, I guess they could try not turning it into a simple image and just express solidarity in a less questionable manner, but… blarn, I dunnoes. Humans like simple signs and slogans, or so I have gathered in my time here.
Rainbow nesting dolls?
Rainbow onion domes?
Rainbow grizzly bears?
The Russian flag with the gay pride flag superimposed?
I just Googled “rainbow nesting dolls” and found this.
Rainbow vodka bottles?
Fuck YES!
Do it do it do it! Spread the word! We have our symbol!
Well, if it wasn’t already settled, I think that makes the case air tight!
Rainbow nesting dolls!
Also, in case you’re wondering: Yes, GirlWritesWhat has a ridiculous defense for Nick Reading’s boorish, misogynistic behavior at the rally:
Yes, clearly people in Toronto will know that this skinhead MRA doofus making rape jokes is merely playing the part of a joke candidate for city council in Edmonton, 2000 miles away, and not REALLY a skinhead MRA doofus making rape jokes.