a voice for men awesome links men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA parody PUA rape culture somegreybloke TROOOLLLL!!

Links of Great Interest

Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous
Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Today, some  links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.

6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them

In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.

Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.

Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape

Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.

Sex Toy Recycling Dot Com

Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.

And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:

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11 years ago

Howard: Yikes, that’s kind of a tough one to avoid.

I don’t know if this was an upbringing conditioned response or what, but I don’t think I ever said “I don’t like this” as a kid. I would call it “interesting” or “different”, then eat an obligatory couple of bites before leaving the rest of it aside. Fortunately, my folks were really good about having multiple dishes in a meal, so even if an experiment went wrong, there was enough to eat otherwise.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

300 Sandwiches makes me think of a Fluffernutter* screaming “THIS……IS…….SPARTAAAAAAAA!”

You could totally replay the battle of Thermopylae with 300 olive* sandwiches and 10 000 peaches**. The fallen will be eaten.

* If the university cafe taught me one thing, it’s that you can make anything “Greek” by throwing in a few black olives.

** The scientific name of peach is Prunus persica, “Persian plum”. Freezing optional.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Athywren — where’d the antediluvian comment come from? You’re a VtM fan right? (Email me if you want Bloodlines!)

And I’ll grant a moment’s grace period while she says stop, the first time she says it. I mean, laws of physics, you can’t teleport your dick out, but it damned well better be out as fast as you can get it out!

I stepped on one of those metal toy planes once. Got left out in the winter, snow turned groundcu. Mud, it stunk it and ended up wing up. HOLY SHIT DID THAT HURT. I mean, I’ve stepped on nails, it hurt more than that. Nasty wound too, good thing I have high arches or I’d not been able to walk (the would ended up in the part of my foot that never touches the ground anyways)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I am meh on onions, I see no point, but I’ll eat them. Pizza night around here I get pepperoni and peppers (yes pecunium, the kind you think are flavorless)…if my mother’s sharing my pizza, she gets onions on it and I have no opinion on this besides saying not to bother if she’s not eating it.

Pecunium, I suspect you’d still hate it, but ever had Greek spinach pie? I was surprised to discover Greek food I can stomach is why I ask (I hate grape leaves like you hate mangos)

11 years ago

Wow, Mx. Aertheri*, I think perhaps spellcheck has it in for you.


11 years ago

There is an awesome little Mediterranean carry-out place in Oak Ridge, tucked off in a corner along the Turnpike. Best damn stuffed grape leaves I ever tasted.

11 years ago

My mother would let us refuse anything. We did have to eat three bites, if she insisted, but that was it. She didn’t insist often; and then it would be, “tastes change, try three bites”.

Which was good. I still attempt things which I don’t like. Some, like cooked spinach, and tequila, I know aren’t going to get better tasting That’s life.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


As with most things, strictly using “I” statements fixes it.

“I like this.”

“I liked that.”

“I enjoy this more than anything else on the table!”

Once you do that, then holy crap does it get a lot easier to have a discussion about anything. I can even stop judging people who don’t like Firefly*!

*No I can’t, you heartless bastards!

11 years ago

I can deal with really cooked or carmelized onions, but I think I’m slightly allergic to raw onions. Blech.

11 years ago

I never really twigged to how awful and terrible our insistence of JUST TRY was until I heard it applied over and over again to my autistic nephews.

I’ve always hated that… though, to be fair, my parents did it with me and sprouts – a food that is so supremely bitter, not to mention horrifically textured, that I can’t have it so much as in my mouth, under my tongue, without wanting to retch. It probably doesn’t help that they kept insisting that I eat it, but I suspect I’m one of those super-taster people regarding bitterness, because, things that other people report as having a slight bitter after taste, I experience as a nauseating serrated sharpness on my tongue. So sprouts, rocket, and other bitter leaves and veggies are pretty much my kryptonite. They, my parents, still maintain the myth that I don’t like vegetables, but I really do! I like peas and carrots, [the technically-a-fruit] tomatoes and lettuce, asparagus and spinach, corn, lentils, broccoli, cabbage (only in small doses, but still!)… anyway… yeah, I really do hate the “just try” attitude. I also hate the idea that some foods are objectively terrible though. With the exception of sprouts and mushy peas, I believe that any food has redeeming qualities it’s just that I don’t get to experience those qualities while they’re in my mouth.

If you add head to spinach

Add head to spinach!? What kind of pervert are you!? *cough*… I agree, spinach should be kept pure! Though I’ve never found it to be too bad when merely mixed in with warm foods… the few times when the heat was too powerful for them, I just add a little salt, pepper and garlic to it, and the yum returns, though with a slightly different flavour, obviously.

11 years ago

Athywren — where’d the antediluvian comment come from? You’re a VtM fan right? (Email me if you want Bloodlines!)

It’s from the NLP video! He says “anti-diluvian” as well as “antidisestablishmentarianism” (if you think it’s impressive that I spelled that right you should see how fast I typed it!) and that irked me because, as I said, it’s ante!
I actually do have my own copy of bloodlines – officially bought cd copy and everything – but it has been annoying, using an external cd drive to play and d-tools refuses to make a copy (bad sector, apparently)… where do I email?

And I’ll grant a moment’s grace period while she says stop, the first time she says it. I mean, laws of physics, you can’t teleport your dick out, but it damned well better be out as fast as you can get it out!

Yeah, that’s basically what I meant. You have the time it takes to process the communication and do the required movement. You absolutely don’t get the ten minutes – or even ten seconds – that you need to finish.

I stepped on one of those metal toy planes once. Got left out in the winter, snow turned groundcu. Mud, it stunk it and ended up wing up. HOLY SHIT DID THAT HURT. I mean, I’ve stepped on nails, it hurt more than that. Nasty wound too, good thing I have high arches or I’d not been able to walk (the would ended up in the part of my foot that never touches the ground anyways)

Ouch… I know, I know, I’m a terrible person for wishing that on anyone, but sometimes legos just won’t cut it. Besides, I know exactly how I’d feel if I stepped on one of my model planes, if I still had any. Even if you can fix it, it’s an awful feeling to damage one. Oh, and the foot, too, that also sucks rather a lot.
Speaking of high arches, I have to remember to put my heels on the ground on a fairly regular basis… is this high arches, or am I just secretly a cat? I’m pretty sure I do have high arches, because my feet are touching right now and only the heels and the pre-big toe raised bits are in contact but….. yeeaaaah, never been quite sure how much is “I have high arches” and how much is “I walk funny.”

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Regarding feet, idk, I walk on my toes a lot too…scoliosis, so the rest of my skeleton got poked too, so I officially have high arches. Never even occurred to me they might be connected! You know those arch support shoes and inserts? I get all weird about them hurting because they just barely touch my arches and since they normally touch NOTHING, it’s weird and owies.

As for VtM:B, this nym, at gmail.

“now turned groundcu. Mud, it stunk it”


11 years ago

As with most things, strictly using “I” statements fixes it.

Yeah, I know it’s a time honoured internet pastime to make hyperbolic judgements over trivial matters of preference (“Miracle Whip”: Blasphemy, or abomination?), but even when it’s done in jest, I just can’t get into it.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

FTR, I’ve confirmed that my mango teasing doesn’t bother him, or I’d have dropped it.

11 years ago

Howard – with you there. I don’t hate onions that much but I’ll sure pull ’em out of any bought sandwich. It’s not just the taste, but the way it lingers whatever else you eat, and the smell. Bleargh.

Also starting to eat beetroot, oddly enough.

Couldn’t agree more about the “just try it” bullshit. You’ve all seen my complaints about being pestered to eat hot food while I was in LA. It’s like someone commented the other day: eating isn’t a test, or a competition. The hot food bit gets me in particular because hot food fucking hurts my mouth; foods that make someone else nauseated or just don’t appeal to them are just as valid things-to-avoid.

Spinach – don’t think I’ve ever eaten it cooked except in spinach and feta pastries. Love raw baby spinach in m’sammiches, though.

11 years ago

FTR, I’ve confirmed that my mango teasing doesn’t bother him, or I’d have dropped it.

I’m glad you wrote that; it was niggling me a little, reading it.

11 years ago

Oh, and to pierce my own bit about Miracle Whip, I’m a blasphemous abomination. Not only do I prefer Miracle Whip to plain old mayo most of the time, but I inherited my mom’s enjoyment of Peanut Butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches on whole wheat bread.

11 years ago

You know those arch support shoes and inserts? I get all weird about them hurting because they just barely touch my arches and since they normally touch NOTHING, it’s weird and owies.

Funny thing… it never occurred to me that footpain might not be normal. I can only walk about three miles in one go before the ouchies start… maybe I should try talking to the foot-magicians in town?

“now turned groundcu. Mud, it stunk it”


Don’t worry, I have a 1 year old niece, I knew exactly what you meant! xP
*runs away, giggling*

11 years ago

Mmmm, Miracle Whip… My mom has this (imho, totally nasty) sandwich that she occasionally has the HUGEST craving for: Miracle Whip, Velveeta “cheese,” and green olives on Wonderbread. This is literally the only reason my parents ever buy… well, any of those things.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aw, small children! And I’m good foot wise in either shitty shoes (I’m talking $10 Payless little boys’ sneakers, cuz I have tiny feet) or my $100+ boots. This, pecunium, is why no, I’m not bringing normal footwear, normal footwear and my feet disagree!

But yeah, if you have insurance, or are in one of those lovely places with socialized medicine, might as well give the foot doctor a go.

11 years ago

Miracle Whip…hork. My dad puts that shit on everything. It is nasty.

11 years ago

My feet were a disaster for two years. I was VERY heavy at the time. As a kid, between, twelve and fourteen, I rolled both ankles multiple times and did irreversible damage to the ligaments in them. Once I put on all that weight, I began rolling my already crappy ankles again. My ankles couldn’t distribute weight effectively anymore and I was SO overweight. My plantar fascia were DONE.

I’d wake up with excruciating foot pain. It would subside somewhat after walking about for a few minutes but would be back, worse, within an hour of being on my feet. Even when my feet were feeling good, they’d seize right back up after putting them up for a few minutes. Touch either side of either heel at any point and I would shriek in pain.

And nothing worked! Nothing could make it better. I desperately tried to exercise some of the weight off but it just promoted the inflammation and succeeding chronic degeneration. If I exercised, it worsened the condition of my feet which was only going to improve if I got the strain off my feet via weight loss!

Then, I did nothing for three weeks. I literally stayed off my feet for three weeks and radically cut back the amount of calories I was consuming. The inflammation in my feet subsided and I got rid of just enough weight to prevent the inflammation from recurring. I gradually returned to physical activity, losing more weight. The pain never recurred.

I am SO relieved every morning I get out of bed, stand up and DON’T feel that pain.

11 years ago

Holy hell, marinerachel, that’s appalling. I’ve got chronic foot-leg trouble but nothing remotely that bad.

Athywren – three miles? You can do THREE MILES?


I had plantar fasciitis a couple of years back, which sent me to a podiatrist. My left leg’s a half inch shorter than my right, which of course throws everything out of alignment. Added to that, my feet are totally flat and roll in. I used to do long walks and love it, but that’s about six kilometres over the space of several hours. I very much doubt I could do it now, even if it were advisable and I didn’t have the latest ingredient of Crap Legs: a cartilage fissure in my left knee. The knee is always sore now, though the compression bandage I wear during the day helps a lot, and I get referred pain in the thighs and hip quite often. It’s more annoying than really bad, mostly, but oy, it’s distracting. That’s the worst part, so far: it’s harder to have some of the mind free to hear the Mister, or any of the veilside furries who visit, when me feckin’ leg is going ME ME IT’S ALL ABOUT ME.

Anyone got any spare legs they’re not using? Falconer, d’you think your lad could find some while he’s looking for eyeballs?

11 years ago

Forgot to add that orthotics are a life-saver: I hate the way I walk if I’m barefoot now. Totally out of whack and my feet twist around. I wear the lifts all the time, including in slippers.

Argenti, ordinary arch-supports were always OW for me, too, but for the opposite reason, my feet being so flat. 🙂

11 years ago

Athywren – three miles? You can do THREE MILES?


Well, to be fair, walking is my primary form of transportation, the bus being my backup. Besides, that’s only about 10 paces for me, I gots legs like crazy… makes it awkward to put the footgloves on, though, it’s like an advanced yoga position… fortune cookie saluting the ground. I also can’t run, but that’s more to do with my knees and their refusal to develop properly when I was a teenager than the length of the legs… although the refusal to develop is due to the legs growing faster than the muscles were willing to keep up, so I guess it is mostly down the the leg length.

I had plantar fasciitis a couple of years back, which sent me to a podiatrist. My left leg’s a half inch shorter than my right, which of course throws everything out of alignment. Added to that, my feet are totally flat and roll in. I used to do long walks and love it, but that’s about six kilometres over the space of several hours. I very much doubt I could do it now, even if it were advisable and I didn’t have the latest ingredient of Crap Legs: a cartilage fissure in my left knee. The knee is always sore now, though the compression bandage I wear during the day helps a lot, and I get referred pain in the thighs and hip quite often. It’s more annoying than really bad, mostly, but oy, it’s distracting. That’s the worst part, so far: it’s harder to have some of the mind free to hear the Mister, or any of the veilside furries who visit, when me feckin’ leg is going ME ME IT’S ALL ABOUT ME.

Anyone got any spare legs they’re not using? Falconer, d’you think your lad could find some while he’s looking for eyeballs?

Ouch,,, I’ll let you have 1/4 of my legs if you want them? That’s about 10 feet of leg, useful for looming, and also surprisingly good for jumping, just watch out for potholes.