Today, some links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.
6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them
In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.
Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies
Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.
Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape
Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.
Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.
And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:
Same here! I’ve always thought peanut butter has a slightly sweet tinge, which is why I don’t like it much (I like my sweet and salt/savoury to be separate). I never could fathom the idea of eating it with jam, though; it seemed hurl-worthy. But yeah, if it’s got sugar in …
Oddly enough, the mayo I had in the US was saltier and more edible than the gah-sweet stuff that gets served here. Go figure.
pumpkin muffins. so delicious. (or spice muffins for my uncle who “doesn’t like pumpkin”, he’ll take a dozen if we call them spice muffins)
I love a good PB&J, but I use unsweetened PB and low sugar strawberry jam on wheat toast. One of my favorite breakfasts.
Eh, I buy unsalted, unsweetened peanut butter, and I still eat it with jam. Also eaten in sandwiches with said peanut butter: banana slices and honey!
My sister eats the sweetened stuff by the literal spoonful, though. She texted me the other day to inform me of the sheer amount of peanut butter in her apartment. (It was OVER 11 POUNDS, btw.)
RE: katz
Haha, I thought you were talking about Facebook.
And yeah, things are WAY oversweetened here, unless you shell out. Played havoc when I really got ED-y, because ANY sweetness would trigger a complete freak out, so I pretty much would only eat vegetables and some grains, and freak out even harder if I ate “too much” of the grains. It was pretty unpleasant.
However, my friend gave me some of the awesome non-sweetened, peanuts-only peanut butter for me to take on my trip! 😀 I have the best friends.
avocado: Unreasonable. Avocado is awesome.
broccoli: I can see this. In a wrap, I wouldn’t object, but a sandwich? No.
spinach: Unreasonable. It’d be especially good with dried cranberries or blueberries.
mushrooms: Even better than avocado.
sprouts: I can understand this. There are sandwiches they work with though.
cauliflower: Totally reasonable. Downright advisable.
raw tomatoes: Unreasonable.
peas: Depends on the peas. I’d take sweet peas with a spinach and cranberries.
kale: In a sandwich? Hmmm
blueberries, raisins, and olives: This sounds like a chutney. Could be good.
I’d totally make 300 sandwiches for someone before I married her. And then I’d probably make more. Sandwiches are awesome.
Anyone want to eat grilled cheese and watch The Adventures of Pete & Pete?
…chocolate with peppers! I only discovered that recently, and OMG, sooooooo good. The best!
But it’s antediluvian. Ante. Before the flood, not opposed to the flood. Bah!
Mmm, might try roasting a pumpkin again for pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting.
Last time I did it I got almost a LOT of pumpkin puree. I just need t be ready to do a lot of baking at once once it’s done.
“almost a LOT?” I need an editor.
I couldn’t remember how much I got. It was somewhere between a litre and a gallon.
An alot of pumpkin puree, on the other hand, would be kind of gooey.
Would that be a Jack’alot?
Do you like pumpkin muffins leftwingfox? I have a great recipe.
Yes, and yes PLEASE. 😀
re the list his dislikes. It’s what it is. I have things (apart from mango) which I don’t care for.
I also like lots of foods people are afraid of. We, as a culture, take as commonplace things which other cultures won’t touch (I don’t know about now, but I know Chinese people who were aghast to discover Americans eat potatoes… they saw it as food only fit for pigs, Lots of people in Japan won’t go near cheese).
He doesn’t like spinach, ok. He has a laundry list of things, and is a picky eater. It’s ok.
Telling someone they are being unreasonable because you like things they don’t, is bullshit.
I happen to think one of the most abusive phrases in the culture is, “Oh, you’ve just never had, ‘x’ done right/good ‘x'”. Sorry. There is no “done right” for cooked spinach. There is no, “good” tequila. I can see that some tequilas are “better” than others. They still taste like lighter-fluid and piss. You can’t make that tasty to me. I don’t care how rarefied the source is, how carefully chosen the blue agave hearts were, how precisely the delicate fire of mesquite and creosote bush was maintained, nor the selection process for the mix of american and french oak for the casks which were so tenderely laid down in the hollowed out side of the southwestern slopes of a volcanic cinder-cone.
That just makes it a greater waste when you give it to me, because it’s still gonna taste like lighter-fluid and piss (why yes, having been a youth when the cult of tequila was taking root, I’ve had more than a few people press me to try, “the good stuff”).
In matters of taste there can be no dispute. There are other abusive overtones to this “project” but his saying, “I don’t like these foods” isn’t one of them.
Awesome rant.
TW I don’t actually know if this needs a trigger warning or not? Maybe rape? Is there a link somewhere that helps you figure out when you need TWs?
Funny… first thing I said to the guy who first brought this to my attention – he shared a link of thunderf33t arguing that the first rule of war is divide and conquer, before going on to defend the maintenance of our divided state – was, “but we’re supposed to be the rational ones. Surely we’re better than this?” Oddly enough, he didn’t continue the conversation with me once he realised I was baffled by the anti-feminist rhetoric of thunderf00t et al rather than enraged by the pro-feminist rhetoric from the villainous PZ & co.
I think the problem is that they consider skepticism and rationality to be core to their being, rather than the tools they use to stop the core of their being from reaching ridiculous conclusions. It’s an overused cliche, overused especially by pseudoscientists, making it hard to use without falling prey to the negative connotations that have been infused into it, but we should be skeptical of our own skepticism before anything else. Using skepticism doesn’t mean we’re rational – we use it because we are so irrational, to guard against our own mistakes.
They completely misunderstand the point of skepticism, which is why they are failing so badly at it now that their assumptions about what is true are rubbing up against the walls of what actually is true, and are making truth’s nose light up with the buzzer going “BNAAAAARP!”
As Randal Munroe didn’t say, but almost did; “You don’t use [skepticism] to show that you’re right, you use [skepticism] to become right.” Even if that means turning away from the results you wanted.
Of course, having said all of this, more than enough atheists are skeptics at all. I once had a fellow atheist argue that I’m not a real atheist because I’m unwilling to say that I absolutely believe that the universe is devoid of gods – to him, an atheist is someone who knows that there is no god, which is a hilariously arrogant and irrational position to hold… presumably, this is why so many anti-atheist theists like to hold us to that definition.
So, by “finishes” he means “keeps going until he’s done,” I guess? So, yeah, wow. Fuck you, oh he of the thunderous f33t, that’s absolutely rape. It wasn’t rape before she said to stop, at least, assuming it was consensual up to then, and there’s maybe an argument for a second’s grace while she’s saying stop, but afterwards it definitely is. It’s like when you’ve invited Salesman X into your house and he’s trying to sell you Wow-max brand doodads. He’s not trespassing, because you invited him in, but if you decide you don’t want to buy his Wow-max Dealietron9000 and ask him to leave, and he refuses to leave until you’ve bought the Dealietron 9000, then he’s trespassing, and you’re within your rights to kick him the fuck out of your home or call the fuzz and get them to do it for you because his license to operate within the bounds of your home has been revoked. Forget lego, may you step on your precious toy aeroplanes… and may any gods out there have mercy on me for invoking such a cruel curse. Forgive me, toy aeroplanes, forgive me.
Heh, you think you’ve got it bad? I heard about him… possibly 10 years ago (Holy fuck!? Time keeps freaking me out… am I an adult now? oO) his youtube account was one of my daily checked links, he was like a hero to me… although not since the whole “ground zero mosque” freakout era. He lost me when “science and reason for the win” was overruled by “xenophobia and privilege for the win.” It’s as if Batman took his cowl off one day, and it turns out that it was the Joker underneath all along! Blargh. On the plus side, I don’t put people on pedestals anymore, so there’s that.
No “done right” for cooked spinach? Well, I get the point, cooked spinach is slimy and wrong to my taste. Spinach done right is washed and put on the plate. YUM. Maybe chopped a little, if you’re putting it in with pasta or rice or something, and you want it to be more available for combined forkfuls but just the leaves as they come (after washing) are delicious.
You are so wrong – had fantastic cooked spinach last year – blanched & with butter & nutmeg added. It was lush – and that’s not something I’d ever though I’d say about spinach.
Athywren: If you add head to spinach (or some of the other oxalic acid rich leafy greeens), I can’t eat them. It’s not possible to do so much as wilt them over a burger, shred them over warm rice, and have me not retch.
And I’m fine with that. I’m also fine with people who tell me they don’t want any chili-peppers in their food (or the housemate who didn’t like black pepper). Taste is a very personal thing.
Some people like raw eggs.
Er… heat… add heat to spinach.
Best Pumpkin Muffins
3 eggs
3 c flour
2 c wh sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 c veg oil
1/2 c sour milk or buttermilk
2 tsp b powder
14 oz can Pumpkin puree
2 tsp b soda
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp cloves
Beat eggs lightly. Add sugar, oil, pumpkin. Beat thoroughly. Add dry ingredients, alternately with milk (or buttermilk). Fill greased muffin tins (or muffin tins with paper cups in them) 2/3 full. Sprinkle a mix of brown sugar and cinnamon on each and bake at 350. 15-20 mins (makes 24-28).
So good. I should make some… I’m sure I have pumpkin around somewhere.
Added to my notes; thanks so much SittieKitty!
Re cooked spinach, that was actually one of the few veggies I actually would eat as a kid, but only in “burgers florentine”, which were hamburger patties sandwiched around a cottage cheese, parsley and cooked spinach filling, then braised in a red-wine tomato and green pepper sauce. Mmmmmm.
The mere mention of raw eggs has become unavoidably linked in my mind to The Rocky Horror Picture Show so that any time raw eggs are mentioned, my mind belts out IN JUST SEVEN DAYS!
Oddly enough it doesn’t do anything when I cook with eggs.
See, for me, the food that just doesn’t no doesn’t ever no stop it stop asking no I haven’t changed thanks STOP is onions.
Yes, just onions.
Lots of foods I used to dislike I’ve started to like, or at least stopped loathing. Beets taste a lot better to me now. Once I hated hot foods. Lots of things really do get better the more you’re exposed to them.
Some things… don’t.
But I never really twigged to how awful and terrible our insistence of JUST TRY was until I heard it applied over and over again to my autistic nephews.
Now I start stewing anytime somebody starts with. No, punishing them for not enjoying something is not okay. Why would it be?