Today, some links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.
6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them
In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.
Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies
Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.
Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape
Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.
Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.
And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:
katz – if it’s not an abusive relationship, I’d say it’s a “they deserve each other but I hope they don’t reproduce, because we don’t need more of that level of stupid” one.
I mean, nothing wrong with disliking certain foods, but you should probably know why instead of inventing a weird reason which turns out to be untrue.
“Julie Powell declared she had never eaten an egg because she’d always imagined they were gross and slimy.”
“You’re not supposed to eat them raw, dear.”
No, it’s Julie from Julie and Julia. And then she tries one and…she likes it? So she just never even tried them before because she thought she might not like them?
Sandwich dude only refuses to eat avocado, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, sprouts, cauliflower, raw tomatoes, peas, kale, blueberries, raisins, and olives. He’s not unreasonable or anything.
You know, with sturdy enough bread you could probably get all of those in one sandwich. I’m just saying!
I can only think Julie didn’t want to practise cannibalism. Which only really works in New Zealand where “egg” is an insult. So really, no reason.
Thanks for the link to Mike Booth’s take down of Thunderf00t, David – I can’t stand the guy and have friends who take his arguments seriously. So, it’s enjoyable to see him get properly mocked for being the cretin he really is (being to use science to prove creationists wrong doesn’t detract from the fact he’s wrong about everything else).
That said: there’s actually more than three parts. I’m on part four at the moment.
Yes Cassandra. However, I will point out I try everything I dislike every 5 years to ensure I still dislike it. Recent things that have come off my dislike list: Cherries and blueberries, pad thai.
Between avocado, spinach, mushroom, sprouts, and raw tomatoes, it almost seems like he made up that list to ensure that she couldn’t come up with 300 different acceptable sandwiches.
GAH! Being ABLE to use science to prove creationists wrong…
Fi – Egg is an insult in NZ? How’d that come about, do you know?
Mind you, it’s fun to think of random words as insults. They’d make as much sense as the stuff trolls throw around here.
Cassandra – I’m thinking all 300 sandwiches should have nothing but ingredients loserdude won’t/can’t eat. Or at least, sneaked in with something else so he’ll spit it out or break out in hives or something.
Oh, and I can’t say anything about being picky, I’m incredibly picky, but I usually just deal with it by finding something for myself to eat. Or not eating and not complaining about it. I’m not short on food and I’m incredibly privileged to be able to be so picky so I don’t mention it, especially when people are being lovely hosts.
I like eggs, unless I’m hungover, and then there’s no way in hell I can eat them.
I say we hide a chicken breast somewhere in his bedroom and don’t tell him where it is for 300 days. Organic, for maximum decomposition potential.
(Hey, chicken wasn’t on the list of unacceptable ingredients.)
Kittehserf — don’t really know. It’s like a milder form of “idiot” so maybe it refers to the intellect of an unfertilised hen’s ovum. I do know that it was big in my ’80s childhood and it’s never really gone away for my generation so I still use it all the time. It was also featured heavily in the film “Boy” which must have been befuddling to the international audience (if they could even understand the accents!)
I’m not particularly picky with stuff I know about, but I’m very wary of unknown dishes or ingredients, simply because of having no tolerance for hot stuff. If I don’t recognise something, I’m not likely to try it, especially if I’m paying. I hate wasting food and if something’s hot, it’s going to go uneaten.
Desserts, however, are another matter. 😉
Kitteh (and pecunium) — you can have my yolks, I’ll take your egg whites! I fucking hate yolk news it’s scrambled // omelette.
To the point that finding what would’ve been the umbilical cord can put me off eggs for weeks. I’m weird about the eating ovum thing…
The rest of my no, dear gods no, list? Avocado, fucking mushrooms, eggplant, grape leaves, not terribly fond of artichokes but can stomach them, mayo shall be banished from my sight, mustard is gross but whatever, not terribly fond of poultry on the bone but can deal, fish is a no go but I don’t even recall what it tasts like, red meat and pork are icky unless in my cured meat guilty pleasure…I think that’s it? I mean, poultry and most vegetables and I’m good.
Oh, I hate figs. Which reminds me pecunium, my mother loves them and said she’ll take your leftovers (she said something about them and I recalled you asking if I like them…you share a problem, nobody to split the package with)
Fi – that’s funny, it’s like the opposite of insulting someone smart by calling them an egghead!
I am enjoying thinking of hearing it in a NZ accent, I must confess. (Someone I knew once said we got all the extra vowels in Oz that New Zealanders got rid of.)
Better watch out, kittehs. Chilli mixed into chocolate is a thing now.
Also, chicken that leaves me saying the celery would’ em been chewed faster. I don’t care how much my brother likes their boneless wings, I am not eating their chicken again, that was absurd (guess who had waffle fries for dinner after a take-out failure?)
Argenti – it’s a deal!
I love scrambled eggs and omelettes too.
Also, I once tried chocolate that had pink peppercorns mixed into it. The only word I can think of to describe the resulting taste is “weird”.
People should be able to eat whatever they like, but when it’s that long of a list of mostly vegetables, it just screams “entitled manchild whose mother used to trim the crusts off his grilled cheese and who now gets angry if you fold his shirts wrong or mention the word ‘healthy.'”
“News” should be “unless” and “would ’em” should be “would’ve” and autocorrect should be less fuckwad up.
…fucked. That’s what I get for hitting the w.
Cassandra – yeah, I know (sacrilege!). When my gf visited here last year she had chili drinking chocolate at my sadly-now-gone French cafe. The owner did the whole “It’s very mild, try it!” stuff, but gf, who’s from LA and loves hot stuff, said it was not mild at all.