a voice for men awesome links men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA parody PUA rape culture somegreybloke TROOOLLLL!!

Links of Great Interest

Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous
Unknown high school drama club, from Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Today, some  links to awesome stuff of great interest to Man Boobzers.

6 Ways to Fight Trolls Instead of Starving Them

In The Daily Airship, former Man Boobzer Erica Stratton reflects on her experiences fighting trolls in the Man Boobz comments section.

Things More Numerous Than People At MRA Rallies

Inspired by the recent very tiny MRA rally in Toronto, this new Tumblr blog posts pictures of groups of people — and horses, and bees, and other things — that are larger than the group of people that the MRAs managed to attract to their little shindig.

Thunderf00t has decided to talk about rape

Mike Booth, friend of Man Boobz and the guy behind mostly immobile internet cartoon sensation SomeGreyBloke and faux-MRA Dan Cardamon, presents an effective takedown of a recent video by infamous atheist asshole Thunderf00t.

Sex Toy Recycling Dot Com

Ok, this isn’t directly relevant to Man Boobzers, but this Wretched Refuse post on Sex Toy recycling is pretty hilarious.

And finally, I think I have found where Julian, the creepy PUA coach from Real Social Dynamics we looked at yesterday, got most of his ideas about women:

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Fix my computer to TV hook up and then we can do this proposing thing? Cuz that’s kinda a summary of when my ex-fiancé proposed (I am tech wiz! Watch me makes XP deal with a TV as a second monitor!)…of course, there was that air of “I give up on this fucking thing, can you do it?” versus “do gendered thing that I could totally do myself”

This is me unable to come up with how this could be sweet.

11 years ago

marinerachel – yeah, m’lord and I joke around with “do this for me” stuff, though not the “do this umpteen times” version, but shit, he had better manners towards his servants back in the day when he was a king, with all the arrogance that implies, than this turd does toward his supposed beloved.

Of course there are times when “do X for me” is essential. Like when one of us is providing lap space for a kitty and it would be just WRONG to move.

11 years ago

I’ll never understand why someone would want to marry someone who will only marry them in exchange for something. If you don’t want to marry me in order to be married to me, I don’t want to marry you. Fin.


We did the whole proposing thing backward – like, after we were married. 🙂

11 years ago

I just can’t even imagine how that wouldn’t set off alarms and just be hurtful – “Sure, I’ll marry you. For sandwiches!”

11 years ago

I’m single (ooh, must be why I’m a feminist!) but I totally enjoy ordering male family members, particularly my long-suffering brother, to make me cups of tea. Sometimes it works. MISANDRY! Of course, said little bro spent our teen years trying to order me to make him snacks, and sometimes that worked, but reciprocity is obviously for bitchez and manginas.

11 years ago

And the sandwich thing is like an even creepier version than that Facebook crap that goes “if this page gets X likes my boyfriend will totally propose!” What again is so great about an institution that makes people act that pathetic? (Completely rhetorical, I know there are good marriages out there too)

11 years ago

Fi – I’ll see your “make me a cuppa” and raise it. Last time I was lying on the couch at Home with Katiekins, Queen of the House ensconced on my chest, m’lud not only brought in a cup of herbal tea but held it so I could drink it through a straw!

11 years ago

The wisdom accumulated over the centuries has obviously made him realise that you only deprive human family of tea and fluffy family of snuggle-time if you are into Dire Consequences.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

There’s been this trend lately of people doing ridiculous stunts and setting epic tasks for themselves in order to obtain a proposal. It seems to be a combination of Facebook narcissism and misguided notions about fairy tale love (i.e., if you have to do XYZ impossible task to win the prince(ss), then your love is EPIC.). Love is hard enough on its own, without introducing unnecessary obstacles.

300 sandwiches definitely smacks of someone angling for a Julie and Julia type book deal. It sounds like it would be the most boring movie ever, watching someone make sandwich after sandwich after sandwich after sandwich. The only way I’d pay to see it is if there’s a plot twist, like it turns out he’s been dead all along and she’s really a Russian double agent.

11 years ago


. The only way I’d pay to see it is if there’s a plot twist, like it turns out he’s been dead all along and she’s really a Russian double agent.

That would be a great plot twist though XD

11 years ago

The wisdom accumulated over the centuries has obviously made him realise that you only deprive human family of tea and fluffy family of snuggle-time if you are into Dire Consequences.


And some of those Dire Consequences are like this!

11 years ago

auggz – I’m seeing Norman Bates trying to get Mother to eat sammiches.

“Mom, you need to eat, you’re nothing but a bag of bones!”

11 years ago

And kittehs wins the thread.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
11 years ago

auggziliary – now you’re talking!

Or she makes him 300 tuna sandwiches, then stealthily wads them into the radiators.

11 years ago

What again is so great about an institution that makes people act that pathetic? (Completely rhetorical, I know there are good marriages out there too)

Haha, I thought you were talking about Facebook.

11 years ago

Sometimes Facebook makes me wonder if our species deserves extinction. It’s amazing how many people go from “seems kind of cool” to “holy crap you’re self centered and annoying” via just one site.

11 years ago

Hey, it is just like marriage (or at least wedding-planning) then!

11 years ago

300 sandwiches definitely smacks of someone angling for a Julie and Julia type book deal. It sounds like it would be the most boring movie ever, watching someone make sandwich after sandwich after sandwich after sandwich. The only way I’d pay to see it is if there’s a plot twist, like it turns out he’s been dead all along and she’s really a Russian double agent.

I actually thought the Julie plotline of Julie and Julia was deadly boring too, particularly since they cast someone as weaksauce as Amy Adams.

11 years ago

And seriously, who never eats an egg until their thirties unless they’re allergic or morally opposed or something?

11 years ago

Never eats an egg until their thirties?

Wut? Is this the sammich-dude?

11 years ago

I dislike eggs. >.>

11 years ago

Me too! I’m not allergic, I just hate the taste, and the texture of cooked egg whites.

11 years ago

I love how her response to accusations of sexism is that he can cook better than her. So…he’s ordering her to do something that he not only could do himself, but would do better than her? Thereby eliminating the possibility that he’s just a myopic loser who really, really likes sandwiches, and leaving control as his sole possible motive? And that makes it better?

11 years ago

I love egg yolk, the whites, meh.

11 years ago

I stopped watching Julie and Julia shortly after Julie Powell declared she had never eaten an egg because she’d always imagined they were gross and slimy. She wasn’t allergic because she’d had them in baking and stuff. She then compared her first poached egg (which she loved) to cheese sauce. She didn’t even know whether she liked them or not before then because all her life she’d refused to try them, and she wanted to become some sort of semi-celebrity chef!

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